Download Nuclear Perfusion Stress Test — Exercise What Is It? The Nuclear

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 Nuclear Perfusion Stress Test — Exercise
W hat Is It?
The Nuclear Perfusion Exercise Stress Test is a diagnostic exam used to determine if the
heart muscle is getting the blood supply it needs.
W hat Do I Do?
■ Do not eat or drink anything four hours before the test.
■ Do not smoke six hours before the test.
■ Insulin-dependent diabetics may take half (1/2) of the morning insulin dose with juice
and toast/bagel.
■ Do not take any of your medications the morning of your appointment unless directed
otherwise by your physician. (*see below)
■ Bring all of your medications with you.
■ Wear comfortable clothes and exercise shoes. A sweater is suggested for the waiting
■ No caffeine or decaf products such as chocolate can be taken for 24 hours prior to
having your test. If you are taking over-the-counter medications such as cold tablets or
pain relievers, make sure that caffeine is not an ingredient.
■ Bring a snack. You will be asked to eat after the stress portion of the test.
■ This test involves a lot of waiting. You may want to bring a book, paper, magazine, etc.
W hat W ill Happen?
We will obtain a brief history emphasizing current symptoms and pertinent family history.
An IV line is inserted into your arm and electrodes are attached to your chest. The first dose
of imaging agent is injected through the IV. Resting images are obtained at least 60
minutes later while you lie on a table with the nuclear camera moving around your chest.
A stress test is performed on a treadmill with an EKG monitored by a physician. A second
set of images is obtained at least 20 minutes after the treadmill test.
How Long Does It Take?
The test takes approximately four to six hours.
*Xanthene derivatives such as Theophylline, Theo-dur, or Theo-24 must be held three days.
*Persantine (dipyridamole) must be held three days.
Please call 24 hours in advance if there is a need to cancel your test.
Nuclear Perfusion Stress Test — Pharm acological
W hat Is It?
The Dobutamine and Adenosine Nuclear Stress Test is a diagnostic Nuclear Medicine exam
used to determine if the heart muscle is getting the blood supply it needs.
W hat Do I Do?
■ Do not eat or drink anything four hours before the test.
■ Do not take any of your medications the morning of your appointment, unless directed
by your physician.
■ Bring a list of your current medications, including the dose.
■ Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes and exercise shoes.
■ For adenosine, do not consume caffeine 24 hours prior to the test.
W hat W ill Happen?
We obtain a brief history emphasizing current symptoms and pertinent family history. A
small intravenous (IV) line is inserted into your arm and electrodes are attached to your
chest. The first dose of imaging agent is injected through the IV. Resting images are
obtained with the nuclear camera moving around your chest.
Dobutamine is infused through the IV to increase the heart rate to increase blood flow
through the coronary arteries. The effect is similar to what happens during exercise. You
are continuously monitored by a physician using an EKG during the infusion. A second
dose of imaging agent is injected in the IV. Let the staff know immediately if you are
feeling discomfort such as burning, aching, or tightness in your chest or nauseated, dizzy
or exhausted. Stress images are obtained 60 minutes after the infusion.
Adenosine stress testing will require low level exercise (walking on the treadmill) if the
patient is able.
How Long Does It Take?
The test takes approximately four to six hours.