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More DBMS research needed for
Hans-J. Schek,
Institute of Information Systems
ETH Zürich and UMIT Innsbruck
• Example E-Health, Health Monitoring:
– Distributed information system, many components that
can fail or behave wrongly (sensors, power supply,
signal processing, availability of health records,
authorization service)
– Automated processes that must excecute under all
circumstances and must overcome „failures“ of all kinds
(hardware, software, emergency...)
How can we design/verify/safely execute such systems that
we can depend on them?
• We can record our life and replay it. What parts are
relevant to whom and who may replay (parts)of my life?
• Special case: life-long e-health record
– Who owns the data
• Hospitals, doctors, patients?
• Do we cary our health record with us, implanted?
– What must be seen by whom and who authorizes
– What mechanisms do I have to grant selective access
to doctors. Problem: I do not understand all “my” data
• Health care in the information society, a prognosis for the year 2013 by
Reinhold Haux et al.(from Int. Journal of Medical Informatics 66 (2002)
– Comprehensive electronic patient record for direct patient care and
patient group analyses
– Health information system architecture for cooperative, patientcentered and cross-institutional care
– Medical knowledge centers for world-wide use and tools for
medical data mining
– Multi-functional mobile ICT tools for patient care