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The Circumstellar Environments of the
Cool Hypergiants:
Implications for the Mass Loss Mechanism
Roberta M Humphreys
University of Minnesota
IRC +10420
The Cool Hypergiants -- lie just below the upper luminosity envelope
with spectral types A to M, high mass loss
rates, photometric and spectroscopic
variability, large infrared excess,
circumstellar ejecta
Evolutionary state?
M supergiants
Intermediate – type or
“yellow” hypergiants
Intermediate –Type
M Supergiants
IRC +10420 (A – F Ia)
VY CMa (M5e Ia)
rho Cas (F8 p Ia)
NML Cyg (M6 I)
HR 8752 (G0 – 5 Ia)
S Per (M3 – 4 e Ia)
HR 5171a (G8 Ia)
VX Sgr ( M4e Ia – M9.5 I)
mu Cep (M2e Ia)
HST WFPC2 multi-wavelength imaging
No detections – rho Cas, HR 8752, HR 5171a, mu Cep
VX Sgr and S Per (both OH/IR sources) – both marginally resolved
NML Cyg (OH/IR source) -- ejecta shaped by its environment
VY CMa and IRC+10420 (OH/IR sources) – extensive CS nebula
Strong IR excess
High mass loss rate 3-6 x 10-4
Warmest maser source
Spectroscopic variation late F  mid A
Complex CS Environment
One or more distant reflection shells
Within 2 “ – jet-like structures, rays,
small nearly spherical shells or arcs
Evidence for high mass loss ejections in
the past few hundred years
IRC +10420 – excellent candidate for post– red supergiant
In post RSG evolution, these stars will enter a region (6000-9000 K) of
increased dynamical instability, high mass loss, increasing opacity –
deJager’s “yellow void”
HST/STIS spatially resolved
spectroscopy –
Halpha – uniform outflow, nearly
spherical distribution
Wind is optically thick  variations
in apparent temperature not due to
Mass loss history
Origin of ejecta – stellar activity,
convection and magnetic fields?
rho Cas and the yellow hypergiants
rho Cas – famous shell ejection episodes,
1945-47, 1985-87, 2002
develops TiO bands, very high but
temporary mass loss (~ 10-2), quickly
returns to its normal F-type supergiant
spectrum  formation of an optically thick
Most recent 2002 – variability indicative of
pulsational instability. Lobel et al (2003)
demonstrated the outburst was due to the
recombination of H as atmosphere cooled
due to expansion.
Variable A in M33 – a cool hypergiant ~ 45 years in eruption!
One of the original Hubble – Sandage
“Eruption” or shell ejection began in 1950.
faded 3 mags or more becoming very red.
Spectrum 1985-86 -- M supergiant, CS IR
Spectrum and energy distribution 2004 -05
F-type, bluer, but stayed faint.
NML Cyg – Circumstellar Ejecta Interacting with Its Environment
Optically obscured star embedded in a
small asymmetric bean-shaped nebula,
strong OH/IR source, 6 x 10-5
Similar in shape to HII contours (30” away)
due to interaction of RSG wind with ionizing
photons hot stars in Cyg OB2
Schuster, Humphreys &
Marengo (2006) showed this is
the molecular photodissociation
VY CMa -- the extreme red supergiant, powerful OH/IR source
mass loss rate 4 x 10-4
Famous asymmetric red nebula, > 10”
across, visible in small ground based
HST/WFPC2 images revealed complex
environment – numerous knots, filamentary
arcs, prominent nebulous arc
Due to multiple, asymmetric
ejection episodes -- analogous to
solar/stellar activity
High Resolution, Long-Slit Spectroscopy --Keck HIRES Spectrograph
Reflected absorption lines -A strong velocity gradient
across the NW arc
Moving mirror effect -> expanding at 50 km/s
K I emission lines
Across the NW arc
K I emission -- across Arcs 1 and 2
2nd epoch images > 6 yrs later  transverse motions
Combined with radial or Doppler velocities  total space motion
and direction of motion
Results: Expansion velocities relative to star and ejection times
NW Arc + 46 km/s at ~ +22o towards WNW , ~ 500 yrs ago
Arc 1
- 68 km/s at -33o towards SW, ~ 800 yrs ago
Arc 2
- 64 km/s at -17o towards SSE, ~ 460 yrs ago
SW knots -36 km/s at -25o towards W, ~ 250 yrs ago
S knots -17 km/s at -27o towards SE, ~ 160 yrs ago
VY CMa -- Work in Progress, polarimetry with HST/ACS
VY CMa is highly polarized -- up to 70%
Polarization combined with color 
relative distance along line of sight
Together with space motion and
3D Morphology of VY CMa
What drives the mass loss of red supergiants and cool hypergiants ??
Pulsational instability? -- rho Cas, irregular and LPVs
Non-radial pulsations and/or convective activity (starspots)?
VY CMa – no general spherical outflow,
looplike structures, clumps of knots,
ejected at different times and from
different positions on star.
Magnetic field ~ 1 – 2 G SiO masers
IRC +10420 – outermost arcs ~ 3000 yrs
ago  RSG, but looplike structures, arcs
and knots close to star, high mass loss
episode < 600 yrs ago ended ~ 90 yrs
Magnetic field 1 mG OH masers  few G
at star
Supernova Impostors -Recent examples
= SN1954j
V1 in N 2363
SN 1997bs in N 3627
SN 1999bw in N 3198
SN 2000ch in N 3432
SN 2001ac in N 3504
SN 2002kg = V74 in
N 2403
SN 2003gm in N 5334
SN 2003hy in IC 5145