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Nutrition Myths and
Facts for Parents
Review Date 4/13 K-0664
With so much
information thrown
at you, it is easy to
become overwhelmed
and confused.
Nutrition Advice
• Talk shows
• News alerts
• Family advice
• Parenting magazines
• Day care centers
• Mommy blogs
• Discuss five common nutrition myths
• Present the science-based truth
• Provide practical feeding solutions
Myth 1: Sugar-sweetened foods
cause kids to become “hyper.”
Fact: Although many parents disagree,
sugar does not cause hyperactivity.
The Evidence
• Currently no convincing, scientific evidence
supports any link between eating sugary
foods and hyperactivity
• Sugar is most often wrongly accused
• Snack foods, games, and a room full of
friends combined=EXCITEMENT!
The Solution
For parties and special occasions:
• Stay active with your child on the day of the
• Eat a light meal before the celebration
• Offer to bring a healthy snack or dessert item
• In general, limiting sugar-sweetened foods is
a good idea:
– High-sugar foods have fewer vitamins and
minerals, provide excessive calories, and are a
major cause of tooth decay
Myth 2: Children must eat
red meat to prevent anemia.
Fact: Vegetarians and vegans can meet all
dietary recommendations through a
well-planned diet during all life stages.
The Evidence
• According to the Academy of Nutrition and
Dietetics, appropriately planned vegetarian
diets, are:
– Healthful
– Nutritionally adequate
– Appropriate during all stages of the life cycle
The Evidence (cont’d)
• Plant-based iron-rich foods include:
– Beans
– Legumes
– Tofu
– Soy
– Green leafy vegetables
– Dried fruit
– Iron-fortified cereal
– Whole grains
The Evidence (cont’d)
• Offer plenty of plant-based, iron-rich foods,
if you choose not to serve red meat to your
• Serve an iron-fortified cereal for breakfast
• Provide dried fruit and whole-grain
crackers as snacks
• Prepare chili with beans and green leafy
vegetables for lunch or dinner
Myth 3: Milk is a must for
strong bones.
Fact: Calcium is a must for strong bones.
There are many sources of calcium other
than milk.
The Evidence
• Children are able to meet the dietary
requirements for calcium without drinking
milk or any other dairy products
• Nondairy sources of calcium:
Dark-green leafy vegetables
Cooked dried beans
Fortified juices
The Solution
• Incorporate nondairy sources of calcium
into the diet, if you choose to avoid dairy
• Make a fruit smoothie with green leafy
• Prepare broccoli with fun dipping sauces
Myth 4: As long as I provide a
daily multivitamin, my child is
covered nutritionally.
Fact: A multivitamin cannot replace the
health benefits of eating healthy foods
every day.
The Evidence
• More research is needed to determine if
multivitamin supplementation provides any
health benefits
• To meet the daily needs of various vitamins
and minerals, increase intake of fruits,
vegetables, and whole grains
The Solution
• Use the $20 you would spend on a
multivitamin and buy more fruits and
• Wash and store produce in a visible and
child-accessible location
• Prepare whole-grain toast with a fruit
smoothie for breakfast
• Offer fun-shaped fruits and vegetables with
fun dips for an after-school snack
Myth 5: Children should eat
low-fat diets.
Fact: Fat is an important nutrient in a child’s
diet. It supports various bodily functions
and is required for proper organ
The Evidence
• The role of dietary fat:
– Supplies the body with energy
– Aids in the absorption of some vitamins
– Facilitates brain development
– Insulates and protects organs
The Evidence (cont’d)
• Fat also contains excessive calories and is
related to overweight and obesity, if
consumed in excess
• Do not restrict dietary fat in children
younger than 2 years of age, because this
is a crucial time for brain development
The Solution
• Practice portion control
• Teach your child that high-fat foods are a
treat you can eat on occasion
• If excess weight is a concern, focus on
increasing physical activity levels, rather
than restricting the diet
• Set the example
• Encourage positive
behaviors and
• Seek scientifically
• Busting the sugar-hyperactivity myth. WebMD Web site. Accessed April 23, 2013.
• Calcium. Nutrition411 Web site. Accessed April 23,
• Craig WJ, Mangels AR; American Dietetic Association. Position of the American
Dietetic Association: vegetarian diets. J Am Diet Assoc. 2009;109(7):1266-1282.
• Fats and your child. KidsHealth® Web site. Accessed April 23, 2013.
• Iron deficiency anemia. Nutrition411 Web site.
Accessed April 23, 2013.
• US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. With benefits
unproven, why do millions of Americans take multivitamins? MedlinePlus Web site. Accessed April
23, 2013.