* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Treatment of Acute Migraine With Subcutaneous Sumatriptan Roger K. Cady, MD; Jeanette K. Wendt, MD; John R. Kirchner, MD; John F. Rothrock, MD; Harold Skaggs, Jr, MD Joseph D. Sargent, MD; Sumatriptan succinate, a 5-HT1D receptor agonist, constricts human cranial arteries. Two parallel-group trials for treatment of acute migraines were conducted in the United States. Adult patients were randomized and given either 6 mg of sumatriptan succinate subcutaneously (n 734) or placebo (n 370). At 1 hour, sumatriptan was significantly more effective than placebo in reducing moderate or severe headache pain to mild or no pain (70% vs 22%), in completely relieving headaches (49% vs 9%), and in improving clinical disability (76% vs 34%). Sumatriptan also reduced nausea and photophobia significantly better than placebo. Patients with residual migraines received another injection; those who had originally received sumatriptan received either a second active injection (n 187) or placebo (n 178), while those who had received placebo received a second placebo injection (n 335). Statistical evidence for benefit of second sumatriptan injection is absent. Adverse events associated with sumatriptan were tingling, dizziness, warm-hot sensations, and injection-site reactions. Sumatriptan is effective and well tolerated in patients with acute migraine. = = = = = (JAMA. 1991;265:2831-2835) EIGHT million Americans have mi¬ Sufferers often experience two or more incapacitating attacks ev¬ ery month, causing considerable disrup¬ tion to both work and leisure time.2"4 ßBlockers, calcium channel antagonists, and antidepressant drugs are some¬ times used for prophylaxis. Current therapies for acute migraine include er¬ got derivatives, analgesics, and antiemetics. The effectiveness of existing rescue treatments for migraines is in¬ consistent, and the side effects of the treatments may be intolerable. The pathogenesis of migraine is not well understood. Dilation of cranial blood vessels is thought to play an im¬ portant role.5,6 Serotonin (5-HT) is a po¬ tent vasoconstrictor and is effective in treating migraines, but its unpleasant side effects prevent its routine use.7"9 The brain has three classes of 5-HT receptors: 5-HT„ 5-HT2, and 5-HT3. The 5-HT\ class is further subdivided; stimu¬ lation of the 5-HT1D receptors causes graines.1 From the Shealy Institute for Comprehensive Health Care, Springfield, Mo (Dr Cady); Department of Neurology, Health Science Center, University of Arizona, Tucson (Dr Wendt); the Migraine Treatment Clinic, Omaha, Neb (Dr Kirchner); Headache and Internal Medicine Research Center, Menninger, Topeka, Kan (Dr Sargent); Department of Neurology, University of California at San Diego Medical Center (Dr Rothrock); Neurology Section, Center for Clinical Research, Austin, Tex (Dr Skaggs); on behalf of the US Sumatriptan Research Group. Dr Cady owns stock in Glaxo Pharmaceuticals Inc. Reprint requests to Shealy Institute for Comprehensive Health Care, 1328 E Evergreen St, Springfield, MO 65803 (Dr Cady). vasoconstriction, specifically in the cra¬ nial blood vessels in a variety of animal species, including man.10"12 Sumatriptan succinate is a specific 5-HT1D agonist.13 In animals, sumatriptan also blocks plasma extravasation, which may be part of the migraine pathogenesis.14 Sumatriptan has been studied in small, controlled clinical trials by the subcutaneous, intravenous, and oral routes.15"19 We now report the results of identical, large-scale, multicenter (61 total sites), randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled studies that show the efficacy and tolerability of su¬ matriptan in the treatment of patients two with acute migraines. METHODS Otherwise healthy adults were eligi¬ ble for enrollment in these studies be¬ tween May and November 1989. Mi¬ graines were diagnosed using a 1-year history ofclassic migraine (with aura) or common migraine (without aura) and the criteria established by the Interna¬ tional Headache Society.20 Written, in¬ formed consent was obtained from all patients. The protocol and consent form were approved by an institutional re¬ view board for each clinic. History and results of physical exami¬ nation, 12-lead electrocardiogram, and routine clinical laboratory tests were recorded at patient screening. Patients with hepatic or renal impairment, histo- Downloaded From: by Wilburn Davis on 02/06/2014 ry of ischémie heart disease, Raynaud's syndrome, uncontrolled hy¬ pertension, those who had previously been treated with sumatriptan, and those who were pregnant, were using inadequate contraception, or were lactating were excluded. disease or STUDY DESIGN-PROTOCOL Patients presenting to the clinic with acute migraines gave information on headaches, concomitant symptoms, and clinical disability. Headaches were ver¬ bally rated by patients using a scale from 0 through 3, where 0 indicated no pain; 1, mild pain; 2, moderate pain; and 3, severe pain. Patients had to have moderate (grade 2) or severe (grade 3) headaches in order to be treated. Use of opioids or ergotamine within 24 hours or simple analgesics within 6 hours of study-drug administration disqualified the patient. Long-term prophylactic medications for migraine were not rea¬ sons for disqualification. Qualified patients (n=1104) were randomly assigned to 6 mg plus 6 mg of sumatriptan succinate, 6 mg of suma¬ triptan succinate plus placebo, or place¬ bo plus placebo, according to a random¬ ization schedule generated prior to the trial and administered based on the chronological order that patients pre¬ sented for treatment (Fig 1). Each dose was administered as a 0.5-mL subcuta¬ neous injection over the deltoid muscle of the left or right arm. Absence of pain (grade 0) 1 hour after the first injection disqualified the patient from receiving the second injection. The second dose was given to evaluate whether remedication would provide additional efficacy if the first dose was not effective or if partial relief was achieved. Rescue therapy was administered at the discre¬ tion of the investigator if migraine per¬ sisted 1 hour after the second dose. Pa¬ tients could use their usual rescue medications, such as aspirin, acetamin¬ ophen, meperidine hydrochloride, and promethazine hydrochloride, but ex¬ cluding ergotamines. Efficacy Measurements Severity of headaches was rated by patients at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, and 120 minutes after each dose. Pain relief prospectively defined as reduction of moderate or severe headache pain (grade 2 or 3) to mild or no headache pain (grade 1 or 0). Mean pain scores and summed pain intensity differences scores are also reported.21,22 Patients who received rescue medication were defined as treatment failures. Clinical disability and presence or ab¬ sence of nausea, vomiting, and photo¬ phobia were assessed on the same schedule as headaches. Clinical disabil¬ ity was rated by patients using the fol¬ lowing scale: 0 indicated the ability to work and function normally; 1, working ability mildly impaired; 2, working abili¬ ty severely impaired; and 3, bed rest required. After discharge and for 48 hours after receiving treatment, pa¬ tients kept a diary of headaches and of use of rescue medications. was Safety Assessments Physical examinations and routine clinical laboratory tests were per¬ formed before treatment and prior to discharge. Vital signs (heart rate and blood pressure) were measured every 30 minutes after each dose until dis¬ charge from the clinic. Adverse events were recorded throughout the in-clinic treatment period and in the diary Double-blind 2:1 Randomization (n=1104) (n=370) Nonparametric analyses of pain, clin¬ ical disability, nausea, vomiting, and photophobia were used. The last effica¬ cy score prior to rescue medication was carried forward to subsequent time points. The P values were computed for each time point using Mantel-Haenszel and extended Mantel-Haenszel tests. All tests were two-sided, with P<.05 prospectively defined as statistically significant. There was no adjustment of P values to account for multiplicity of testing; reported P values were usually far smaller than those defining statisti¬ cal significance. (n=734) Yes Yes Allocation per Initial None (n=35) Randomization None Placebo I (n=364) (n=335) 6 mg of Sumatriptan Succinate (n=187) Placebo (n=178) Fig 1 .—Randomization and disposition of study subjects in large-scale, double-blind studies of subcutane¬ sumatriptan succinate in acute migraines. Subjects who were not pain free at 1 hour received a second dose of placebo or sumatriptan according to the initial randomization. ous Table 1—Consistency of Demographic Characteristics Between Placebo and Treatment Groups in Each Clinical Trial Sumatriptan Succinate Study 2 Study 1 period. Statistical Analysis 6 mg of Sumatriptan Succinate Placebo 6 mg of Sumatriptan Succinate (n=384) (n 190) 39.8 ±9.6 Characteristics Age, y* Sex M Clinical Placebo 6 mg of Sumatriptan Placebo Succinate (n=350) (n 180) 39.6 ±9.7 40 ±9.8 37.7 ±10 88 86 89 92 46 49 49 84 48 79 85 93 94 = = 12 symptoms present at pretreatment Headache severity Moderate (grade 2) Severe (grade 3) Nausea Photophobia Vomiting Clinical disability Mildly impaired (grade 1 ) Severely impaired (grade 2) Requires bed rest (grade 3) 51 83 93 12 19 32 46 42 18 19 37 31 50 *Age is shown as mean ± SEM; other data are percent of patient population. RESULTS Demographic characteristics and baseline migraine symptoms were com¬ parable between the two studies and among all sites and treatment groups (Table 1). Therefore, the combined re¬ sults from all patients and both studies are presented herein. Migraine Relief: First Dose Sumatriptan provided rapid relief of migraine pain. It was significantly more effective than placebo in treating head¬ ache pain at every point from 10 minutes to 1 hour after treatment (P<.001) (Fig 2). At 1 hour, 515 (70%) of 734 patients who had received a single dose of suma¬ triptan reported mild pain (grade 1) or no pain (grade 0) compared with 81 (22%) of 370 patients who had received placebo (P<.001). Of these, 356 (49%) of 734 patients who had received suma¬ triptan were completely pain free (grade 0) compared with 35 (9%) of 370 patients who had received placebo (P<.001). Of the 356 patients who were pain free at 1 hour, 351 (99%) were still pain free at 2 hours. Mean pain scores for patients receiv- Downloaded From: by Wilburn Davis on 02/06/2014 ing sumatriptan at 10 minutes were sig¬ nificantly lower than those for patients receiving placebo and remained lower throughout the entire observation peri¬ od (at 1 hour they were 0.91 vs 2.09; P<.001). The summed pain intensity differences scores at 1 hour were signifi¬ cantly higher in patients receiving su¬ matriptan compared with placebo (P<.001). Migraine Relief: Second Dose Of the 734 patients who initially re¬ ceived sumatriptan, 178 received a sec- Table 2. —Patients Using Rescue Medications in Placebo and Sumatriptan Succinate Treatment Groups* Treatment Groups, No. _(%)_ Sumatriptan Succinate Placebo (n 370) 145 734) (20)t 218 (59) 306 389 445 483 (42)t (53)t (61 )t (66)t 296 313 324 329 (80) (85) (88) (89) _(n In clinic only Time after treatment, h 8 16 24 48 = = *Data are combined for two identical trials. Number of patients receiving rescue medication was cumulative throughout the 48-hour period. tSumatriptan succinate was significantly better than placebo (P<.001). sumatriptan administration, fewer pa¬ reported nausea or light intoler¬ ance compared with patients receiving placebo. At 1 hour, 43% of sumatriptantreated patients had photophobia com¬ pared with 76% of placebo-treated pa¬ tients (P<.001). Twenty-seven percent of patients receiving sumatriptan had nausea at 1 hour compared with 51% of patients receiving placebo (P<.001) (Fig 3). Beginning 20 minutes after treatment, more sumatriptan-treated patients reported normal or slightly im¬ paired working ability than did placebotreated patients (P<.001). tients Fig 2. Headache relief was defined as the percentage of patients with mild or no pain from 10 to 60 minutes after the first dose of sumatriptan succinate (n 734) or placebo (n 370) in trials of subcutaneous sumatriptan for acute migraine. All patients had moderate or severe migraines at baseline. There was a significant difference (P<.001) between the sumatriptan and placebo groups for both mild and no pain at every point in time. = = — 100 Rescue Medication During the clinic period, 20% of suma¬ triptan-treated patients received res¬ cue medication compared with 59% of placebo-treated patients (P<.001) (Ta¬ ble 2). However, within 24 hours, 61% of sumatriptan-treated patients and 88% of placebo-treated patients took rescue medication (P<.001). Throughout the diary period, tients took more rescue placebo-treated pa¬ medications (Table 2). 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60 Minutes After First Dose Fig 3.—Effects of sumatriptan succinate on symptoms associated with acute migraines. The data shown are the percentage of patients who received sumatriptan (n 734) compared with placebo (n 370) and who had nausea (left panel), photophobia (center panel), and improvement in clinical disability (right panel) at the times shown. Sumatriptan was significantly more effective than placebo where indicated by single asterisks (P<.001) or double asterisks (P<.03). Hatched bars indicate placebo; solid bars, 6 mg of sumatriptan = = succinate. ond dose of placebo, and 187 received a second dose of 6 mg of sumatriptan suc¬ cinate. There was no statistical evi¬ dence for differences in pain variables or associated symptoms between one and two doses of sumatriptan (P>.15 for comparison of 6 mg plus 6 mg of suma¬ triptan succinate vs 6 mg of sumatriptan succinate plus placebo). A comparison at 2 hours of sumatriptan-treated pa¬ tients (one or two active doses) with placebo-treated patients, prior to any rescue medication, revealed that 81% of those receiving sumatriptan had mi¬ graine pain relief compared with 34% of those receiving placebo (P<.001). Associated Migraine Symptoms: First Dose Most patients reported nausea and photophobia at presentation for treat¬ ment (Table 1). Within 20 minutes of Downloaded From: by Wilburn Davis on 02/06/2014 Duration of Complete Migraine Pain Relief Of the 734 sumatriptan-treated pa¬ tients, 69% (511/734) were pain free at discharge compared with 22% (80/370) of placebo-treated patients (P<.001). Of the sumatriptan-treated patients, 250 (34%) of 734 remained completely pain free for 24 hours compared with 40 (11%) of 370 of placebo-treated patients. Note that these results are in spite of the greater use of rescue medication by placebo- than sumatriptan-treated patients. Safety Results Vital sign measurements and clinical laboratory test results were similar be¬ fore and after treatment for all groups. Seven patients (six sumatriptan-treat¬ ed and one placebo-treated) withdrew from the study before receiving a sec¬ ond dose because of adverse events. One hundred ninety-seven placebotreated patients (53%) experienced 462 adverse events (1.25 adverse events per patient) compared with 622 sumatrip¬ tan-treated patients (85%) who experi¬ enced 2275 adverse events (3.1 adverse events per patient). Significantly fewer placebo-treated patients had adverse events that were considered by the in¬ vestigator to be drug related (156 [79%] of 197 placebo-treated patients com¬ pared with 600 [96%] of 622 sumatrip¬ tan-treated patients [P<.001]). Ad¬ verse events were described as severe in 34 (17%) of 197 placebo-treated pa¬ tients and in 122 (20%) of 622 sumatrip¬ tan-treated patients. Table 3 shows the adverse incidence of 1% occurring or more in the sumatriptan-treated pa¬ tients. Most adverse events began with¬ in minutes of the injection and lasted less than 1 hour. events at specific an COMMENT Sumatriptan rapidly reduces the se¬ verity and duration of acute migraine. Pain scores analyzed by four methods (mean pain score, percentage of pa¬ tients achieving a 0 or 1 pain score, per¬ centage of patients who were pain free, and summed pain intensity differences scores) consistently showed sumatrip¬ tan to be more effective than placebo in relieving moderate or severe mi¬ graines. Sumatriptan also produced sig¬ nificant improvement in clinical disabil¬ ity scores, nausea, and photophobia. A second injection at 1 hour was not asso¬ ciated with significantly more relief of migraine or associated symptoms. A secondary measure of sumatriptan's ef¬ ficacy was the comparison of rescue medication use between treatment groups. Overall, 88% of placebo-treated patients received rescue medication within 24 hours compared with 61% of sumatriptan-treated patients. This in¬ dicates both the need to evaluate the duration of action of a single dose and to define a multiple-dose regimen. Howev¬ er, rescue medications were taken at the patient's discretion. It was not un¬ common for patients to self-medicate with rescue medication in anticipation of the return of headache or associated symptoms, in spite of being pain free. Significantly more adverse events oc¬ curred following treatment with suma¬ triptan than placebo. Concern whether this unblinds the trial must be consid¬ ered. Since patients were treated only once, which limited their exposure to study medication, and since adverse events and efficacy parameters were re¬ ported by the patient, it is unlikely that Table 3.—Percent of Adverse Events by Body System Controlled Clinical Trials of Sumatriptan Succinate* Category Reported by 6 mg of Placebo Cardiovascular Pulsating sensation Flushing Hypertension Ear, nose, and throat Throat symptoms Disease: nasal cavity and/or sinuses Disturbance of hearing Sumatriptan Succinate (n=370) (n 547) 0.3 2.4 0.8 0.7 6.6 0.7 0.5 3.3 0.5 0.9 = at Least 1% of Patients in 6 mg Succinate (n 187) = 0.5 8.0 1.6 1.6 Eye Visual disturbance(s) Gastrointestinal Nausea and/or vomiting Abdominal discomfort Injection-site reactions Miscellaneous Pressure sensation Feeling of heaviness Chest symptoms Jaw symptoms Mouth and teeth Disorder of mouth and/or tongue Musculoskeletal Weakness Neck pain and/or stiffness Feeling of tightness 6 mg of + Sumatriptan 1.6 12.4 1.3 58.7 20.3 0.8 23.8 1.6 7.1 7.5 1.1 62.6 7.3 5.3 5.5 1.6 5.3 4.6 Myalgia 1.8 4.3 5.9 1.6 Muscle 1.1 0.5 0.5 6.8 4.0 9.1 Drowsiness-sedation 2.2 2.7 Dizziness-vertigo Malaise-fatigue Feeling strange 4.3 Disturbance of taste Burning sensation Prickling sensation Numbness 3.0 0.3 Tingling cramp(s) Neurological Anxiety Migraine Cold sensation Warm-hot sensation Headache Tight feeling in head Hot and cold sensations 4.8 0.5 0.3 5.1 0.8 0.3 3.2 0.5 1.1 2.2 2.7 0.9 10.2 2.1 3.0 0.5 3.5 13.5 9.6 10.8 0.3 0.3 2.0 12.8 2.7 2.2 1.6 0.8 0.7 2.1 Respiratory Dyspnea Skin 0.5 Erythema Sweating *Treatment groups are amalgamated into three groups; all placebo-treated patients, those receiving of 6 mg of sumatriptan succinate, and those receiving 6 mg + 6 mg of sumatriptan succinate. patients introduced bias into the study results. In contrast to other migraine trials, the rigorous International Headache Society entry criteria were used to es¬ tablish the diagnosis of migraine. A sim¬ ple four-point pain scale has practical advantages, and the data, which were analyzed by four different methods, yielded consistent results. Reproducibility between both studies and among all sites and all four analyses validates this technique. Downloaded From: by Wilburn Davis on 02/06/2014 4.8 11.8 a total dose Most currently available rescue mi¬ graine therapies fail to provide consis¬ tent pain relief and are associated with potentially intolerable side effects. Sim¬ ple analgesics are frequently used to treat migraines, often with metoclopramide hydrochloride because of gastric stasis or vomiting during the attack.23"26 Metoclopramide can cause acute dystonic reactions, particularly in young adults.27 Naproxen and anthranilic acid are more effective than placebo in re¬ but the adverse ef- ducing migraines, fects of these nonsteroidal anti-inflam¬ matory drugs are well known.28"32 Parenteral narcotics are frequently used in emergency departments, but these may exacerbate the nausea and vomiting seen with migraine and can obscure neurological differential diag¬ noses. Narcotics also have abuse poten¬ tial and usually require that the patient remain under observation by the clini¬ cian after administration of the drug. Sumatriptan treats headache- and mi¬ graine-associated nausea, suggesting that concomitant analgesic and antiemetic drugs may be unnecessary. Ergotamine has been used extensive¬ ly for many years, although few place¬ bo-controlled studies have demon¬ strated its superiority to placebo.33 Dihydroergotamine mesylate given intra¬ venously with prochlorperazine edisylate or metoclopramide aborts severe or intractable migraines, although there is a high rate of side effects.34,35 The side effects of ergotamines include nausea and vomiting, tiredness, tingling, chest pain, light-headedness, rebound head- aches, and peripheral vasoconstriction. In addition, the nonselective vasocon- strictive actions may cause both coro¬ nary and peripheral artery spasms, pos¬ sibly leading to gangrene, angina, and acute myocardial infarction.S6J1 The structure of sumatriptan is simi¬ lar to serotonin, but it is different from the ergot alkaloids. These trials pro¬ vided no evidence that sumatriptan has the same serious adverse events as ergotamine. This may be due to the selec¬ tive pharmacological properties of su¬ matriptan compared with ergotamines. We conclude that sumatriptan is an effective treatment for patients with acute migraine. A significant reduction in headaches, clinical disability, nausea, and photophobia occurs within minutes of a subcutaneous injection, with lasting effects for up to 24 hours. This study was supported by a grant from Glaxo Pharmaceuticals Inc. We wish to acknowledge the other members of the US Sumatriptan Research Group who contrib¬ uted to the conception, conduct, analysis of data, and writing following: of the manuscript, including the Clinical Investigators.—C. Camak Baker, MD; William Bauer, MD; Barry Baumel, MD; Harvey Blumenthal, MD; Richard B. Brobyn, MD; Walter Brown, MD; Gregory Collins, MD; James Couch, MD, PhD; Roger Curran, MD; James Dexter, MD; Seymour Diamond, MD; Kathleen Digre, MD; Ar¬ thur Elkind, MD; Walter Flamenbaum, MD; James H. Francis, MD; Daniel Freking, MD; Srini Govindan, MD; Randall Hawkins, MD; Robert L. Hazelrigg, MD; David Hubbard, MD; R. Terry Jackson, MD; Gary Jay, MD; Jack Klapper, MD; Jennifer S. Kriegler, MD; Benjamin Levy, MD; Jonathan Licht, MD; Ralph J. Luciani, DO; Herbert Markley, MD; Charlotte McCutchen, MD; John Stirling Meyer, MD; David Miller, DO; Ken Moore, MD; Richard Moyer, MD; Philip O'Carroll, MD; Richard Pantera, MD; Kenneth Peters, MD; John Porter, MD; Somayaji Ramamurthy, MD; Alan Rapoport, MD; George Rederich, MD; Barna Richards, MD; Carl H. Sadowsky, MD; Richard P. Singer, MD; Glen Solomon, MD; Seymour Solomon, MD; Wil¬ liam Speed, MD; Egilius Spierings, MD; Stuart Stark, MD; Andrew Thieneman, MD; Michael M. Tuchman, MD; Gary Tunell, MD; Scott Tyler, MD; Eric Wall, MD; and Dewey Ziegler, MD. Glaxo Research Group.—Margaret Asby; Mi¬ chael Busch, PhD; Bill Clements, MS; Carolyn Dav¬ enport; Randy Davis; Sandra DeBussey; Anthony Fox, MD, PhD; Donna Gutterman, PharmD; Bar¬ bara Kirkhart; Lois Paulsgrove; Sally Schnitz; Rob¬ in Waymer; Chris Webster; and Mark Zimmerman, PhD. References 1. US Bureau of the Census. Statistical Abstract of the US, 1989. 109th ed. Washington, DC: US National Center for Health Statistics; 1989:118. 2. Goldstein ME, Chen TC. The epidemiology of disabling headache. Adv Neurol. 1982;33:377-390. 3. Espir MLE, Thomason J, Blau JN, Kurtz Z. Headaches in civil servants: effect on work and leisure. Br J Ind Med. 1988;45:336-340. 4. Osterhouse JT, Gutterman DL, Plachetka JR. Labor costs associated with migraine headaches. Presented at the 1990 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Headaches; June 22-24,1990; Los Angeles, Calif. 5. Lance JW. A concept of migraine and the search for the ideal headache drug. 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