Download MIKADO : Java tool for XML Creation V. Tosello

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Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data management
An EU Integrated research Infrastructure Initiative (I3)
MIKADO : Java tool for XML Creation
V. Tosello
Training Course, 12-17 February 2007, Oostende, Belgium
MIKADO has been developped by IFREMER in the framework of
the SEASEARCH project. MIKADO can be used to generate
EDMED, CSR and CDI XML files.
MIKADO can be used into 2 different ways :
 One manual way, to input manually information for EDMED,
CSR and CDI fields in order to generate XML files.
 One automatic way, to generate these descriptions
automatically if information is catalogued in a relational
MIKADO interests
 Only one interface for all catalogs EDMED, CSR (and CDI)
 Automatic way is adapted when you have numerous entries
catalogued in a relational database.
MIKADO interface
When you run MIKADO, the first screen enables you to export
EDMED, CSR or CDI either manually or automatically.
Manual entries for EDMED
The 3 parts of the EDMED forms (A1, A2, B) are presented as
tabs on the main window :
Data set = EDMED form - Part B
Data contact = EDMED form - Part A2
Data holding center = EDMED form – Part A1
Manual entries for CSR
There are 4 main input windows for the CSR information,
which are directly inspired by the original ROSCOP form:
about the cruise
about the
Information about the
geographical areas
of the cruise
Information about the
measurements done during the
Export of the XML file
The EDMED/CSR xml file will be created by selecting “Save” in
the “File” main menu. There is no proposed extension for the
XML file, but we recommend to use “.xml”.
EDMED XML file (extract)
ISO 19115 : International
Metadata Standard for
Geographic Information
Metadata information
Dataset information
CSR XML file (extract)
Measurement information
Ship information
Automatic generation of
EDMED and CSR XML files
Elementary information for EDMED/CSR/CDI have to be
catalogued in a relational database which can be queried with SQL
language through a JDBC driver (Java Data Base Connectivity).
Automatic generation requires configuring properties files :
 “” file which contains all the information about
the name and the location of the files that are used by the
 “” files contain:
Database access parameters,
Mapping between the partner’s database and the XML
Queries to extract items from the database into the XML
Database access
JDBC (Java Data Base Connectivity) connection parameters
 Timeout
 URL of database (driver + server name + internet port +
database name)
 User Name and password.
JDBC parameters for querying database
bdd.query.timeout = 300
bdd.connectURL = jdbc:oracle:thin:@borneo:1521:idm = username
bdd.user.password = userpassword
JDBC drivers are available for most popular relational database
management system : ORACLE, Sybase, Microsoft Access, MySQL,
General query
It is the query which identifies all EDMED, CSR or CDI entries
that must be exported. This request must return only one column
which is the identifier of each entry and that will be used for subqueries.
SQL syntax must be adapted to your own database (example
provided for Oracle IFREMER EDMED database):
General query (dataset identifier list)
query.=select BAS.BAS_CBASE from BAS where
BAS.BAS_EDNO is not null
-> This syntax must be adapted to your own database.
Matching table
This table is given in
the properties file of
each catalog.
It allows to define links
between returned columns in
queries and fields in the
description (and XML).
For most databases, there is no
need to change this matching
table (recommended).
For each row of the general query, it is possible to define single
or multi sub-queries.
 Single sub-queries : return one row for each row of the
general query (ex: dataset name, description),
 Multi sub-queries : return several rows for each row of the
general query (ex: instruments, parameters).
The link between the fields of the partner’s database and the
variables of the matching table have to be defined in theses subqueries.
Single and multi sub-queries syntax:
 queries.single.1 = select table1.column1 variable1 from table1
 queries.multi.moorings = select ‘’ variable2, ‘’ variable3 from
Automatic generation of XML files
Once all the properties files have been configurated, you can
choose “Automatic” in the Export Menu of EDMED, CSR or CDI
and this window opens.
Select the output directory
Click on the
“Generate” button
to create the XML
MIKADO improvements
Version V1:
 Version at the end of the Sea-Search project.
Version V2:
 The libraries will be updated using Web Services,
 EDIOS will be certainly integrated,
MIKADO on Windows
MIKADO is available on Unesco/Iodetraining/Seadatanet/Vanessa
Copy the MIKADO directory on your PC:
 MIKADO tool,
 MIKADO examples,
 User Manual.
Execute ‘mikado_tool/mikado.bat', by double-clicking
If it does not work, make sure java 1.4 or superior is available on
your computer. See read_me.txt file.
Thank you for your attention.
Java version
Make sure java 1.4 or superior is available on your
 To know if Java is available on your computer, in the right
version, follow this steps :
- Open 'Start' menu, then 'Execute'
- On the displayed window, enter : 'cmd', then click on 'OK' button
- Enter 'java -version‘
 Check if command has been executed :
- If not, download java at
- Else, check the version displayed. The version should be greater
or equals than 1.4
(from MIKADO/read-me.txt)