Download Things to know before using the FASTT or WHITEE Patches and LC

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Things to know before using the
FASTTTM or WHITEETM Patches and LC BalancerTM
 FASTT: soft tissue or bone injuries (i.e. tendonitis, bursitis, fractures, sprains, strains, etc.).
 WHITEE: disc or cartilage injuries (i.e. osteoarthritis, bulging and herniated discs, stenosis,
bone spurs, rheumatoid arthritis, calcification, scars, etc.).
 Both FASTT and WHITEE patches are required if the injury involves soft tissue or bone and
disc or cartilage.
 LC Balancer: used in conjunction with the WHITEE patch for patients with severe and chronic
conditions or patients over the age of 50.
 Store patches at room temperature. Warm or hot environments may dry the herbs.
 Before using the patches, please let your practitioner know if you have internal conditions that
could affect the healing process (i.e. high blood sugar, high cholesterol, edema, etc.).
 Shave excessive hair on the injured area for best contact and seal.
 Please stretch the corner of the tape for better seal or use additional tape if necessary.
 The tape is hypoallergenic, latex free, and water-resistant; however, if the patient does react to
the tape, please cut the tape off and replace with ACE bandages.
 Patch dosage: 48 hours on, 24 hours off.
 Herbal residue and patch removal: use a washcloth with vegetable oil, baby oil, or cooking
spray to remove patch from the skin and use OxiClean to remove herbal residue from clothing.
 Metabolic toxins or by-products of necrotic tissue breakdown may surface through the skin and
cause skin irritation. Aloe Vera may be used to soothe any skin irritation from the patch.
 The patches will help with pain and inflammation; however, for chronic conditions, there may
be a pain spike as the injury goes from a chronic to an acute state. Please avoid antiinflammatories or pain medications. The pain spike should subside in a week.
 Ice restricts blood flow to the affected region and opposes the mechanism behind the patch.
Heating pads are preferred because they promote blood flow.
 Mechanism behind the patches: accelerates the natural healing process by increasing
microcirculation and lymphatic circulation, supplies fresh nutrients for tissue repair, reduces
inflammation by releasing metabolic toxins through the skin, and cleans cellular debris.
 If the patient has fatigue, flu like symptoms, hot sensations, or fluid retention, it may be due to
metabolic waste build up. LC Balancer and Xcel are recommended to help the kidney secrete
the wastes more effectively.
LC BalancerTM
 LC Balancer improves absorption and increases microcirculation. Patients taking high doses of
vitamins or minerals should reduce them to regular dosage to avoid overdose.
 Liquid LC Balancer: keep refrigerated. LC Balancer capsule: keep at room temperature.
 Patients with preexisting gastrointestinal conditions may initially experience an upset stomach
with the liquid LC Balancer; however, any discomfort should subside within one week.
FASTT & WHITEE Patches Adverse Effects
Patients may develop adverse reactions after using the FASTT and WHITEE Patches. The adverse
reactions can be classified as the following categories based on the feedback from the past 14 years:
1) Rashes and Hives
Patients may develop rashes or hives on other parts of the body where the patch has not been applied.
This is due to either blood hotness or a result of stress hives. Blood hotness is a TCM term which refers
to high blood level inflammatory cytokines. When the metabolic toxins of dead cells is loaded to the
blood during the healing process, it may trigger an immune response with the production of histamine
due to the high levels of inflammatory cytokines. Use of Bitter for 3 days to 1 week can cool down the
blood to reduce inflammatory cytokines and eliminate the rashes. Stress hives is caused by an over load
of toxins to the liver. If there is no improvement with the use of Bitter, 3 days to 1 week use of Brown
and LC Balancer is recommended to improve liver function and eliminate the stress hives.
2) Cardiovascular Hypersensitivity or Liver Wind
Patients who have cardiovascular hypersensitivity may experience vertigo, dizziness, nausea,
palpitations, or even high blood pressure within a few hours of using the FASTT or WHITEE Patches. It
is recommended to remove the patch immediately if patients have such a response. This response is
referred to as liver wind according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) due to the smooth muscle of
the blood vessel hypercontraction. Patients with a vascular hypersensitivity can generate strong reactions
to stimuli such as high levels of metabolic toxins from dead tissue break down when using the FASTT or
WHITEE Patch because patients’ smooth muscles surrounding the blood vessels tend to be constricted.
The response is very uncommon and it can be resolved with the use of EzAir or Breez which clears liver
wind and helps normalize the response of the smooth muscles surrounding the blood vessels. This
mechanism is similar to how EzAir or Breez works for patients with asthma in which the EzAir or Breez
helps normalize the response of the bronchial tubes. It is recommended to temporarily discontinuing the
use of patches while using the EzAir or Breez. Patients should notice improvement within 1-2 days. 1-2
weeks of treatment is required. After the liver wind is cleared, patients can continue the protocol.
3) Alcoholism
Patients who are alcoholic, taking Campral and have a history of allergies to latex may develop seizures
one day after using the FASTT Patch. These are extremely rare cases caused by liver wind combined
with liver yin deficiency and liver yang flair up. It is recommended to remove the patch immediately,
and then take Brown, LC Balancer, EzAir, Hepavin and Platinum to nurture the liver, eliminate the liver
wind, and clear the rising liver yang and heat in the brain before resuming the FASTT Patch treatment.
4) Allergic Reaction to the Herbal Ingredients
If patients develop swollen lymph nodes after using the FASTT and WHITEE Patches, it is
recommended to stop using the products immediately. This type of responses is extremely rare and is
caused by a systematic allergic response to some of the herbal ingredients.
5) Nerve System Restoration of Traumatic Disc Injuries
When treating disc injuries caused by motor accidents or other trauma using the WHITEE Patch, patients
may develop strong reactions to the treatment during the initial 8 days including a moderate to severe
pain increase (some patients visited an emergency room), dizziness and vertigo for cervical disc injury
patients, nausea, vomiting, stomachache, hard to breathe for thoracic disc injury patient, and possible
skin bruises, black stool, fatigue. These reactions are resulting from nerve restoration and clearance of
the head tissues or blood. When patients have good health in general, their healing mechanism is very
active and exhibits a much faster healing response with the use of patches. It is recommended to take a
shorter treatment time (wear it less than 48 hours) or a smaller patch to slow down the healing response
and make the healing reaction within patient’s tolerance. The symptoms should go away after 8 days.