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By Ben
• In this report you will find that a
black hole is not a gravitational
vacuum or a air sucking machine.
If you want to find out what it is
read this report
What is a Black Hole?
• A black hole is a object with massive
amounts of gravity. Nothing can escape
from a Black Hole including light. A Black
Holes mass is concentrated at one point of
singularity. At the Singularity itself the gravity
is so strong it crushes the space time out of
existence. Depending on the singularities
mass, at a certain distance you will need
the speed of light to escape. This distance is
the black holes horizon which is its surface
any thing that goes though the horizon is
trapped inside for ever
How does a black hole form?
• A black hole forms when an objects gravity causes it to
collapse to a small point. Stellar mass black holes form
when a huge star cannot produce energy in its core.
Radiation from the stars nuclear reactions to keep the
star “alive,” gravity causes the stars core to eventually
collapse. When the Black hole is formed the stars outer
layers can be sucked into the black hole to make it
heavier or can be blasted away into space. Astronomers
don’t know how super massive black holes form, they
think it might be when large clouds of gas collapse.
Can you travel through a black
hole ?
• So far you can only travel through black
holes in movies, but astronomers believe
that there are wormholes that are
theoretical “shortcuts” between two points
in the space time continuum. Theories say
that you would collapse as soon as you
entered the wormhole.
Will our universe become a
black hole ?
• It is unlikely that our universe will become a
black hole, recent research shows that the
universe is expanding at an ever increasing rate.
The cause of this expansion, is called dark
energy. No one knows what it is but astronomers
believe that our universe will die slowly. If the
dark energy didn’t exist it might have been
possible for the universe to collapse on itself, pin
pointing all of its mass to a very small point.
Can anything every escape
from a black hole ?
• Nothing falls into a black hole can
every escape from a black hole in
the same shape that it entered. But
sometimes pairs of particles appear
into existence soon after this
happens the particles cancel out on
each other and vanish. But if this
happens at the horizon of a black
hole and one particle falls in and the
other doesn’t they cannot cancel out
on each other. In essence this is
stealing a tiny bit of the black holes
mass. If this continuously happened
over billions of years the black hole
might vaporize.
• Now you know that a black hole is
not a gravitational vacuum or a air
sucking machine and it is a hole
in space where a star has