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Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
WISE - the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
Ned Wright (UCLA)
ELW - 1
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
ELW - 2
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Project Overview
• Sensitive all sky survey with 8X redundancy
– Find the most luminous galaxies in
the universe
– Find the closest stars to the sun
– Provide an important catalog for
– Provide lasting research legacy
Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer
Salient Features
• 4 imaging channels covering 3 - 25 microns
• 40 cm telescope operating at <17K
• Two stage solid hydrogen cryostat
• Delta launch from WTR: 14 Dec 2009
• Sun-synchronous 6am 530km orbit
• Scan mirror provides efficient mapping
• Expected life: 10 months, actual 7.7-9.5
• 4 TDRSS tracks per day
ELW - 3
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
• Optical
• Reflected light
different colors
emitted radiation
ELW - 4
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Space vs Ground
• Space hardware
costs 1000x more
than ground-based.
• A huge advantage
over ground-based
instruments is
needed to get
• The 1600:1 background ratio was not enough to sell NIRAS in 1988
• 2.7 million to one ratio was sufficient to sell Spitzer and WISE
ELW - 5
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
NIRAS SMEX proposal in 1988.
Fazio as PI. CJL & ELW as co-I’s.
“Big” Arrays: 58x62
Constant inertial rate
Scan mirror to freeze images on
All-sky survey at 1.9 and 3.5 μm
Review panel suggested groundbased survey.
NIRAS in 1988
NIRAS was not funded!
But this suggestion led to 2MASS
Bottom Line: near-IR only in space
will not be an easy sell!
Mid-IR like WISE is sellable.
ELW - 6
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Animated Scan Mirror Icon
ELW - 7
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
WISE Survey Strategy Provides
Minimum of 8 Exposures Per Position
Scan mirror enables efficient surveying
– 8.8-s exposure/11-s duty cycle
10% frame to frame overlap
90% orbit to orbit overlap
Sky covered in 6 months observing
1 Orbit
2 Consecutive Orbits
Single observing mode
Minimum 8, median 14
exposures/position after losses to
Moon and SAA
2 Orbits 20 Days Apart
ELW - 8
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
ELW - 9
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Fused silica window
Focusing WISE at SDL
Mylar sheet (ND filter)
Fold mirror
WISE Instrument
(LHe cooled)
Blue Tube
(LN2 cooled)
JGC 4/30/2009
ELW - 10
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Final assembly & test at Ball
ELW - 11
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
WISE is tiny (in the PPF)!
ELW - 12
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
WISE is tiny in the fairing
ELW - 13
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Launch! 14 Dec 2009 @ 06:09 PST
• g
ELW - 14
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
On to Survey Mode
• 33 seconds in the life of WISE, 3 of >7000 frames/day
ELW - 15
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Four frames of data
taken on 2010 Jan. 8
during in-orbit
Blue = 3.6um; green =
4.6um; red = 12um
Circled asteroids are
(L to R in the first
frame, diameters in
17818 MBA D~12.4
153204 MBA D~2.8
22006 MBA D~11.5
87355 MBA D~4.3
80590 MBA D~4.1
Asteroids Observed by
Field of view = 34 x 25 arcmin (whole WISE FOV is 47 x 47 arcmin)
ELW - 16
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Thus WISE has
• Discovered many new Aten class and potentially
hazardous asteroids, has determined give radiometric
diameters for more than 150,000 objects.
• Nearly 4 million asteroid observations, the most of any
observatory in 2010 up to 13 Sep 2010.
ELW - 21
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
WISE and Brown Dwarfs
• Brown Dwarfs are stars with too
little mass to fuse Hydrogen
into Helium.
• WISE two short wavelength
filters are tuned to methane
dominated brown dwarf spectra.
• WISE could identify brown dwarfs as
cool as 200 Kelvin (-100 Fahrenheit)
out to 4 light years, the distance to the
nearest known star.
ELW - 22
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Inhabitants of WISE Color Space
SDSS Classifications:
z ~ 0.4 LIRGs
Local LIRGs
Local ULIRGs
ELW - 23
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
First Spectroscopically Confirmed
WISE Brown Dwarf
W2 = 13.02
W1-W2 = 3.38
J-W2 = 4.45
WISE 0458+64 spectrum from LUCIFER on
At the time, was as cool or cooler than any
known BD
ELW - 24
Mainzer et al 2010 (ApJ in press).
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
But wait there’s more
• Burgasser et al
(in press): 5
• Kirkpatrick et al
(submitted) has
≈102 BDs
• Triples the
number of
known T8s
• 10× the
number of
known T9s
ELW - 25
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
H-W2 vs. W1-W2
ELW - 26
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Who’s the Coolest Dwarf of all?
• Is it
• J = 20.2
• J-H = -1.5
• W2 = 14.1
• W1 > 18
• J-W2=6.1
ELW - 27
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Need HST WF3 IR Grism for spectrum
• Clearly see
the 1.27
and 1.59
μm peaks
of a CH4
ELW - 28
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Clear Ammonia Signature
• NH3 is
cutting the
short end of
the 1.59 μm
bump and
the 1.27 μm
• A Y dwarf!
• Cushing etal
ELW - 29
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Astrometry so far
• 2 WISE
• 1 Spitzer
• 1 HST position
• Proper motion
2.14 ± 0.26
• Parallax 0.11 ±
0.08 arc-sec
WISE data alone give a 6σ detection of motion. To do this all-sky will require
coadding and cataloguing the 2 band data.
ELW - 30
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
H-W2 vs. W1-W2
ELW - 31
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
• The reddest source of all as seen by the HST
• W2 = 14.25, W1-W2>4, H-W2=8.5, J-H≈0.72±0.42
ELW - 32
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
The far-off Universe
L* at z=0.33, z=6.4 QSO, z=3 ULIRG: FSC15307 x
ELW - 33
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
WISE Band 1 and 2 Dropouts
W1 > 17.4 and W2 > 15.9 and (W3 < 10.6
or W4 < 7.7)
W1814+34 (Eisenhardt et al 2011, Bridge
et al 2011)
Extended Lyman alpha emission (~40 kpc)
ELW - 34
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
SED of W1814+34
AGN with AV = 50
Spiral Galaxy
Warm Spitzer data to
get 3.6 & 4.5 μm
since WISE did not
detect it at 3.4 & 4.6
350 μm
• VLA radio data
• Peak νLν = 1013.38 L
ELW - 35
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Warm Spitzer Followup
• Objects not detected by
WISE at 3.4 & 4.6 μm
can be measured using
warm Spitzer
– bigger mirror
– longer integration times
• Synergy between
surveys and great
ELW - 36
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Many W12 drops
• About 1000/sky
• High percentage
with high z’s:
see histogram
• Spitzer followup
usually picks up
3.6 and 4.5 μm
• Herschel
followup usually
detects far-IR
ELW - 37
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
AGN Selection
• Stern et al
333.15 at
the Jan
2011 AAS
• Density
• 60% have
z’s in
ELW - 38
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Z-distribution of WISE AGNs
ELW - 39
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
W1 on z=1.132 SPT-CL 2106-58
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13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Telescope Temperatures
ELW - 53
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
4 Band Coverage to 5 Aug 2010
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13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
End of Cryo Coverage
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13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Final 2 band coverage
Ten trillion pixels observed!
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13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Thus WISE has
• Discovered many new NEOs and potentially
hazardous asteroids and gave radiometric diameters
for nearly 200,000 objects.
• Searched for the ½ to ⅔ of the stars in the solar
neighborhood that have not yet been seen, including
the closest stars to the Sun.
• Surveyed star formation in the Milky Way and in
massive Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies.
• Or at least we have the data now: 10 trillion pixels
worth. We have lots of work left analyzing this
treasure trove of information.
ELW - 58
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
WISE Summary
Launched 14 Dec 2009
Band centers 3.4, 4.6, 12 & 22 microns
Sensitivity should be better than 0.08, 0.11, 1 & 6 mJy
Saturation at 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 & 10 Jy point sources
Angular Resolution 6, 6, 6 & 12 arc-seconds
Position accuracy about 0.15 arc-seconds 1σ 1-axis for high SNR
Completed all-sky survey 17 July, big tank ran out hydrogen 5 Aug, little tank
empty on 29 Sep, two-band survey for asteroids continued until 1 Feb 2011.
Data release plans:
– Preliminary release of 57% of the sky on 14 April 2011
– Final release 17 months after survey ended
Data products include image atlas and source catalog
ELW - 59
13 Jun 11
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
National Aeronautics and Space
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Preliminary Data Release
• Available at
ELW - 60
13 Jun 11
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