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By Mr. Christopher Gillies Dhp,Dnlp,Dcmt
Copyright, 1 2 3 Hypnosis. 2013
Introduction ..................................................................... 6
What is Hypnosis? .......................................................... 8
HISTORY OF HYPNOSIS ............................................ 10
Can Everyone be Hypnotised? ..................................... 12
HYPNOSIS Stories ....................................................... 14
HYPNOSIS and ethics .................................................. 16
Stage Hypnosis Vs. Clinical .......................................... 18
The Top Ten Benefits of Hypnosis ................................ 20
The Ten Most Frequently Asked Questions about
Hypnosis ....................................................................... 24
1. Will I still be in control of myself?........................... 24
2. Am I surrendering my free will if I get hypnotised? 24
3. Can I be hypnotised without my consent? ............. 25
4. What happens if I can’t come out of hypnosis? ..... 26
5. Can I hypnotise myself? ........................................ 26
6. Does hypnosis work on children? .......................... 27
7. Is Hypnosis just New Age therapy? ....................... 27
8. How many problems can I cure at once using
hypnosis? .................................................................. 28
9. Do I need to see a hypnotherapist more than once?
.................................................................................. 28
10. Is hypnosis safe?................................................. 29
Types of Hypnosis ........................................................ 30
Traditional Hypnosis .................................................. 30
Ericksonian Hypnosis ................................................ 30
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)........................ 31
Hypnosis Treatment for Physical Conditions ................ 33
Hypnosis and Pain Relief .............................................. 36
Hypnodermatology ........................................................ 38
Hypnosis and Sleep Disorders...................................... 40
Hypnosis and Psychotherapy ....................................... 42
Psychological Conditions that are Commonly Treated
with Hypnosis ................................................................ 44
Hypnosis to Stop Smoking ............................................ 46
Hypnosis for Weight Loss ............................................. 48
Hypnosis for Eating Disorders ...................................... 50
Hypnosis for Migraines ................................................. 52
Hypnosis for Anxiety ..................................................... 54
Hypnosis for Stress Related Illnesses .......................... 56
Hypnosis for Depression ............................................... 58
Going to a Hypnotherapist vs. Self-hypnosis ................ 61
Ten Questions to Ask a Hypnotherapist........................ 63
1. How Long Have You Been Practicing? ................. 63
2. Where Did you Study/ Get Certified? .................... 64
3. What Experience Do you Have Working with
_________ Issues? ................................................... 65
4. What is Your Process? .......................................... 66
5. How Many Sessions Will I Need?.......................... 67
6. How Much does it Cost? ....................................... 68
7. Do You Teach Self-hypnosis? ............................... 69
8. What Products Do You Sell? ................................. 70
9. What is Your Success Rate? ................................. 71
10. Do You Ask Clients to Do Homework? ................ 72
Tips for Finding a Hypnotherapist ................................. 74
What to Expect in a Hypnotherapy Session .................. 76
Self-Hypnosis ................................................................ 78
Five Most Common Self-Hypnosis Mistakes Beginner’s
Make ............................................................................. 80
Tips for Creating Hypnotic Suggestions ........................ 82
Basic Self-hypnosis Techniques ................................... 84
The Stairs .................................................................. 84
The Bridge................................................................. 86
Tips for Self-Hypnosis ................................................... 88
Hypnotising others ........................................................ 90
Becoming a Hypnotherapist .......................................... 92
TNT Therapy - Total neurological Tapping ................... 94
stress and craving buster .............................................. 96
...................................................................................... 96
conclusion ..................................................................... 97
The Secrets of Hypnosis
Do you suffer from a chronic pain disorder? Do you have
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or another
condition that leaves you in constant pain? Are you one
of the millions of people that have tried everything to lose
weight but haven’t been able to lose weight and keep it
off? Is one of your New Year’s Resolutions to finally quit
smoking? There is one treatment that can help with all of
these conditions and more. Hypnosis. The medical
community used to laugh off hypnosis as a parlor trick
that magicians did to amuse children at birthday parties
or entertain people in night clubs by making other people
say stupid things or act in funny ways. And Hypnosis can
do that, but it can also significantly improve your health.
Even though Hypnosis is not a very common medical
treatment in the West it’s been used in various forms of
Eastern and primitive medicine for centuries. As the
West rediscovers many ancient healing practices like
homeopathy and herbal medicine Western medical
doctors and alternative therapy practitioners are
rediscovering the benefits of using hypnosis to treat
patients that don’t respond well, or don’t respond at all, to
traditional Western medicine. Studies have found that
hypnosis can have a positive impact on many different
medical conditions including those associated with
chronic pain and fatigue.
Psychologists have used hypnosis for a long time as part
of psychological evaluation and treatment of patients.
Some psychologists think that hypnosis is a form of
dissociation, but that is a topic of great debate within the
psychological community. Anecdotal evidence proves
that hypnosis can be a great help when treating the
psychological aspect of physical problems like addictions
or dealing with the emotional and psychological aspects
of diseases like Fibromyalgia.
Because disorders like additions or Fibromyalgia have
both psychological and physical components patients
that suffer from these disorders must treat both the
physical and psychology causes for the disorder.
Hypnosis is usually a safe and effective way to treat both
parts of the problem at the same time. Even though the
medical and psychological communities are split on the
effectiveness of hypnosis as a medical treatment there
are millions of people that it has helped who will tell you
that it works.
In the most simplistic terms hypnosis can be described as
an altered state of consciousness. Most people think of
hypnosis as being in a trance like state, but that’s not
really an accurate description. When you’re in a hypnotic
state you are really in a super-relaxed state of mind
where your conscious mind is so relaxed that you’re not
thinking at all about normal everyday things. Being
hypnotised allows you to connect with your subconscious
mind and pull up memories, experiences, and other
events that played a significant role in your life or in your
Usually a hypnotic state is induced by a trained therapist
or medical professional but there are courses that you
can take that will teach you how to hypnotise yourself. If
you are going to try hypnosis for medical treatment you
might want to get a professional to start the treatment
and then if they work for you learn how to hypnotise
yourself so that you can continue the treatment on your
own whenever your condition flares up. While you are in
a hypnotic state the therapist or medical professional will
create what is called a hypnotic suggestion. The hypnotic
suggestion is what tells your subconscious what to
So for example if you are being hypnotised to help you
deal with your alcohol addiction a hypnotic suggestion
telling your mind that you no longer need alcohol to
function combined with physical treatment for the minimal
withdrawal symptoms that you’ll experience when you
stop drinking should make you entirely free of alcohol
dependency. Your body will no longer crave it once you
have detoxed and after a hypnotic suggestion telling you
that you don’t need the alcohol your mind won’t be
convinced that you can’t function with it.
Doctors aren’t entirely sure how the mind creates a
hypnotic state only that a hypnotic state exists and can
be induced in most people. Hypnotic suggestions aren’t
an easy fix to medical problems, and many times using
hypnosis for medical treatments requires several
sessions in order to be fully effective. But there is a
growing amount of evidence that using hypnosis to treat
hard to treat conditions, especially the kind of medical
conditions that have psychological components, can be a
very effective way to help an individual create lasting
changes in his or her life that will improve health and
Conditions that don’t seem to respond to other
treatments usually respond well to hypnotic treatment. If
you don’t really approve of Western medicine or if you
just prefer a more holistic approach to your health care
you can try using hypnosis to treat everything from
Asthma to pain caused by medical procedures like bone
marrow biopsies, Breast Cancer treatment and wound
cleaning and stitching. For people that are highly
susceptible to hypnosis sometimes hypnosis can even
replace anesthesia that would typically knock a patient
out during surgery. It’s not common practice to hypnotise
someone before surgery but for people that have had
bad reactions to anesthesia medications hypnosis is one
The history of hypnosis started long before David Braid
coined the term 'hypnotism' in 1841. While David Braid's
study of hypnotism, have greatly influenced the modern
aspects of hypnosis, his studies have been a refinement
of skills that have been use in the Indian culture for
thousands of years.
The history of hypnosis begins with hypnotism being a
form of meditation that was used to help influence the
body's ability to heal. By instilling the subconscious belief
that the body was healing and the pain was receding, the
stresses on the body were lowered which often resulted
in an easier recovery by those who were ill. This form of
hypnotism, also called mesmerism, happened in places
called sleep temples, where priests in India would treat
the ill. This is the earliest known use of hypnotherapy,
although this was strictly a physical use of the skill.
Hypnosis was not only used in India. While the history of
hypnosis is cloudy, there are accounts of Arabic nations
using hypnotism on patients as well.
It is believed that modern hypnotism comes from two
forms of work done by Magnetists and Mesmerists.
These two sects of people form the foundation of the
history of hypnotism, although the skills were not used as
they are today. Today, hypnotism is often used to
conquer habits and change ways of thinking. In the past,
magnetism and mesmerizing were used to conquer
physical ailments.
An example of a famous Magnetist is Irishman Valentine
Greatrakes, who was known for his ability to lay on hands
and use magnets over a patient to cure him. Greatrakes
lived between 1628 and 1666.
The original Mesmerist was Dr. Franz Mesmer, who lived
between 1734 and 1815. His efforts in establishing the
art of animal magnetism and mesmerism were later
debunked as the workings of the imagination.
While neither, Magnetists or Mesmerists of the early days
of the modern history of hypnosis were able to fully
succeed, the motivation of the ancient Hindu temples
provided ample motivation to continue research into
hypnotherapy. While the initial years are often viewed
with scorn by the scientific community, some forms of
modern hypnotism are known to work well with medical
scientists. Hypnotism is most commonly used now with
modern scientists as an alternative to pain medications
where the medications would interfere with surgeries or
It wasn't until the late 1950s that hypnotism was accepted
by the Catholic Church as a legitimate medical treatment.
It is at this point that the study of hypnotism and its
acceptance became widespread.
One of the most frequently asked questions when it
comes to Hypnosis is whether or not everyone can be
hypnotised. Some people are adamant that they can’t be
hypnotised and are convinced that hypnosis will never
work for them. So what’s the real answer? Is it
impossible for some people to be hypnotised the way that
they claim? The answer is yes, and no. Everyone can be
hypnotised, theoretically, so there’s no physical reason
why everyone can’t be put into a hypnotic state. But there
may be psychological reasons that someone is resistant
to being hypnotised which might make it very difficult for
that person to relax enough to enter a true hypnotic state.
Usually people who are certain that they can’t be
hypnotised have a deep seated need for control and think
that if they allow themselves to be hypnotised they will be
giving up control so they will never allow themselves to
relax enough to get to the hypnotic state. But you never
give up control of your mind or body during hypnosis and
you’re never unconscious. Your conscious mind is just
very deeply relaxed and letting the subconscious mind
come to the forefront. So people that are very sure that
can’t be hypnotised really can be hypnotised but not until
they let go of their belief that being hypnotised means
giving up control of themselves to someone else.
Another reason that people have trouble entering a
hypnotic state is the particular therapist that they are
working with. In order to be able to relax in the very deep
way that is necessary in order to become hypnotised it’s
critical that the person being hypnotised trust the
therapist implicitly. If there is any discomfort or mistrust
on the part of the person that is being hypnotised he or
she will not be able to relax enough to get into the
hypnotic state and the treatment won’t work.
So when it comes to hypnosis medical experts and
psychotherapists along with alternative health
practitioners agree that everyone can be hypnotised, but
not everyone wants to be. Wanting to be hypnotised and
being open to the hypnotic process is very important. It’s
also important that the person who is going to be
hypnotised feels comfortable with the person doing the
hypnotising. So if you go to a psychologist or an
alternative health practitioner to get help to stop smoking
but you are uncomfortable with that therapist in any way
then it won’t work. That therapist won’t be able to
hypnotise you.
Because of that finding the right hypnotherapist for you,
someone that you feel totally comfortable with, is
extremely important. Later on we’ll look at how you will
know which hypnotherapist is right for you and what you
should ask a hypnotherapist before you start treatment
with that person to make sure that the therapist is well
trained, experienced, legitimate, and right for you.
If you are wanting to undergo hypnotherapy, but are
bored with the traditional self-induced or practitioner
induced hypnotherapy, hypnosis stories may be what you
need. There are a wide range of hypnosis stories
available, many of which use imagery elements to fully
submerge the listener in the story. Good hypnosis stories
can entertain while assisting you in changing certain
aspects of your personality.
For many, hypnosis stories are sexual in nature. They
can help lower inhibitions in certain aspects of your
relationship, as well as enhance certain feelings and
emotions to promote a healthier sex life. These hypnosis
stories are typically arousing in nature, and can be used
to stimulate the mind and body. With hypnosis stories
designed for both men and women, and some even
designed for couples, there is a little of something for
For those who do not want sexually oriented hypnosis
stories, there are other types of stories available. These
hypnosis stories are typically designed for those who
want to be able to think more creatively, or what to be
able to fully relax. Both of these styles of hypnosis stories
take the listener away from their current lifestyles and put
them somewhere where they can experience events and
stories that can help them escape or learn to cope with
certain events in their life.
Unlike standard hypnotherapy, hypnosis stories are
designed to be positive and uplifting, addressing
problems on a more subtle level. If you have complex
problems, or problems you want addressed immediately,
there are other methods of hypnotherapy that are more
suited for your situation. However, if you do not want
immediate fixes to your problems, and enjoy these sorts
of stories, hypnosis stories can make a large impact on
your live given time. This is extremely valuable for people
who want to get enjoyment out of the time they do spend,
such as busy business people or those who have to
spend most of their time working or caring for their
There are many hypnosis stories that can be downloaded
and listened to. Some use only spoken word to tell the
story, using imagery meditation techniques combined
with hypnosis, while others use videos to enhance the
stories. Many hypnosis stories will use multiple elements
in them to give the listener the best experience possible.
Due to the time that is involved in creating hypnosis
stories, there are typically less stories available than
scripts. However, the stories that are available tend to be
high quality, and created by those who love hypnosis and
want to improve the life of those who listen to their
When learning hypnosis, there are several things that
you will want to keep in mind. First, when you are
learning hypnosis, you are learning how to adjust the way
your sub consciousness works. This is an extremely
powerful tool if you want to break habits and change how
you live. However, because you are adjusting how your
subconscious works, there are many things that you will
want to know before you begin using self-hypnosis to
change your behavioral patterns.
First, learning hypnosis is fairly simple. A lot of what you
will learn when performing self-hypnosis is how to think
and communicate to yourself. Because many people
focus on self-hypnosis when learning hypnosis, you will
not have to learn many of the things that those who are
trying to become a stage hypnotist or professional have
to learn.
If you are interested in learning hypnosis so you can
become a stage hypnotist or a professional practitioner,
there are a lot of things that you will have to remember.
You will need to learn how the subconscious and
conscious relate to one another, and how modifying the
sub consciousness affects the consciousness. You will
need to have a thorough understanding of how the mind
works, so that you can successfully guide someone into a
hypnotic trance. Further, it is important that you learn that
your client is using self-hypnosis to change their lives.
You are there as a guide and a mediator to assist them in
changing themselves. As you are learning hypnosis, you
will discover that trust is a major aspect of hypnosis, and
the more comfortable someone is with you, the better the
results you will have with the client. Learning hypnosis is
a blend between being a counselor, a psychiatrist and a
doctor. You need to learn aspects from all of these fields
in order to become a successful hypnotist.
One of the key factors that you will need to learn when
studying and learning hypnosis is the ethics behind
hypnotherapy. The ethical application of hypnotherapy is
vital to the continuation and success of all in the field.
Unethical application of hypnotherapy can damage the
integrity of all hypnotists, and create legal concerns that
everyone in the field must face. While this portion of your
education may seem unnecessary, it is vital that you pay
attention and learn what is expected from an ethical
hypnotherapy clinic.
Learning hypnosis can take a great deal of time if you
want to become a professional. While online courses can
teach you a great deal about hypnotherapy, professionals
and stage hypnotists typically attend college in order to
learn the skills needed to be successful.
Because of the tools used in stage hypnosis the idea of
using hypnosis as a legitimate therapeutic tool took a
long time to catch on in the West. People automatically
assumed that hypnosis was fake. But as the study of
psychology grew and scientists, doctors, and behaviorists
began to understand more and more the impact of the
connection between the mind and the body on the
physical health of a person the idea that a true hypnotic
state really did exist began to fascinate the medical
Early studies that were done using hypnosis had mixed
results, probably because the researchers were not fully
trained in how to use hypnosis and how to get patients
and subjects relaxed into a true hypnotic state. Once
they were able to get people into real hypnotic states
they were amazed at the results that were possible using
nothing more than deep relaxation and the power of
hypnotic suggestions.
Even after hypnosis began to be embraced by the
medical community the public at large took longer to
convince. Today there are still those who believe that
stage hypnosis is all hypnosis is and that if they go to a
hypnotherapist for treatment they will be giving up their
free will and letting someone else take control of them.
Many people regard hypnosis as New Age therapy that
doesn’t have any real medical value but nothing could be
further from the truth. In today’s fast paced high stress
world using hypnosis and deep relaxation is the perfect
treatment for many of the illnesses that people suffer
from since so many of them are caused by the high
stress lifestyles of modern people.
The medical field and the psychological field are still
studying hypnosis and are finding new ways to apply
hypnosis as a therapeutic tool all the time. Already
hypnosis is being used to treat many common physical
and psychological conditions. Hypnosis is also often
used in criminal justice to trigger the memories of
witnesses to crimes and to help people heal from
traumatic events.
Sports are the newest field to embrace hypnosis as a
therapeutic tool. Sports medicine specialists are finding
that the deep relaxation techniques used in hypnosis can
help athletes become more focused and help them work
through pain, anxiety and other problems. Using
hypnosis improves their performance and their
concentration and helps them become better, more
successful athletes.
So if you’ve never seriously considered using hypnosis
for medical purposes or to improve your general health
before isn’t it time that you took another look at hypnosis
for health? There are a lot more benefits to using
hypnosis to improve your health than you might be aware
of. Let’s look at some of the top benefits of using
hypnosis for health.
So how can hypnosis really help you? What are the
benefits of going through hypnosis? Those are the
questions that most people ask when they first consider
going to see a hypnotherapist. Because Hypnosis is
considered an unconventional treatment in the West
some people are a little apprehensive about considering
it as a treatment. But when you think about these benefits
that can come from Hypnosis you’ll see it’s really worth it:
1. Hypnosis can treat addictions – Food, alcohol,
drugs, smoking, it doesn’t matter what you’re addicted to
Hypnosis can help you kick the addiction. Hypnosis
combined with physical treatment to get rid of your body’s
physical addiction to whatever you are addicted to is
proven to help break addictions for good so that you don’t
relapse and become addicted again within a short time.
2. Hypnosis can help you lose weight and keep it off
– Sounds too good to be true right? But it’s not.
Hypnosis has been proven to be 30% more effective than
just dieting when it comes to weight loss. Medical
professionals speculate that Hypnosis helps people who
are hanging onto the extra weight for psychological
reasons or people that overeat for psychological reasons
eliminate their psychological need for extra fat or extra
food which makes it easier for them to lose weight.
3. Hypnosis can help manage chronic pain – If you
have a disease that leaves you in frequent pain like
Fibromyalgia or Arthritis then you already know that
sometimes it feels like nothing will stop the pain. When
drugs and diet don’t help you manage your pain
Hypnosis can. In many different scientific studies
Hypnosis has been proven as an effective pain
management technique. So if nothing else is working for
you when it comes to controlling your pain, or if you don’t
want to take prescription painkillers, you should try
4. Hypnosis can help reduce stress – Stress is more
than just annoyance. Stress can cause serious illness in
people like heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity,
diabetes, and sleep disorders. If you have a lot of stress
in your life and you feel like you can’t get it under control
by using diet and exercise then it’s time to think about
Hypnosis. Because Hypnosis involves putting you in a
deep state of relaxation it gives your mind and body a
chance to experience the relaxation that they desperately
5. Hypnosis can help deal with childhood issues –
Childhood issues. Everyone has them. From serious
abuse or other problems in the home to lack of selfesteem or a need to be successful at all costs the issues
and problems that you experienced as a child might still
be impacting you today and causing you to make bad
decisions or to not take very good care of yourself.
Hypnosis is a great way to work through childhood issues
and replace those negative messages about yourself with
positive ones.
6. Hypnosis can cure sleep disorders – Millions of
people suffer from sleep disorders that range from full
insomnia to night terrors, wakeful sleep, sleepwalking,
and the inability to fall into REM sleep which your body
needs. Sleep disorders can cause a wide range of other
problems like obesity and addiction to either sleeping
medications or to caffeine or other stimulants in an effort
to keep the body going even though it’s exhausted.
Sleep disorders are notoriously hard to treat. Many sleep
disorders have an associated psychological condition
that makes it necessary for people to get both
psychological and physical treatment in order to be able
to get some sleep. Hypnosis can help treat the
psychological problem that is causing the sleep
disturbance while at the same time it puts the body in a
deeply relaxed state that helps the body and mind
become rejuvenated.
7. Hypnosis can promote deep relaxation – If you have
ever tried meditation you know already the great things
that relaxation does for the mind and body. You can
become more creative, better at problem solving, less
irritable, and you can reduce your risk of health problems
like heart disease or high blood pressure significantly if
you meditate or relax regularly.
But if you have trouble relaxing, or if you never seem to
be able to relax deeply enough to really feel refreshed,
then you should try Hypnosis. Hypnosis is a wonderful
way to experience truly deep relaxation that will make
you feel much healthier.
8. Hypnosis can help you change your behavior – Are
you the kind of person that is always snapping at others?
Do you get irritated and angry often? Do you have trouble
managing your anger? Hypnosis can help you change
your behavior patterns so that you can be healthier and
Often behavioral patterns are learned in childhood, but a
hypnotic suggestion given while you’re in a deep hypnotic
state can help you get rid of those old messages telling
you to behave in certain ways and replace them with
messages to act in new, more appropriate ways. If you
are trying to recover from the effects of a dysfunctional
family or an abusive childhood using Hypnosis to help
eliminate the unhealthy patterns that you learned to
survive can be very therapeutic.
9. Hypnosis can help recover buried memories – All of
the experiences that you’ve had throughout your life are
buried in your mind somewhere. If you have lost touch
with the parts of your mind that hold memories of your
childhood Hypnosis can help you go back and remember
the things that you need to remember in order to know
why you act the way you act now. Typically this is used
to help people that were abused as children understand
their behavioral patterns but there can also be happy
memories that you have forgotten as a result of an injury
or accident that can be recovered with Hypnosis.
10. Hypnosis can help treat Anxiety and Depression –
Many people are reluctant to take medication to treat
Anxiety and Depression because they don’t want to
become dependent on medication. Other people just
can’t seem to find a medication that works for them.
Hypnosis is a drug free and very effective way to calm
Anxiety and to treat the symptoms of depression. By
using hypnotic suggestions to eliminate the triggers of
Anxiety and Depression people that suffer from
Depression and Anxiety can sometimes find 100% relief
from those conditions by using Hypnosis.
Since not a lot is known about Hypnosis in the West and
it’s still not a commonly used therapy, even though it’s
becoming more common, people always have a lot of
questions about Hypnosis and how it’s used. According
to medical experts, alternative health care practitioners,
and Hypnotherapists these are the most frequently asked
questions about Hypnosis:
1. Will I still be in control of myself?
This is what most people are afraid of. They are terrified
that if they really submit to the relaxation of hypnosis and
go fully into a trance like state that they will no longer be
in control of themselves and can be easily controlled by
the person that is hypnotising them. But be assured that
you are still fully in control of yourself when you are
hypnotised. You are still conscious, but your conscious
mind is extremely relaxed. No one can take control of
you and make you do stupid things while you’re
hypnotised unless you allow it.
2. Am I surrendering my free will if I get
Absolutely not, when you are in a hypnotic state you are
more aware and more focused on yourself then you are
in a normal state. You are not giving up your free will or
allowing anyone to turn you into a “zombie” that will do
their bidding. Despite what you’ve seen in the movies
hypnosis doesn’t make you the slave of the person
hypnotising you.
The person hypnotising you also can’t make you fall in
love or out of love with someone else, make you change
any essential part of who you are, or do anything that you
don’t want to do. You are in full possession of all your
faculties throughout the hypnosis session and you are
not under a “spell” or in any way under the direction of
someone else. The things that you’ve seen in movies or
in stage shows where people get “hypnotised” and run
around acting like chickens or saying silly words on
command is not real hypnosis. You will never do anything
while you are hypnotised that you wouldn’t do under
normal circumstances.
3. Can I be hypnotised without my consent?
This is another area of concern for a lot of people that
don’t know a lot about hypnosis. But don’t worry. No one
can hypnotise you without your consent. It just plain won’t
happen. Hypnosis isn’t magic. Hypnosis is a state of very
deep relaxation. If you don’t want to be hypnotised then
you won’t be able to relax and you won’t enter a hypnotic
state. The process of entering a hypnotic state takes
some time because it will take time for your body and
mind to reach the deep relaxation that is necessary for
hypnosis. You can stop the hypnosis session at any time
during that process if you’re not comfortable or if you
don’t want to be hypnotised.
You’ve probably seen hypnosis done in movies or on TV
where the person doing the hypnotising snaps their
fingers and the other person immediately falls into a
trance and is incapable of doing anything but what they
are told. That’s not how hypnosis works. At least not in a
clinical sence.
4. What happens if I can’t come out of
It’s physically impossible for that to happen, because you
are not unconscious at any point during the hypnosis.
You will be in a deeply relaxed state but fully conscious
and you can come out of that state at any time that you
want to. You can also come out of that state when given
a verbal cue by the hypnotherapist. Sometimes when you
get the verbal cue to come out of your hypnosis you may
not want to because the relaxed state you are in feels so
good. When that happens it may take you a few minutes
to return to your normal awareness but that is only
because you want to stay in the relaxed state, not
because you are being forced to stay in it or because you
can’t come out of it on your own. You are always in
control, even when you are deep in a hypnotic state.
5. Can I hypnotise myself?
You absolutely can hypnotise yourself. You will need to
learn the proper way to do it but once you’ve had some
instruction it’s very possible to hypnotise yourself. Some
people prefer self-hypnosis because they don’t trust
another person to hypnotise them and can’t relax enough
to get into a true hypnotic state when someone else is
around. You can also hypnotise yourself between
sessions with a hypnotherapist if you feel you need a little
extra relaxation.
When you’re using self-hypnosis though you aren’t
getting the expertise and therapeutic help that you would
be getting from a trained therapist so if you’re using
hypnosis to help you deal with Anxiety, Depression, or
psychological issues then you should probably see a
professional therapist instead of relying on self- hypnosis.
6. Does hypnosis work on children?
Yes, Hypnotherapy is often used to treat children that
have behavioral disorders and children that have had
traumatic events happen to them. Children have also
been put into a hypnotic state in order to help police
solve crimes where children have been attacked. Some
Hypnotherapists have found that using hypnosis as a
method of treating night terrors for children under 10
years old can be more effective than other treatments
because putting the children in a deep hypnotic state
before bed relaxes their brain enough that they don’t
have night terrors. If your child is having night terrors and
has not responded well to other treatments using
hypnosis is an option you should discuss with your
7. Is Hypnosis just New Age therapy?
Lots of people are skeptical about hypnosis at first, but
usually that’s because they don’t have a good
understanding of how hypnosis is used for medical and
psychological treatments. Hypnosis is not some crazy
New Age therapy. It’s a legitimate therapeutic technique
that has been used with proven success to treat medical
and psychological disorders in millions of people.
Anyone can be treated with hypnosis, and in most cases
hypnosis is a very effective form of treatment for many
different disorders. Hypnosis has a long history of being
used to treat illness; it’s not a new or untested therapy.
8. How many problems can I cure at once
using hypnosis?
Hypnosis isn’t a magic cure that will get rid of all of your
problems at once. You will still need to address your
medical and psychological problems one at a time, and
over the course of several treatments, in order to see
results. It’s possible that symptoms of one disorder that
mimic symptoms of another disorder might go away with
the symptoms of the other disorder but in general you will
need to tackle one problem at a time when you’re using
hypnosis as a treatment.
9. Do I need to see a hypnotherapist more
than once?
Maybe, this is a open ended question, some issues can
be resolved in just one session whereas other may need
4-6. If the issue is deep-rooted you will need more than
one session with a hypnotherapist to solve your problem.
Most people see noticeable results after just a few
sessions so you might not need extensive hypnosis or
months of treatment in order to eliminate your problem,
but it will almost always take more than one session for
you to see any kind of noticeable results.
10. Is hypnosis safe?
Hypnosis is perfectly safe. You are always in control of
the situation and you are never unconscious. Unlike drug
therapies hypnosis has no possible side effects and in
most people hypnosis always works unlike drugs which
may work or may not work depending on your body’s
chemistry and what the disorder is. Hypnosis can safely
treat the physical and mental aspects of common
problems like addictions safely and can help you break
your physical and emotional dependence on overeating,
smoking, drinking, drama, anger, or any other destructive
addition that you might have.
In general there are three hypnotic techniques that are
used by hypnotherapists. Some people respond to better
to a particular type of hypnosis, or a therapist might
specialize in one type of hypnosis. If you start seeing a
hypnotherapist and you don’t get the kind of results that
you wanted it could be that you need to try treatment with
a therapist that does a different kind of hypnosis in order
to get results. The three types of hypnosis are:
Traditional Hypnosis
In the Traditional hypnosis method a therapist puts you
into a deeply relaxed state and then puts hypnotic
suggestions directly into your subconscious mind to
achieve the results that you are trying to achieve. This is
the easiest type of hypnosis for a therapist to perform
and doesn’t require a lot of training which is why it’s so
commonly used. If you are the kind of person that is very
analytic and very logical this type of hypnosis may not
work as well for you as one of the other two types of
hypnosis. Studies have shown that Traditional hypnosis
is less effective than on highly analytical people than it is
on less critical sorts of people.
Ericksonian Hypnosis
In this type of hypnosis instead of placing direct
suggestions or commands into your subconscious mind
while you are in a relaxed state the hypnotherapist use
metaphors to get the desired result. Your subconscious
brain will instantly make the connection between the
metaphor and the desired behavior but the metaphor
itself will act as a distraction to the conscious mind. So
while your conscious mind is trying to figure out the
metaphor the meaning of the metaphor goes directly into
your subconscious.
Ericksonian hypnosis is particularly effective on people
that are highly logical or critical and are resistant to the
idea of hypnosis because usually people with a
resistance to hypnosis tend to have trouble reaching a
deep enough state of relaxation to really absorb the
hypnotic suggestions that are being made. Ericksonian
hypnosis cuts through the objections and skepticism of
the conscious mind to reach the subconscious mind
where it can take effect.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
NLP is the most advanced type of hypnosis and should
only be performed by a well-trained hypnotherapist. NLP
is used to treat severe problems or severe addictions by
reprogramming the brain. So for example, if you always
have a cigarette with your morning cup of coffee your
mind will be begin to pair the two activities and every time
that you have a cup of coffee you will want to have a
cigarette. A therapist that is trained to use NLP will use
hypnosis to disassociate those two activities so that you
can have a cup of coffee without thinking about a having
a cigarette.
Or, if you want to lose weight, a therapist trained in NLP
can help you create an image of yourself at the weight
that you want to be and can plant that image directly into
your subconscious. Then the therapist will use NLP
techniques to flip the script in your brain so that every
time you think about how unhappy you are with the way
you look instead of seeing yourself as being overweight
you’ll see yourself as thin and beautiful the way you want
to be.
Even though medical professionals have never denied
the existence of hypnosis they have only begun to
embrace hypnosis as a treatment for medical conditions
in the past few decades. Hypnosis has been used
primarily to treat psychological conditions until the recent
past when the medical community began to realize that
using hypnosis to treat physical conditions under certain
conditions was very effective. In clinical studies, hypnosis
was found to be a powerful treatment for some conditions
that are very difficult or dangerous to treat with drugs like
chronic pain, chronic fatigue, addictions, and even the
pain and anxiety associated with childbirth.
Unlike more traditional types of treatment hypnosis is not
usually used as a standalone treatment for medical
conditions. Instead it’s used in conjunction with other
therapies to boost the effectiveness of the other therapies
and to treat any psychological disorder that might be an
underlying cause of the physical problem. The more that
Western doctors begin to accept a more holistic idea of
medicine and realize that the body and mind are
connected so that what affects the body also affects the
mind and vice versa the more hypnosis is valued as a
treatment for common medical conditions.
Because there are no side effects associated with
hypnosis as a medical treatment most doctors, even the
ones that don’t believe in the power of hypnosis to heal,
would not discourage their patients from using it because
there’s no risk to them to try it.
But more and more clinical studies are being done that
prove that hypnosis does work in almost all cases, on all
different kinds of people. Western patients are turning
more and more to alternative therapies for health care
because they don’t trust Western doctors, and they don’t
trust big drug companies and they want treatments that
they feel are safe and effective. Hypnosis is the safest
type of treatment for many conditions because it has no
side effects.
Hypnosis is also a safer treatment than many drug
therapies because there is no risk of a bad drug
interaction or an allergic reaction to hypnosis. Anyone
can be hypnotised regardless of their current health
status, allergies, or what medications they are on. If you
look at just some of the ways that hypnosis has been
used to treat physical conditions you might be surprised
at how many different conditions can be treated with
hypnosis. Hypnosis can:
Get rid of the psychological causes of addiction
and lessen physical cravings
Ease withdrawal symptoms
Eliminate the pain of childbirth
Manage or eliminate the symptoms of Depression
and Anxiety
Manage pain without drugs in medical surgeries or
during dental treatments. This is highly effective
for people that have a dental phobia that prevents
them from getting routine dental care.
Treat and eliminate the symptoms of irritable
bowel syndrome (IBS)
Lower blood pressure
Help to manage the nausea and pain associated
with chemotherapy treatments
Eliminate the pain and fatigue of migraines
Eliminate the symptoms of asthma and reduce
asthma attacks
Successfully treat including warts, psoriasis and
atopic dermatitis
Manage joint and muscle pain associate with
chronic conditions like Fibromyalgia and Arthritis
Eliminate sleep disorders like insomnia and
manage the symptoms of sleep disorders like
Help treat obesity
Help treat children with ADD and ADHD
Eliminate the effects of severe stress and stressrelated illness on the body
Millions of people suffer from chronic pain associated
with conditions like Fibromyalgia and Arthritis. For people
that have chronic disorders using drugs to treat the pain
that they’re feeling is difficult because they can build up a
tolerance to pain medication which might mean they have
to switch to new pain medication often. Or, the drugs that
they take to treat the pain might result in a host of other
side effects that can negatively impact their lives. For
some people pain relief drugs are just not effective and
they end up suffering from the pain of their condition with
no way to relieve it. Hypnosis can eliminate all those
Because hypnosis has no side effects it’s 100% safe, for
everyone, no matter what their medical condition is and
no matter what other drugs or supplements they are
taking. Because hypnosis changes the way that the body
perceived pain even people that don’t respond well to
pain medication can see a decrease in their pain when
they treat it with hypnosis. And because hypnosis treats
both the body and mind it works on pain that doesn’t
respond to medication, like the pain associated with
Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia pain is notoriously difficult for
doctors to treat because the pain is constant and diffuse,
or all over the body, so ordinary pain management drugs
don’t stop the pain.
When hypnosis is used as a pain management or pain
elimination technique the hypnotherapist will plant a
hypnotic suggestion in the person’s subconscious mind
that will lessen or eliminate the feel of the pain. The pain
might still be there, but the brain won’t register it as
intently so it won’t hurt as much. That way the person
won’t assume there is no pain and go rushing off to do
something that would injure themselves but they won’t be
constantly suffering either.
Hypnosis is also used to prevent pain from procedures
that doctors and patients know are going to be painful.
Having a patient put into a deeply hypnotic state before
the treatment will make the person go into the treatment
without the stress and anxiety of knowing that the
treatment will hurt. That will make the treatment more
effective as well as reduce the pain. Patients are often
put in hypnotic states before childbirth in order to lessen
the pain of the contractions, especially if an epidural is
not a good idea because of the health of the mother.
People who suffer from addictions and can’t be given
pain medication are using hypnosis more and more often
as a way to deal with pain that they can’t be given drugs
for. As prescription pain medication addiction becomes
more and more common many hospitals are hiring
hypnotherapists to be on hand when patients need to
undergo painful treatments so that if the patient wishes
not to have medication they don’t have to suffer through
a painful procedure with no pain buffer at all.
Patients undergoing chemotherapy, lumbar punctures, or
other extremely painful treatments may choose to be put
into a hypnotic state before the procedure so that after
the procedure they aren’t suffering so greatly from pain.
If you are scheduled to go in for a painful treatment of a
condition that you have already been diagnosed with talk
to your doctor about getting a little hypnotherapy first as a
way to reduce the pain.
Hypnodermatology is the practice of using hypnosis to
treat skin conditions. There are a lot of skin problems that
people experience that have psychological causes or are
stress induced. In fact, most of the common skin
disorders that people experience like psoriasis, acne, and
rosacea are known to be triggered by stress as well as
other factors so a person that has a high stress level has
a much higher chance of developing skin conditions like
that than someone who lives a slower paced lifestyle.
Skin conditions more than other illnesses are a product of
psychological and emotional factors like stress, so it
make sense that hypnosis would be a good treatment for
some kinds of skin conditions. The more that a person
suffering from a condition like psoriasis can reduce their
stress level the faster the psoriasis will go away. Since
treating skin conditions with drugs can be difficult and
can often lead to other illnesses as side effects
dermatologists often recommend Hypnodermatology to
patients that they feel have a skin condition as a result of
Some studies that have been done on common skin
disorders indicate that as many as 60% of the patients
that will seek out medical help for skin conditions in any
given year have some kind of underlying stress or
psychological problem that is causing their physical skin
condition. This is just another example of the connection
between the health of the mind and the health of the
body. Because hypnosis treats both the body and mind
through deep relaxation it’s the perfect treatment for skin
conditions where the patient needs to eliminate the
underlying psychological cause of the disorder as well as
the physical symptoms.
Hypnosis is effective even for skin conditions that don’t
have an underlying physical cause. Rashes, infections,
and other problems can be successful treated with a
combination of antibiotics and hypnosis. The medicine
takes care of the existing rash or infection while the
hypnosis reduces the itching and pain that the person is
feeling so that the patient doesn’t scratch the rash or
spread the infection to other parts of the body. Because
skin rashes and infections are notoriously easy to spread,
especially among family members or from child to child,
hypnosis is a good tool to use to reduce the symptoms
that can lead to the patient spreading the rash or
infection around.
Skin allergies are also easily treatable with hypnosis.
There have even been a few studies done that show that
babies and children with skin allergies respond extremely
well to the use of hypnosis as a treatment for allergies.
Sleep disorders are a serious problem for millions of
people. Medical studies have proven that a lack of sleep
can have serious health consequences. Obesity, heart
disease, mental degeneration and other problems can all
be attributed to a lack of sleep. Sleep is your body’s way
of refreshing your body and your mind so when you go
without sleep you will also have some psychological and
emotional problems as well. Intense irritability, confusion,
memory loss and other problems also can stem from long
periods of interrupted sleep or insomnia.
Drugs can effectively treat some types of sleep disorders
but there is always a risk of becoming addicted to
prescription sleeping pills if you take medication. Many
prescription sleeping pills also have a lot of strange and
potentially dangerous side effects like suicidal thoughts,
or sleepwalking, sleep driving, and other activities done
in your sleep that might cause harm to you or someone
else. Hypnosis is a wonderful treatment for sleep
disorders because the use of deep relaxation functions
as a treatment for the underlying cause of the sleep
problems but as also as a respite from the symptoms.
When you sleep your body goes into a state of deep
relaxation that’s not unlike hypnosis. So when a
hypnotist puts you into a hypnotic state as a way to treat
whatever is causing your sleep disorder, the hypnotist is
also putting your mind and body into the kind of deeply
relaxed state that your body and mind need in order to
feel refreshed and function effectively. You will get
immediate relief from the symptoms of your sleep
disorder because you will come out of the hypnosis
sessions feeling rejuvenated and calm and the hypnotic
sessions that were planted in your subconscious will also
be working to cure the underlying problem that is causing
you to have trouble sleeping.
Sometimes there are physical conditions that cause
sleeplessness that need to be diagnosed and treated
with more traditional methods, but even if the cause of
your sleeping problem is medical a few sessions of
hypnosis can give your body and mind the refreshing
break they need even if you can’t sleep. While your
doctor works on curing the physical cause of your
sleeping disorder you can go see a hypnotherapist a few
times a week to relieve the irritability, fatigue and other
symptoms that are caused by a chronic lack of sleep.
Using hypnosis as either a primary or a secondary
treatment for common sleep disorders is done around the
world, and has been proven successful in hundreds of
studies that have been done trying to find the cause of
sleep disturbances. Hypnosis has also been proven as a
successful treatment for children that suffer from night
terrors because the state of deep relaxation that they
enter calms down their bodies and minds enough to
sleep peacefully.
Hypnosis has been used to treat psychological conditions
and physical conditions with a psychological component
for centuries. There has always been some controversy
about the use of hypnotherapy to treat some conditions
because of the risk of false memories being created in
the subconscious mind that can feel perfectly real to the
Some hypnosis practitioners dismiss the idea that a
hypnotherapist could use hypnosis to plant false
memories in someone’s subconscious mind but in 2001 a
scientific study was done that was able to implant false
memories and to trigger hallucinations, memory loss, and
compulsions in test subjects. However, those
experiences were done in a tightly controlled and highly
supervised test, so it’s unlikely that those results could be
recreated outside of a clinical setting. What the study did
do is prove the power that hypnosis has over the mind to
skeptical medical doctors who doubted that hypnosis
really would have much of an effect on someone.
Hypnotherapy can be done by a trained medical doctor or
a licensed psychologist but it is mainly done by a certified
practitioner that doesn’t have any, or has minimal,
medical or psychological training. If you are thinking
about seeing a hypnotherapist to help you heal childhood
issues, or to use hypnosis to help combat a chronic
disorder then you should probably look for a
hypnotherapist that has an extensive background treating
these sorts of issues, instead of someone that is an
alternative healing practitioner. A person that has a
psychological education will be better able to address
your particular needs.
But if you are seeking hypnotherapy to help you quit
smoking, to lose weight, to make you more comfortable
when you’re speaking in public, or to help you reduce
your stress level then an alternative health practitioner
that specializes in hypnosis might be a good fit for your
needs. When you’re looking for a hypnotherapist to help
you fight a drug addiction or to help you modify your
behavior it’s a good idea to talk to both a trained
psychologist that does hypnotherapy and an alternative
health practitioner to see which one is better for your
particular circumstances.
The hypnotherapist you choose to help you battle an
addiction should be trained to help you eliminate the
reason for the addition. Depending on what that reason
is you might need the help of a trained psychologist to
deal with any emotional fallout that might occur as a
result of addressing an old emotional wound or changing
a pattern of behavior that you’ve used since childhood.
Eastern medicine has recognized the connection
between body and mind for a long time. The centuries old
Ayurvedic health system in India was built on the
principle that anything that is physically wrong with the
body has a mental or emotional cause and that in order
to treat the physical symptom the emotional or
psychological cause had to be cured first.
You might be surprised by how many disorders that are
usually treated with drug therapy can also be treated,
successfully, with hypnosis. If you or someone that you
know suffers from any of these conditions but has not
responded well to drug therapy, or is reluctant to try drug
therapy because of the fear of side effects or the fear of
getting addicted hypnosis is a good option when it comes
to treating these disorders:
Anger Issues
Childhood Issues
Sexual Dysfunctions
Eating Disorders
Rape Trauma
Millions of people try to quit smoking every year and only
about 40% of them manage to quit. Studies have proven
that trying to quit “cold turkey” usually fails but people are
still often reluctant to try prescription stop-smoking drugs.
Nicotine gum and the stop -smoking patches that are on
the market can be very effective but they are also very
expensive and so many people end up going back to
smoking because it’s cheaper than staying on the
nicotine gum or the stop smoking patches. So if you’ve
struggled in the past with nicotine addiction or you know
someone that has you should think about using hypnosis
to quit smoking.
The studies that have been done have shown that overall
people who have used hypnosis to stop smoking have
higher success rates as people that use nicotine gum or
stop smoking patches. The reason that using hypnosis
to quit smoking is so effective is that hypnosis treats both
the psychological and the physical need for cigarettes so
you don’t end up having terrible cravings for nicotine that
way that you would if you use nicotine gum or stop
smoking patches.
Most addictions, including smoking, have both
psychological and physical components. When you are
addicted to nicotine your body has physical cravings for
the nicotine but mentally you associate nicotine with
stress relief, comfort, and everyday behaviors like having
a cup of coffee or getting in your car. Smoking is as
much of a habit as an addiction and breaking the habit of
smoking a cigarette as well breaking the physical
cravings for nicotine is what makes it so tough to quit
Hypnosis, unlike any other type of treatment, can treat all
the causes of your cravings for cigarettes at once. By
putting you into a deep hypnotic state and using hypnotic
suggestions a trained hypnotherapist can get rid of the
associations that you have with cigarettes so that you’ll
be able to have a cup of coffee or start your car and not
think about smoking.
A hypnotherapist can, in the same session, get rid of the
underlying cause that makes you want to smoke like
stress or a desire to be thin or even just the habit of
smoking. And a hypnotherapist can also give your body a
different cue so that instead of craving cigarettes you will
crave water or something else that is actually healthy for
you. Some hypnotherapists can get rid of cravings all
together so that in as little as one hypnotherapy session
you could have no physical or mental desire to smoke at
Best of all since you’re eliminating your physical and
psychological dependence on cigarettes you won’t feel
the need to replace cigarettes with food so the chances
are good that you’ll be able to stop smoking,
permanently, and not gain ten or twenty pounds because
you eat instead of smoke.
Studies that have been conducted in the U.S. found that
at any given time nearly 2 out of 4 women is on a diet,
and the number of men watching their diet is almost as
high. People struggle to lose weight only to gain back
what they are able to lose or give up entirely. The diet
industry is a billion dollar per year industry that pushes
weight loss foods, drinks, powders, pills and other
products. Even though most people know that these
products don’t work and won’t help them lose weight they
buy them anyway, and then return to their patterns of
unhealthy eating when they fail once again to lose
Hypnosis is a good option if you want to lose weight and
keep it off, because hypnosis deals with the cause of
your desire to overeat as well as your physical cravings.
Most people overeat when they become emotional or
upset, or they overeat as an attempt to fill some
psychological or emotional void that they feel. Other
people overeat because they were taught unhealthy
eating patterns and now can’t seem to break that
unhealthy circle. There are many different reasons why
people overeat or can’t seem to lose weight but only one
treatment works on every different type of weight problem
– hypnosis.
What goes on in your brain to make you overeat is similar
to what happens in an addict’s brain when that addict has
drugs, or alcohol. The food that you eat temporarily fills
whatever vacancy you have in your life and brings you
pleasure and comfort so you eat more in order to have
that feeling as often as you can. But hypnosis can
dissociate those feelings from food, so that you will feel
no emotional attachment to food. When you look at food
just as fuel for your body it will be easier for you to eat
nutritious food, in proper amounts, instead of overeating
and eating foods that you crave emotionally and not
It is possible for people to become addicted to food.
When that happens hypnosis can be used to treat that
addiction the same way that it’s used to treat other
addictions, by eliminating the psychological need for the
addiction as well as re-programming the brain to function
without the need for that particular substance. It can be
more difficult for people to break an addiction to food
than it is to break an addiction to some other substance,
like alcohol, however because you do need food in order
to survive.
Because most people gain weight as a result of selfdestructive eating habits that they pick up from a variety
of sources hypnosis has been proven to be one of the
most effective ways to help people lose weight and keep
that weight off. Hypnosis changes the dynamic that you
live with and makes it easier for you to break that selfdestructive cycle which makes it a lot easier for you to
have a healthy relationship with food and stay at a good
weight that makes sense for your body.
Even though it might seem like eating disorders and
weight loss are at the opposite end of the spectrum when
it comes to psychological conditions really they are just
different symptoms of the same underlying problem.
People that develop eating disorders like Anorexia and
Bulimia are usually trying to exert some control over their
bodies because they feel like they have no control over
their lives. People that overeat may suffer from the same
feeling of being out of control or the same feelings of
anxiety, hopelessness and loss that people who develop
eating disorders suffer from, they just choose a different
way to express it. Instead of not eating at all, or vomiting
after they eat they eat too much instead.
It doesn’t often occur in medicine or in therapy that the
same treatment can be used for conditions which seem
to be the opposite of one another but in this case
hypnosis can be successfully used to treat both
conditions. In fact, hypnosis is one of the few treatments
that have been proven to successfully treat eating
disorders. In one study more than 70% of people that
suffered from Bulimia who were treated with NLP
hypnosis recovered fully with no relapses after one year.
Relapse is a constant danger for people that have eating
disorders and don’t use hypnosis as a treatment because
there is always the chance that as soon as the person
feels stressed or anxious or feels that they are losing
control of their lives they will return to their destructive
behavior in an effort to feel like they have more power in
their lives.
Why is hypnosis such an effective treatment for eating
disorders? Psychologists say that it is probably because
more than 90% of the people who seek treatment for
eating disorders report dissociating, or “splitting off”
during their Anorexic or Bulimic patterns. Dissociation is
a “shutting off” of the conscious mind when the person
operates solely based on the directive of the
subconscious mind. Sometimes an episode that reminds
the person of a childhood trauma or the memory of a
traumatic event is enough to make the person dissociate
as well. Because hypnotic suggestions change the
thoughts that are occurring in the subconscious mind it’s
possible to change behaviors that are triggered during a
dissociative episode.
So for example if a patient that has Bulimia dissociates
every time he or she eats something and then vomits at
the prompting of the subconscious mind using a hypnotic
suggestion can replace the compulsion to vomit so that
the person doesn’t feel that sense of panic or unease or
the compulsion to vomit after eating. Getting rid of the
subconscious compulsion for the behavior while also
replacing the negative behavior patterns that the person
has is really the ideal way to treat something as mentally
driven as an eating disorder.
If you suffer from migraines then you already know that
the pain of a migraine is far beyond the pain of an
ordinary headache. People who have migraines
experience a range of symptoms including extreme
sensitivity to light, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to sound,
and of course extreme pain in different areas of the head
or behind the eyes. Migraines can come on quickly and
can be extremely difficult to treat. Some people have
migraines that are so debilitating they can’t hold a job or
do normal activities. There are drug treatments for
migraines that do seem to help the pain. Usually these
are a combination of caffeine and a high dose painkiller.
But one of the best treatments for migraines is hypnosis.
Hypnosis works so well as a migraine treatment because
it stops the vicious pain cycle that your body goes
through during a migraine. When you get a migraine
your body starts to tense up. The more pain you feel, the
more you tense up. Your muscles tense, your jaws
clench, your whole body becomes rigid. Blood and
adrenaline start pumping through your veins. As your
endocrine system kicks on and floods your body with
hormones your pain increases. And the more pain you
feel, the more tense and stressed you become. This
leads to more pain and is an endless circle.
Hypnosis breaks that circle by putting you into a deeply
relaxed state. Your pain will lessen, not increase,
because the more you relax the lower your stress level
will become. When your stress level is low your body is
better able to manage pain. You might still be in some
pain, but it won’t feel as sharp or as unbearable as it
would if you were tense and stressed. Your muscles
won’t tense, your jaws won’t clench, and your body won’t
get flooded with adrenaline and other hormones that
increase the intensity of a migraine.
For many people that suffer from migraines hypnosis is a
good treatment alternative to drugs because they use
self-hypnosis to ward off a migraine before it starts. As
soon as they feel the symptoms of a migraine beginning
a quick self-hypnosis session can get rid of the problem
before it become a full-fledged debilitating migraine.
Because the drugs used to treat migraines are usually a
combination of sedatives and painkillers they can have
some dangerous or unpleasant side effects but hypnosis
has no side effects. And self-hypnosis is free, which is
the best part of all.
In order to do self-hypnosis you’ll need to learn some
basic hypnosis techniques and learn how to relax. Later
in the book we’ll look more deeply at self-hypnosis and
how you can use self-hypnosis to manage stress and
deal with medical problems such as migraines quickly
and painlessly on your own.
Anxiety can range from simple stage fright to a full blown
panic attack. Everyone feels anxious at one point or
another but for some people there are certain activities or
certain places that cause such a fierce anxiety that the
person cannot even function. Phobias are one
expression of anxiety. Panic attacks are another.
Psychologists estimate that as many 10 million people in
the US alone suffer from anxiety to the point where it
impairs their ability to live normally. People who suffer
from anxiety may not be able to hold a job, go out in
public, shop, drive, or do other everyday activities that
are a part of a normal healthy life.
Anxiety disorders can cause serious physical problems.
Stress is responsible for heart disease, high blood
pressure, strokes, muscle aches, Fibromyalgia, and other
conditions that can sometimes be life threatening. When
the body is under severe stress or goes into a panic
attack the endocrine system kicks into overdrive and
triggers a “flight or fight “response that is usually reserved
for situations where the person is in mortal danger. But
when someone is having a panic attack or is terrified to
the point where they can’t function even if they aren’t in
mortal danger they believe that they are, and the body
responds accordingly.
Anxiety disorders are not new. People, usually women,
have been diagnosed with anxiety disorders for
centuries. In the past women with severe anxiety were
often said to be suffering from “Hysteria” and were
prescribed a number of different mediations including
alcohol as a cure for their “Hysteria”. In almost every
single case of anxiety psychologists can pinpoint one
event or one particular time period in someone’s life that
caused them so much trauma that the episode caused
them to develop severe anxiety when exposed to
anything that reminded them of that incident or time
There are drugs that can manage the symptoms of
anxiety and help people function but drug therapy alone
is rarely effective in treating anxiety. Hypnosis is widely
recognized as the best treatment for the anxiety because
it reprograms the person’s behavior and changes the
associations that the person has on a subconscious
level. Changing those subconscious responses is the
only way to truly get rid of the panic and anxiety that the
person feels.
A qualified hypnotherapist can put someone that suffers
from severe anxiety into a deeply relaxed state and can
change the subconscious cues that the person
experiences. By eliminating the terror and the unhealthy
behavior patterns learned as a child the hypnotherapist
effectively removes the trigger for the anxiety. Then the
hypnotherapist can place new hypnotic suggestions in
the person’s subconscious so that, for example, instead
of panicking in a crowd a person will feel happy and
relaxed and excited to be around people.
Excessive everyday stress is a problem for many people
that have overly busy lives. The stress of commuting,
work, family, kids and other obligations often builds up
until people either collapse or develop serious health
problems like heart disease or high blood pressure.
Stress can also cause other problems to develop like
anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, Fibromyalgia, and
other chronic conditions. Unfortunately for most people
getting rid of the causes of everyday stress isn’t really an
option, so the only option left is to try and treat the stress.
Drug therapy is usually not effective for stress related
conditions. The best cure for stress is relaxation, like
meditation. But most people don’t or can’t take the time
to meditate on a regular basis. Hypnosis therapy can be
a powerful treatment for people that need relief from
acute stress because it puts the body into such a relaxed
state that the damages of stress begin to fade away.
Unlike many conditions the effects of stress related
illness on the body are reversible with relaxation therapy
like hypnosis.
It’s not always necessary to go see a hypnotherapist if
you want to use hypnotherapy to combat stress and
stress related illnesses. Self-hypnosis can be just as
effective as having sessions with a trained
hypnotherapist, once you know the techniques, and you
can do self-hypnosis whenever you are stressed to help
yourself calm down. Self-hypnosis isn’t an option for
treating all conditions that can be treated with hypnosis
because in cases where you are trying to change your
behavior or the way that you respond to certain stimuli it’s
necessary to have a trained hypnotherapist providing the
hypnotic suggestions.
But if you are primarily using hypnosis as a method of
deep relaxation in order to help fight off the effects of
everyday stress self-hypnosis is a much easier and costeffective method of treatment. Think of self-hypnosis as a
very intense type of meditation. You’ll get the same
benefits from a self-hypnosis session as you would from
a session of very deep meditation.
You can perform self-hypnosis to deal with stress
anywhere, so even if you are at work or on the train and
you are having a particularly high stress day you can use
a self-hypnosis script that you’ve recorded and
programmed onto an mp3 player or you can listen to a
hypnosis cassette in order to put yourself in a deeply
relaxed state.
If you start using self-hypnosis regularly in order to get rid
of stress you’ll notice that the positive physical changes
start almost immediately. You’ll start sleeping better and
longer, your blood pressure will drop and you’ll notice
that your muscles and joints don’t hurt as much.
Depression is one of the hardest conditions for doctors to
treat. There is clear mind/body connection when it comes
to depression and without treating both the mental and
physical causes of depression it’s almost impossible to
relieve the symptoms of the depression. Millions of
people every year are affected by depression to some
degree. Some people have depression that is so deep
that they can’t function in the world and drug therapy
doesn’t seem to help.
There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the
drugs that are used to treat depression and as a result
many people are hesitant to take prescription drugs for
depression because of the possible side effects. Two of
the most often prescribed medications for depression list
as suicidal thoughts and depression as a side effect. If
depression is a side effect of a drug prescribed to treat
depression it’s really no wonder that people are looking
elsewhere for depression treatments that don’t have such
serious side effects.
Hypnosis is becoming more and more widely used as a
treatment for depression. Even though there is no such
thing as a miracle cure, hypnosis is the closest that the
medical community has come to a cure for depression.
Hypnosis, by eliminating the psychological aspects of
depression, can wipe out depression for some patients in
as little as two or three hypnotherapy sessions.
Hypnotherapy for depression should be performed only
by a trained therapist that a lot of experience. A therapist
that isn’t well versed in treating depression using
hypnotherapy might end up doing more harm than good,
and self-hypnosis treatment for depression is not a good
You can use self-hypnosis to help manage the symptoms
of your depression. Stress and tension are hallmarks of
depression, and self-hypnosis can be a good way to
combat those symptoms. But in order to really eradicate
the cause of the depression you will need to get help
from a trained hypnotherapist who knows exactly the
right type of hypnotic suggestions to plant in your
subconscious during therapy to eliminate your
If you or someone that you love suffers from depression
and drug therapy doesn’t seem to be working, or if you’re
reluctant to try drug therapy because of the possible side
effects, it’s worth taking the time to find a trained
hypnotherapist in your area to meet with. Clinical studies
have shown over and over again that hypnotherapy is an
effective treatment for depression. Since it’s safe and
has no side effects, you have nothing to lose by trying it.
You can ask your doctor for recommendations to find a
qualified hypnotherapist in your area or you can go online
and look for an alternative medical directory. You can
also ask family and friends for recommendations. Just
make sure that you look for a hypnotherapist with
experience or a background in psychology or medicine
and not just a certificate saying they can perform
Some medical experts do express a little concern about
the use of hypnosis as a treatment for depression
because of the possibility that if the hypnotherapist isn’t
well trained the hypnotic suggestions that are used might
end up being more damaging and actually increasing the
Because of this slight risk you should only get help for
depression from a hypnotherapist that has a
psychological background and has training in the use of
clinical hypnosis. Someone that is certified to use
hypnosis to treat addictions or to help with weight loss is
probably not the best type of therapist to see if you need
to get help for serious depression. Hypnosis can be a
very effective treatment for depression but just like any
treatment it should be done by someone trained to do it
the most effective way possible.
Making the decision to see a hypnotherapist or to use
self-hypnosis can be a tough one depending on what
condition you are using hypnosis to treat. For some
conditions, like stress related illnesses, using selfhypnosis can be just as effective as seeing a
hypnotherapist and can save you a lot of money since
hypnosis treatments are usually not covered by the NHS.
But some conditions, especially those with a serious
psychological cause, really need the expertise of a
trained psychologist that also knows hypnosis.
In order to be able to make the best decision about what
type of treatment is right for you it’s important that you be
honest about your skills at self-hypnosis. If you are just
learning self-hypnosis or if you’ve never done selfhypnosis before then you should probably see a trained
hypnotherapist for at least a few sessions just to see how
well you respond to hypnosis. If you feel that the
hypnosis treatments are effective then you can start
learning how to use self-hypnosis. Millions of people
successfully use self-hypnosis every day in order to deal
with anxieties, phobias, cravings and other problems.
Some New Age hypnotists believe that really all hypnosis
is self-hypnosis since even the suggestions of the
hypnotist won’t be effective unless your mind is relaxed
and receptive to them. There is an entire sect of
hypnotists that believe the job of the hypnotherapist is
just to assist you as you hypnotise and heal yourself. If
you are very open to hypnosis and you can put yourself
into a state of increased awareness and concentration
while your body and mind are totally relaxed then you
might do very well using self-hypnosis. But you should
still see a hypnotherapist at least once so that you know
how you respond to a hypnotherapy session run by a
The underlying principle of hypnosis is that the patient
wants to change. If you don’t want to change the
behavior or the condition that you’re seeking hypnosis for
then it won’t matter if you are seeing a hypnotherapist
with an extensive background in psychology, a New Age
practitioner that is certified to treat addictions and other
related problems with hypnosis, or self-hypnotising to try
and change your own behavior patterns. The success or
failure of the hypnosis treatment lies entirely in whether
or not you really, deep down, want to change.
If you really do want to make a change in your behavior
or help your body fight off a medical condition then you
will see some type of success with hypnosis. How much
success is entirely up to you? Even if you choose to see
a trained hypnotherapist on a regular basis you should
consider using self-hypnosis as a treatment at home to
boost your success and to keep progressing in your
Finding the right hypnotherapist to work with is just like
finding any other medical professional. Get referrals if
you can, but ultimately you will need to make an
appointment to sit down with that person and talk to
them, find out more about how they work and decide if
you feel comfortable enough to have that person treat
you. A qualified hypnotherapist will be happy to sit down
and answer your questions but you should always book
an appointment time so that you will be sure to have the
full attention of the hypnotherapist.
The appointment doesn’t need to be a long one, but it
should be long enough for you to get a feel for that
person’s personality and for you to ask all the questions
that you need to ask. Make sure that you bring a pad and
a pen, and this list of questions. These questions will help
you find a hypnotherapist that is qualified and is the best
fit for your personality and your particular medical needs.
1. How Long Have You Been Practicing?
Experience doesn’t always equal wisdom, but if you’re
seeking treatment for a serious condition it pays to
choose a hypnotherapist that has a lot of both. While
someone that just got certified might do a great job if you
are just trying to quit smoking if you are trying to change
your subconscious programming to heal a childhood
trauma or you want to use hypnosis to help manage the
pain of cancer or lower your blood pressure then you
should choose a hypnotherapist that has been in the
business awhile and has some experience in the field.
Most medical experts that support using hypnosis
treatments as a therapeutic tool say that if you want to
get treatment for anything other than relaxation, minor
stress relief, or help with small additions you should look
for a hypnotherapist that has at least three years of
experience. Three to five is better, and more than five is
best but the more experience that a hypnotherapist has
the higher his or her fee will be. So if price is a concern
you may need to sacrifice a little experience in order to
keep the treatment affordable.
2. Where Did you Study/ Get Certified?
Not every hypnotherapist has a medical degree or a
psychology degree from a four year university. Some just
have certifications in performing hypnosis and in
counseling, while others will have graduate level
educations in psychotherapy or related fields. You need
to decide for yourself what level of education you want
your hypnotherapist to have. Just keep in mind that you
will pay for education just like you would pay for
experience. Also remember that some hypnotherapists
with that have a background in psychotherapy or
counseling will be better able to help you with series
issues, like eating disorders.
If you are looking at working with a hypnotherapist who
only has a certification and doesn’t have a college degree
in a related field ask detailed questions about how much
training they had to go through in order to get certified
and where the training was held. A hypnotherapist
should complete at least some of their training in person
and in a clinical or campus setting.
Hypnotherapists that have only completed online
coursework may not be qualified to address that
particular medical issues that you have, so be wary of
any therapists that have only done online coursework for
their certificates. Make sure that you write down the
name of the school that they attended, whether in person
or online, so you can look it up at home later and find out
how reputable it is.
3. What Experience Do you Have Working
with _________ Issues?
Finding a hypnotherapist with a lot of general experience
isn’t going to be enough to give you the best possible
treatment. You need to find a hypnotherapist that has a
lot of experience working with your particular issue or the
medical condition that you have. Ask the hypnotherapist
in detail about their experiences treating whatever
condition it is that you’re seeking treatment for. Ask for
success stories, and ask for failures too if there are any.
Finding out why the treatment didn’t work on some
patients could give you a clue about whether or not the
therapist it qualified to work on patients with your
particular condition or that have your particular need.
Sometimes it’s not easy to talk about the issues that
you’re having, especially if they are related to a childhood
trauma and especially to a stranger. But whatever you tell
the hypnotherapist is confidential and will help both you
and the hypnotherapist decide if he or she is the right
person to treat you. You don’t have to go into great detail
about your problem or your issues, just tell them enough
to get the point across and to find out what experience
they have working with people who have those issues.
4. What is Your Process?
The therapist will probably be expecting to answer
questions about his or her education and experience but
may not be expecting this one. Ask the therapist to
describe exactly what a session is like, and how exactly
he or she can address your needs. Many therapists will
ask follow up questions to this question such as asking
you what your specific goals for treatment are. If the
therapist doesn’t ask any follow up questions after you
ask this question that is a red flag that the therapist might
not be experienced enough to treat your problem.
A leading question such as this one gives you the chance
to judge how well your therapist will take the reins and
direct the progress of your treatment. If the therapist
seems flustered or doesn’t know how to respond to the
question it’s a safe bet to assume that if your therapy
doesn’t go along the same lines as patients they have
treated in the past the therapist might not really know
what to do.
A challenging question like this one is a great way to
throw a curve ball at the therapist and see how he or she
handles the unexpected. Because as you know when
you’re being treated for any condition that has a
psychological component at any point a curve ball could
come up, so you should know if your therapist is capable
of smoothly dealing with the unexpected.
5. How Many Sessions Will I Need?
Don’t be suspicious if the therapist tells you that you
might only need one session, because it’s quite possible
that hypnosis can cure some mild conditions or
addictions in one session. But, if the therapist says that it
definitely only will take one session that should be a red
flag for you. No therapist can say for sure how many
sessions you will need without first having an in depth
discussion with you about what you to achieve and
diagnosing the extent of the problem. A good therapist
should be able to give you an estimate of how many
sessions it will take in order for you to see some results
or to be cured but be wary of any therapist that tells you
he or she can cure you in exactly ___ number of
It’s important that you understand that the amount of
sessions needed is just an estimate, so don’t plan on
being cured in that exact amount sessions when you’re
trying to think about budgeting or payments. There is no
way to know for sure when the hypnosis will begin to
work or when your condition will go away. A lot of factors,
such as how receptive you are to the hypnosis process,
will impact the number of sessions needed to see the
kind of results that you’re looking for.
6. How Much does it Cost?
Know what you are getting into cost-wise, but don’t make
the mistake of using cost at the deciding factor when it
comes to your treatment. Often it is the case that you get
what you pay for. It’s worth paying more to get
hypnotherapy from an experienced, educated therapist.
Hypnosis is practically fool proof, but you don’t want to
part of the small percentage of people that end up worse
off after hypnosis treatment. Don’t freak out if the
therapist quotes you a price that seems out of range for
you, write down the rates and take some time later on to
think about how fair that rate is.
If you are not sure that you could pay the rate that was
quoted ask the therapist if he or she accepts payment
plans. Some therapists have in house staff that are
trained to deal with the financial aspects of the treatment
and can help you find financing or creative way to pay for
the treatment if you decide that you really want to get
treatment from that therapist.
When you’re thinking about the cost consider also that
while the cost might seem high if the therapist is very
experienced and educated it might take fewer sessions to
see results. So you might be better off having a few
sessions with a therapist that charges £200 than you
would be having double then number of sessions with a
therapist that charges £100 a session. The actual cost of
the sessions will vary based on where you are located,
how many hypnotherapists there are in the area and how
high the demand for hypnotherapy is.
If the therapist quotes you a price that seems too low that
can be another red flag that indicates a lack of
experience in hypnosis and a lack of experience in the
industry. The therapist should know what the going rate
is for hypnotherapy services in the area. If his or her rates
are drastically below the average price that other
providers charge it could mean that the therapist is not
confident in his or her abilities, is just starting out, or isn’t
aware of what the standard rate for hypnosis treatment is
where you live. As a general rule it’s a good idea to drop
from consideration any estimates that are excessively
high or excessively low when you’re considering which
hypnotherapist to choose.
7. Do You Teach Self-hypnosis?
This is a very important question to ask if you have any
interest in using self-hypnosis either to treat yourself at
home between sessions or to use on yourself on an
ongoing basis once you feel that you no longer need
guided sessions with a hypnotherapist. Because your
therapist will have his or her own unique treatment
method/style based on his or her own education and
experience if you’re going to use self-hypnosis in
conjunction with that therapist’s treatment it will be much
more effective if you use that therapist’s hypnosis style
and tools in order to hypnotise yourself. If your therapist
doesn’t teach his or her own style of meditation to
patients it’s worth asking if they can recommend a style
that is similar to his or her style that you can learn on
your own.
Self-hypnosis is a very important part of hypnosis
treatment for some conditions. If the therapist that you’re
interviewing doesn’t seem willing to have you learn any
self-hypnosis at all that should be a red flag. If the
therapist wants to keep his or her methods private and
not share them even with you then their treatment
methods might be ineffective, or they might be
unorthodox, or they might even be trying to scam patients
into paying for treatment that is very complicated when in
practice the therapy is quite simple and easily done by
the patient.
The goal of hypnotherapy should always be for you to be
a functioning, healthy person. If the therapist seems more
focused on how long he or she can keep you in treatment
instead of on making you healthy and ready to go face
the world on your own terms that therapist is probably
more concerned with getting your money than helping
you. It doesn’t happen often, but there are some
unscrupulous hypnotherapists out there and you don’t
want to let one take advantage of your desire to get
8. What Products Do You Sell?
The therapist that you should choose should be willing to
help you learn some self-hypnosis techniques in order to
make it easier for you to treat yourself between sessions
and manage your condition later on but you don’t want to
choose a hypnotherapist that sells a lot of products of
their own because that person might be just trying to
make a buck and might not be all that interested in
helping patients. If the hypnotherapist seems more
interested in making a name for him or herself than in
helping you get better cross that therapist off your list of
possible therapists.
But don’t mistake a therapist that sells some products for
a therapist just trying to get ahead. Some therapists do
sell DVDs or CDs or books that document their therapy
methods and provide guided hypnosis. Sometimes these
products can be extremely useful for self-hypnosis and
because they are done by the same person that is giving
you hypnotherapy you can learn a style of self-hypnosis
that complements the therapy you are getting in your
regular therapy sessions.
Just selling some products doesn’t automatically mean
that the therapist is not legitimate. Use your own
judgment when it comes to deciphering the therapist’s
motives. A therapist that sells a few homemade DVDs or
CDs is probably very patient focused but a therapist that
has a lot of flashy products or is constantly trying to sell
you more products probably is more concerned with his
or her own career than with trying to help you get over
your problem or treat your condition.
9. What is Your Success Rate?
Keep in mind that no therapist is going to have a 100%
success rate, and don’t expect them to. But you are
entitled to ask overall how many patients that the
therapist treats who are either cured or learn how to
manage their condition in the case of Fibromyalgia pain
or other chronic pain. After all, what you are ultimately
after is results so the therapist should have no trouble
discussing with you what the result of their therapy
usually is.
You can ask for referrals but some therapists will not feel
comfortable giving out the names or information of
previous patients. Some therapists will have a list of
people who have agreed to let the therapist use them as
references but if the therapist that you’re talking to
doesn’t have such a list it doesn’t mean that he or she
has no satisfied patients. Patient confidentiality is very
important in hypnotherapy, especially for patients dealing
with psychological conditions, and former patients might
not want their names or other information revealed.
If you can’t get any references or any definitive
information about the therapist’s success rate you can
always look online at a medical or consumer review site
and see if that particular therapist has been reviewed.
10. Do You Ask Clients to Do Homework?
The last question that you ask a potential hypnotherapist
is whether or not he or she asks patients to do
homework. Homework could consist of readings about
the particular condition that the therapist is working with
you to solve, or it could consist of self-hypnosis sessions
that will help you relax and reinforce the new patterns
that the therapist is creating in the treatment sessions, or
it could consist of other activities designed to make the
treatment more effective, more quickly.
In this case you want the therapist to assign homework. If
the therapist tells you that he or she always assigns
homework to patients and describes the type of activities
that the patient is expected to do that should tell you that
the therapist has the right priorities in mind. By giving
homework the therapist is preparing you to take over as
your own hypnotherapist. Using self-hypnosis and other
exercises is something that you can do on your own in
the future after you have stopped formal treatment to
make sure that you don’t fall back into unhealthy patterns
and to make sure that your original condition doesn’t
Not all therapists believe in assigning homework and a
therapist that doesn’t shouldn’t necessarily be left out of
the running but if it comes down to picking a therapist
that gives homework and one that doesn’t you should
always pick the one that does because the therapist is
going to work hard from the start to make you
independent and not dependent on treatment.
Now you know what to ask a hypnotherapist before you
pick one to start treatment with, how can you find a
hypnotherapist? Because the use of hypnosis for medical
and psychological applications is considered relatively
new depending on where you live you might have a hard
time finding qualified hypnotherapists
Here are some tips you can use to find reputable
Look for an alternative health center – Many
alternative health practitioners will band together
and rent office space in the same building or the
same block of buildings and advertise collectively.
Look in the phone book to see if your area has an
alternative health center.
Ask your doctor – More and more doctors and
medical professionals are embracing hypnosis as
a treatment. Your doctor might be able to
recommend a qualified hypnotherapist that has
some experience working with people that have
your condition.
Go online – There are message boards and chat
groups devoted to every conceivable condition
and disorder there is. Find a message board or
chat group for people that have your condition and
ask the people there where to find a qualified
Consult the experts – Here in the UK we don’t
have any official body that governs the licensing of
hypnotists; however a quick Google search will
bring up a few organizations that therapists can
become members of. In the USA, The American
Council of Hypnotist Examiners is the licensing
board that carries out hypnotist certifications. They
will have a complete listing of all the certified
hypnotists all over the country including where you
live. They have a website or you can call directly.
Check local bulletin boards – Usually the local
natural food store or co-op and the local New Age
shop will have community bulletin boards where
people post business cards and flyers. Stop in at
these stores and look for the business cards of
local hypnotists and hypnotherapists.
Hypnotherapy sessions aren’t strange New Age rituals
filled with candles and yoga cushions, no matter what
you’ve seen on TV or in movies. Most hypnotherapy
sessions are an hour long, but some maybe only thirty
minutes depending on the depth of the hypnosis that is
being done. Each hypnotherapist runs his or her
sessions a little different but in general this is what you
can expect in a hypnotherapy session:
The Beginning – When the session starts you will come
in, chat with the therapist, and maybe have some tea to
start the relaxation process. The hypnotherapist may play
some soft relaxing music and may keep the light in the
office dim in order to promote relaxation.
The Pre-hypnosis stage- When you’re comfortable and
feeling relaxed the hypnotherapist will begin to put you
under hypnosis. Usually this involves using one of
several different techniques that resemble the techniques
used during meditation. Often you will be asked to
visualize either crossing a bridge over rushing water into
a peaceful calm field or descending down a set of steps.
The hypnotherapist may use a pre-recorded tape of
himself or herself leading this pre-hypnosis talk.
Hypnosis – Once the therapist feels that you are in a
deeply relaxed hypnotic state he or she will begin to give
you hypnotic suggestions telling you different behavior to
adapt or erasing negative associations from your mind.
This is the critical part of the therapy and can take just
minutes or can take up to thirty minutes or more
depending on the scope of the therapy.
Post-hypnosis – After the therapist has given you the
hypnotic suggestions necessary to change your behavior
he or she will begin to slowly bring out of the deep
hypnotic state. This is normally done slowly (although
this is not always the case and is in no way defined as
correct) so that your subconscious has a chance to
accept the hypnotic suggestions that were given and so
that your conscious mind has a chance to acclimate to
being active once again instead of resting.
It may take you a few minutes after being brought out of
the hypnotic state to really return to full alertness. Often
people experience such a deep state of relaxation that
they are reluctant to come back to full alertness because
they are enjoying the relaxation segment so much.
Once you are fully alert you will refreshed and
rejuvenated. Even though you are never unconscious
during the hypnosis you will like you just had a very
wonderful nap when you are done with the hypnosis
session. And that’s all there is it to it. It’s simple and easy
and there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.
Self-hypnosis can be used either as a therapeutic tool in
conjunction with hypnotherapy that is done by a trained
therapist or it can be done alone. Using self-hypnosis you
can treat many health conditions on your own. You can
use self-hypnosis to change your behavior patterns,
break addictions, manage stress, and to improve
yourself. Self-hypnosis can help you become more
confident, find more success, be more creative, and
generally help you live a richer, fuller life.
Anyone can perform self-hypnosis with the right training
and tools. Some people actually respond better to selfhypnosis than to a trained hypnotherapist because it’s
easier for them to truly relax and let their conscious mind
drift to the side allowing access to the subconscious mind
when they are alone.
Usually this is because on some level they suspect that if
they really let themselves drift into a hypnotic state the
hypnotherapist could take control of them and make them
do something strange or act in a strange way. Even if
consciously know that can’t happen, for some people the
fear is still there and it gets in the way of traditional
hypnotherapy. For people that suffer from that innate
fear self-hypnosis is a great alternative.
Self-hypnosis is also a great tool to use if you travel a lot
or have other obligations that prevent you from seeing a
hypnotherapist regularly. If you know how to use selfhypnosis then you can do very well with just occasional
visits to the hypnotherapist to make sure that your
progress is on course. Not all conditions will respond to
self-hypnosis, but among those that do there is a high
cure rate.
Conditions that require the entire reprogramming of the
way that you think, such as hypnotherapy to repair
childhood trauma, isn’t a good fit for self-hypnosis
because you really need a professionally trained
therapist to help you do any type of NLP hypnosis.
However, you can treat and cure many conditions on
your own using self-hypnosis. Learning the techniques
that you need to use for self-hypnosis isn’t that difficult. If
you can meditate, you can use self-hypnosis.
People that are already used to a regular meditation
practice usually have the easiest time with self-hypnosis.
If you haven’t started a regular meditation practice but
you’re interested in self-hypnosis starting a regular
meditation practice would be a good way to start getting
yourself ready to try self-hypnosis. Learning how to relax
your body and mind through meditation is a good first
step since in order to perform self-hypnosis you will be
taking your body and mind to the next step of relaxation
in order to make real, lasting and powerful changes in
your life.
Learning self-hypnosis isn’t that difficult, but it’s easy for
beginners to make mistakes before they learn the
commonly used techniques that are the most effective for
self-hypnosis. Avoid making these five beginner’s
mistakes when you start learning self-hypnosis and you’ll
be off to a great start:
1. Not being able to relax enough – Trying to relax
shouldn’t be work, right? But it can be. When was the last
time that you sat still? Can you sit still through an entire
TV show or are you getting up at every commercial and
walking around or getting a snack? In order to maintain a
hypnotic state you need to be able to quiet your mind and
body. Regular meditation will help you learn the
concentration and focus that you’ll need in order to be
able to use self-hypnosis.
2. Not being open to the hypnosis experience – It’s
one thing to say that you’re going to try self-hypnosis or
hypnosis in general. It’s another thing to actually do it.
When faced with the prospect of real self-hypnosis lots of
people end up not being able to do it because on a
subconscious level they either don’t believe they can be
hypnotised or they don’t really want to be hypnotised. If
you have any psychological blocks about hypnosis you
will need to work through them before any type of
hypnosis will be effective.
3. Not preparing enough ahead of time – In spite of
what you see in stage hypnosis real hypnotherapy takes
more than just a snap of the fingers to create a hypnotic
state. It takes time and preparation to learn how to use
self-hypnosis as an effective therapeutic tool. Often
people think that they can do self-hypnosis with little or
no preparation and then if it’s not effective they give up.
But self-hypnosis is a skill and like any other skill it needs
to be practiced and learned before you can do it well.
4. Expecting too much, too fast – Self-hypnosis is a
tool, but it’s not a miracle cure. Expecting to break
addictions or cure medical conditions with one or two
self-hypnosis sessions, especially if you’re not
experienced at self-hypnosis, is just setting yourself up to
be disappointed and to fail. Anytime you are trying a new
therapy, whether you are doing it yourself or seeing a
specialist, you need to expect it to take some time in
order to be effective.
5. Not formulating your hypnotic suggestions
properly – This is the biggie. The one that could undo all
your self-hypnosis efforts. The hypnotic suggestions that
you give yourself during self- hypnosis have to set up in
the right way or else they won’t be effective and nothing
will happen. Phrasing the hypnotic suggestions the
wrong way or not including specific enough commands
could mean that your subconscious is not getting the
cues that it needs to change your behavior.
When you’re dealing with the subconscious mind instead
of the conscious mind the way that you phrase the
hypnotic suggestions that you use is very important. The
way that your subconscious mind processes things is
very different than the way that your conscious mind
processes things.
So for example if you were using self-hypnosis to stop
smoking and you logically assumed that the hypnotic
suggestion that you should use for that would be “I am
not going to smoke” you would find that the hypnosis was
not effective. Why? Because your subconscious mind
would skip right over the “not” and process that command
as “I am going to smoke” and you’d end up smoking
Here are some tips to keep in mind when you’re creating
the hypnotic suggestions that you want to use during selfhypnosis:
Avoid using the word “try” because it implies
failure. Saying “I’m going to try and quit_______”
or "I need to try and do_____” when interpreted by
the subconscious mind will mean that you tried to
do something and failed. In order to successfully
use self-hypnosis you need to be programming
yourself to succeed, not fail.
Don’t use the phrase “going to” unless you use it
with a specific date. Saying” I am going to lose
weight” or whatever behavior you want to change
tells your subconscious mind that you’re doing to
do that in the future. So unless you give it a
specific date like “I am going to lose weight next
Tuesday” your subconscious mind won’t know
when in the future that behavior change should
take place and nothing will happen.
Don’t use phrase like “Giving up” or “Doing
Without” like “I am giving up alcohol”. Any phrases
like that imply a punishment of some kind, or a
sense of lack, and you’re essentially telling your
subconscious that you’re being punished which is
definitely the wrong message to send.
Don’t use phrases like “I have to?” Expert
hypnotherapists have found that their clients using
self-given hypnotic suggestions using commands
like “I have to stop drinking” made themselves
anxious and irritable which reduced their ability to
respond to positive hypnotic suggestions.
Your hypnotherapist can help you learn the type of selfhypnosis techniques that will best complement the
therapy that you’re already getting, but there are some
good general, basic self-hypnosis techniques that are
often used by people who are using self-hypnosis to
improve themselves or to relax. There are lots more free
self-hypnosis techniques that you can learn online, but
the ones you’ll see most often are these two:
The Stairs
In order to use this technique you need to be able to do
simple visualization, so it helps if you have done some
meditation work or are at least a bit familiar with the tools
of meditation. Once you can handle sitting still in a
relaxed position for a long period of time and you can do
simple visualization you will be ready to do this
technique. It’s sometimes helpful to have music playing
to give your conscious mind something to focus on.
To start this self-hypnosis technique you need to
visualize yourself standing at the top of a large staircase.
Usually there are 10-12 stairs in the visualization. The
staircase should look safe and comforting, not dark and
scary. The steps should be wide and sturdy and they
should look easy to walk down. At the bottom of the
staircase you should visualize a large door, a heavy door.
That’s the door to your subconscious.
Starting at the top of the stairs you should imagine
yourself starting to descend the stairs slowly, becoming
more and more relaxed with each step. If you have a CD
or a DVD of your hypnotherapist or even yourself leading
a guided descent down the steps that will help a lot
because it will be a lot easier to visualize yourself
descending the stairs with someone talking you through
When you reach the last five steps you should be in a
good pre-hypnotic state. Visualize yourself descending
the last five stairs very slowly, entering a much deeper
state of relaxation with each step down. As you reach the
bottom of the stairs visualize yourself pushing on the
door to find that it’s not locked and it swings open easily
when you push it. Then visualize yourself walking
through it.
At that point you should be in a steady hypnotic state and
your subconscious mind should be ready to receive
whatever hypnotic suggestions you have prepared. Just
make sure that the hypnotic suggestions that you have
are appropriately worded. In order to bring yourself out
of the hypnotic state you will need to visualize yourself
walking out of the door and back up the stairs slowly, one
by one, waking up your conscious mind a little more at
each step, until you reach the top. When you reach the
top of the stairs you should be fully awake and alert and
you should feel as if you just had a great night’s sleep
The Bridge
The Bridge is the other commonly used self-hypnosis
technique. A version of this visualization is used in
meditation but it can also be used for self-hypnosis.
Some people find the imagery of The Bridge to be less
threatening and less frightening than the imagery of
descending a bunch of stairs. Additionally, the imagery
involved in The Bridge visualization will give you an extra
boost of relaxation which usually makes you more
susceptible to the hypnotic suggestions.
To start The Bridge method of self-hypnosis, first
visualize yourself standing next to a stream in a forest.
Focus on the scene until you can clearly make out the
details. The water should be calm and soothing, making
you feel peaceful and relaxed as you look at it. How
many details do you see? Think of it as looking at a
photo. Picture the bank itself, the trees and leaves, the
rocks along the bank, the color of the earth, the sparkle
of the sunlight on the water.
The more details you can create in your mind the more
deeply you’ll be able to relax and the more open you’ll be
to the hypnosis. In the center of your stream should be a
bridge. The bridge can look any way you want it to look
but it should be large and sturdy and not scary or
intimidating looking. As you visualize yourself standing in
front of the bridge take a few deep breaths and feel
yourself start to relax. Try to hear the sounds of the
water and of the air moving around you. Slowly look up
and look over the bridge into a warm, inviting looking
sunny field that lies beyond the bridge. Slowly start to
walk across the bridge.
Once you get to the center of the bridge stand and look
over the railing into the water. Hold out your hands in
front of you and picture a dark ball of light containing all
your sadness and stress and negativity. As you stare at
the dark ball pour all your negative energy from the day
into the ball. Throw in your bad day at work and your
fight with your spouse and any other things that are
annoying you or upsetting you.
When you have poured all your negative emotions into
the dark ball of light feel how heavy it is in your hands,
and then lean over and drop it into the water. Watch it
fall into the water and drift away, taking all your negativity
with it. You should feel happier, lighter, and more
relaxed. Then you can continue walking across the
bridge into the sunny field.
As you cross into the sunny field visualize yourself letting
go of any negativity or bad feelings. All of those negative
feelings were dropped into the water and washed away.
You should be feeling nothing but joy as you cross over
into the field. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face,
and really enjoy the colors of the grass and the flowers.
Once you enter into the field, which is representing your
subconscious, you should be fully relaxed and in a deep
hypnotic state which will allow any hypnotic suggestions
that you give yourself in that state to directly enter your
subconscious mind. To come back out of the hypnosis
all you need to do is slowly cross back over the bridge
and bring yourself back to full alertness where your
conscious mind is awake and alert.
Learning how to properly perform self-hypnosis is a
process, and it will take some time for you to learn what
techniques will work best for you and what ones won’t
work at all. Here are some tips that you can use to help
speed up the process of getting to the point where you
can perform a successful self-hypnosis:
Learn meditation – learning meditation will give
you the physical ability to sit still and relax.
Meditation will also be a great way to teach you
how to quiet your mind and relax your mind and
body to prepare yourself for the meditative state
that you need to be in for hypnosis.
Record a CD – Even if you don’t want to buy a
pre-made hypnosis CD and you want to do it
yourself you should still use a CD or an MP3 for
self-hypnosis to guide you through the steps of
relaxation. You can get a cheap microphone and
record yourself on your computer talking through
one of the self-hypnosis techniques and play that
for yourself with headphones when you are trying
to do self-hypnosis.
Use different techniques – Not every self-hypnosis
technique will work on each person. Try several
different self-hypnosis techniques until you find
one that puts you into a very deep hypnotic state
and then continue to use that one.
Make sure you have a quiet place to do your
hypnosis – You need peace and quiet for about an
hour in order to do a self-hypnosis session so if
you need to wait until the rest of your family is out
or in bed before you start to make sure that you
don’t get interrupted while doing self-hypnosis.
Once you know the basic self-hypnosis techniques that
are commonly used you can try hypnotising others. You
and your friends might have more success with hypnosis
if you hypnotise each other instead of trying to do selfhypnosis. Many people find it easier to reach that deeply
relaxed state when someone else is talking them through
the relaxation instead of trying to achieve it on their own.
In order to hypnotise others you need to do more than
just read out the hypnosis script. The tone and timbre of
your voice are very important, and you can find tips
online on how to read a hypnosis script in a way that will
provide the most relaxation possible. Make sure that you
always read slowly and that you keep the tone of your
voice low, even, and don’t put too much emotion into the
reading. Don’t read the script like you’re having a
conversation because you’re supposed to be helping the
other person relax, not inviting them to have a chat with
When you are hypnotising others you need to be very
careful with the hypnotic suggestions that you plant in
their subconscious minds during the hypnosis. If at all
possible you should use the hypnotic suggestions that
they have prepared. If you want to help them create
hypnotic suggestions to make sure that those
suggestions are worded properly and are going to be
effective and not damaging you can, but making up your
own hypnotic suggestions on the spot is not
recommended. Make sure that the hypnotic suggestions
that the person wants are written out and are agreed to
ahead of time. That will make it a lot easier to avoid any
problems with your friend in the long run.
If you find that you have a natural talent for hypnotising
others then you might want to consider a new career as a
hypnotherapist. While some hypnotherapists do have a
background in medicine or in psychology you don’t
necessarily have to have one in order to be a
hypnotherapist. There are limits to what you can treat if
you don’t have a medical or a psychology degree but it’s
still possible to build a solid career for yourself helping
people as a hypnotherapist even if you have a degree in
something else or no degree at all.
With the economy the way it is today a career in the
medical field or as an alternative medicine practitioner is
very attractive for a lot of people. Employment experts
say that the one career area that is going to be recession
proof is health care. People will always need health care,
so health care providers have guaranteed job security no
matter what the ups and downs of the financial markets
mean for employment in other industries.
So if you have gotten to be quite good at hypnotising all
your friends and you enjoy the challenge of hypnotising
people and helping them change their lives then you
should look more deeply at possibly starting a career as
a hypnotherapist.
As a hypnotherapist you will have the ability to change
someone’s behavior by the hypnotic suggestions that you
plant in their subconscious minds. That’s a big deal. So
becoming a hypnotherapist is not something that you
should do on a whim. It takes a serious commitment and
usually a lot of classes before you are ready to be a
certified hypnotherapist.
Hypnotherapists who are highly qualified and
experienced can make upwards of a £80,000 per year.
So if hypnotherapy is something that you’re interested in
and something that you have a natural talent for it could
be a very lucrative career as well as a rewarding one. In
order to become a certified hypnotherapist in the UK you
can either study via distance learning and then take a
course with a professional hypnotist, we have no
governing body in this country so make sure you do your
research and find a reputable trainer, or go to a school
that specializes in teaching hypnosis. In the USA it is a
different ball game, you will need to pass an exam given
by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners that
proves you know different hypnosis techniques and know
how to formulate effective hypnotic suggestions.
In addition to taking and passing the exam in order to get
certified as a hypnotist you need to take and pass 200
hours of classes at a school that is both approved by the
ACHE and by your State Board of Education. If you want
to attend an online school for hypnotherapy make sure
that it is accredited in your state or else you won’t be able
to apply for certification using your education credentials
from that school, and you need to get a certificate from
the ACHE in order to set up your own legal hypnotherapy
If you want to become certified as a clinical
hypnotherapist you will need to complete an additional
300 hours of classroom and clinical education in addition
to the 200 hours required for hypnosis certification at a
school approved by the ACHE and accredited in your
state. Online school is usually not recommended for
people that want to become clinical hypnotherapists
because an online educational setting doesn’t provide
you with the clinical experience and the hands-on
experience that you need in order to pass the ACHE test.
As you can see from the requirements it’s not easy to
fulfill the requirements to become a certified
hypnotherapist but if you want to have a career where
you are really helping people and making a measurable
impact on their lives then you might really like being a
hypnotherapist. Even though you might have to invest a
lot of money in education in order to switch from your
current career to becoming a hypnotherapist you can
make a lot of money down the road as a hypnotherapist
so really it’s an investment in your future, just like all
Here is a little technique that I developed myself, it is a
variation on a tapping technique used by Paul McKenna and
Dr. Jonathan Royle. I decided to call it TNT because it is one
of the fasted ways to cure fears, phobias and anxiety. I have
been using this technique personally for over two years now
and have had amazing results. Just as TNT (dynamite) quickly
gets rid of something so does this system.
This is how it’s done – now sit in a comfy chair and close your
eyes, and just think of whatever it is that causes you the fear or
anxiety. Really bring forth the bad emotions that you feel when
in the situation, once you have the feeling open your eyes, now
on a scale of 1 – 10 with 1 being no problem at all and 10 being
the worst feeling in the world, how high up that scale are you
right now? (give yourself a number on the scale) now with the
middle finger and index finger of your right hand tap three
times on your forehead, followed by three times on your belly
button, three times on your left shoulder, three times on your
right shoulder, then times on your top lip, now start to hum the
tune to happy birthday, as you get to the end of the first line
place your index finger on the number 3 (bottom of page) then
at the end of the second line place your finger on the number 2,
end of the third line place finder on number 1 and finally at the
end of the forth line place your finger on the fire button.
Now close your eyes once again and just try to recreate the
same bad emotions that you did before. You will find that as
hard as you try you just won’t be able to feel as bad as you did
before. Open your eyes, now on the scale of 1 – 10 with 10
being the worst it was in the past, how much lower down the
scale do you feel now? (Give yourself a number on the scale)
From this point you can either decide to go through the process
again if you would like to take the number lower.
Please remember that this is a very powerful tool and that it
should only be used responsibly, for example if you have a fear
of knives then by using this technique you could completely
erase the fear, however it would be wise to only take yourself
down to perhaps a 2 on the scale because if someone was to
come charging at you with a knife then you might just want to
have a fear of it.. As is the same with spiders, you could
completely erase the fear however if you were in Australia it
would be better to have a concern if one came walking up to
A simple yet powerful little tool you can use when you feel
stressed, anxious or you are getting those cravings that you
want to get rid of.
Just place the tip of your index finger in the middle of the disc
below and stare at it, don’t break your fixation, use absolute
focus. Now take three deep breaths and after the third breath
say “GONE”.
Repeat the process three times, then notice how much better
you feel.
You are now ready to continue with you day.
Hypnosis has come a long way in the past fifty years.
Instead of just being viewed as entertainment, hypnosis
has been found to have some real medical benefits.
There are many physical problems that have
psychological connections that can be cured or at least
managed by using hypnosis. As Western medicine
started to embrace the idea that Eastern medicine has
embraced for a long time, the idea that the mind and
body are connected and that what effects the mind also
effects the body Western doctors are embracing
hypnosis as an effective type of treatment.
Hypnosis can be used to cure or manage everything from
a smoking addiction to the pain of childbirth to the
discomfort of chemotherapy. Hypnosis can even be used
to control pain during surgery or medical procedures
instead of drugs, it’s that powerful.
Hypnosis can also be used to manage psychological
conditions like depression, and can provide relief from
anxiety and phobias. Hypnosis can cure childhood
traumas and help you change the unhealthy behavior
patterns that you might have learned a child in order to
survive in less than ideal circumstances. Hypnosis can
be the key to moving ahead with your life and living a
healthy, productive life on your own terms.
Lots of people use self-hypnosis to help with their other
medical treatment and also just to improve their daily
lives. Self-hypnosis, if done properly, can help you
become more confident, make you more comfortable
speaking in public, and help you make better decisions.
Self-hypnosis can also be used for deep relaxation to
help you get rid of the stress of your busy life.
Now that you know all the benefits that can come from
hypnosis and self-hypnosis are you ready to give it a try?
You can start changing your life, and yourself, for the
better today!
Good luck to you as you start your journey to better
health through hypnosis!