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Revising the Present Simple
1- Remember that we use this tense to
describe facts and regular.
It is used a lot in science.
In science, it is often used in the passive.
The passive is used when the action is
important, not the people.
Scientists use this
tense for facts
This is used
by scientists
2- In questions, negatives and short answers
,we use helping verbs.
DO scientists use this
tense for facts?
Yes ,they do.
Is this used
by scientists?
Yes , it is
3- Sometimes we think the answer to our
question will be Yes .
Sometimes we think it will be No.
We make these questions by adding helping
verbs to the of our sentence.
Light is reflected by planets isn't it?
Yes, it is
Light isn't raidated by planets is it?
No , it isn't
Planets reflect light , bont they?
Yes ,they do .
A planet doesn’t radiate light, boes it ?
No, it doesn't
A. In the following sentences , the dark words
(e.g. a planet) are singular.
Rewrite the sentences making the dark words
plural ( g. a planets) . Change the verb if
1-A planet reflects light .
2-A star radiates light .
3- A satellite does not orbit a star.
4-There is a planet in the Solar System .
5-Does a planet orbit a star ?
B. Write the following sentences again .
Put the verbs into the correct form .
1- I (be) at school .
2- I (be) interested in stars .
3- Our sun (be) a star .
4- Galaxies (be) large groups of stars
5- We (be) not able to see other galaxies.
C. Make the following sentences negative.
1- A planet is a star.
2- A planet radiates light.
3- Stars reflect light.
4- Venus has a moon.
5- There is a planet between Earth and Mars.
D. Make these sentences passive.
1- Planets reflect light.
2- Satellites orbit planets.
3-Stars do not reflect light.
4-Scientists study the universe.
5- Do stars radiate light.
E. Make these sentences into questions .
Expect the answer in brackets.
1- Stars reflect light. (No)
2- Stars radiate light .(Yes)
3- Planets radiate light .(No)
4- There is only one star in the Solar System. (Yes)
5- There are people on Venus. (No)
‫ارجوا الدعاء لي ولي والدي ولمعلمتي‬
‫ولمن شجعني على عمل الدروس الباوربنت‬
‫وجميع المسلمين‬
‫مع تحيات مصممة العروض **‬
‫‪Shahed Yuu‬‬