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Class Update
• D2L Quiz 6 available today; Questions on Test 2
• Observations
• Moon Phases
• Due Tuesday, Mar. 3 (1 week) 4 observations needed
• Friday, Feb. 20
• 8-9:30pm University of Minnesota (Telescopes, Star Gazing
• No lecture Thu, Feb. 26 for Student Success Day
• Please attend
• No lab this week (Tuesday or Thursday)
• Lab Dimensional Analysis & Significant Figures Quiz
Mar. 3 or 5 depending on your lab section & day
Doppler Effect
Dark Matter
What can you learn from spectra?
Temperature (energy)
Density (from type of spectra)
Composition (from lines)
Moving toward or away (Doppler)
Demo: Sound
Demo: Car horn blaring as it passes
Car moving at nearly constant speed
Listen to pitch and volume.
What changes in the car sound?
Does the volume change?
Note: The volume DOES increase on
approach and decrease on recession.
This is NOT the Doppler Effect.
What happened to the VOLUME of the horn?
1. sounded louder and louder as the source
approached and sounded fainter and fainter as
the source receded
2. stayed at a constant loudness as the source
approached then dropped to a fainter but
constant loudness as the source receded
3. stayed at the same constant loudness
throughout the motion
4. varied too much to tell what the volume was
What changes in the car sound?
Does the volume change?
YES, but not due to the Doppler Effect.
Does the pitch (frequency) change?
What happened to the PITCH (frequency) of the horn?
1. became higher and higher as the source approached
and became lower and lower as the source receded
2. stayed at a constant high pitch as the source
approached and then dropped to a constant lower pitch
as the source receded
3. stayed at the same constant pitch throughout the motion
4. stayed at the same pitch except at the moment the
source passed
5. varied too much to tell what the pitch was doing
Volume of car
horn over time
Frequency of car
horn over time
Doppler Effect
Shift in frequency (wavelength) due to
motion of source or observer or both.
Used to measure:
• Motion toward or away
• Speed
Side Note:
Discovered by Christian Doppler in the mid-1800’s
Sydney Harris
“I love hearing that lonesome
wail of the train whistle as the
frequency of the wave changes
due to the Doppler Effect.”
Visual of waves from moving source:
Drawing waves from moving source
Drawing waves…
If source is stationary
←wave moves
( * )
vsource = 0
wave moves→
If source is stationary
←wave moves
( * )
vsource = 0
wave moves→
If source moves
Longer λ
Lower f
Red Shift
) ) ) ) )
Shorter λ
Higher f
Blue Shift
If source is stationary
( * )
←wave moves
vsource = 0
wave moves→
If source moves
* ) ) ) ) )
What if source moves faster?
Stretched more
Compressed more
Higher speeds  Bigger shifts
Same results if source or observer
or both move
Approach  Shift to shorter λ  Blue shift
(moving toward)
higher f
Recede  Shift to longer λ  Red shift
(moving away)
lower f
Bigger shift (change) in λ  Bigger speed
Ex: Earth’s Speed of Revolution or Orbital Velocity
Ex: “Earth’s Orbital Speed”
Predict: If Earth is at A, will the star’s
spectrum be red-shifted or blue-shifted?
Moving away
Red shifted
Ex: “Earth’s Orbital Speed”
Standard Emission Spectra for comparison
Absorption Spectra lines of star
Earth is at “A”, so star is given designation “a”
Ex: “Earth’s Orbital Speed”
What color are these lines?
Ex: “Earth’s Orbital Speed”
Where is the red end of the spectrum?
Ex: “Earth’s Orbital Speed”
Blue end of
Red end of
Ex: “Earth’s Orbital Speed”
Is “a” red shifted or blue shifted?
Is the star (“a”) moving toward or away from Earth when
compared to the standard spectra (top)?
Ex: “Earth’s Orbital Speed”
Red shift
Blue shift
Moving away from Earth = Red shift
Ex: “Earth’s Orbital Speed”
Is “b” red shifted or blue shifted?
Ex: “Earth’s Orbital Speed”
Absorption Spectra lines of star
Earth is at “B”, so star is given designation “b”
Red shift
Blue shift
Ex: “Earth’s Orbital Speed”
Spectrum of element Xo (at rest)
Spectrum of star A (at rest)
 = 546 nm
 = 643 nm
From the spectra above, you can conclude that star A
1. Contains the element Xo and only that element
2. Contains the element Xo and at least one more element
3. Does not contain the element Xo
4. There is not enough information to determine the composition
Spectrum of element Xo (at rest)
Spectrum of star A
 = 546 nm
 = 643 nm
From the spectra above, you can conclude that star A
1. Contains the element Xo and only that element
2. Contains the element Xo and at least one more element
3. Does not contain the element Xo
4. There is not enough information to determine the composition
Spectrum of element Xo (at rest)
Spectrum of star A
 = 546 nm
 = 643 nm
From the spectra above, you can conclude that Earth and star A
1. Are moving toward each other
2. Are moving away from each other
3. There is not enough information to determine the relative direction
of motion of Earth and the star.
Blue Shifted or Red Shifted?
Moving Away = Red Shifted
Spectrum of element Xo (at rest)
Spectrum of star A
Spectrum of star B
 = 546 nm
 = 643 nm
From the spectra above, you can conclude that
1. Star A is moving faster away from element Xo than star B
2. Star B is moving faster away from element Xo than star A
3. There is not enough information to determine the relative speed of
each star to element Xo.
Both star A and B are moving away from Xo and are red shifted.
Astronomers can calculate the speed from the wavelength difference.
Doppler Effect Summary
Apply the Doppler Effect to Galaxies
What can we learn?
Fritz Zwicky – 1930s
• Galaxies are moving too fast
• Something holding them together
• Proposed dark matter to explain galaxy motion
Vera Rubin – 1960s
• Galaxies have
bright centers
• Expect most
mass at center
• Expect inner stars
to move faster
and outer stars to
move slower
• Based on Kepler’s
laws of motion
• Like solar system
Vera Rubin – 1960s
• Instead, outer stars orbit about same speed as
inner ones (galaxy rotation problem)
• Lots of mass far from center
• 90% of mass is unseen = Dark Matter
Figure 12-11. Horizons by Seeds and Backman
Gravitational Lensing – proposed by
Einstein and Zwicky
Gravitational Lensing – 1980s
• Gravity bends light
• Creates multiple images or distorts into arcs
• Confirms dark matter
Bullet Cluster
• 2 clusters of
moving apart
after colliding
• Red: X-rays
(colliding gas)
• Blue: dark
Dark Matter
Matter “seen” by its gravitational pull (lensing)
• Motions of galaxies within clusters (Zwicky)
• Rotation of galaxies (Rubin)
• Bending of distant galaxy light by
intervening clusters (Gravitational Lensing)
• Collision of two clusters of galaxies
• Planck spacecraft: about 5% common
matter, 25% dark matter, 70% dark energy
Dark Matter
What is it?
We are much more certain what dark matter is
NOT than we are what it is. – NASA
– not visible matter, not baryons, not antimatter,
not black holes
Soudan Underground Mine State Park in
Tower-Soudan, MN – neutrino experiments
with Fermilab
Cosmos: A Spactime Odyssey (2014)
with Neil deGrasse Tyson
Episode 13: Unafraid of the Dark
Journey into the unknown forces of the