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Death of
star death
my dear
Black holes
Black dwarfs
What are cooled off white
Planetary nebula
What is the ejected envelope,
often bipolar, of a red giant
surrounding a white dwarf
No. It is a small mass star
Will our sun become a
supernova? Why or Why
Main sequence, giant, planetary nebula,
white dwarf
The order of the end of a sunlike
star is:
Helium build up in the core (less hydrogen in the
core) and hydrogen burning shell expands
What forces the evolution of a star off the main
How many times can a star be
a supernova?
It takes energy to fuse iron.
An iron core cannot
support a star because
It generates more heat and eventually
collapses on itself
A high-mass star dies more
violently because?
During core collapse of a
Type II supernova
The heaviest nuclei are formed during
what event
At 8 solar masses a star will go through a
violent ending, forming a Type II supernova
and ending in a nuetron star or balck hole
Why is the 8 solar masses significant in
stellar evolution?
What is the element first
fused to form stars?
Hydrogen and helium
Nearly all the elements found
in nature were formed inside
stars, except for
The formation of heavier
elements inside stars is called
Once hydrogen is depleted it can no longer
fuse hydrogen into helium. With no energy
source to cause outware pressure the gravity
is able to collapse the core and change the
star’s structure.
Why is the depletion of
hydrogen important?
1. As a result of these, lighter elements are
transformed into heavier elements. 2. shock
waves can trigger star formation from
supernova 3. they both have high mass stars.
They both have ionized hydrogen.
How are Type II supernovae
and star forming regions
related? (name 3 reasons)
A surface explosion on a white dwarf,
caused by falling matter from the
atmosphere of its binary companion,
creates what kind of object?
Can a white dwarf and it’s
companion star have multiple
Type I supernovas?
Type I supernova
If a white dwarf gains enough
mass it can become a
Type II Supernova
The making of abundant iron
nuclei is typical of
The sun is neither a binary star nor
is it large enough to cause a
Can our sun cause a
supernova? Why?
A young neutron star
A star that has very rapid
rotation and a strong
magnetic field is
Neutron star
An object more massive than
the sun but no larger than a
city is a
These objects spin very
rapidly when they are young
The Lighthouse model
The name of the model where we see a
beam sweep across us in a pulsar is called
Jocelyn Bell
Whose work with SETI led to
the discovery of pulsars in
Black hole
A “failed” supernova undergoes
core collapse but instead of
forming a neutron star like a Type
II supernova it forms a black hole.
A hypernova ends up as a
Theory of Relativity
Gravity is the result of curved
space is an explanation of what
In the middle of galaxies
The largest supermassive black
holes are found________________.
Time slows down
As an object nears and event
horizon what happens to time?
Before the person enters the black hole,
tidal forces would pull him or her apart.
What would happen to someone falling into a stellar
sized black hole