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Full Integration of
Custom Fields and Custom Tables
2013 User’s Conference
Adam Ploshay
Rebecca Swords
How’s it going?
Did you see that ludicrous display last night?
• Introduction
• Agenda (this slide)
• Using Custom Table Builder
Custom Reports, Search
E-Form Extensions
• Modifying XML Data Objects
Data object overview
XML-only modifications
Data object changes that also require database access
Creating entirely new tables or views
• Q&A
Custom Tables: Configuration
• Add info to student record (tied to idnumber)
• Up to 20 tables, 50 fields/table
• Specify:
– Label
– Description
– Data type
– Referenced code table
• May require clearing code cache or relaunch
General Configurations
-> Custom Fields Configuration
-> Custom Tables Configuration
General Configurations
-> Custom Fields Configuration
-> Custom Fields Configuration
Custom Tables: Templates
• Use to populate custom table
• May require re-launch before configuring
Custom Tables:
Custom Reports and Search
• Requires closing, relaunching sunapsis
• After that, they work just like any other table
This sounds so easy, it
makes me almost as
happy as this turtle.
Custom Tables: E-Form Extensions
• Case study: using custom fields to control eform access
• Override isSupported
– Return true or false: is the person who is logged in
allowed to access services with this extension?
– Query jbCustomFieldsXX
Custom Tables: E-Form Extensions
• Can be used in any part of the extension:
– appendFormData – append custom data to an eform
– modifyService – conditionally show or hide fields
based on values of custom data
– verifyFormAction – ensure that form data is
compatible with custom data (or have an error
message if not)
Custom Tables:
• Any idnumber-bearing table can be queried for custom alerts
• Some resources for writing custom alerts:
– AbstractCustomFieldMatchAlertService.cfc
• For logic based on a particular field value match
• See: ExampleCustomFieldMatchAlertService.cfc
– AbstractCustomFieldRangeAlertService.cfc
• For logic based on particular field value range
• See: ExampleCustomFieldRangeAlertService.cfc
– AbstractCustomTableMatchAlertService.cfc
• For logic based on particular table/view presence/absence
• See: ExampleCustomTableMatchAlertService.cfc
– BlankAlertService.cfc
• For anything!
Data Objects
• Used to describe table data and how it’s displayed
• Can configure (among other things):
Help text
Field labels and order
Field visibility
Field constraints
Record selection structure (“menu”)
• Official Sunapsis files: ioffice/xml/dataobjects_XXX.xml
Do NOT edit the Sunapsis files.
• Create your own (Edit these):
• Your institutional XML takes precedence
A friendly reminder from your neighborhood license agreement:
“Licensee may not modify the System other than to extend the System
through the pluggable component infrastructure for table views, alerts,
reports, e-mail services, and e-forms.”
• We strongly encourage you to make backups before applying
• You should also review your custom XML and database changes
after any update
• We don’t support your database changes
• We don’t guarantee that the database structure won’t change
• We do reserve the right to laugh at you if you break something :D
Parts of a Data Object
• name* – database table name
• label* – desired window title
• module – use “sunapsis”
• menu
• description
• primary key*
• foreign key*
• datums*
• constraints*
– How record list appears,
which data is included
– Attribute:
• type - “tree” or “list”
– Use % around field names
to put in record value
<menu type=“list”>
%label% (%tableName%)
Tree Menu
Use | between tree levels:
<menu type=“tree”>
%campus% | %alertGroup%
Description: Help Text
Customize help text here! <br /><br />
Use HTML tags to add formatting. ]]>
Configure primary and foreign keys, as they are
in the database.
Use self-reference if there is no foreign key:
<foreignKey dataObject="configCustomTables"
• Order of datums matters
• Attributes:
key* – column name in database
label* – label displayed in Sunapsis
type* – data type
length – maximum number of characters (no more than DB
– data – required, recommended, optional
– display – show the field, or not
– sort – “asc” or “desc”, records are sorted by this field
– encrypt – if field should be encrypted (special requirements)
• Element: reference – for fields to reference a code
Datum with Reference
• Display a descriptive value rather than a code (ex:
“Mexico” vs. “MX”)
• Reference attributes:
– dataObject – table that is being referenced (no selfreference)
– valueKey – code column
– displayKey – description column
<datum key="country" label="Country" type="string" length="5">
<reference dataObject="viewCodeCompleteCountryList" valueKey="code"
Add constraints or data to fields
Run on submit
Attributes: type, key
Elements: compare, constant
Examples (see dataobjects_xml_overview for
Constraint Examples
<constraint type="AssignUsernameConstraint" key="username"/>
<constraint type="RegularExpressionConstraint" key="sevisid">
<constraint type="ConditionalRequiredConstraint" key="alertGroup">
<constraint type="CompareDatesConstraint" key="prgStartDate">
Complete Data Object
<dataObject name="jbPassport" label="Passport" module="sunapsis">
<menu>%cpass%: %passiss% - %passexp%</menu>
<description><![CDATA[ Passport info, see also <a href="40">this KB article</a>. ]]></description>
<foreignKey dataObject="jbInternational" key="idnumber"/>
<datum key="lastname" label="Last Name" type="string" length="50" data="recommended"/>
<datum key="firstname" label="First Name" type="string" length="50" data="recommended"/>
<datum key="midname" label="Middle Name" type="string" length="50"/>
<datum key="cpass" label="Passport Country" type="string" length="5">
<reference dataObject="codeCountry" valueKey="code" displayKey="description"/>
<datum key="passnum" label="Passport Number" type="string" length="255"
data="recommended" encrypt="true"/>
<datum key="passiss" label="Issue Date" type="date" sort="desc"/>
<datum key="passexp" label="Expiration Date" type="date" data="recommended"/>
<datum key="datestamp" label="Last Updated" type="datestamp"/>
<datum key="recnum" label=" " type="integer"/>
<datum key="idnumber" label=" " type="integer"/>
Changing the
General Configurations Menu
• Official Sunapsis (don’t edit): display.xml
• Institution specific (edit this):
• <generalCodesDisplay> - menu configuration
– <set label=“Menu Title”>
– <dataObject> attributes
• reference – table name (data object name)
• view – multi or single (multiple records allowed)
• width, height, preferredHeight – configure dimensions
Changing the
Individual Display
• Modifications to Record Management
• Can only add, not remove
• Example use case: add a custom view of
student data that should be available from
their record
Data Objects XML:
Table/View Mods w/SQL changes
• So, you’re thinking of adding new fields to an existing table/view?
• Considerations:
Might break current code (!)
Might break future updates (!!)
Will require reviewing, merging XML from future updates (!!!)
ABOUT IT. Might seem desirable if you need new data in a 1-1 relationship
with an existing table/view. But road to hell is(1) paved with good intentions,
and (2) has an on-ramp any time you say “I know a shortcut!”
• Changes Needed:
– SQL: New fields needs to allow NULLs, or set default values
• This is so that you avoid breaking existing INSERT code
– XML: Copy into your _institution XML, add new fields
• This is necessary for your field to show up in the user interface
• Even if they have display=“false”, they should still be recorded here for the sake of
adding Pizza
Delivery Zone
to jbAddress
Data Objects XML:
SAMPLE Table Mod w/SQL changes
• EXAMPLE: Add a “pizza delivery zone” field on jbAddress:
– SQL:
– XML:
ALTER TABLE dbo.jbAddress
ADD pizzaDeliveryZone INT NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT DF_jbAddress_pizzaDeliveryZone DEFAULT (0)
<dataObject name="jbAddress" label="Addresses"
<datum key="pizzaDeliveryZone“ label="Pizza Delivery Zone"
type="integer" />
Data Objects XML:
Adding new tables/views: Overview
• Considerations:
– If it is an idnumber-bearing table, use the Custom
Tables Configuration, instead.
• Better yet, have someone else use it!
– This is useful for views, and non-idnumber tables
• Changes Needed:
Create the table/view, in the database
Update user permissions, in the database
Create the XML representation of the table/view
Relaunch sunapsis
Data Objects XML:
Adding new tables/views: SQL
• 3 SQL Steps:
– 1: Create your table/view
• Format: <prefix><institution name><description>
Example: codeIUBPizzaTopping
• See spreadsheet of standard table name prefixes
– 2: Update user permissions
• EXEC dbo.spIOfficeRoleUpdate --updates user permissions
• Additional configuration needed for a non-standard table
prefix. Don’t use those.
– 3: Generate skeletal XML description
• EXEC dbo.util_GetColumns 'someTableNameGoesHere'
• Copy resulting message text (2nd tab)
Data Objects XML:
Adding new tables/views: XML
2 XML Steps:
– 4: Paste skeletal XML into <prefix>_institution.xml file, modify
Label, (Module), Menu, Description
primaryKey, foreignKey
Datums: Required Fields
Datums: Optional Fields That May Be Already Set
If your table has lots of references, consider adding a '1' argument to the util_GetColumns call for longForm
Datums: Constraints
Sort: none/asc/desc (note importance of datum order)
Data: optional/required/recommended
Display: true/false
Encrypt: false/true
» Note that encrypted fields need a database type of nvarchar(255), regardless of XML type
Datums: References
Length: no restriction by default, pre-set for nvarchar/varchar fields
Datums: Other Optional Fields
Key: pre-set
Label: will need to be changed
Type: pre-set, may need to be changed (for labels, and for nvarchar or datetime fields)
(see list)
Optionally add XML-only datums: header, paragraph
– 5: Add into display_institution.xml (if applicable)
Data Objects XML:
SAMPLE Table Addition: SQL 1/2
• SQL Steps:
– 1: Create your table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[codeIUBPizzaTopping](
[recnum] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[code] [nvarchar](5) NOT NULL,
[description] [nvarchar](20) NOT NULL,
[recnum] ASC
– 2: Update user permissions
EXEC dbo.spIOfficeRoleUpdate
--updates user permissions
Data Objects XML:
SAMPLE Table Addition: SQL 2/2
• SQL Steps:
– 3: Generate skeletal XML description
• EXEC dbo.util_GetColumns
• Copy message text:
<dataObject name="codeIUBPizzaTopping" label="codeIUBPizzaTopping" module="">
<foreignKey dataObject="codeIUBPizzaTopping" key="recnum" />
<datum key="recnum" label=" " type="integer" display="false" />
<datum key="code" label="code" type="string" length="5" />
<datum key="description" label="description" type="string" length="20" />
– a
Data Objects XML:
SAMPLE Table Addition: XML 1/2
• XML Steps:
– 4: Paste skeletal XML into code_institution.xml file, modify
<dataObject name="codeIUBPizzaTopping" label="Pizza Toppings“ module="sunapsis">
<menu>%description% (%code%)</menu>
Lists Aver’s Pizza toppings.<br/>
NOTE: All other pizza places are inferior and therefore irrelevant.
<foreignKey dataObject="codeIUBPizzaTopping" key="recnum" />
<datum key="recnum" label=" " type="integer" display="false" />
<datum key="code" label="Code" type="string" length="5" />
<datum key="description" label="Description" type="string" length="20" />
– a
Data Objects XML:
SAMPLE Table Addition: XML 2/2
• XML Steps:
– 5: Add into display_institution.xml (optionally)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<display xmlns:xsi="" ...>
<individualDisplay> ... </individualDisplay >
<communityDisplay> ... </communityDisplay >
<sevisBatchDisplay> ... </sevisBatchDisplay >
<domCodeDisplay> ... </domCodeDisplay>
<set label="IU Specific: Pizza Logistics">
– a<dataObject reference="codeIUBPizzaTopping"
– width="600" height="200" preferredHeight="200" />
– a
Data Objects XML:
SAMPLE View Addition: SQL 1/2
• SQL Steps:
– 1: Create your view
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[viewStudentRecordQuotedUniversityID]
,'`' + jbInternational.universityid AS universityid
FROM jbInternational
– 2: Update user permissions
EXEC dbo.spIOfficeRoleUpdate
--updates user permissions
Data Objects XML:
SAMPLE View Addition: SQL 2/2
• SQL Steps:
– 3: Generate skeletal XML description
• EXEC dbo.util_GetColumns ' viewStudentRecordQuotedUniversityID '
• Copy message text:
<dataObject name="viewStudentRecordQuotedUniversityID“
label=" viewStudentRecordQuotedUniversityID" module="">
a key="idnumber" label=" " type="integer" display="false" />
key="universityid" label="universityid" type="string"
Data Objects XML:
SAMPLE View Addition: XML 1/2
• XML Steps:
– 4: Paste skeletal XML into code_institution.xml file, modify
<dataObject name="viewStudentRecordQuotedUniversityID“
label="Quoted University ID" module="sunapsis">
Lists the University ID preceded by a backquote (`) to prevent
automatic numeric conversion in Excel.
<datum key="idnumber" label=" " type="integer" display="false" />
a key="universityid" label="University ID" type="string"
length="11" />
Data Objects XML:
SAMPLE View Addition: XML 2/2
• XML Steps:
– 5: Add into display_institution.xml (optionally)
[this space intentionally left blank]
– Nope! Not applicable in this case. Just need it for custom
– Questions (from you folks)
– Answers (from us)