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Thomas Knape
Applied Intelligence Analytics Ltd.
SME based in Dublin, Ireland.
Data Analytics solutions deriving
actionable insights for government
DS-6-2014 Risk Management and assurance models
Interest: Consortium partner
SMI2G brokerage event, 23-24 January 2014.
DS-6-2014 Risk Management and assurance models
We can contribute (1/2)
• Expertise in fraud detection in government services functions
• Risk assessment tools
− Tools for risk modelling & analysis
− Link mining – discovery of presumably unrelated links for threat
− Risk metrics giving insights on potential threats that help understand
risk levels and develop best practices
• Risk management tools
− Tools for risk impact modelling & analysis (identifying, controlling &
minimising impact)
Contact: [email protected]
DS-6-2014 Risk Management and assurance models
We can contribute (2/2)
• EU project experience (incl. work package leadership
responsibility) in data analytics
• Participation in projects funded under
- European Defence Agency Joint Investment Program on Force
- FP7 Security
• Relationships with end users in law enforcement
Contact: [email protected]
Contact Details
Thomas Knape
[email protected]
Tel: +353 87 224 3172
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