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New Patient Details
Dr Charlotte Mooring abides by the Privacy Act 1988. Information supplied by you is
kept strictly private and confidential and will assist in providing the best possible care.
Please complete ALL sections.
Your Details:
Last Name: _____________________ First Names: ____________________________!
Preferred Name: __________________________!
Title: _______
Maiden Name: _______________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: _________________________
Work Phone: _________________________
Occupation: __________________________
Partner’s Name:
Partner’s Mobile: __________________________
Emergency Contact:
(Name & Number) ______________________________________________________________________________________
Health Insurance Details:
Medicare: _____________________
Ref _______!
Expiry: __________________________
Private Health Fund: __________________________!
Membership No: __________________
Referring Doctor Details:
Referring Doctor: _____________________________!
How did you hear about our Practice? !
Your Medical Details:
Usual GP: _______________________
(Please complete ALL sections. Ask for help if required.)
Please list any medical problems or conditions (NIL)!
Please list all Medications you are taking (NIL)
Please list all past Surgery (NIL)!
Are you allergic to any medication (YES/NO)
If YES please specify
Please list all past pregnancies (NIL)!
Do you smoke cigarettes? (YES/NO)
Do you drink alcohol? (YES/NO)
When was your last Pap Smear? ________________
Have you had blood tests relevant to your condition?!
QML S&N Other ____________________________________________________________________________
Have you had scans relevant to your condition?
(YES/NO) Where? _____________________________________________
Family History:
In your family is there any history of:
Is there any history of congenital abnormalities in either your family or your partner’s family?!
Bleeding or Clotting Disorders? (YES/NO)!
Anaesthetic Complications? (YES/NO)
I understand that payment of my account, in full, is my responsibility and that my health fund might not cover the total
amount invoiced. I am responsible for any further costs that might be incurred resulting from my not paying my
account, in full by the due date.
Signature: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––!
Date: __________________
Consent for the collection and release of medical information:
In order to provide optimal care, it may be necessary at times to discuss your case with other health professionals. Your privacy
will be respected at all times.
By signing below you are giving consent for the collection of any relevant information pertaining to your care.
Patient Name: _____________________________________________ !
Date of Birth: