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Is it Alzheimer’s?
How to pare down the possibilities
A clinical guide to rule out
other dementing diseases
and rare reversible causes
ea y
ccurate and early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s
® D
ease (AD) is evolving, and—although
not yetnal
definitive—is no longer y
careful in-office work-upCand routineF
or tools,
you can accurately identify >90% of patients with lateonset AD.1
AD is by far the most common cause of dementia
in older patients. To help you make the diagnosis, this
state-of-the-art article discusses:
• AD’s clinical presentation and course
• the role of neuropsychological tests for assessing
cognitive and functional status
• neuropsychiatric and medical findings that differentiate AD from other dementia causes
• indications for structural neuroimaging with CT
or MRI.
Mehret Gebretsadik, MD
Chief resident
Presentation and course
Variability. AD’s gradual onset and progression are
characterized by prominent memory loss, anomia, constructional apraxia, anosognosia, and personality changes with affect deregulation, behavioral disturbance, and
distorted perception.1 Amnesia—particularly deficits in
anterograde episodic memory—is the most common
presentation, but the disease course is heterogeneous
and may be affected by:
• patient age at onset
• illness severity at diagnosis
• comorbid medical and neuropsychiatric illnesses
• premorbid cerebral reserves (amount of brain
George T. Grossberg, MD
Samuel W. Fordyce Professor
Director, division of geriatric psychiatry
Department of neurology and psychiatry
Saint Louis University School of Medicine
Current Psychiatry
Vol. 7, No. 1
For mass reproduction, content licensing and permissions contact Dowden Health Media.
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Box 1
Biomarkers show promise to improve AD diagnosis
esearchers are investigating surrogates
for detecting Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
and monitoring disease progression.5
Clinical Point
Clinical assessment
has low specificity
in advanced stages,
where all dementia
subtypes are similar
and comorbidities
confuse the picture
Serum and CSF markers. AD is viewed
as a series of sequential events, beginning
with beta-amyloid (β-amyloid) accumulation
and progressing through a pathophysiologic
cascade to cell death, transmitter deficit,
and dementia. A unique biomarker may
be associated with each event, either in
the primary disease process of β-amyloid
production and accumulation or intermediate
processes such as tau hyperphosphorylation,
oxidation, and inflammation.5,6
These biochemical markers are found
more consistently in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
than peripherally. Lower CSF β-amyloid
(especially β-amyloid 42) and higher CSF tau
and tau-phosphorylated (p-tau) have been
found in AD patients compared with normal
and disease controls.7 Some overlap exists,
damage a person can sustain before reaching a threshold for the clinical expression
of dementia).1-3
Current Psychiatry
January 2008
054_CPSY0108 054
Staging illness severity. AD has 3 clinical
stages of cognitive dysfunction:
Mild AD. An individual or close companion may notice increased forgetfulness and
word-finding difficulties, a tendency to
lose or misplace things, repeated questioning, and some disorientation. Motor skills
are intact.
Moderate AD. Cognitive decline continues, memory deteriorates, and self-care
ability is markedly impaired. The individual may undergo personality changes,
confuse time and place, have trouble communicating and recognizing family members or friends, develop agitation, begin
to wander, and experience delusions and
Severe AD. An individual with late-stage
disease has severe impairment and can be
bedridden, incontinent, and unable to understand or speak. Full-time care is required.
Staging informs treatment. In clinical trials,
patients with mild-to-moderate AD consis-
however, among AD and other dementias.
Other possible serum, CSF, and urine markers
include isoprostanes, sulfatides, oxysterols,
homocysteine, apolipoprotein E, alpha 1antichymotrypsin, 3-nitrotyrosine, and more.8
No biomarkers are available or recommended
for clinical use at this time.
Neuroimaging. Amyloid imaging tracers
may increase the capacity of single photon
emission computed tomography (SPECT)
and positron emission tomography (PET)
to detect AD pathology. These tracers
have high binding affinity for amyloid and
may enable PET/SPECT to detect amyloid
deposits in vivo.
Amyloid radioligands are being developed
and tested as potential clinical diagnostic
tools and surrogate biomarkers of antiamyloid
therapies. A radioligand that targets amyloid
and neurofibrillary tangles in AD has been
developed recently for use as a research tool.
tently show small improvements in cognitive and global function when treated with
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs)
such as donepezil, rivastigmine, and galantamine.4 Donepezil also is approved for use
in severe AD.
Memantine is indicated for symptomatic treatment of moderate-to-severe AD.
It differs in mechanism of action from the
AChEIs and is thought to inhibit cytotoxic
overstimulation of glutamatergic neurons.4
For moderately advanced AD, memantine
appears to be beneficial alone or in combination with AChEIs.
Dementia assessment
Clinical assessment has low sensitivity for
early-phase AD and compromised specificity in advanced stages, where all dementia subtypes are similar and comorbidities
may confuse the picture. Promising surrogate biomarkers and other diagnostic
tools are being developed (Box 1),5-8 but
definitive AD diagnosis still requires postmortem histopathologic examination of
the cerebral cortex.
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Box 2
Can your AD patient drive or live alone?
Consider neuropsychological assessment
europsychological tests disclose a degree
of intellectual impairment that correlates
with functional impairment and may be
particularly useful for assessing:
• mild cognitive impairment when diagnosis
is doubtful
• cases where major lifestyle changes may
be required, such as driving cessation or
assisted-living placement.
These tests can examine performance
across different domains of cognitive function,
including orientation, memory, attention,
naming, comprehension, and praxis.
Limitations. Neuropsychological tests have
limitations, including cost and administration
time. Some older patients find the tests
distressing or tiring, and those with severe
dementia are incapable of participating.
Patients’ anxiety about taking tests, poor
test-taking skills, low motivation/effort, and
language, cultural, and educational variables
limit these tests’ usefulness and may influence
Interpret a neuropsychological evaluation
in the context of other clinical data, such as
informant-based history of cognitive decline,
evidence of impairment in independent
activities of daily living, educational
background, depression assessment, sensory
impairment, or factors other than dementia that
may account for impaired performance.
Source: References 13,14
History and physical exam. Depending
on the AD stage at presentation, patients
might not be a reliable source of information. For a realistic and unbiased history
and evaluation, assess the patient separately and obtain collateral information
from reliable informants.
In typical cases, the history guides the
physical/neurologic examination. Advancing age and family history are confirmed risk
factors for AD; others may include:
• female gender (after age 80)
• cardiovascular disease (such as
cerebral infarcts, hypertension, elevated
cholesterol/homocysteine, smoking, and
diabetes mellitus)
• history of head trauma, especially
with loss of consciousness.
Assess premorbid functioning and existing medical conditions. Apraxia, aphasia, and cortical visual impairment may
reflect focal signs of atypical AD; consider
other neurologic signs in the context of
clinical data.
Early and accurate diagnosis of AD is
challenging in patients with mixed dementias, comorbid neurologic diseases, or atypical features. Patients with these presentations
may require referral to an expert clinician,
extensive workup, or longitudinal follow-up
before the diagnosis becomes clear.
055_CPSY0108 055
Neuropsychological testing. Most men-
Clinical Point
Apraxia, aphasia,
and cortical visual
impairment may
reflect focal signs
of atypical AD
tal status tests examine orientation, attention/concentration, learning, memory,
language, and constructional praxis. The
Folstein Mini-Mental State Examination
(MMSE)9 is the most widely used and wellvalidated mental status test. A score of 10
to 20 on the MMSE is generally considered
as moderate AD, and <10 is staged as severe AD.10 Other mental status testing options include:
• Blessed Information-MemoryConcentration (BIMC)
• Blessed Orientation-MemoryConcentration (BOMC)
• Short Test of Mental Status (STMS)
• Saint Louis University Mental Status
Neuropsychological tests have limitations, but they can supplement clinical
cognitive assessment by detecting milder
cases and may help answer questions
about a patient’s ability to drive or live
alone (Box 2).13,14
Reversible causes. If the patient is generally healthy, a core of laboratory tests is
recommended in the diagnostic workup
(Table 1, page 56).6,15 Other options include:
• CSF examination for atypical presentations, such as unusually rapid symptom
Current Psychiatry
Vol. 7, No. 1
12/13/07 1:19:41 PM
Table 1
Recommended lab tests for
Alzheimer’s disease workup
Anemia and signs of infection
Related to reversible
dementia, anemia
Related to reversible
dementia, anemia
Homocysteine More accurate than
individual B12/folate tests
Clinical Point
neuroimaging with
noncontrast CT or
MRI is appropriate in
the initial evaluation
of patients
with dementia
Ongoing inflammatory
(reversible dementia)
Metabolic causes of
cognitive impairment
Uremia, metabolic causes
of cognitive impairment
Hypo/hypernatremia as a
cognitive impairment cause
Recurrent hypoglycemia,
diabetes mellitus
Lipid panel
Vascular dementia risk factor
Cardiac abnormalities
as vascular risk factors
STS (optional) Neurosyphilis
CBC: complete blood count; ECG: electrocardiogram;
STS: serologic test for syphilis
Source: Adapted from references 6,15
Current Psychiatry
January 2008
progression, altered consciousness, or other
neurologic manifestations
• EEG to differentiate delirium, seizure
disorders, encephalopathies, or a rapidly
progressing dementia such as CreutzfeldtJakob disease.
Only 1% of dementia causes are considered reversible,16 but keep them in mind in
the AD differential diagnosis (Table 2, page
61). Depression, vitamin B12 deficiency,
medication side effects, and hypothyroidism are common comorbidities in elderly
patients, particularly in those with suspected dementia. Correcting these problems
might or might not reverse the dementia.
Because delirium may be the initial
presentation of AD or reversible causes,
re-evaluate patients for dementia after delirium clears.
Neuroimaging. Structural neuroimaging
with a noncontrast CT or MRI is appropriate in the initial evaluation of patients
with dementia.17 More routinely, it is used
to exclude rare but potentially correctable
dementia causes, such as space-occupying
lesions.18 Hippocampal and entorhinal volume are measured most often in discriminating AD from non-demented aging and
other dementias.19
Positron emission tomography (PET)
using fluorine-18-labeled deoxyglucose
(FDG) may help differentiate characteristic
patterns of cerebral hypometabolism in the
temporoparietal lobes in AD from frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and other less
common dementias, particularly during
the earliest stages of the disease.19 Medicare reimbursement for brain PET is limited to differentiating FTD from AD.
Diagnostic criteria
NINCDS-ADRDA. Neuropsychological AD
assessment criteria developed by the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke and Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders
Association (NINCDS-ADRDA) classify
AD as probable, possible, or definite:
Possible AD is considered when a patient
has an atypical onset, presentation, or
course and other secondary illnesses capable of producing dementia are not believed
to be the cause.
Probable AD is diagnosed when dementia
is established by clinical exam and confirmed with cognitive testing, where ≥2 cognitive domains are progressively affected;
includes gradual memory loss not caused
by another systemic or brain disease, with
age of onset between 40 and 90 years.
Definite AD requires histopathologic evidence of AD in addition to fulfilling criteria for probable AD.20
DSM-IV-TR. Similar but broader DSM-IVTR criteria describe an insidious progressive
cognitive decline that affects recent memory and ≥1 other cognitive domain (apraxia,
aphasia, agnosia, or executive functioning).
This cognitive decline impairs social and
occupational function, represents a change
continued on page 61
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continued from page 56
Table 2
Detecting causes of potentially reversible cognitive impairment
Suggested tests
Space-occupying lesions
Subdural hematoma, benign
tumors, hydrocephalus
CT/MRI without contrast
Infectious diseases
AIDS dementia complex,
syphilis, Lyme disease
Serologic tests
Hypothyroidism, Cushing’s
Thyroid panel, renal and liver
disease, uremia, hepatic
function tests, electrolytes, slit
encephalopathy, Wilson’s
lamp test, serum ceruloplasmin
disease, recurrent hypoglycemia,
chronic hypocalcemia, multiple
sclerosis, disseminated SLE,
Depression, alcohol dependence Geriatric Depression Scale,
assess vitamin deficiency states
Nutritional deficiencies
Vitamin B12, thiamine
syndrome), pyridoxine, niacin
Medication effects
Benzodiazepines, barbiturates, Review patients’ medications
anticholinergics, opioid
for drugs that can cause
analgesics, antihypertensives,
cognitive changes
antiarrhythmics, antidepressants,
anticonvulsants, cardiac drugs
such as digitalis and derivatives
(among others)
Autoimmune diseases, heavy
metals, illicit drugs, obstructive
sleep apnea
from a higher level, and is not due to other
causes such as delirium.21
NINCDS-ADRDA and DSM-IV-TR criteria have comparable sensitivity and specificity for clinical AD diagnosis. Neither requires
neuropathologic or genetic assessment (Box
3, page 62).15,17,22-24 Neuroimaging and other
tests may be required to rule out other brain
diseases that may cause dementia.
Other causes of dementia
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) may represent a prodromal state for the earliest clinical manifestations of dementia. Symptoms
include memory complaints but generally
preserved activities of daily living.
Originally introduced to define a progressive, single-symptom amnestic syndrome,
MCI has evolved into a classification of amnestic and non-amnestic MCI with single
or multiple domains.25 Amnestic MCI is the
061_CPSY0108 061
Vitamin B12, homocysteine
Clinical Point
Only 1% of
dementia causes
are considered
reversible, but keep
them in mind in
the Alzheimer’s
differential diagnosis
Drug screens and specific tests
most specifically correlated with AD.26 Neurobiologic similarities between amnestic
MCI and clinically diagnosed AD include:
• neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as
apathy, mood disturbance, irritability
and anxiety
• over-representation of the APOE ε4
• volumetric loss in the entorhinal cortex
and hippocampus as measured by MRI
• Glucose hypometabolism in AD-typical regions as measured by FDG-PET
• neuronal loss in vulnerable brain
Most patients with MCI go on to meet
AD criteria within 5 to 10 years, and approximately 80% of those originally diagnosed with MCI prove to have AD at postmortem histopathologic examination.26,27
Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is the
second most common dementing disorder
Current Psychiatry
Vol. 7, No. 1
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Box 3
Genetic testing for Alzheimer’s?
Clinical Point
Vascular dementia
was once thought
to account for 15%
to 20% of dementia
illness, but discrete
VaD is now viewed as
much less common
Current Psychiatry
January 2008
enetic testing may become important
for high-risk patients or early-stage
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) when preventive/
disease-modifying therapy becomes
available. At this time, however, the clinical
value and implications of genetic tests
remain controversial.17,22
Apolipoprotein E (APOE). The APOE
ε4 allele is an established risk factor for
AD,23,24 but limitations of APOE testing
• inability to predict with sufficient
certainty whether or when a person
might develop AD
• risk of false alarm or false reassurance
• no established treatment exists for a
person with this genetic risk.
Amyloid precursor protein (APP),
presenilin 1 (PS1), presenilin 2 (PS2).
Age <55 years at onset is characteristic
of dominantly inherited, familial AD
(early-onset AD) caused by mutations in ≥1
of these 3 genes.15
• Mutations are rare (~1% of AD cases).
• Increased APP transcriptional activity
is an AD risk factor; onset age correlates
inversely with levels of APP expression.
• PS1 mutation testing may benefit
patients with early-onset familial AD. If this
mutation is found, other presymptomatic
at-risk family members may wish to be
tested so they can make important life
decisions based on the results.17,22 Careful
pre- and post-test counseling is critical.
in late life—after Alzheimer’s dementia—
and two-thirds of DLB cases overlap with
AD. Core DLB clinical features include
early recurrent visual hallucinations, fluctuating cognition, spontaneous parkinsonism, and sensitivity to conventional antipsychotics.15,28
Parkinson’s disease (PD) and DLB may
represent a clinicopathologic continuum,
and substantial overlap exists among AD,
DLB, and PD in underlying disease process
and clinical presentation.15,29 Hallucinations, depression, delusions, and delusional misidentification are seen more often in
patients with DLB than AD.15
Vascular dementia (VaD) was once thought
to account for 15% to 20% of dementing illnesses, but discrete VaD is now viewed as
much less common. Whatever the underlying vasculopathy, vascular lesions often coexist with other causes of dementia—usually AD (in 77% of presumed VaD cases).30
Compared with AD, patients with VaD
have a more subcortical dementia with difficulty retrieving words, organizing and
solving complex problems, “absent-mindedness,” and psychomotor slowing with
relatively preserved language skills. VaD is
thought to have a more abrupt onset than
AD and “stepladder” deterioration.
Frontotemporal dementia (FTD)—such
as Pick’s disease—is associated with focal atrophy of the frontal and/or temporal
lobes. Mean onset is age 52 to 56, and FTD
is less common than AD, VaD, or DLB.
FTD often presents with gradual personality changes (with inappropriate responses
or activities) or language changes (with severe naming difficulty and problems with
word meaning).31 Features that may help
differentiate FTD from AD include:
• disinhibition/apathy with personality
• affect disregulation
• behavioral disturbance (frontal type)
and expressive/receptive language changes
(semantic or primary progressive aphasia)
with relatively mild memory loss.32,33
Unlike AD, memory usually is unaffected in early FTD, with problems largely secondary to poor concentration and relating
to difficulties with working (immediate)
Other neurodegenerative diseases that
might present with dementia include PD,
Huntington’s disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degeneration,
and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.33
1. Cummings JL. Clinical evaluation as a biomarker for
Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimer’s Dis 2005;8:327–37.
2. Hodges JR. Alzheimer’s centennial legacy: origins, landmarks
and the current status of knowledge concerning cognitive
aspects. Brain 2006;129:2811–22.
3. Stern Y. Cognitive reserve and Alzheimer disease. Alzheimer
Dis Assoc Disord 2006;20:112–7.
4. Lleó A, Greenberg SM, Growdon JH. Current pharmacotherapy
for Alzheimer’s disease. Annu Rev Med 2006;57:513–33.
continued on page 66
062_CPSY0108 062
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milk. Therefore, women should not breast-feed during treatment with RISPERDAL® CONSTA® and for at least 12
weeks after the last injection. Pediatric Use: RISPERDAL® CONSTA® has not been studied in children younger
than 18 years old. Geriatric Use: In an open-label study, 57 clinically stable, elderly patients (≥65 years old) with
schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder received RISPERDAL® CONSTA® every 2 weeks for up to 12 months.
In general, no differences in the tolerability of RISPERDAL® CONSTA® were observed between otherwise
healthy elderly and nonelderly patients. Therefore, dosing recommendations for otherwise healthy elderly
patients are the same as for nonelderly patients. Because elderly patients exhibit a greater tendency to
orthostatic hypotension than nonelderly patients, elderly patients should be instructed in nonpharmacologic
interventions that help to reduce the occurrence of orthostatic hypotension (e.g., sitting on the edge of the bed
for several minutes before attempting to stand in the morning and slowly rising from a seated position). In
addition, monitoring of orthostatic vital signs should be considered in elderly patients for whom orthostatic
PHARMACOLOGY in full PI). Concomitant use with Furosemide in Elderly Patients with Dementia-Related
Psychosis: In placebo-controlled trials in elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis, a higher incidence of
mortality was observed in patients treated with furosemide plus oral risperidone when compared to patients
treated with oral risperidone alone or with oral placebo plus furosemide. No pathological mechanism has been
identified to explain this finding, and no consistent pattern for cause of death was observed. An increase of
mortality in elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis was seen with the use of oral risperidone
regardless of concomitant use with furosemide. RISPERDAL® CONSTA® is not approved for the treatment of
patients with dementia-related psychosis. (See Boxed WARNING, WARNINGS: Increased Mortality in Elderly
Patients with Dementia-Related Psychosis.)
ADVERSE REACTIONS: Associated with Discontinuation of Treatment: In the 12-week, placebo-controlled
trial, the incidence of schizophrenic patients who discontinued treatment due to an adverse event was lower with
RISPERDAL® CONSTA® (11%; 22/202 patients) than with placebo (13%; 13/98 patients). Incidence in
Controlled Trilas: Commonly Observed Adverse Events in Controlled Clinical Trials: Spontaneously
reported, treatment-emergent adverse events with an incidence of 5% or greater in at least one of the
RISPERDAL® CONSTA® groups (25 mg or 50 mg) and at least twice that of placebo were: somnolence,
akathisia, parkinsonism, dyspepsia, constipation, dry mouth, fatigue, weight increase. Dose Dependency of
Adverse Events: Extrapyramidal Symptoms: The overall incidence of EPS-related adverse events (akathisia,
dystonia, parkinsonism, and tremor) in patients treated with 25 mg RISPERDAL® CONSTA® was comparable to
that of patients treated with placebo; the incidence of EPS-related adverse events was higher in patients treated
with 50 mg RISPERDAL® CONSTA®. Vital Sign Changes: RISPERDAL® is associated with orthostatic
hypotension and tachycardia (see PRECAUTIONS). In the placebo-controlled trial, orthostatic hypotension was
observed in 2% of patients treated with 25 mg or 50 mg RISPERDAL® CONSTA® (see PRECAUTIONS). Weight
Changes: In the 12-week, placebo-controlled trial, 9% of patients treated with RISPERDAL® CONSTA®,
compared with 6% of patients treated with placebo, experienced a weight gain of >7% of body weight at
endpoint. Laboratory Changes: The percentage of patients treated with RISPERDAL® CONSTA® who
experienced potentially important changes in routine serum chemistry, hematology, or urinalysis parameters was
similar to or less than that of placebo patients. Additionally, no patients discontinued treatment due to changes in
serum chemistry, hematology, or urinalysis parameters. ECG Changes: The electrocardiograms of 202
schizophrenic patients treated with 25 mg or 50 mg RISPERDAL® CONSTA® and 98 schizophrenic patients
treated with placebo in a 12-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial were evaluated. Compared with
placebo, there were no statistically significant differences in QTc intervals (using Fridericia’s and linear correction
factors) during treatment with RISPERDAL® CONSTA®. Pain Assessment and Local Injection Site Reactions:
The mean intensity of injection pain reported by patients using a visual analog scale (0 = no pain to 100 =
unbearably painful) decreased in all treatment groups from the first to the last injection (placebo: 16.7 to 12.6;
25 mg: 12.0 to 9.0; 50 mg: 18.2 to 11.8). After the sixth injection (Week 10), investigator ratings indicated that 1%
of patients treated with 25 mg or 50 mg RISPERDAL® CONSTA® experienced redness, swelling, or induration at
the injection site. Other Events Observed During the Premarketing Evaluation of RISPERDAL® CONSTA®:
During its premarketing assessment, RISPERDAL® CONSTA® was administered to 1499 patients in multipledose studies. The conditions and duration of exposure to RISPERDAL® CONSTA® varied greatly, and included
(in overlapping categories) open-label and double-blind studies, uncontrolled and controlled studies, inpatient
and outpatient studies, fixed-dose and titration studies, and short-term and long-term exposure studies. The
following reactions were reported: (Note: frequent adverse events are those occurring in at least 1/100 patients;
infrequent adverse events are those occurring in 1/100 to 1/1000 patients; rare events are those occurring in
fewer than 1/1000 patients. It is important to emphasize that, although the reported events occurred during
treatment with RISPERDAL® CONSTA®, they were not necessarily caused by it.) Psychiatric Disorders:
Frequent: anxiety, psychosis, depression, agitation, nervousness, paranoid reaction, delusion, apathy.
Infrequent: anorexia, impaired concentration, impotence, emotional lability, manic reaction, decreased libido,
increased appetite, amnesia, confusion, euphoria, depersonalization, paroniria, delirium, psychotic depression.
Central and Peripheral Nervous System Disorders: Frequent: hypertonia, dystonia. Infrequent: dyskinesia,
vertigo, leg cramps, tardive dyskinesiaa, involuntary muscle contractions, paraesthesia, abnormal gait,
bradykinesia, convulsions, hypokinesia, ataxia, fecal incontinence, oculogyric crisis, tetany, apraxia, dementia,
migraine. Rare: neuroleptic malignant syndrome. aIn the integrated database of multiple-dose studies (1499
patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder), 9 patients (0.6%) treated with RISPERDAL® CONSTA®
(all dosages combined) experienced an adverse event of tardive dyskinesia. Body as a Whole/General
Disorders: Frequent: back pain, chest pain, asthenia. Infrequent: malaise, choking. Gastrointestinal
Disorders: Frequent: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. Infrequent: gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux,
flatulence, hemorrhoids, melena, dysphagia, rectal hemorrhage, stomatitis, colitis, gastric ulcer, gingivitis,
irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative stomatitis. Respiratory System Disorders: Frequent: dyspnea. Infrequent:
pneumonia, stridor, hemoptysis. Rare: pulmonary edema. Skin and Appendage Disorders: Frequent: rash.
Infrequent: eczema, pruritus, erythematous rash, dermatitis, alopecia, seborrhea, photosensitivity reaction,
increased sweating. Metabolic and Nutritional Disorders: Infrequent: hyperuricemia, hyperglycemia,
hyperlipemia, hypokalemia, glycosuria, hypercholesterolemia, obesity, dehydration, diabetes mellitus,
hyponatremia. Musculo-Skeletal System Disorders: Frequent: arthralgia, skeletal pain. Infrequent: torticollis,
arthrosis, muscle weakness, tendinitis, arthritis, arthropathy. Heart Rate and Rhythm Disorders: Frequent:
tachycardia. Infrequent: bradycardia, AV block, palpitation, bundle branch block. Rare: T-wave inversion.
Cardiovascular Disorders: Frequent: hypotension. Infrequent: postural hypotension. Urinary System
Disorders: Frequent: urinary incontinence. Infrequent: hematuria, micturition frequency, renal pain, urinary
retention. Vision Disorders: Infrequent: conjunctivitis, eye pain, abnormal accommodation. Reproductive
Disorders, Female: Frequent: amenorrhea. Infrequent: nonpuerperal lactation, vaginitis, dysmenorrhea, breast
pain, leukorrhea. Resistance Mechanism Disorders: Infrequent: abscess. Liver and Biliary System
Disorders: Frequent: increased hepatic enzymes. Infrequent: hepatomegaly, increased SGPT. Rare:
bilirubinemia, increased GGT, hepatitis, hepatocellular damage, jaundice, fatty liver, increased SGOT.
Reproductive Disorders, Male: Infrequent: ejaculation failure. Application Site Disorders: Frequent: injection
site pain. Infrequent: injection site reaction. Hearing and Vestibular Disorders: Infrequent: earache, deafness,
hearing decreased. Red Blood Cell Disorders: Frequent: anemia. White Cell and Resistance Disorders:
Infrequent: lymphadenopathy, leucopenia, cervical lymphadenopathy. Rare: granulocytopenia, leukocytosis,
lymphopenia. Endocrine Disorders: Infrequent: hyperprolactinemia, gynecomastia, hypothyroidism. Platelet,
Bleeding and Clotting Disorders: Infrequent: purpura, epistaxis. Rare: pulmonary embolism, hematoma,
thrombocytopenia. Myo-, Endo-, and Pericardial and Valve Disorders: Infrequent: myocardial ischemia, angina
pectoris, myocardial infarction. Vascular (Extracardiac) Disorders: Infrequent: phlebitis. Rare: intermittent
claudication, flushing, thrombophlebitis. Postintroduction Reports: Adverse events reported since market
introduction which were temporally (but not necessarily causally) related to oral RISPERDAL® therapy include
the following: anaphylactic reaction, angioedema, apnea, atrial fibrillation, cerebrovascular disorder, including
cerebrovascular accident, diabetes mellitus aggravated, including diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperglycemia,
intestinal obstruction, jaundice, mania, pancreatitis, Parkinson’s disease aggravated, pituitary adenomas,
pulmonary embolism, and QT prologation. There have been rare reports of sudden death and/or
cardiopulmonary arrest in patients receiving oral RISPERDAL®. A causal relationship with oral RISPERDAL® has
not been established. It is important to note that sudden and unexpected death may occur in psychotic patients
whether they remain untreated or whether they are treated with other antipsychotic drugs. Retinal artery
occlusion after injection of RISPERDAL® CONSTA® has been reported during postmarketing surveillance. This
has been reported in the presence of abnormal arteriovenous anastomosis.
Controlled Substance Class: RISPERDAL® CONSTA® (risperidone) is not a controlled substance.
For more information on symptoms and treatment of overdosage, see full Prescribing Information.
7519510B - US Patent 4,804,663
Revised September 2007
continued from page 62
Related Resources
• Morris JC. Dementia update 2005. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord
• Boeve BF. A review of the non-Alzheimer dementias. J Clin
Psychiatry 2006;67(12)1985-2001.
• Medscape. Alzheimer’s disease resource center. www.
Drug Brand Names
Donepezil • Aricept
Galantamine • Razadyne
Memantine • Namenda
Rivastigmine • Exelon
Dr. Gebretsadik reports no financial relationship with any
company whose products are mentioned in this article or
with manufacturers of competing products.
Dr. Grossberg receives grant/research support from Abbott
Laboratories, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Forest Laboratories,
Eli Lilly and Company, Novartis, Pfizer Inc., Wyeth, Elan,
Myriad, Ono Pharmaceutical, and the Alzheimer’s Disease
Cooperative Study Consortium. He is a consultant to BristolMyers Squibb, Forest Laboratories, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen
Pharmaceutica, Novartis, AstraZeneca, Wyeth, Pfizer Inc.,
Takeda, and Sepracor.
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Bottom Line
To make a clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, start by eliciting a detailed
history from the patient and seeking collateral information from reliable informants.
Assess premorbid functioning, existing medical conditions, and neurologic signs.
Order routine laboratory tests and neuroimaging to identify non-Alzheimer brain
disorders. For early symptoms, consider neuropsychological testing to quantify the
patient’s intellectual and functional impairment.
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David J. Muzina, MD
S. Nassir Ghaemi, MD
Cleveland Clinic and
Lerner College of Medicine
of Case Western University
Emory University
Thomas L. Schwartz, MD
SUNY Upstate Medical University
Theodore A. Stern, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
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Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Current Psychiatry
Vol. 7, No. 1
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