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Birth of
a star
The evolution
of stars
intermediate, and
high mass stars
Q $100
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Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question
Where is a star created?
$100 Answer
In a nebula
$200 Question
What is a star made of?
$200 Answer
Gas and dust
$300 Question
What happens to a protostar if it
doesn’t reach full star status?
$300 Answer
It shrinks away
$400 Question
What is nuclear fusion?
$400 Answer
When atoms form
together to create one
atom in a star
$500 Question
What has to happen for a star to glow?
$500 Answer
Nuclear fusion
$100 Question
What is the hottest colour of a star?
$100 Answer
$200 Question
What is the coolest colour of a star?
$200 Answer
$300 Question
How hot can a blue star get?
$300 Answer
Up to 35,000*c
$400 Question
How hot can a red star get
$400 Answer
Up to 3000*c
$500 Question
What colour is a middle temperature star
$500 Answer
$100 Question
True or False: does
interstellar matter take up
most of our universe?
$100 Answer
$200 Question
What kind of gas is interstellar
matter mostly made up of?
$200 Answer
$300 Question
What percentage of dust
makes up interstellar
$300 Answer
About 1%
$400 Question
True or False: Even the
smallest amount of dust
makes it hard for astronomers
see light from distant stars?
$400 Answer
$500 Question
True or False: Interstellar
matter takes up most of the
capacity of our universe
$500 Answer
$100 Question
True or False: Stars don’t
have a life cycle like living
things do
$100 Answer
$200 Question
Where does a star start?
$200 Answer
In a nebula
$300 Question
Do all stars take the same path?
$300 Answer
No, stars take different paths
depending on their size
$400 Question
Are all stars the same colour?
$400 Answer
No, they vary in colour
from their temperature
$500 Question
What is the evolution of a star?
$500 Answer
A star is formed in the nebula
and has a life cycle and takes
a path depending on its size
$100 Question
Is our sun a low,
intermediate, or high
mass star?
$100 Answer
It is an intermediate star.
$200 Question
How fast do low mass
stars burn their fuel?
$200 Answer
$300 Question
A high mass star can be _____
The mass of our sun.
$300 Answer
Up to 12 times
$400 Question
How long do intermediate stars live?
$400 Answer
About 10 billion years
$500 Question
What do high mass stars
become after they die
$500 Answer
Final Jeopardy
Explain the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
Final Jeopardy Answer
It is a conclusion that stars
don’t stay the same
forever, instead they follow
a clear pattern of
evolutionary stages.