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By, John Michael
• Uranus is the seventh planet
from the sun and is named
after the Greek God of the sky
in latin. It is the only planet
whose name came from a
figure in Greek mythology as
opposed to Roman mythology.
•Because of the
strange way it spins,
nights on some parts
of Uranus can last for
more than 40 years.
• The planet's most extraordinary
feature is the tilt of its rotational
axis, which is almost
perpendicular to the plane of
the eclipitc, which means that it
alternately has its north pole
and its south pole turned
towards the sun.
•Even though
Neptune is further
from the sun, Uranus
is the coldest planet
in the solar system.
•Uranus has 27
known satellites.
•In many Asian
languages, Uranus'
name is translated
into “Sky king star”.
•Uranus mass is
more than 14
times larger than
•Uranus and
Neptune are
both known as
Ice Giants.
•It is the second
least dense
planet after
•The planet was
discovered in
1781 by William
•It takes 30,685
Earth days for
Uranus to complete
an orbit around the
•Uranus is known
to be -300
Question 1 of 10
 What planet is Uranus from the sun?
A. 5th
B. 6th
C. 7th
D. 8th
Question 2 of 10
 In latin what Greek God is Uranus
named after?
A. Sky
B. Water
C. Love
D. None of the above
Question 3 of 10
 Because of the way Uranus spins how
long can some parts of Uranus stay
A. 10 years
B. 20 years
C. 30 years
D. 40 years
Question 4 of 10
 About how much bigger is Uranus to
A. 11 times bigger than Earth
B. 12 times bigger than Earth
C. 13 times bigger than Earth
D. 14 times bigger than Earth
Question 5 of 10
 How many known satellites does
Uranus have?
A. 26 satellites
B. 27 satellites
C. 28 satellites
D. 29 satellites
Question 6 of 10
 How many Earth days does it take
Uranus to revolve around the sun?
(for Uranus to have 1 year.)
A. 365 days
B. 685 days
C. 3,685 days
D. 30,685 days
Question 7 of 10
 What year was the planet discovered?
A. 1768
B. 1754
C. 1781
D. 1798
Question 8 of 10
 Who discovered Uranus?
A. William Hershel
B. William Chessman
C. William Hershey
D. William Mandrake
Question 9 of 10
 How cold is Uranus known to be?
A. -300 Degrees Fahrenheit
B. -200 Degrees Fahrenheit
C. -100 Degrees Fahrenheit
D. 0 Degrees Fahrenheit
Question 10 of 10
 What is Uranus and Neptune known
A. Ice Giants
B. Fire Giants
C. Dirt Giants
D. Land Giants
Answers to Questions 1 through 10
1. C. 7th
2. A. Sky
3. D. 40 years
4. D. 14 times bigger than Earth
5. B. 27 satellites
6. D. 30,685 days
7. C. 1781
8. A. William Hershel
9. A. -300 degrees Fahrenheit
10. A. Ice Giants
The End
 Thank you for watching the power
point and participating in the Test.
 Have a nice day.
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