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Some key IT terms
Office of Internet Safety:
Account - An account allows the user to be authenticated and authorised to access system
services, such as e-mail or instant messaging.
Algorithm/Algorithmic Search - Algorithm search refers to set of rules applied to the search
engine’s database which determines the order in which websites are listed in search results.
Anti Virus Software A software program that can be installed to scan and protect files from
computer viruses.
AOL AOL is the global internet services and media company best known for its online software
suite; also called "AOL".
Attachment An attachment is a computer file which is sent along with an e-mail message. It can
be any type of software file, and can be opened by the receiver if the appropriate software to
view the file attachment is installed or available.
AUP/TOS/COS (Acceptable Use Policy/Terms and conditions/Conditions of Service) An
acceptable use policy is a set of rules applied by many transit networks which restrict the ways
in which the network may be used. AUPs are used by entities with a large user base and
multiple computers, delimiting what is and is not permitted for use of the computers. Most
providers of services on the internet include an AUP as one of the key provisions of their terms
and conditions.
Authoring tool An authoring tool is a software package that is used by developers to create
and package content deliverable to end users. Such tools are commonly used to create elearning modules.
Back-end: In software design, the front-end is the part of a software system that interacts
directly with the user, and the back-end comprises the components that process the output
from the front-end.
Bebo: Bebo is a social networking service where members can stay in touch with friends, share
photos, discover new interests and just hang out.
BECTa: Becta is the UK government's leading agency for Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) in education in the United Kingdom. Becta leads the national drive to inspire
and lead the effective and innovative use of technology in learning.
Block: On the internet, a block is a technical measure intended to restrict access to information
or resources. Users may have their access blocked, preventing them from publishing content
or communicating with other users.
Blog: Blog is short for weblog. A weblog is a journal (or newsletter) that is frequently updated
and intended for general public consumption.
Blogging Blogging means to maintain or add content to a blog.
Bluejacking Bluejacking is a term which refers to sending unsolicited messages over Bluetooth
to Bluetooth-enabled devices.
Bluetooth Bluetooth is a service that allows users to connect and exchange information
between devices over a secure, globally unlicensed short-range radio frequency.
Bookmarks A collection of personal websites of interest to the user. Bookmarks operate in the
same way as putting a marker in a book, making it quick and easy to navigate the World Wide
Browser Browser is a program that allows users to find, view and interact with material on the
world wide web. Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Mozilla Firefox are
examples of popular browsers.
Browser History A folder, stored by the browser, which contains details of recently visited
Buddy list A buddy List is a window that shows all friends, family, co-workers, and others who
are signed on to AOL, CompuServe (CS2000), or AIM.
Cache A cache is a special high-speed storage mechanism. It can be either a reserved section of
main memory or an independent high-speed storage device.
CEIR The Central Equipment Identity Register is a database of the IMEI numbers of blacklisted
handsets. If a device's IMEI number is listed on CEIR, it is not supposed to work on any service
CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre – Primary law enforcement authority in
the UK for child protection on the internet.
Chat Chat is the synchronous communication over the internet through written messages, by
using chat and instant messenger applications.
Chatroom Chatrooms are virtual environments that allow users to share information via text
with a group of other users. Generally chatrooms allow chat in “real time”, i.e. when you type
in a line of conversation the other person sees it immediately and can reply straight away.
Community In the context of the Internet, a community is a group of people that primarily
interact via communication media rather than face to face.
Content Content refers to the ideas, information, images, sounds, videos, animation, etc
encountered on websites.
Content control/ filter Content-control software determines what content is available on a
particular machine or network to prevent persons from viewing content restricted for various
Convergence Convergence is the synergistic combination of voice, data and video onto a single
network. These previously separate technologies are now able to share resources and interact
with each other to improve efficiency.
Cookie A cookie is a piece of information sent to a user’s computer by a website. The computer
then returns that information to the website. This is how some websites “remember” your
previous visits. Cookies may contain information such as user preferences, registration or login
details relevant to a particular website.
Copyright Copyright is a legal concept that gives the author a set of exclusive rights regulating
the use of an idea, work or information. Copyright is represented by the symbol “©”.
Crawlers Crawlers are computer robot programs used by search engines to roam the world
wide web via the internet, visiting websites and databases, and updating the search engine’s
database of web pages. (Synonym for Spider)
Creative commons Creative Commons licenses are copyright licences that give users specified
rights e.g. to distribute the copyrighted work without changes, at no charge.
Cyber-bullying Cyber-bullying refers to bullying, harassing, humiliating, threatening,
embarrassing or targeting another person in some way over electronic media, usually through
social networking sites, instant messaging, e-mail or via mobile phone.
Cyber café A cyber café or internet café is a place where one can use a computer with internet
access, usually for a per-minute or hourly rate.
Cyberstalking Cyberstalking refers to the use of information and communications technology,
particularly the internet, to harass an individual, group of individuals, or organisation.
Database: A database is an electronic store of information usually categorised and ordered into
a holding structure.
Discussion board A discussion board or internet forum is a web application for holding
discussions and posting user-generated content.
Domain name A unique name that identifies a website. Separated by dots, domain names have
two or more parts, for example,
Downloading Downloading refers to the process of transferring internet content from an
online service to a user's local computer.
ECPAT End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual
Purposes. ECPAT is a network of organisations and individuals working together to eliminate
the commercial sexual exploitation of children.
E-mail E-mail (abbreviation of “electronic mail”) is a method of composing, sending, receiving
and storing messages over electronic communication systems. Is frequently contrasted with
traditional mail “snailmail” sent via letter post.
E-mail address An e-mail address is the virtual location to which e-mail messages are delivered.
ESN (electronic serial number) The Electronic Serial Number is a unique number used to
identify mobile devices. An ESN is 32 bits long.
European Schoolnet European Schoolnet (EUN) is a unique not-for-profit consortium of 28
ministries of education in Europe that provides major education portals for teaching, learning
and collaboration and leads the way in bringing about change in schooling through the use of
new technology.
Facebook Facebook is a social networking free-access website that allows users to join one or
more social networks.
FAQs Frequently Asked Questions or FAQs refer to a list of questions and answers frequently
asked in a specific context and pertaining to a particular topic.
File sharing File sharing refers to the online exchange of files between computer users. Most
users who engage in file sharing on the internet both provide (upload) files and receive files
Filtering software A program developed to sort and block access to undesirable material on
the Internet. Normally operates using a list of banned sites and approved sites which has been
compiled by the software company.
Firewall A hardware or software system that seeks to prevent unauthorised access to or from
a private computer or network.
Flaming Flaming is the hostile and insulting interaction between internet users. Flaming usually
occurs in the social context of a discussion board, internet Relay Chat (IRC) or even through email.
Flickr Flickr is a platform that offers users photo sharing tools and online community access.
Friendster Friendster is an internet social networking service mostly used in Asia and based on
the Circle of Friends and Web of Friends techniques for networking individuals in virtual
FTP Abbreviation of File Transfer Protocol. A method of transferring hypertext files from one
computer to another over a network.
Game A game is an activity usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an
educational tool.
Google Google is an internet company and brand that offers a variety of services such as online
and mobile advertising related to its internet search, web-based e-mail, online mapping, office
productivity, social networking, and video sharing as well as selling advertising-free versions of
the same technologies.
GPRS General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a data transfer service available to users of mobile
Grooming Grooming refers to actions undertaken by paedophiles of befriending and
establishing an emotional connection with a child, in order to lower the child's inhibitions in
preparation for sexual abuse or rape.
GSME GSM Europe (GSME) is the European premier global body behind the world's leading
wireless communications standard, representing around 147 operators in 50 countries/areas in
Habbo Hotel Habbo is a social networking website aimed at teenagers. Habbo features chat
rooms that allow users to share content and create groups with discussion forums.
Happy Slapping Happy slapping is a term used to refer to a situation in which an unsuspecting
victim is attacked while the perpetrator or an accomplice records the assault (commonly with a
camera phone). The name can refer to any type of violent assault.
Harassment Harassment is defined as physical, verbal and psychological offensive behavior
perpetrated against an individual, by one or more persons.
Hate site A hate site is a website that promotes hatred by criticising a specific race, religion,
sexual behavior, gender or nationality.
Hosting Hosting on internet means to run servers that allow organizations and individuals to
serve content to the Internet. There are various kinds and levels of services offered, the most
basic being webpage and small-scale file hosting, where files can be uploaded via File Transfer
Protocol (FTP) or a Web interface,
HTTP Abbreviation of HyperText Transfer Protocol. A protocol for transferring hypertext files
to the Internet.
Hypertext Hypertext is text that appears on a web page and which, when clicked on, will take
the user to a different area or website. A hypertext link (hyperlink) is the point of access to
additional information on a webpage or CDROM.
ICQ (“I Seek You”) A commonly used instant messaging program that is downloaded onto a
computer. It enables users to chat, email, perform file transfers and play games.
Identity theft Identity theft is a relatively new term used to describe the practice of stealing
money or getting other benefits by pretending to be a different person.
IMEI The IMEI number is a unique number on every mobile phone used by the GSM network to
identify valid devices.
Impersonation Impersonation is the act of imitating or copying the behavior or actions of
another person.
IP Address An IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a unique address that certain electronic
devices use in order to identify and communicate with each other on a computer network
utilizing the internet Protocol standard – in simpler terms, a computer address.
Instant Messaging Instant messaging or IM is a form of real-time communication between two
or more people and is based on typed text. The text is conveyed via computers connected over
a network such as the internet.
Internet Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible network made up of interconnected
computer networks through which data transmission and exchange takes place.
Internet Advisory Board (IAB) The Internet Advisory Board was established in Ireland in 2000
to promote awareness of Internet downside issues and monitor the progress of self-regulation
in relation to illegal and harmful content by the Internet Service Provider Industry. The
functions of the IAB have been subsumed into the Office for Internet Safety.
Internet Service Provider “ISP” An internet service provider is a company or business that
provides access to the internet and related services, usually email accounts and website space.
Internet Service Providers Association of Ireland (ISPAI) ISPAI is the representative
organisation for a substantial proportion of ISPs in Ireland. ISPAI operates and financially
supports the Irish hotline ( the service for reporting illegal content on the
internet. In choosing an ISP, parents may wish to check if they are an ISPAI member and
therefore signed up to the Industry Code of Practice and Ethics which has child protection
concerns as a key element of its approach.
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) A commonly used instant messaging program.
IWF The Internet Watch Foundation is the recognised non statutory organisation in the UK
which operates an internet ‘Hotline’ for the public and IT professionals to report their exposure
to potentially illegal content online.
Link/hyperlink A hyperlink (often referred to as simply a link) is a reference or navigation
element in a document to another section of the same document, another document, or a
specified section of another document, that automatically brings the referred information to
the user when the navigation element is selected by the user.
Log in/Log off To log in refers to identifying oneself to the system in order to obtain access
while to log out is to close off one's access to a computer system after previously having
logged in.
Malware Malware is software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the
owner's informed consent. It is a combination of the words "malicious" and "software".
Meta-tag A meta-tag is a coding statement in HTML that describes some aspects of the
contents of a Web page. Meta-tags are used by search engines to index Web pages.
Microsoft Microsoft is a multinational computer technology corporation that develops,
manufactures, licenses and supports a wide range of software products for computing devices.
MMS Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is a standard for telephone messaging systems
that allows users to send messages that include multimedia objects.
Mobile phone A mobile phone is an electronic portable telecommunications device that has
the same basic capability as a conventional fixed line telephone.
Moblog A moblog is a blog published directly to the web from a phone or other mobile device.
Moderation Moderation is the monitoring and filtering of user generated content by human or
technical means.
Moderator A moderator may remove unsuitable contributions from the website, forum or IRC
channel they represent in accordance with their moderation policy.
MP3 MP3 is an encoding format for consumer digital audio storage.
MSISDN The Mobile Station Integrated Services Digital Network (MSISDN) is the mobile
equivalent of ISDN. MSISDN refers to the fixed number of digits (10 or 15-digits, depending on
the service provider) that uniquely identifies a subscription in a GSM or UMTS mobile network.
MSN MSN (The Microsoft Network) is a collection of internet services provided by Microsoft.
MySpace MySpace is an online community or social networking service that allows users to
share photos, journals and interests with a network of friends.
Navigation: Navigation refers to the act of moving from one area to another within a website,
or between websites, by clicking on links.
NCTE (National Centre for Technology in Education) The NCTE is an Irish Government Agency
established to provide advice, support and information on the use of information and
communications technology (ICT) in education. NCTE operates which is the
Irish Internet Safety Awareness node. See and for further
Newsgroups An internet facility that allows users with a common interest to exchange
information. There are many thousands of newsgroups, often updated several times a day.
They may be moderated or unmoderated.
Network A network is a group of interconnected computers capable of exchanging
Online Online refers to being connected to a computer service through a modem. Online can
also be used to designate the virtual world.
Orange Orange is the key brand of France Telecom, one of the world's leading
telecommunications operators. In 2006, Orange became the group's single brand for internet,
television and mobile services in the majority of countries where the company operates.
Outing Outing can broadly mean to publicly disclose personal characteristics, such as political
affiliation or religion, that someone may wish to keep secret. Outing can take place offline or
Parental controls Parental controls refer to settings used to customise web tools, television or
computer games in view of making them more children friendly by restricting or time-limiting
their access.
Password A password is a secret combination of signs or symbols used to control access to a
Peer2Peer (P2P) networks Peer-to-peer (P2P) network allows connected users to exchange
files by uploading and downloading. This is only one of several ways files are shared on
internet. Some people are using peer-to-peer applications to copy or distribute files including
copyrighted material such as music, films and software without paying royalties. People who
do this may be breaching copyright legislation and therefore may be committing an offence.
Pharming Pharming is the act of redirecting a website's traffic to another site. Currently the
most efficient way to prevent pharming is for end users to make sure they are using secure
web connections to access sites such as those for banking or taxes.
Phishing Phishing is the attempt to fraudulently acquire personal information such as
usernames, passwords and credit card details by luring users to give personal details to a fake
Piczo Piczo Inc is a privately held blog company that offers services such as online photo
website and community builders.
PIN A personal identification number (PIN) is a secret code used by users to authenticate to a
Podcast A podcast a pre-recorded audio program posted to a website and made available for
Pop-up ads Pop-up ads are online advertising messages that appear on the screen and that
attract web traffic or capture e-mail addresses.
Posting Posting refers to a user’s contribution to a blog, internet forum, e-mail or Usenet
Privacy (settings) Privacy refers to the ability to control what information one reveals about
oneself over the internet, and to control who can access that information.
Profile A profile is an easy-to-create webpage which contains personal information a user gives
about themselves. It can include all kinds of information, and users can upload their favourite
music, pictures and video clips to their profile for other users to view. Profiles contain personal
information users give about themselves on social networking sites and in instant messaging
and online chat applications for people to better understand who they are. They can include all
kinds of information including some “sensitive” information such as sexual orientation, religion
etc. In terms of internet safety, children and young people are advised to set their profiles to
“private” and not to include any personal information in their profiles.
Proxy server Also known as cache server. Used by Internet Service Providers to hold cached
web pages.
Publishing Publishing is the activity of making information available for public view. With the
advent of digital information systems and the internet, the scope of publishing has expanded
to include electronic resources.
RSS RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated digital content
such as blogs, news feeds or podcasts.
Runescape RuneScape is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game that offers a freeplaying option, simple interface and accessibility to most web browsers.
Scams Scams or confidence tricks are attempts to obtain money dishonestly by deceiving and
cheating somebody. Scams are difficult to classify as they keep changing and often contain
elements of more than one type.
Screenshot A screenshot is a digital image taken by the operating system or software running
on the computer device, but can also be a capture made by a camera or a device intercepting
the video output of the computer.
Searching / search engine A search engine is an internet-based tool used to search for
information contained on websites.
Second Life Second Life is an internet-based virtual world that enables its users to interact with
each other through motional avatars, providing an advanced level of a social network service.
Server: A server is a computer on a network which is dedicated to a particular purpose and
which stores all information and performs the critical functions for that purpose.
SMS Short Message Service (SMS) is a communications protocol that allows users to exchange
short text messages between mobile telephone devices. Commonly referred to in Ireland as
“text messaging” or “texting”.
Social Networking Social networking refers to online communities where people from all over
the world can meet and share common interests. There are several hundred social networking
websites. Most of them are free to join and allow users to set up their own personalized profile
or blog.
Spam (e-mail) Spam refers to unwanted e-mail, usually of a commercial nature, sent out in bulk
to an indiscriminate set of recipients.
Spiders: Spiders are computer robot programs used by search engines to crawl the world wide
web via the internet, visiting websites and databases and updating the search engine’s
database of web pages.
Splash Pages Splash pages appear once the user has submitted their search query and is
waiting for the results. Can be used as a warning to alert users that they are about to view
results which may be considered potentially harmful.
Spyware Spyware is malware secretly attached to files downloaded from the internet. Spyware
usually installs itself on the PC and monitors activity in order to send private information to a
third party.
TCP/IP Abbreviation for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The suite of
communications protocols used to connect computers on the Internet.
Terms of Service Terms of Service are rules that have to be respected in order to use a service.
Usually, terms are legally binding.
Text messaging Text messaging, or texting, refers to sending "short" text messages from
mobile phones using the Short Message Service (SMS).
Trojans In the context of computer software, a Trojan Horse is a program that contains or
installs a malicious program (sometimes called the payload or 'trojan'). Trojan horses may
appear to be useful or interesting programs (or at the very least harmless) to an unsuspecting
user, but are actually harmful when executed.
Txt spk SMS language (also known as chatspeak, txt, txtspk, texting language or txt talk) is the
abbreviated language used in mobile phone SMS. It does not obey or follow standard English
UKCGO UK Children Go Online: research conducted by the London School of Economics.
Uploading Uploading refers to the process of sending data from a local system to a remote
system, FTP server or website.
URL URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. This is another name for a web address. It
indicates where a file, image or document can be accessed via the internet.
Usenet A worldwide system of newsgroups and discussion groups that uses the Internet and
other networks.
Username A username is a name defined by the user which allows access to a computer system
or online service.
Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) Web-based interfaces that assist learning and teaching
through providing and integrating online resources and tools.
Virus A computer virus is a computer program which distributes copies of itself, even without
permission or knowledge of the user. To distribute itself, a virus needs to be executed or
interpreted. Viruses often hide themselves inside other programs to be executed.
Vlogging Vlogging is as a video form of blogging and a continuation and expansion of video
diaries and bulletins. It usually combines embedded video or a video link with supporting text,
images and other metadata.
Vodafone Vodafone is a mobile telecommunications network company. It mainly deals with
mobile phones, but it is also moving into integrated mobile and PC communication services.
Walled Garden: A walled garden refers to a selection of sites which have passed through
human editorial intervention to ensure that content is handpicked and verified as appropriate
for inclusion.
WAP Wireless Application Protocol or WAP is an application that uses wireless communication
to enable access to the internet from a mobile phone or PDA.
Web 2.0 Web 2.0, refers to a perceived or proposed second generation of Web-based services
– such as social networking sites, wikis, communication tools and folksonomies – that
emphasize online collaboration and sharing among users.
Web browser A software application used to locate and display web pages. Examples include
Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
Webcam A webcam is a small digital camera whose images can be accessed using the Web,
instant messaging or a PC video conferencing application. Webcam are generally integrated
into modern PC and laptop computers.
Website A website is a location on the world wide web, usually containing multiple web pages
and normally owned by an individual, group, organisation or business.
Wi-fi Wi-Fi is the common name for wireless technology used in home networks, mobile
phones, video games, etc. Wi-Fi is supported by nearly every modern personal computer
operating system and most advanced game consoles.
Wikipedia Wikipedia is a multilingual, Web-based, free content encyclopedia project. Wikipedia
is written collaboratively by volunteers, its articles can be edited by anyone with access to the
website. The name is a fusion or “portmanteau” of the words wiki (a type of collaborative
website) and encyclopedia.
Windows Live Spaces Windows Live Spaces (also known as MSN Spaces) is Microsoft's
blogging and social networking platform.
Wireless network A wireless network is a telecommunications network that interconnects
without the use of wires. Wireless devices use radio instead of wires to transmit data back and
forth between devices connected to the same network.
World Wide Web An information search, retrieval and publishing system for the Internet. This
system contains a network of servers which support documents that are written in a format
known as HTML (Hypertext Markup Language).
Xanga - Xanga is a free Web-based service that hosts weblogs, photoblogs, videoblogs,
audioblogs and social networking profiles and is popular among teenagers. Users are allowed
to post any number of weblog entries per day. Xanga sites are most commonly used as
personal journals.
Yahoo - Yahoo! Inc. is a public corporation that offers global internet services. It provides a
wide range of products and services including a Web portal, a search engine, the Yahoo!
Directory, Yahoo! Mail, news and postings.
YouTube YouTube is a popular free video-sharing website that allows registered users to
upload and share video clips online.