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IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)
e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 16, Issue 5, Ver. I (Sep – Oct. 2014), PP 108-111
Feature subset selection for high dimensional data with domain
analysis using Semantic Mining
Abdul Majeed K. M, Pallavi K.N, Tanvir Habib Sardar
Dept of ISE, PACE Mangalore, 2Dept of CSE, NMAMIT Nitte
Abstract: Feature subset selection involves identifying a subset of the most useful features that produces
compatible results as the original entire set of features. A feature selection algorithm may be evaluated from
both the efficiency and effectiveness points of view. While the efficiency concerns the time required to find a
subset of features, the effectiveness is related to the quality of the subset of features. Current existing algorithms
for feature sub set selection works only based on conducting statistical test like Pearson test or symmetric
uncertainty test to find the correlation between the features and apply threshold to filter redundant and
irrelevant features. FAST proposed by Qinbao Song [9] uses symmetric uncertainty test for feature subset
selection. In this work we extend the FAST algorithm by applying the domain analysis using semantic Mining to
improve the relevance of the feature subset selection.
Index Terms: Feature subset selection, filter method, feature clustering, graph-based clustering
Feature selection is typically a search problem for finding an optimal or suboptimal subset of m
features out of original M features. Feature selection is important in many pattern recognition problems for
excluding irrelevant and redundant features. It allows reducing system complexity and processing time and often
improves the recognition accuracy. With the aim of choosing a subset of good features with respect to the target
concepts, feature subset selection is an effective way for reducing dimensionality, removing irrelevant data,
increasing learning accuracy, and improving result comprehensibility. Many feature subset selection methods
have been proposed and studied for machine learning applications. They can be divided into four broad
categories: the Embedded, Wrapper, Filter, and Hybrid approaches.
The embedded methods incorporate feature selection as a part of the training process and are usually
specific to given learning algorithms, and therefore may be more efficient than the other three categories.
Traditional machine learning algorithms like decision trees or artificial neural networks are examples of
embedded approaches. The wrapper methods use the predictive accuracy of a predetermined learning algorithm
to determine the goodness of the selected subsets, the accuracy of the learning algorithms is usually high.
However, the generality of the selected features is limited and the computational complexity is large.
The filter methods are independent of learning algorithms, with good generality. Their computational
complexity is low, but the accuracy of the learning algorithms is not guaranteed.
The hybrid methods are a combination of filter and wrapper methods by using a filter method to reduce
search space that will be considered by the subsequent wrapper. They mainly focus on combining filter and
wrapper methods to achieve the best possible performance with a particular learning algorithm with similar time
complexity of the filter methods. The wrapper methods are computationally expensive and tend to over fit on
small training sets .The filter methods, in addition
to their generality, are usually a good choice when the number of features is very large. Thus, we will focus on
the filter method in this paper.
Literature Survey
Feature subset selection can be viewed as the process of identifying and removing as many irrelevant
and redundant features as possible. This is because: (i) irrelevant features do not contribute to the predictive
accuracy, and (ii) redundant features do not redound to getting a better predictor for that they provide mostly
information which is already present in other feature(s).
Of the many feature subset selection algorithms, some can effectively eliminate irrelevant features but
fail to handle redundant features, yet some of others can eliminate the irrelevant while taking care of the
redundant features.
Traditionally, feature subset selection research has focused on searching for relevant features. A well
known example is Relief [1], which weighs each feature according to its ability to discriminate instances under
different targets based on distance-based criteria function. However, Relief is ineffective at removing redundant
features as two predictive but highly correlated features are likely both to be highly weighted [2]. Relief-F [3]
extends Relief, enabling this method to work with noisy and incomplete data sets and to deal with multi-class
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Feature subset selection for high dimensional data with domain analysis using semantic Mining
problems, but still cannot identify redundant features.FCBF [4] is a fast filter method which can identify
relevant features as well as redundancy among relevant features without pairwise correlation analysis.
CMIM [5] iteratively picks features which maximize their mutual information with the class to predict,
conditionally to the response of any feature already picked
Butterworth et al. [6] proposed to cluster features using a special metric of Barthelemy-Montjardet
distance, and then makes use of the dendrogram of the resulting cluster hierarchy to choose the most relevant
attributes. Unfortunately, the cluster evaluation measure based on Barthelemy-Montjardet distance does not
identify a feature subset that allows the classifiers to improve their original performance accuracy. Further more,
even compared with other feature selection methods, the obtained accuracy is lower
Hierarchical clustering also has been used to select features on spectral data. Van Dijk and Van
Hullefor [7] proposed a hybrid filter/wrapper feature subset selection algorithm for regression. Krier et al. [8]
presented a methodology combining hierarchical constrained clustering of spectral variables and selection of
clusters by mutual information. Their feature clustering method is similar to that of Van Dijk and Van Hullefor
[7] except that the former forces every cluster to contain consecutive features only. Both methods employed
agglomerative hierarchical clustering to remove redundant features.
With respect to the filter feature selection methods, the application of cluster analysis has been
demonstrated to be more effective than traditional feature selection algorithms. In cluster analysis, graphtheoretic methods have been well studied and used in many applications. Their results have, sometimes, the best
agreement with human performance . The general graph-theoretic clustering is simple: Compute a neighborhood
graph of instances, then delete any edge in the graph that is much longer/shorter (according to some criterion)
than its neighbors. The result is a forest and each tree in the forest represents a cluster. Qinbao Song proposed
FAST [9] which is a minimum spanning tree based graph theoretic approach. The FAST algorithm works in
two steps. In the first step, features are divided into clusters by using graph-theoretic clustering methods. In the
second step, the most representative feature that is strongly related to target classes is selected from each cluster
to form the final subset of features. Features in different clusters are relatively independent; the clustering-based
strategy of FAST has a high probability of producing a subset of useful and independent features.
Proposed Solution
3.1 Problem Statement
Irrelevant features, along with redundant features, severely affect the accuracy of the learning machines
from the data sets. Feature subset selection should be able to identify and remove as much of the irrelevant and
redundant information as possible from the dataset.
3.2 Existing Solution
FAST is the existing solution shown in Fig 3.1
Fig 3.1 Steps for FAST algorihm
The FAST algorithm works in three steps.
 In the first step, the irrelevant features are removed
 In the second step, it construct the minimum spanning tree (MST) from a weighted complete graph
 In the third step, it will do the partitioning of the MST into a forest with each tree representing a
cluster; and.the most representative feature that is strongly related to target classes is selected from
each cluster to form the final subset of features
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Feature subset selection for high dimensional data with domain analysis using semantic Mining
3.3 Proposed Solution
The existing solution “FAST “has one problem in the step 1 – irrelevant feature removal. The existing
solution for step 1 is based only on entropy [deviation in the values across the dataset]. But entropy measure is
not always accurate in identifying the irrelevant feature removal. The feature relevancy to the clustering depends
on the domain area of classification. We propose to extract the semantic relation between the domain area of
application & the features. Based on the domain analysis, the irrelevant features will be identified & removed in
the Step 1. This will result in highly relevant features subsets. Semantic analysis will be drawn based on web
mining the domain area concept. We will propose a algorithm to mine the web & provide the relation of any
features to the domain area concept.
For irrelevant feature removal we use domain analysis with semantic mining. For identifying the
redundant features & removing it we use MST based clustering technique
Fig 3.2 architecture for the proposed algorithm (semantic mining)
3.3.1Removing irrelevant Features
In our proposed algorithm The feature relevancy to the clustering depends on the domain area of
classification. We propose to extract the semantic relation between the domain area of application & the
features. Based on the domain analysis, the irrelevant features will be identified & removed in the Step 1. This
will result in highly relevant features subsets.
The following flowchart explains the steps for the proposed algorithm. The user needs to upload the
documents for mining and the attribute list for feature selection. Then the documents will be mined one by one
for identifying and selecting the terms in the documents. A term is a selected word or item from the documents
after mining. It also calculates the frequency of each term in the documents and if the frequencies are greater
than 2 then it will be stored in a vector. Then the each attribute will be compared with the term one by one. If
the attribute is matching with any of the term in the vector with a given threshold that attribute will be selected
as feature. This process will be repeated until the entire attribute in the attribute list will be checked and
compared with the list of terms.
Fß doc folder
FKß Feature Keyworks file
Array(Vect)ß Mine document in F
FK(i) is selected feature
FI ß FI (Array(vect))
All items in FK checked
FK(i) in FI &
rel(F(ki),class)> Thresh
Fig 3.3 flowchart for removing irrelevant features
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Feature subset selection for high dimensional data with domain analysis using semantic Mining
3.3.2Removing redundant Features
Once the irrelevant features are removed, we start to find the redundant features and remove those
features. In our algorithm, it involves (i) the construction of the minimum spanning tree (MST) from a weighted
complete graph; (ii) the partitioning of the MST into a forest with each tree representing a cluster; and (iii) the
selection of representative features from the clusters.
Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper, we have detailed our solution for feature subset selection. Our mechanism effectively
removes the irrelevant & redundant features from the feature set. Our proposed solution is different from the
FAST algorithm [9] in following way.
FAST uses the entropy measure for relevancy. But in our solution we have proposed domain analysis
with semantic mining.
As the future work, we have planned to compare the performance of the proposed algorithm with that
of the FAST algorithm on the 35 publicly available image, microarray, and text data from the four different
aspects of the proportion of selected features, runtime, classification accuracy of a given classifier, and the
Win/Draw/Loss record.
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A Fast Clustering-Based Feature Subset Selection Algorithm for High Dimensional Data - QinBao Song in "IEEE
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