Download Faculty meeting February 2013 - University of Louisville Public

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January 19, 2013
Development Staff
Music History Faculty Search
Music Theory Faculty Search
Choral Music Education Faculty Search
Saturday String Academy
Music Therapy Clinic
Jazz Ensemble
Invitational Honor Choir and Honor Band ‘13
Health and Safety Issues for Musicians: where, when
and how do we cover these topics?
 How can blended course delivery schedules and
content change the way our students experience
music instruction? And What alterations can be
made in organizing major ensemble class schedules
that may permit more flexibility in the student
ensemble experience?
 Revisioning in the undergraduate music education
Graduation rate among undergraduate
music students is about 60%. This is a stable
number, as is our Fall to Spring Semester
retention rate of 93% among UG and GR
students. Students who drop out often do so
because of academic performance after
admission or because academic performance
was not strong at admission (conditional
Ad hoc committee to study and make
recommendations about active intervention
with these at risk students, with membership
made up of Michele Thompson, Harry
Pickens, Toni Robinson, Naomi Oliphant,
Herb Koerselman, the dean, and other faculty
members who have an interest in studying
the problem and making recommendations
to the school.
Appointment of an ad hoc committee to
study the present purpose and content of the
Convocation Hour and make
recommendations to the music faculty for
changes to the program that will determine
whether the Convocation can better meet the
expectations of the faculty in fulfilling its
purpose and to determine if a revision of our
expectations and format is necessary.
The following task force recommendations are
subject to change and a determination about a
schedule of implementation. These notes are
promulgated to suggest directions the university
may be heading in policy development in this area
and to provide as much advance information as
practicable so that outreach events in the school
can incorporate potentially required policy
directives in our planning.
 Recommendations are oriented to both prevention
and reporting.
The policies are intended to cover university
employees, volunteers, university students and nonuniversity groups sponsored by university
departments or units who will supervise and / or
interact with people who are Minors. Application of
the policies may be modified by factors which
include chronological age, whether the interaction
is based on 1:1 settings (as in private lessons), and
the status of the activity as a public access or limited
to invitees / enrollees.
Elements of the policy:
 Centralized control and reporting
 Reporting of all “authorized adults” in the
program and
participating Minors.
 Training of all authorized adults and written policies and
procedures to parents / guardians.
 Must obtain releases as part of program approval process,
including Minor Release Form (including info if the program
requires 1:1 contact), Medical Treatment Authorization
(programs longer than half-day, how unstructured time and
activities will be handled.)
Supervision of Minors must take place at all times, including
at least two or more authorized adults, parents or legal
guardians at all times. Consideration of age of participants
and whether the program is a resident or daytime program.
Supervision of groups of minor-aged participants is specified
by age, but generalized at one authorized adult per 10
For a more complete set of notes, consult the Faculty / Staff
Resources page of the SoM website. For up to date
information and status reports on policy development, the
music representative to the writing team is Stephen
Mattingly. Additional member of the task force is Angela
To what present music activities could these policies
be applied?
 CMP and Dance Academy lessons and classes on
campus and at satellite locations.
 Festivals, competitions, guild, educational events
that bring Minors to the school, auditions.
 Music students and faculty who use university
offices and practice rooms to teach private
lessons outside authorized CMP programs.
 Campus events organized by non-university
Engaged in revisioning the current UofL
circumstances and environment through a
SWOT process, with some 5000 comments
made from the university community
 What about the SoM SWOT process?