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No. 200230
January 2001
NetScreen Technologies, Inc.
NetScreen-5 versus SonicWALL, Inc. SOHO/50
and WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. SOHO
Competitive Evaluation of SOHO Internet Security Devices
etScreen Technologies, Inc.
commissioned The Tolly Group to
evaluate the performance of its NetScreen-5
v. 2.00r3, an Internet security appliance
integrating firewall and virtual private
networking (VPN) in a SOHO environment. NetScreen requested that The Tolly
Group evaluate the NetScreen-5 along with
the following Internet appliances: a
SonicWALL, Inc. SOHO/50 v. 5.0.2 and a
WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. SOHO
versions 1.5.8 and
In all IPSec gateway tests traffic was
forwarded within a single IPSec Security
Association (SA) and was encrypted using
DES-3 (triple Data Encryption Standard)
and SHA-1 authentication Encapsulating
Security Payload (ESP) encryption scheme
with a pre-shared secret key with the
exception of the SonicWALL device that
used MD-5 authentication.
The Tolly Group conducted tests of devices
as IPSec tunnels for application and zeroloss throughput. Tolly engineers also tested
1 Tolly
engineers tested two WatchGuard
Technologies, Inc. SOHO devices because
one of the devices became nonfunctional after
the first set of tests and engineers continued
testing with a new device in an upgraded
© 2001 The Tolly Group
Test Highlights
m Forwards 5.6 Mbit/s of FTP throughput in an IPSec tunnel as
compared to 0.1 Mbit/s from SonicWALL SOHO/50 and 0.9 Mbit/s
from WatchGuard SOHO
m Delivers 3.9 Mbit/s of SAP R/3 traffic in an IPSec tunnel as
compared to 0.1 Mbit/s from SonicWALL SOHO/50 and 0.7 Mbit/s
from WatchGuard SOHO
m Sends zero-loss throughput across an IPSec tunnel at 30% of the
theoretical maximum in tests of 512-byte packets and 45% in tests
of 1,024-byte packets and 30% in tests using 1,518-byte packets
m Demonstrates 50% greater packet throughput than its
competitors in firewall tests of 512-byte packets, 40% more in
tests of 1,024-byte packets and 10% more when using
1,518-byte packets
Application Throughput Across an IPSec
(DES-3) Tunnel:
Bidirectional Chariot Traffic, 10 Mbit/s Half-duplex Fast Ethernet
(IP Packets)
Premise: Managers of small office/home
offices (SOHOs) updating their network
security infrastructure with access media
beyond dial-up to xDSL routers and cable
modems need to verify the performance of
Internet security appliances integrated with
firewall and point-to-point VPN features. IT
managers accustomed to wire-speed
network LAN infrastructures need to ensure
that network performance will not degrade
when implementing a device providing both
security and encryption of sensitive
information within their own corporate
sites, to branch offices, and to telecommuters.
NetScreen-5 SonicWALL WatchGuard Baseline
(No tunnel)
Application type:
* The stations, switches and devices were all set for half duplex and the test bed
was configured so that each side of the tunnel transmitted traffic.
Source: The Tolly Group, January 2001
Figure 1
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NetScreen Technologies, Inc.
Test results show that out of all the
devices tested in IPSec tunnel
configurations using application data,
the NetScreen-5 devices demonstrated
the highest throughput. Furthermore,
the NetScreen-5 devices also
demonstrated the highest throughput in
IPSec tunnel zero-loss throughput tests.
In firewall tests, the NetScreen-5
demonstrated throughput equal to, or
significantly better than, both of the
other devices.
IPSec Tunnel
Application Throughput
Tolly engineers configured a pair of
NetScreen-5 gateway devices to create
an IPSec tunnel. Results show that the
NetScreen-5 was capable of a higher
throughput rate than the SonicWALL
SOHO/50 and the WatchGuard SOHO.
These systems were tested in the same
configuration. In tests using FTP
traffic, the NetScreen-5 IPSec tunnel
throughput was 5.6 Mbit/s while the
SonicWALL SOHO/50 averaged 0.1
Mbit/s and the WatchGuard SOHO
showed an average of 0.9 Mbit/s. The
NetScreen-5 tunnel also showed that in
tests of SAP R/3 traffic, it performed
better than any of its competitors at 3.9
Mbit/s. The SonicWALL SOHO/50
and the WatchGuard SOHO results
showed 0.1 Mbit/s and 0.7 Mbit/s,
respectively. See figure 1.
IPSec Tunnel Zero-loss
Using the same IPSec tunnel
configuration, engineers tested for
zero-loss throughput and results show
that the NetScreen-5 IPSec tunnel
demonstrated the same or a higher
percentage of the theoretical maximum
than all other devices under test in the
same configuration using 64- through
1,518-byte packets. In tests of 64-byte
© 2001 The Tolly Group
Zero-loss Throughput Across an IPSec
(DES-3) Tunnel:
Bidirectional SmartBits, 10 Mbit/s/Half-duplex Ethernet
(UDP Packets)
% of Theoretical
% of theoretical maximum
each device as a firewall and measured
the zero-loss throughput when using
UDP packets. For zero-loss
performance tests, The Tolly Group
measured steady-state throughput at
0.001%, the same metric The Tolly
Group uses to test Layer 2 and Layer 3
networking devices. Testing was
performed July through November 2000.
Packet sizes
WatchGuard SOHO
Note: All percentages at 5% indicate minimum value tested, but may not
indicate zero loss. SonicWALL SOHO/50 tunnel results show 99.99% loss for
64-byte packets, 99.24% loss for 512-byte packets, and 99.85% loss for
1,024-byte packets. The WatchGuard SOHO tunnel results show 99.99% loss
for 64-byte packets, 6.69% loss for 512-byte packets, and 0.005% loss for
1,024-byte packets. Both the SonicWALL SOHO/50 and WatchGuard SOHO
were unable to forward 1,518-byte packets.
Source: The Tolly Group, January 2001
Figure 2
Zero-loss Throughput Across a
"Single Rule" Firewall:
Bidirectional SmartBits Traffic,
10 Mbit/s Half-duplex Ethernet (UDP Packets)
% of theoretical maximum
The Tolly Group
Packet sizes
Source: The Tolly Group, January 2001
packets, all of the systems under test
forwarded 5% of the offered traffic
load. In tests of 512-byte packets, the
NetScreen-5 IPSec tunnel forwarded
WatchGuard SOHO
Figure 3
30% of the theoretical maximum while
the SonicWALL SOHO/50 and
WatchGuard SOHO devices forwarded
5% of the theoretical maximum.
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The Tolly Group
NetScreen Technologies, Inc.
Results for both competitive devices
did not change in tests of 1,024-byte
packets but the NetScreen-5 IPSec
tunnel forwarded 45% of the offered
load. Finally, the SonicWALL
SOHO/50 and the WatchGuard SOHO
were unable to forward 1,518-byte
packets. The NetScreen-5 gateway
forwarded 30% of the offered load.
See figure 2.
All percentages at 5% indicate
maximum value tested but may not
indicate zero loss. The WatchGuard
SOHO when offered 5% (i.e., 500
Kbit/s) of the theoretical maximum
load for 64-byte packets on 10 Mbit/s
Ethernet discards 99.95% of the
packets; for 512-byte packets, it
discards 8.099% packets; and for
1,024-byte packets, it discards 0.005%
of the packets. The WatchGuard
SOHO was unable to pass 1,518-byte
packets through the VPN tunnel
because it must fragment the packets.2
The SonicWALL SOHO/50 when
offered 5% of the theoretical
maximum load for 64-byte packets on
10 Mbit/s Ethernet discards 99.988%
of the packets; for tests using 512-byte
packets, the device discards 99.924%
of the packets, and it discards 99.852%
of the packets when using 1,024-byte
packets. The SonicWALL SOHO/50
was unable to pass 1,518-byte packets
through its IPSec tunnel.3
Firewall Zero-loss
The Tolly Group engineers configured
the NetScreen-5 to serve as a firewall
with single-rule processing applied to
both inbound and outbound UDP
traffic in a half-duplex Ethernet
environment. Test results show that
when transmitting 64-, 512-, 1,024and 1,518-byte packets, the NetScreen-5
forwarded a higher percentage of the
offered load than the other devices
under test. In tests of 64-byte packets,
the NetScreen-5 system forwarded
10% of the offered load while the
SonicWALL SOHO/50 and the
WatchGuard SOHO forwarded 5% of
the offered load and still did not attain
zero-loss. In tests of 512-byte packets,
the NetScreen-5 forwarded 75% of the
offered load. This was far more than
its competitors who each forwarded
25%. When engineers used 1,024-byte
packets, the NetScreen-5 firewall
forwarded 85% of the offered load.
The SonicWALL SOHO/50 forwarded
60% of the offered load and the
WatchGuard SOHO forwarded 45%.
Finally, in tests using 1,518-byte
packets, the NetScreen-5 firewall
forwarded 85% of the offered load.
The SonicWALL SOHO/50 and the
WatchGuard SOHO forwarded 75%
and 60%, respectively, of the offered
load. See figure 3.
Baseline tests of the network
demonstrate that without IPSec tunnel
or firewall appliances, application
throughput of bidirectional IP packets
at 10 Mbit/s halfduplex demonstrated a
baseline of 6.9 Mbit/s for FTP traffic
and 8.8 Mbit/s for SAP R/3 traffic. The
baseline cannot reach the theoretical
maximum because traffic was
forwarded in both directions and
packets that collided were discarded.
When IPSec and firewall appliances
are added to a network for security
purposes, the encryption and
decryption functions take processing
power and time. The encapsulation of
packets steals bandwidth. In fact, more
data than is reported in these tests
actually went through the appliances
under test and across the network, but
The Tolly Group only counted
unencrypted traffic on both the ingress
and egress ports.
The NetScreen-5 achieves speeds
almost comparable to Ethernet (some
DSL and cable speed). This is very
important because a home office or
branch office that begins to get
accustomed to the higher speeds of
DSL and cable can still have those
speeds with an IPSec tunnel.
Furthermore, customers know that
they have encryption and
authentication at a rate equivalent to
high speed DSL access without having
2 The Tolly Group contacted WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. and asked why the IPSec
tunnel of their devices had to fragment 1,518-byte packets but WatchGuard representatives
did not respond.
3 SonicWALL says it has a non-shipping firmware to allow for fragmentation, but it was
not publicly available at the time of testing.
© 2001 The Tolly Group
Technologies, Inc.
NetScreen Technologies, Inc.
Product Specifications*
1000 concurrent sessions
960 new sessions/second
10 Mbit/s firewall performance**
10 Mbit/s 3DES performance**
100 policies
256 schedules
Mode of operation
Transparent mode
NAT (Network Address Translation)
PAT (Port Address Translation)
IP address assignment
DHCP client
PPPoE client
Internal DHCP server
56-bit DES (IPSec)
168-bit Triple DES (IPSec)
X.509 digital certificates
ο Verisign
ο Entrust
ο Microsoft
User authentication
Built-in (internal) database (100 user limit)
RADIUS (external) database
Traffic management
Guaranteed bandwidth
Maximum bandwidth
Eight bandwidth priority levels
E-mail (2 addresses)
VPN tunnel monitor
Websense URL filtering
**Performance achieved with 400-byte and
larger UDP packets
For more information contact:
NetScreen Technologies, Inc.
2860 San Tomas Expressway
Santa Clara, CA 95051
(408) 330-7800
(408) 330-7850
*Vendor-supplied information not verified by
The Tolly Group
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The Tolly Group
NetScreen Technologies, Inc.
to worry about unencrypted
information passing through the
Internet. Also, authentication provides
additional security because the
network managers know exactly who
is allowed to access the network.
When testing with 1,518-byte packets,
the SonicWALL SOHO/50 and
WatchGuard SOHO reply to the device
that is sending the packets to put an
"allow fragmentation" in the packet so
that the system under test can forward
the packet across the tunnel. The
Chariot endpoints allow this when
sending 1,518-byte packets by putting
an "allow fragmentation" bit in the
packet. SmartBits does not respond to
the system under test and cannot
"allow fragmentation." Therefore, the
SonicWALL SOHO/50 and
WatchGuard SOHO are unable to
pass 1,518-byte packets because the
test system (SMB-200) will not adjust
itself as a workstation might (adjusting
its TCP/IP stack). Due to this, the
SonicWALL SOHO/50 and
WatchGuard SOHO cannot
fragment packets.
In IPSec tunnel (DES-3, SHA-1)
performance tests, the NetScreen-5
delivered approximately half the
packet-per-second (pps) performance
than it did in a firewall configuration,
and loses only 1 Mbit/s of throughput
for batch traffic and 2 Mbit/s of
throughput for interactive traffic. The
NetScreen-5's performance is better
than all others with all types of traffic
tested. Competitors show a dramatic
performance decrease in tests of 64byte packets. At only 5% of the
theoretical maximum the results show
a 99% loss and with 1,518-byte
packets, traffic could not be forwarded
at all. Effective data throughput is
reduced to below 1 Mbit/s for the
WatchGuard SOHO, and effective data
throughput is approximately 0.1 Mbit/s
for the SonicWALL SOHO/50.
Although the NetScreen-5 does not
perform at wire speed, the performance does exceed the available
bandwidth of a T1 WAN as both a
firewall and IPSec tunnel. Given the
many variations of xDSL, the
NetScreen-5 as a firewall can perform
at the high speed of ADSL
© 2001 The Tolly Group
(Asymmetric DSL) at 6.1 Mbit/s
downstream. The NetScreen-5 can
provide both security and secure
communications for remote offices
connected at high WAN speeds and for
internal departments at Ethernet LAN
speeds. Also, if given a specific rule
that would apply to a traffic type, the
NetScreen-5 is capable of forwarding
either IP or UDP packets at the same
rate regardless of the protocol, whereas
the competitors tested could not.
Internet security appliances, both
model WG2500. WatchGuard SOHOs
version 2.1.3 were used for IPSec
tunnel tests and version 1.5.8 was used
for firewall tests.
The NetScreen-5 as a firewall exceeds
its competitors’ raw IP pps zero-loss
throughput rates, especially for 512-,
1,024-, and 1,518-byte packet sizes;
and it has a zero-loss rate using 64byte packets, whereas the competitors
cannot sustain zero-packet loss at 5%
of the theoretical maximum. The
NetScreen-5's batch traffic throughput
(6.13 Mbit/s) only shows a slight
increase in effective throughput over
the SonicWALL SOHO/50 (6.335
Mbit/s) and a slight decrease to the
WatchGuard SOHO (6.620 Mbit/s);
and interactive business traffic
throughput (6.045 Mbit/s) for smaller
packet sizes and loss for pps correlates
to the better performance of the
In order to test all of the Internet
security appliances in an IPSec tunnel
configuration, engineers tested a pair
of the Internet security devices under
test. One of the two Internet security
devices under test was connected to a
3Com SuperStack II 3300 24-port
Ethernet Switch version 2.60 P/N
3C16980 and the other was connected
to a 3Com CoreBuilder 3500 Layer 3
Ethernet Switch version 2.10 P/N
3C35100. In between each tunnel
under test was an Acterna DominoPlus
DA-360 hardware-based network
analyzer running DominoCore
software version 2.6 and hardware
version BN 9316/04 with
DominoFastEthernet line interface 2.6
configured for 100Base-TX pass thru
full duplex. Two identical DominoPlus
DA-360 network analyzers were
configured in-line between each
Internet security appliance and each
3Com switch.
When comparing UDP pps zero-loss
throughput, the NetScreen-5 values
remain the same for all tested packet
sizes. The SonicWALL SOHO/50 and
WatchGuard SOHO forward UDP
packets at a much higher rate than IP
packets and can sustain zero-loss for
almost all packet sizes.
Test Configuration
and Methodology
Devices Under Test
NetScreen Technologies, Inc. used two
NetScreen-5 Internet security
appliances, both software version
2.00r3 and hardware version 2010.
The purpose-built systems each have
two 10Base-T Ethernet ports and
weigh one pound. The NetScreen-5s
have the following dimensions: 5 x 6.2
x 2.1 inches and have a built-in Web
server that can be managed from any
Web browser (password protected).
Engineers also used a pair of purposebuilt WatchGuard SOHOs from
WatchGuard Technologies, Inc.
Finally, engineers tested a pair of
SonicWALL, Inc. SonicWALL
SOHO/50 Internet security appliances
both model W50 version 5.0.2.
IPSec Tunnel Test Bed
Each 3Com switch also connected to a
Spirent Communications SmartBits
SMB-200 Advanced Multiport
Performance Tester/Analyzer/
Simulator, a four-port network traffic
simulator firmware version 6.63 00004
equipped with two ML-7710 10/100
Mbit/s Ethernet interfaces.
A 200-MHz Intel Pentium IBM clone
with 32 Mbytes of RAM, a PCI bus
card and 2.0 Gbytes of fixed-disk
space served as the Chariot console,
the DominoPlus console and ran
Spirent SmartWindows 6.53. This PC
ran Microsoft Windows NT
Workstation 4.0 SP5 and ran Chariot
3.2 and Domino NAS 1.0. The console
was equipped with a Compaq
Netelligent 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet
PCI bus card.
Page 4
The Tolly Group
NetScreen Technologies, Inc.
IPSec Tunnel Test Bed
Spirent Communications
SmartBits SMB-200
Chariot Endpoint
SuperStack II
NetIQ Chariot/
Acterna Domino
NAS Console
Under Test
Under Test
Acterna DominoPlus
Internetworking Analyzer
Analyzer DA-360
Analyzer DA-360
Source: The Tolly Group, January 2001
The following devices ran Chariot
Endpoint 3.5 software: a K6/400-MHz
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. IBM
clone with 64 Mbytes of RAM with a
PCI bus card and 6.0 Gbytes of fixeddisk space, equipped with a 10/100
Mbit/s Compaq Computer Corp.
Netelligent PCI adapter with a
NetFlex-3 v. 4.25m SP4 driver; a
K6/400-MHz Advanced Micro
Devices, Inc. IBM clone with 64
Mbytes of RAM and a fixed-disk
space of 6.0 Gbytes, equipped with a
3Com 3C905C-Tx 10/100 Mbit/s
Ethernet PCI-bus card with driver
version EL90xBC4.sys;
a 200-MHz Intel Pentium IBM clone
with 32 Mbytes of RAM and 2.0
Gbytes of fixed-disk space, equipped
with an Intel Corp. PRO/100+ Server
10/100 Mbit/s PCI-bus card with driver version; and a 200MHz Intel Pentium IBM clone with 64
Mbytes of RAM and a fixed-disk
space of 2.0 Gbytes, equipped with an
IBM Netfinity 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet
PCI-bus card with driver version All clients were running
Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0
SP5. See figure 4.
IPSec Tunnel Test
The Tolly Group engineers tested the
systems under test in IPSec tunnel
configurations for both application and
zero-loss throughput results. For
application tests, engineers configured
Chariot to generate bidirectional FTP
© 2001 The Tolly Group
Figure 5
and SAP R/3 traffic. All traffic was
encrypted for DES-3 and the
NetScreen-5 and WatchGuard SOHOs
used SHA-1 authentication and a
shared secret key. The SonicWALL
SOHO/50 system used MD-5
authentication and a shared secret key.
Chariot measured the throughput as
effective user/application data in
Mbit/s. The two DominoPlus DA-360
devices that were outside the IPSec
tunnel verified packet sizes and
utilization. The DominoPlus DA-360
configured in-line with the IPSec
tunnel verified the encapsulation of
each packet.
For steady-state, zero-loss, bidirectional
packet-per-second tests, engineers
measured the percent each system
could forward when offering
increments of 5% of the theoretical
maximum load. SmartBits generated
64-, 512-, 1,024- and 1,518-byte
packets in separate tests with each
system under test configured in an
IPSec tunnel via a 10/100 Mbit/s halfduplex Ethernet link. The Tolly Group
considers aggregate zero-loss packetper-second throughput to be equal to,
or less than, 0.001% of the total
transmitted packets. SmartBits
measured the percent of traffic
forwarded by the tunnel under test.
The two DominoPlus DA-360 devices
that were outside the IPSec tunnel
verified packet sizes and utilization.
The DominoPlus DA-360 configured
in-line with the IPSec tunnel verified
the encapsulation of each packet.
Firewall Test Bed
To test the systems under test for
firewall throughput, engineers
removed one of the two Internet
security appliances in each test system
and the DominoPlus DA-360 located
in between these appliances. The
remaining test bed was the same as the
IPSec tunnel test bed. The Tolly Group
engineers measured the percent each
device forwarded when offered 100%
of the theoretical maximum load.
SmartBits generated 64-, 512-, 1,024and 1,518-byte UDP packets in
separate tests with each device under
test. The Tolly Group considers
aggregate zero-loss packet-persecond throughput to be equal to, or
less than, 0.001% of the total
transmitted packets. SmartBits measured the percent of traffic forwarded
by the firewall under test that was
configured for a single rule. The two
DominoPlus DA-360 devices that
were on either side of the firewall
verified packet sizes and utilization.
Equipment Acquisition
and Support
The SonicWALL SOHO/50 and
WatchGuard SOHO were acquired
through normal product distribution
channels. The Tolly Group contacted
executives at SonicWALL, Inc. and
WatchGuard Technologies Inc. and
invited them to provide a higher level
of support than available through
normal channels. Both companies
Page 5
The Tolly Group
NetScreen Technologies, Inc.
IPSec Tunnel Test Bed
Spirent Communications
SmartBits SMB-200
NetIQ Chariot/
Acterna Domino
NAS Console
SuperStack II
Under Test
Analyzer DA-360
Analyzer DA-360
Source: The Tolly Group, January 2001
accepted and provided phone technical
support to assist Tolly engineers to
configure/tune the devices for the test
suites executed by The Tolly Group.
The Tolly Group verified product
release levels and shared test
configurations with the vendors in
order to give them an opportunity to
optimize their devices for the tests.
Figure 5
Results were shared with the
competitive vendors and the vendors
acknowledged their accuracy. For a
more complete understanding of the
interaction between The Tolly
Group, and SonicWALL and
WatchGuard, refer to the Technical
Support Diary for Competitive
Products Tested posted on The Tolly
Group's World Wide Web site at (see
document 200230).
The Tolly Group gratefully acknowledges the providers of test equipment used in this project.
Web address
Acterna Corp.
DominoFastEthernet DA-360
Chariot 4.0
Spirent Communications
SmartBits SMB-200
Since its inception, The Tolly
Group has produced highquality tests that meet three
overarching criteria: All tests
are objective, fully documented and repeatable.
We endeavor to provide complete disclosure of information
concerning individual product
tests, and multiparty competitive product evaluations.
As an independent organization, The Tolly Group does not
accept retainer contracts from vendors, nor does it endorse
products or suppliers. This open and honest environment
assures vendors they are treated fairly, and with the
necessary care to guarantee all parties that the results of
these tests are accurate and valid. The Tolly Group has
codified this into the Fair Testing Charter, which may be
viewed at
Project Profile
Sponsor: NetScreen Technologies, Inc.
Document number: 200230
Product Class: Internet security appliance
Products under test:
NetScreen-5 v. 2.00r3
SonicWALL SOHO/50 v. 5.0.2
WatchGuard SOHO versions 1.5.8 and 2.1.3
Testing window: July through September 2000
Additional information available:
Technical Support Diary
For more information on this document, or other services
offered by The Tolly Group, visit our World Wide Web site
at, send E-mail to [email protected],
call (800) 933-1699 or (732) 528-3300.
Internetworking technology is an area of rapid growth and constant change. The Tolly Group conducts engineering-caliber testing in
an effort to provide the internetworking industry with valuable information on current products and technology. While great care is
taken to assure utmost accuracy, mistakes can occur. In no event shall The Tolly Group be liable for damages of any kind including
direct, indirect, special, incidental, and consequential damages which may result from the use of information contained in this document. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The Tolly Group doc. 200230 rev. kco 04 Jan 01
© 2001 The Tolly Group
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