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 Substances that
 Provide Energy
 Helps with body processes
 Helps with growth & repair of cells
 Seven Categories:
 Fats
 Proteins
 Carbohydrates
 Fiber
 Minerals
 Vitamins
 Water
 Main source of energy
 1g carbs = 4 calories
 Simple Carbohydrates:
sugars that provide quick
 Complex
carbohydrates: starches
& fibers
 Fiber
 Part of grains & plant foods
that cannot be digested
 Helps move food through
digestive system
 Reduces cholesterol & risk
of heart disease
 Nutrient needed:
 For Growth
 To build, repair, and
maintain body tissues
 To regulate body
 To supply energy
 1 g protein = 4 calories
 Amino acids: building
blocks that make up
 9 of the amino acids are
considered essential
(body cannot produce)
 11 are considered
nonessential (body can
 Complete protein =
contains all essential
amino acids
 Incomplete protein = is
low in 1 or more essential
amino acids
 Saturated
 Nutrient that
 Found mainly in animal
 Solid @ room temp.
 Causes liver to produce
 Trans Fat: snack foods &
source of stored energy
Helps body store & use
Maintain body heat
Build brain cells &
 Unsaturated: liquid @ room
nerve tissue
 1 g fat = 9 calories
 Monounsaturated: olive &
canola oils
 Polyunsaturated: sunflower,
corn, canola oils, seafood
 Nutrient that:
 Helps the body use
carbohydrates, fats, &
 Fat Soluble Vitamins:
dissolves in fat & can be
stored in the body
 Vitamins A, D, E, K
 released as the body
needs them
 Taking large doses can be
 Water Soluble Vitamins
 Dissolves in water & is not
stored in the body in
significant amounts
 must be replenished
 Excess excreted from body
 B1 (thiamin), B2, B6, B12, C,
niacin, folic acid, riboflavin
 Nutrient that
 Regulates chemical
reactions in the body
 Builds tissues
 Macro minerals
 Calcium
 Phosphorus
 Potassium
 Sodium
 Micro minerals
 Copper
 Iron
 zinc
 Nutrient that
 Involved in all body processes
 Makes up the basic part of
 Helps with waste removal
 Regulates body temperature
 Cushions spinal cord & joints
 Sources
 Drinking water
 Moist food (fruits & veggies)
 Dehydration: when water
content of body is very low
 Diuretic: product that
increases urine output
Vitamins and Their Functions
Vitamin A-
aids in immune function, bone and teeth formation, promotes
growth and repair of body tissues
Vitamin D- improves absorption of calcium and phosphorus, maintains
Vitamin E- major antioxidant, nourishes cells, prevents blood clots
Vitamin K- prevents internal bleeding
 Vitamin B- promote growth and muscle tone, aids in digesting carbs,
maintain nervous system and vision, maintain red and white blood cells, aids in
metabolizing proteins, promote healthy skin
Vitamin C- antioxidant, maintains oral health, helps heal wounds, helps
infection, prevents scurvy
Folic Acid- promotes growth and reproduction of cells, aids in formation of red
blood cells and bone marrow, prevents neural tube birth defects
Minerals and Their Functions
•Macro minerals
–Sodium- controls volume of fluid in body, maintains pH, essential for
nerve and muscle function
–Potassium- essential for nerve and muscle function
–Phosphorus- makes up bone, forms compounds for energy like ATP
–Calcium- makes up bones and teeth, essential for nerve function,
muscle function and blood clotting
–Iron- essential for oxygen transfer (hemoglobin)
–Magnesium- essential for bones, function of nerves and muscles,
needed for many enzymes
Micro minerals
•Chromium- Involved in skeletal muscle function.
•Copper- Contained in enzymes and red blood
•Zinc- needed in enzymes, strengthens immune
•Selenium- antioxidant, strengthens immune
system, in many enzymes
Sources of Vitamins
•Vitamin A- liver, eggs, dark green and
yellow vegetables
•B vitamins- lean meats, fish, poultry,
whole grains, potatoes, bananas, lentils,
chili peppers, and molasses
•Vitamin C- citrus, tomatoes, red and
green peppers, and berries
•Vitamin E- oils, nuts, beans, whole
grains, and leafy greens
•Vitamin D- sunlight (body makes it),
milk (fortified with it)
•Vitamin K- leafy greens, broccoli
•Folic Acid- leafy greens, poultry, dried
beans, and oranges
Sources of Minerals
•Calcium- milk, cheese, and
•Iron- eggs, leafy greens, liver,
meat, and nuts
•Phosphorus- dairy, fruits, meats,
and vegetables
•Magnesium- eggs, fish, nuts,
milk, and leafy greens
•Sodium- table salt, processed
•Potassium- Cereal, coffee, fruit,
meat, and whole grains
•Copper- liver, raisins, peas, cocoa
•Zinc- eggs, liver, red meat,
seafood, and whole grains
•Selenium- eggs, garlic, seafood,
whole grains
•Chromium- Cheese, fruit, meat,
and nuts
Images: MS Clipart
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