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PP Standard Marketing
Product Description
SpectorSoft creates software that protects businesses and families by monitoring and reporting on computer activity, providing you
with detailed, timely, and actionable activity information.
Founded in 1998, SpectorSoft is headquartered in Vero Beach, Florida, with offices in West Palm Beach, FL, Park City, UT, and Surrey in
the UK.
Our 36,000 corporate customers, and over 900,000 home users must be on to something, as SpectorSoft has been recognized again
and again for innovation, quality, and growth by leading industry publications.
Our work solutions let companies address the most serious and pervasive security issues: Insider Threats, while helping IT admins
address these issues in less time. From focused investigations to powerful intelligence, we’ve got you covered.
Our home solutions allow concerned parents to keep an eye on their children in the virtual world…just as they do in the real world.
And because those worlds are increasingly interconnected, our customers' share stories about “real world” problems they were able
to solve because of our “virtual world” help.
Spector 360
Spector 360 collects detailed data on the employee digital activities taking place of Windows and Mac computers, using fully configurable
options as to what data is collected, and who is able to review that data. The data is available for review, retention, and reporting from a
secure, on premises database. A powerful alerting engine highlights potentially problematic behaviors, and the reporting and screen
playback capabilities can be used a range of use cases. Organizations use Spector 360 to reduce risk, improve productivity and efficiency,
and to conduct rapid, effective investigations. Nothing provides visibility like Spector 360 does.
Spector 360 RECON
Spector 360 Recon logs employee digital activity, stores the logs discreetly in a “black box,” and alerts on indicators of potential or actual
insider threats so that company resources can address them. Spector 360 Recon detects known indicators of otherwise unknown threats
like employee fraud, IP theft, and other violations of company policy by scanning the online and communications chatter within an
organization. Because Spector 360 Recon keeps the underlying employee activity data secured until company policy dictates it be accessed,
customers are able to balance security and employee privacy like never before. There are no other solutions like it.
Spector CNE Investigator
Spector CNE Investigator offers businesses an affordable employee investigation solution that is easy to deploy and configure. Recording of
all employee computer and internet related activities, from websites visited, emails sent/received, chats, keystrokes typed, screen snapshots
and more can be captured and remotely reviewed to identify potential issues which can end up saving the business thousands of dollars a year.
CNE Investigator can identify issues with employee productivity, data theft, illegal activity involving company resources, violations of
company and compliance regulations that can expose the business to risk, loss of critical information and untold financial losses.
Server Manager
SpectorSoft Server Manager is a versatile, easy-to-use software package that allows automatic, real-time monitoring of security/event logs,
Syslog and text logs. Log consolidation and management along with detailed event correlation and flexible response options provides IT
personnel with a powerful tool to monitor critical network events. Server Manager can also provide documentation for regulatory
compliance such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA, etc., saving Network Administrators valuable time and effort.
Server Manager’s remote monitoring and management gives the IT team flexibility in managing server resources, Windows services and web
applications across the organization. While Server Manager’s ability to monitor and manage free disk space, SMART predictive disk failures,
and directory sizes ensures potential disk issues are mitigated.
Server Manager – Log Management
SpectorSoft Log Manager provides event log management plus network and application security monitoring.
It’s the right product at the right price.
Reviewing event logs is a daunting task. Wading through unwieldy amounts of data to isolate issues requires time and effort that can be
better used elsewhere. Log Manager provides robust Security and Event Log Management for Windows, Unix, switches, routers, hubs and
more… Consolidate all of your event logs in one place, then use data filters and multi-level criteria to create powerful reporting options.