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DIMACS Working Group on Data
Mining and Epidemiology
What are the challenges for mathematical scientists
in the defense against disease?
This question led DIMACS, the Center for Discrete
Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, to
launch a “special focus” on this topic.
DIMACS Special Focus on
Computational and Mathematical
Epidemiology 2002-2005
Post-September 11 events soon led to an emphasis
on bioterrorism.
Working Groups
Working Groups Continued
•Interdisciplinary, international groups of
•Come together at DIMACS.
•Informal presentations, lots of time for discussion.
•Emphasis on collaboration.
•Return as a full group or in subgroups to pursue
problems/approaches identified in first meeting.
•By invitation; but contact the organizer.
•Junior researchers welcomed. Nominate them.
Working Groups
WG’s on Large Data Sets:
•Adverse Event/Disease Reporting, Surveillance &
•Spin-off: Health Care Data Privacy and
•Data Mining and Epidemiology.
WG’s on Analogies between Computers
and Humans:
•Analogies between Computer Viruses/Immune
Systems and Human Viruses/Immune Systems
•Distributed Computing, Social Networks, and
Disease Spread Processes
WG’s on Methods/Tools of TCS
•Phylogenetic Trees and Rapidly Evolving
•Order-Theoretic Aspects of Epidemiology
WG’s on Computational Methods for
Analyzing Large Models for
Spread/Control of Disease
•Spatio-temporal and Network Modeling of
•Methodologies for Comparing Vaccination
WG’s on Mathematical Sciences
•Mathematical Models and Defense Against
•Predictive Methodologies for Infectious Diseases
•Statistical, Mathematical, and Modeling Issues in
the Analysis of Marine Diseases
Data Mining and Epidemiology
–Interest sparked in part by availability of large
and disparate computerized databases on
subjects relating to disease
• Early warning is critical
in public health
• This is a crucial factor
government’s plans to
place networks of
sensors/detectors to
warn of a bioterrorist
• Sensors will be a source
of huge amounts of data
The BASIS System
The DIMACS Bioterrorism Sensor
Location Project
Data Mining and Epidemiology:
Some Research Issues:
1. Streaming Data Analysis:
•When you only have one shot at the data
•Widely used to detect trends and sound alarms in
applications in telecommunications and finance
•AT&T uses this to detect fraudulent use of credit
cards or impending billing defaults
•Columbia has developed methods for detecting
fraudulent behavior in financial systems
•Uses algorithms based in TCS
•Needs modification to apply to disease detection
Research Issues:
•Modify methods of data collection,
transmission, processing, and visualization
•Explore use of decision trees, vector-space
methods, Bayesian and neural nets
•How are the results of monitoring systems best
reported and visualized?
•To what extent can they incur fast and safe
automated responses?
•How are relevant queries best expressed, giving
the user sufficient power while implicitly
restraining him/her from incurring unwanted
computational overhead?
2. Cluster Analysis
•Used to extract patterns from complex data
•Application of traditional clustering algorithms
hindered by extreme heterogeneity of the data
•Newer clustering methods based on TCS for
clustering heterogeneous data need to be modified
for infectious disease and bioterrorist applications.
3. Visualization
•Large data sets are sometimes best understood by
visualizing them.
3. Visualization (continued)
•Sheer data sizes require new visualization
regimes, which require suitable external memory
data structures to reorganize tabular data to
facilitate access, usage, and analysis.
•Visualization algorithms become harder when data
arises from various sources and each source
contains only partial information.
4. Data Cleaning
•Disease detection problem: Very “dirty” data:
4. Data Cleaning (continued)
•Very “dirty” data due to
–manual entry
–lack of uniform standards for content and formats
–data duplication
–measurement errors
•TCS-based methods of data cleaning
–duplicate removal
–“merge purge”
–automated detection
5. Dealing with “Natural Language”
•Devise effective methods for translating natural
language input into formats suitable for analysis.
•Develop computationally efficient methods to
provide automated responses consisting of followup questions.
•Develop semi-automatic systems to generate
queries based on dynamically changing data.
6. Cryptography and Security
•Devise effective methods for protecting privacy of
individuals about whom data is provided to
biosurveillance teams -- data from emergency dept.
visits, doctor visits, prescriptions
•Develop ways to share information between
databases of intelligence agencies while protecting
6. Cryptography and Security (continued)
•Specifically: How can we make a simultaneous
query to two datasets without compromising
information in those data sets? (E.g., is individual
xx included in both sets?)
•Issues include:
–insuring accuracy and reliability of responses
–authentication of queries
–policies for access control and authorization
7. Spatio-Temporal Mining of Sensor Data
• Sensors provide observations of the state of the
world localized in space and time.
• Finding trends in data from individual sensors: time
series data mining.
• Detecting general correlations in multiple time
series of observations.
• This has been studied in statistics, database theory,
knowledge discovery, data mining.
• Complications: proximity relationships based on
geography; complex chronological effects.