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By Shirley Wyand
Copyright © 2009 HIV Secrets, #3746, 616 Corporate Way, Suite 2, Valley Cottage, NY 10989-2050. The material in this
electronic book is protected by the International Copyright Legislation.
All rights, including copyright, in the content of this electronic book are owned or controlled for these purposes by HIV Secrets.
You are not permitted to copy, broadcast, download, store (in any medium), transmit, show or play in public, adapt or change in
any way the content of this publication for any other purpose whatsoever without the prior written permission of HIV Secrets.
Illustration by: B. Weichardt
Table of Contents
What are Complementary Therapies?..........................................................3
Research and Scientific Basis of Complementary Therapies ..........................4
How to Use This Report ..............................................................................7
Medical Systems ........................................................................................11
Nutritional Supplements ............................................................................16
Herbal Supplements ...................................................................................21
Chemical Therapies ...................................................................................33
Comparative Table .....................................................................................39
Integrated Approach...................................................................................40
People living with HIV/AIDS (PHAs) have a history of taking positive
action in their own health care. Since the HIV epidemic began, people affected
by HIV and their supporters have demanded effective, available treatments that
have the least side effects. AIDS activists rightly promoted the idea that
individuals living with HIV should not only have access to all potentially
effective therapies but also the right to make informed choices about which
treatments to use, including complementary therapies. Unfortunately many
groups today want to take this right away from people living with HIV and
would rather dictate what should and what should not be used. This is
nowhere more prevalent than in the use of complementary treatments and
products which for many years have been a regular part of an PHA's regimen.
Since Western medical science offers no cure and few treatments for
AIDS, people living with HIV are open to other options, and a tradition of
gathering and sharing treatment information already exists. Complementary
therapies are particularly appealing and useful because they emphasize
personalized treatment based on individual needs rather than standardized
treatment for a specific diagnosis. This focus on individualized decisionmaking and treatment continues to be a valued part of complementary therapy
for many PHAs.
Although we still have no cure, antiretroviral drugs have given many
PHAs hope and renewed health. These drugs have also brought a new and
daunting range of side effects, and, more and more, PHAs are looking to
complementary therapies to cope.
The result is that PHAs are increasingly making health decisions that
integrate conventional and complementary medical approaches. Spurred on by
the realities of difficult drug treatment schedules and side effects, the HIV
movement is similarly increasing its focus on issues concerning quality of life.
Many PHAs value treatment options that offer support beyond the physical
impact of disease.
Complementary therapies offer a holistic approach which meets this
need by PHAs who seek optimum health and wellness more than a just a
resolution of illness. Holistic treatments connect the physical, mental, spiritual,
emotional and sexual dimensions of life and promote the idea that healing
must occur on all levels in order to obtain that optimum health.
Fortunately, the attitudes of governments, conventional physicians and
pharmacists are changing, opening the way for the spread of more information
about complementary therapies.
However information about the various complementary therapies is
limited and sometime unreliable. The last few years has seen a rapid surge of
false cures and claims which have reduced credibility in the entire
complementary medical field.
This report was written with a view to identifying which complementary
therapies and products are viable and useful as an adjunct to conventional
therapy and which should be avoided. We have also identified which of those
we believe are scams that are solely intent on preying on the hopes of PHAs
and we hope this guide will help to protect against this type of exploitation.
What are Complementary Therapies?
A simple definition of complementary therapies is ‘those medical practices
that fall outside conventional Western medicine.’ Complementary therapies include
mind-body therapies, in which the power of the mind or the spirit is harnessed to
heal the body. They also encompass touch therapies, which involve massage and
other forms of physical manipulation performed by practitioners to promote healing.
And they comprise physical agents that are eaten, inhaled or rubbed on the skin.
A specific complementary therapy may contain any or all of these elements.
For example, aromatherapists use essential oils, which are inhaled or rubbed on the
skin and are often used in massage. The process of heating and inhaling these oils
includes a meditative component that many people think of as mind-body therapy.
Some people prefer the term alternative medicine to complementary therapies, and
the abbreviation CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) is being used
increasingly. Another term is complementary and alternative health care, or CAHC.
These terms refer to the same spectrum of medical options. The words used reflect
the different attitudes and experiences of the people speaking. For example, people
who use the medical practices described in this guide instead of conventional
Western medicines would be more likely to use the term alternative.
The term ‘complementary therapies’ implies that these treatments are used
with conventional medicine. Still others use the term integrative medicine to strongly
state the importance they place on integrating elements of conventional and
complementary medicines into a more unified approach.
Research and Scientific Basis of Complementary Therapies
Knowledge based on individual stories rather than hard data is called
anecdotal information. This information can be collected and shared by
practitioners or (as often happens with PHAs) the people using the treatments.
Anecdotal information is an important component of both complementary
and conventional medicine.
In conventional medicine, such observation may reveal new uses for
existing treatments or identify unforeseen side effects.
In complementary medicine, anecdotal information is often recorded
and compiled to form a base of information about the likely outcome of a
treatment. Anecdotal information has limitations. It is based on the experience
of individuals; how these experiences apply to others is often difficult to judge.
Although much of Western medical practice was developed from
anecdotal information, the current standard for a Western medical treatment is
a double-blind, placebo controlled trial. In such a study, a group of people with
the same medical condition believe they are being given the same treatment.
Placebos (fake treatments) are used by some trial participants, but no one
knows who is getting the real treatment. The study is called double-blind
because even the physicians and researchers who collect the results are not told
which participants received placebos. This method is intended to eliminate
biases based on the expectations of researchers and participants and to gather
statistical evidence about how often we can expect the treatment to work.
Some complementary therapies can and are being tested in double-blind,
placebo-controlled trials. Unfortunately, various factors often hamper
complementary therapies trials:
Practitioners and producers of complementary therapies rarely have the
financial resources of a drug company. Even when they do, most
complementary medicines can't be patented, so there is less financial incentive
to pay for trials.
Western scientists skilled in performing controlled clinical trials are often
skeptical about complementary medicines. Due to this skepticism, trials of
complementary therapies do not build a researcher’s prestige in the same way
that a typical drug trial might.
Complementary therapy practitioners and users have not participated in
many controlled clinical trials. As well, practitioners schooled in medical
systems with established bodies of knowledge (such as traditional Chinese
medicine) may see little need to re-examine these therapies to comply with
Western medical standards. Western medical researchers, on the other hand,
may see little need to study complementary therapies when a Western medical
treatment exists.
Pure Substance
A controlled trial requires a purified, consistent dose of the treatment. In
the case of some complementary therapies, this purified form is not available.
In others, practitioners and users believe the therapy is most effective in its
natural “unpure” state. Some solutions to these problems are emerging.
Governments are now more willing to dedicate resources to the study of
complementary therapies.
With the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)
as an effective way to manage HIV infection, complementary therapies are
now being used by PHAs to improve general well-being, reduce symptoms and
manage the side effects of HAART.
Recent studies indicate that almost all PHAs using complementary
therapies do so in conjunction with conventional drug therapies (HAART).
Combining complementary therapies with conventional drugs raises new
challenges around the potential for adverse interactions between them. These
interactions can lead to increased side effects and/or toxicity. They can also
reduce the effectiveness of HAART, possibly leading to drug resistance and
treatment failure. It is therefore important to discuss your use of
complementary therapies with your doctor and pharmacist, as well as your use
of drug therapies with your complementary therapist.
PHAs use a range of different types of complementary therapies. Most
studies find that nutritional supplements are very popular, with vitamins,
minerals and antioxidants leading when the supplements were specifically
identified. In addition to nutritional therapies, PHAs report using various
forms of massage and mind-body medicine as well as a range of herbal
therapies. We discuss these therapies in the following sections.
How to Use This Report
You will unfortunately find that many AIDS lobby groups and activists
campaign against the use of complementary medicines nowadays and we
cannot understand why this is the case when there is so much benefit in this
holistic approach. Yes, there are many scams out there but there are also many
extremely useful products that are helping many to manage their illness.
People who have HIV should have the right to determine their own
treatment and to use complementary medicines if they wish to do so. Stopping
them from being able to use complementary medicines is typical of the old
medical establishment where the Doctor is regarded as a God or other
authority figure that should have the final say even when the patient educates
themselves and perhaps knows better.
We are now moving away from that era of the top down medical
approach and it is time people took responsibility for their own health instead
of leaving it entirely up to those whose motives or actions are often blurred by
In this report we have conducted an exhaustive look at all the
complementary medical systems and products being promoted for use by
people living with HIV in order to identify which are useful as an adjunct to
From our research we have found that the best results are achieved when
a holistic approach is taken. No product or therapy listed here is a cure for HIV
or AIDS, neither is any of them a “silver bullet” which will cure all diseases
without the need for conventional therapy, lifestyle and dietary changes.
The products and therapies which have been identified as useful here
though often very effective should be used holistically in combination with a
healthy diet, lifestyle and in combination with conventional therapies for the
best results.
We have investigated various therapies and products and given each of
them a star rating based on a number of factors, the most influential of them
Effectiveness was determined by two factors, scientific research and
feedback reported by users. Scientific research is easy to obtain when the
ingredients are known or the product itself has been tested. Feedback from
users however is often difficult to identify as being authentic. We have however
endeavored to determine whether testimonials presented are true and are
confident that our research has identified the fraudulent from the genuine. Cost
is straightforward though we have found that those products and therapied
which are scams tend to be exorbitant in price at the same time which further
reinforces their status as scams.
Some products being touted are actually highly toxic and have caused
serious injury and even death in some cases. Often these are either toxic by
themselves such as high doses of silver therapy, or because they are not
manufactured under hygienic conditions which then leads to them becoming
We found most herbal and nutritional supplements to have at least some
scientific basis and therefore you will see that they all have at least a 1 star
rating in this report. This server to show that nutrition is an important
component for people living with HIV in order to maintain optimum health.
Most of the nutritional supplements have some ability to support the
body's immune function simply because they are providing essential nutrients
that are too often absent from our diets and therefore hinder optimum health.
Others that have a herbal component also have ingredients that show ability to
combat side-effects of conventional therapy as well as treat symptoms of
AIDS, these most often got a 2 or more star rating. These include the various
complete complementary medical systems and some products such as I-drops,
IMOD, ModuCare, Nature's Immune Support etc.
The best supplement overall (Revivo) which is also easily available and
reasonably affordable received a 4.5 star rating because it's ingredients have
shown ability to strengthen the immune response, treat symptoms of AIDS
and side-effects of ARV therapy but more importantly they have also
demonstrated activity against the HIV virus itself in valid research studies.
This particular supplement is also the only one manufactured under verifiable
GMP conditions and is guaranteed free from contaminants such as lead and
pesticides. The manufacturers also have reliable feedback from users that was
gathered in an independent survey. Be careful though as there are two versions
and only one of them is the real one. We have provided full details in the
writeup. (We cannot give any product a full 5 star rating until we find one that
is a complete cure for HIV. There is promise that this cure may be found in
herbal medicine but as yet we have not found it.)
Our second highest rating in this report is 4 stars which was given to
only one therapy (Traditional Chinese Medicine) because of the large amount
of research studies available for the herbs that are used in that system and also
the fact that each treatment is highly individualized when administered by a
qualified professional. We could not afford it more stars as it is often not easily
available and sometimes expensive when it is found. The quality of herbs used
from practitioner to practitioner is also questionable as well as the training of
the individual. If you do seek this type of therapy we recommend you contact
your local council or governing body and find out the names of qualified and
registered practitioners whom you can consult. Click here to go straight to the
write up on Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Many of the products and treatments in this report received 0 stars
because they are most likely scams designed to make money off the hopes of
HIV sufferers. Some are just plain old water, others have questionable
testimonials and most lack any scientific or anecdotal evidence that can
support its claims. Some machines have been studied that purport to have
activity against the HIV virus but as yet no concrete research has shown that
they have ability to destroy the virus in vitro (i.e. in the body).
After a description of each individual therapy we have inserted a table
that compares the different therapies and products in terms of their star rating
and other features.
Medical Systems
Ayurveda is an Indian medical system which has been used for
thousands of years, and is the oldest around the globe when it comes to
medical systems. In this system forces which interact need to be balanced, and
this includes the spirit and the mind as well as the body, otherwise ill health
will occur. Prana is the life force in Ayurveda, and this element must be present
for life to exist. Prana creates the five elements which make up the Ayurveda
elements, and these are water, earth, air, space, and fire. All matter which exists
anywhere in the universe will be made up of these five elements, and this
includes the physical body. In Ayurveda there are three forces, which may also
be called humours by some, and these are the five elements condensed. The
forces are vata, which is wind, pitta, which is bile, and kapha, which is phlegm.
The tridosha is these three forces combined, and in Ayurveda the right balance
is the key.
With Ayurveda every individual will have a specific and unique set of
forces, but there will normally be one or two forces which are dominant. A
physician of Ayurveda will determine the exact balance of forces the patient
has, and this is known as determining body composition. Lifestyle and
nutrition are both examined during the process, and the nails, skin, and
complexion of the patient will be closely examined. The physician may also
read the patient's pulse, give a tongue diagnosis, and use other methods. A big
part of Ayurvedic healing is prevention, as well as treating the whole patient to
balance the forces. Nutrition and diet advice are given, and yoga, massage, and
meditation can all be used to help balance the forces and humours.
In Ayurveda the treatment is individualized for each patient, and is
intended to help the forces balance out. Each humour has an associated body
part, so treatment for the associated part will help balance the forces. This is
not as easy with chronic diseases and illness though, because each of the forces
in the individual will be affected by the other forces, and eventually the entire
body and systems will be affected. The essential energy of the body, also called
Ojas, depends on the forces being in balance. This has been compared to a
dense liquid like sap that lives in the bone marrow of the individual. According
to the Ayurveda system, disease including HIV is caused because of low ojas
in the bone marrow. In this medical system ojas is considered extremely critical
to good digestion, health, and a well functioning immune system.
Ayurvedic treatment for HIV includes balancing out the forces in a
number of ways. The pH of the body is determined, and then measures are
prescribed to improve digestion and nutrition while helping with elimination
and circulation as well. This may involve dietary changes, chakra therapy,
cleansing treatments, herbal remedies, meditation, massage, and others. The
Ayurvedic physician may advise specific tonics to drink and foods to include in
the diet to make the ojas stronger. These steps are also intended to make the
mind and spirit stronger as well.
Chakras are part of Ayurveda as well. These are centers of energy in the
body which use a specific frequency for vibration. Chakras include the seven
major centers as well as many smaller chakras. The main ones follow the head
all the way down the spine to the tailbone. Disease is caused by the blockage of
the chakras, and in this medical system the spirit needs to be treated to resolve
this issue. Prayer, repeating mantras, wearing specific gems over certain areas
of the body, meditation, massages, oils and aromatherapy, and other methods
are used during chakra therapy.
One therapy is called Panchakarma, and this treatment is used to clean
and detoxify the body, mind, and spirit. With this treatment the individual
must be healthy and strong, and it can not be used after disease has reached the
final stages. This treatment is very complicated, and occurs in a number of
stages. Warm oils are used to encourage the body to sweat, and eliminate
wastes and toxins. This step also helps to stimulate the nerves in the body.
Diets are followed to clean and detoxify the body, and some other treatments
during this therapy may include using enemas, purging, and using laxatives.
The specific therapy and treatments used will depend on the specific forces and
their balances in the individual. Once the Panchakarma therapy is finished
then the patient must undergo pacification treatment so the tridosha is
COST: A visit to an Ayurvedic physician can range from $40 or $50 to over $100.
Homeopathy is a medical system which treats the entire individual, and
not just the specific disease or illness. This system includes remedies which are
prepared specifically for each patient, and each remedy is created specifically
to meet the exact mental, physical, and emotional traits of the individual. In
homeopathy the philosophy is that like will cure like, so physicians give a small
amount of a substance that would cause identical symptoms if given in bigger
doses. This is named the Law of Similars, and it is the most important principle
in this medical system.
Another important principle in homeopathy is the Law of Infinitesimals.
This law says that the more diluted a homeopathic treatment is the stronger
and more beneficial it will be. In this medical system the remedies are
extremely diluted, and they are shaken extensively after each dilution. Some
HIV infected individuals visit homeopathic practitioners to help manage the
symptoms of HIV.
COST: The initial visit can be from $75 to $150, depending on the practitioner chosen,
and repeat visits are needed.
Naturopathy is a medical system which uses the healing powers of the
body together with natural substances to prevent and to treat diseases and
illnesses. These practitioners believe that illness is caused by bodily imbalances
or flaws in lifestyle, and the treatments prescribed are based on the individual.
These treatments are used to respond to and change flaws and imbalances, and
manipulation, acupuncture, message, homeopathy, herbal remedies and
treatments, nutritional and dietary advice, and more.
COST: The initial visit to a naturopathic practitioner will cost from $90 to $250 with
follow up visits ranging $40 to $150. Some health insurances with extended
coverage may cover the cost of these visits.
Traditional Chinese medicine, including acupuncture, has been in use for
thousands of years. In this medical system the yin stands for vital function and
the yang is the vital essence. These two forces must be balanced or else ill
health and disease will occur. The energy a person has is their Chi, and the
goal of this medical system is fu-zheng, which is to give support to the true Chi
which will keep any diseased chi from going farther or doing more damage. A
big part of traditional Chinese medicine, also called TCM, is a nutritious diet
which promotes vitality and health. This increases the true Chi.
One component of TCM is Qigong, which involves exercises which
center on meditation and breathing. This exercise is used to support the Chi.
Another component of TCM is acupuncture, and this is used as a treatment by
stimulating and increasing the circulation of the righteous or true Chi, so that
it reaches all the body parts and gives nourishment. Herbs and herbal remedies
may also be used in traditional Chinese medicine, to allow the Chi to become
stronger and help balance out the energies in the body.
In TCM HIV is considered a disease caused by hidden heat, which
consumes the yin of the individual. This can lead to diarrhea, night sweats,
and opportunistic infections in HIV positive individuals.
Acupuncture is a crucial component of TCM, and it can be beneficial to
individuals infected with HIV. Chi and blood flow are both stimulated, but
verify that the practitioner uses only disposable needles which are sterile to
prevent infections or contamination. This treatment will help boost immune
function, and can help treat many of the general symptoms experienced by
HIV patients.
TCM can range from $35 to $100 or more, depending on the specific
practitioner, the therapies and treatments prescribed or performed, and the visit
length; The cost for an acupuncture session will usually be from $45 to $65 per
session, but the sessions may be required one to three times a week, depending
on the individual, their health problems, and the acupuncture practitioner.
Nutritional Supplements
The Antidote is supposed to be a cure for HIV and AIDS, and
contains crocodile protein. The advertising for this product states
“It kills all known deadly viruses and bacteria in the body”. Most
of the advertising for this fake cure is done through online
methods, such as spam emails and websites which promote the
Antidote. There has never been any scientific evidence to show
that this treatment works in any beneficial way at all. Like many fake HIV
treatments and cures, many claims are made but can not be supported or
Key Ingredient(s): crocodile protein
Price per Month: $60 for a 5ml bottle
Biovibe is an elixir treatment which is supposed to stimulate
immunity in individuals. This elixir has been enhanced by
different frequencies, and is supposed to work against HIV and
AIDS. With this treatment the vibrations and frequencies are
intended to eliminate the HIV virus in the body. There is no
evidence that this is effective though, and no scientific testing
has been done on this product to verify the claims.
Key Ingredient(s): spring water enhanced.
Price per Month: $100+
This product is intended to be an immune function booster, so
the body can fight off viruses and other microbes much more
effectively. The powder is mixed with fruit juice, and it is
basically an expensive multivitamin and mineral supplement
which includes essential fatty acids and other additional
nutrients. There is no evidence to show that this product works any more
effectively than taking any other multivitamin and mineral supplement.
Key Ingredient(s): nutrients
Price per Month: $30 to $35
This advertised cure for HIV/AIDS is supposed to be an extreme
immune booster while working as an antiviral at the same time.
There have been a few studies done on Geranium 132, and none
have shown any effect of this treatment on HIV in the human
Key Ingredient(s): Geranium 132
Price per Month: $30 to $50
I-drops is a nutritional supplement which is available in
droplet form, and claims to be able to boost immune
system function and prevent or treat many medical
conditions and diseases. This treatment contains a
combination of herbs, honey, and other natural ingredients,
and may help with health, but this product can not treat or
eliminate HIV or AIDS according to the available scientific data.
Key Ingredients: Honey and various herbs
Price per Month: $190 to $400+
ImmunElixer Plus has been touted as the cure for everything from
HIV and AIDS to the swine flu and any other infections and
diseases. This product is supposed to boost the immune system,
and claims to treat and prevent HIV/AIDS, cancer, and others.
The claim with the Philippine government from the company is
that ImmunElixer Plus is a food supplement, and there is no
evidence that this product protects against or treats HIV or AIDS.
Key Ingredient(s): Philippine Narra Tree
(Pterocarpus indicus Wild)
Price per Month: $80+
Immune Tree Colostrum is an immune supplement based on
colostrum which is the first milk expressed from a mothers
breast. The form used in this supplement is from cows and there
have been positive reports of using this as a general immune
supplement. It is manufactured to a high quality standard but
because it is only effective in supporting the immune system and
is not specific for assisting in managing HIV we have given it only two stars.
Ingredient(s): Colostrum, micronutrients
Cost: $25/month
LiquidMD is a nutritional product that has been claimed to be
effective in fighting HIV and AIDS. This liquid supplement
claims to boost the immune system, restore healthy cells, and
offer other benefits as well, but there is no evidence that this is the
case. With a seventy five dollar price tag for four bottles
containing one liter each, and an autoship program that
automatically ships an order each month and charges for it, this
treatment is expensive and a big hassle, and has not been proven
to be effective.
Key Ingredient(s): Water
Price per Month: $75 plus shipping.
Protocel was first developed as a cancer treatment, but many
advocates claim this drug can fight HIV and AIDS as well.
The treatment is supposed to work by preventing anaerobic
cells from producing ATP. The theory is that the cells will die
off before the HIV virus can be released. There is no proof
that this drug works at all against HIV or any other virus, and
it can be cost prohibitive as well. Even if it did work this
would actually kill off healthy cells in the process as well.
Key Ingredient(s): Nutrients, vitamins,
Price per Month: $75 to $125
Rejuvin advertises this product as the water of life, and claims
that it can treat or prevent many medical conditions including
HIV. The website advertises that the water is changed during the
process, and becomes healthier and much more healing due to
the process. The claims would be great if there was any evidence
to back them up, but there has been no proof shown so far to
indicate that this product is worth the expensive costs involved. It seems this is
another case of people selling water to get rich.
Key Ingredient(s): Water
Price per Month: At least $60 a month,
more in many cases.
This treatment is an antimicrobial, which is intended to fight off
fungi and other microbes in the body. According to the claims
this product can help fight off HIV and other viruses, and prevent
opportunistic infections from occurring. This product has not
been proven to work, and no clinical trials or studies have been
done to show the effectiveness of this HIV treatment.
Key Ingredient(s): Enzymes and probiotics
Price per Month: Roughly $40
V-1 Immunitor may also go by the name Immureboost or
V-AIM, and this product first became available in the year
2001 in Thailand. It is a pill that is pink in color, and the
key component is the antigens, which are cultured from
pooled blood that was taken from individuals infected
with HIV. Vichai Jirathitikal invented this treatment, and
claimed that it was successful in eliminating HIV. The Ministry of Public
Health in Thailand responded to these claims by doing a study on individuals
who were receiving this treatment, and the results were not good for the
product. The study showed that V-1 Immunitor did not have any effect at all,
not on the viral load, the white blood cell count, or the immune system of the
patient. Thailand revoked the license to manufacture or sell this product in
2003, but that has not stopped the creator from changing the name and
description while still marketing the product to treat AIDS and HIV even
currently. Now the company claims the product is a therapeutic vaccine, and
uses the name V-AIM.
Key Ingredient(s): Food complexes and
Price per Month: Unknown (almost
impossible to locate for purchase)
This supposed HIV cure also uses a treatment that was designed
to fight cancer. The treatment is intended to remove the enzymes
of the HIV virus, so that the virus can not attach to the walls of
the cell. The claim also states that by stripping the enzyme the
virus can be destroyed by the immune system easier. It may be
necessary to take up to a total of forty pills or even more with this
treatment though, and there has been no evidence at all that this cure is
effective. As with some other supplements here even if it did work it would
affect healthy cells as well.
Key Ingredient(s): Enzymes, papain
Price per Month: $40 to $50
Zeolite Enhanced is a liquid supplement which
contains volcanic minerals that are supposed to help
absorb toxins from the body, and the product claims to
help remove viruses as well. This treatment involves
taking eighteen drops of the product three times a day,
and there has been no scientific evidence or medical
proof that this product helps treat or eliminate HIV
and AIDS. Not only is this treatment very expensive
but there is no guarantee that it will have any effect on
Key Ingredient(s): Volcanic minerals, trace
minerals, macro nutrients
Price per Month: $60 to $70 per month.
Herbal Supplements
According to the developers of Aloe Immune, this product is a
super immune booster that can combat HIV and AIDS. This
treatment is supposed to work by blocking cell receptors so the
virus can not infect the cells. One problem with this treatment is
that it has never been studied for HIV patients, and many
individuals suffer from sensitivity to this product. Not only is it
not proven to be effective, but can be dangerous in individuals
who are sensitive.
Key Ingredient(s): Aloe vera
Price per Month: Approximately $50 plus
shipping charges
A company in South Africa called Comforter's Healing Gift has
produced a plant extract which they say will cure AIDS. The
extract comes from the sonneblom plant, and this product can be
described as everything from a nutritional supplement to an
AIDS cure, depending on who in the company you talk to. The
inventor of this cure is a co-director of the company by the name
of Freddie Isaacs, and he claims that this extract will cure AIDS. Other
company employees have said that until the proper testing is done the
company can not claim it is a cure for AIDS. One of the most prominent
attorneys in South Africa, Christine Qunta, is very closely associated with
Comforter's Healing Gift. This has led many in the South African government
to charge that the attorney is authorizing the sale of medicine which is not
Freddie Isaacs also claimed in 2002 that he was an apostle of God. He
announced that he had been told in a dream to prepare to die and make his
way to heaven. Isaacs organized his own funeral as scores of Church members
rushed to his town to await the great moment. But he only earned the wrath of
his followers, and police had to intervene to protect him, when the day of his
supposed death came and went without anything happening. Soon afterwards
Isaacs fled the town, leaving debts running into thousands of dollars.
Key Ingredient(s): Sonneblom extract
Price per Month: $55 to $75
Dr. Sebi, who was born into this world with the name
Alfredo Bowman, has made a claim that his electric
foods can eliminate AIDS and HIV infection. Even
though he is not a doctor and has no medical
qualifications at all, Dr. Sebi has offices both inside and
outside of the USA. In addition, many of the ideas and
theories followed by this individual go against almost
everything in medicine and science. According to Dr.
Sebi/ Alfredo Brown, AIDS is caused when the mucous membrane in the
body has been breached or compromised. The treatment according to this
questionable practitioner is a mixture of plant extracts, which are claimed to
remove mucous and heal the mucous membrane. The fake doctor Sebi has
been arrested twice, once in 1987 and once in 1997, for practicing medicine
without a license and for publishing false health claims. This has not stopped
him from continuing to treat HIV and AIDS patients or stopped him from
describing his treatment as a cure. There has never been any evidence or
scientific proof that this AIDS cure works in any way.
Key Ingredient(s): assorted plant extracts
Price per Month: Varies, can run hundreds
of dollars each month. This treatment is
not available in the United States.
Get Healthy Aloe MPS is a product that consists of aloe vera
powder and it claims to be the best product on the market but there
has been no proof to back up these claims. Aloe vera has been used
for centuries to heal and help for many conditions, including burns
and skin irritations, but there has been nothing to show that this
plant works against HIV, whether it is powdered or not.
Key Ingredient(s): aloe vera powder
Price per Month: $190+
IMOD first became available in February of the year 2007,
and this drug was developed by both Russian and Iranian
scientists. Once the drug was made available, media sources
in these countries started touting it as the cure for AIDS. This
includes the Fars News Agency in Iran, which was quick to
promote IMOD as a treatment for HIV and AIDS. The website for the product
does not declare it is an AIDS cure, but rather states that the product has been
tested in human trials and is shown to increases the number of CD4 cells. The
problem is that no such trials or testing results can be located anywhere. There
is no mention of this drug in any medical journal or other published studies.
Key Ingredient(s): A therapeutic blend of
Price per Month: Around $100 to $150
Liver Balance Plus is an herbal supplement which has been
advocated by some people as a treatment or cure for
HIV/AIDS. The product is intended to detoxify the body
and tissues while supporting optimal liver function. The
herbs used have shown some effectiveness for these uses,
but it does not combat HIV in the body and is not effective
as a treatment for this infection. One of the biggest
drawbacks of this product is the number of pills needed,
with twenty four taken each day. This can really bump up
the monthly costs for the treatment because of the amount
required, making it expensive.
Key Ingredient(s): A blend of herbs, fruits,
and leaves and the extracts from these
Price per Month: From $45 to $100 or more
a month
This supposed AIDS cure was developed by ethnobotanists and
doctors from Ghana, and the main inventor of this treatment is Dr.
Jacob Akumoah-Boateng. According to these creators the MAB
Formula One will kill off and eliminate HIV from the body, while MAB
Formula Two is intended to help give your immune system a big boost. Dr.
Jacob Akumoah-Boateng has made claims that there was US testing of this
treatment, and that the testing results show that HIV and the antibodies to this
virus are gone. The problem is that no test findings, medical papers, or studies
have been shown or given to back this up, and there is no mention in any of the
medical literature about this specific treatment or any studies done. If testing
was done in the United States there should be some record of it, and none can
be located.
Key Ingredient(s): A combination of herbs
and plant extracts.
Price per Month: $60 to $100.
Mariandina A and Mariandina J have both been claimed to be a treatment for
HIV and AIDS. Mariandina A contains a number of herbs which are intended
to boost the immune system, while Mariandina J is supposed to clean and
detoxify the body at the same time. The effectiveness of this product has not
been proven, with no studies or trials conducted, and the price can be high at
sixty dollars or more a month.
Mariandina A
Key Ingredient(s): A combination of 28 different herbs, minerals, vitamins,
and other elements including Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin
B6, Vitamin B12, Folic acid, Citrus Bioflavanoids, Iodine, Niacin, Biotin,
Calcium, Zinc, Iron, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Ginseng, and others.
Price per Month: $60 a month or more, depending on the individual dosage.
Mariandina J
Key Ingredient(s): A blend of 29 herbs which include Bed Straw, Calendula,
Echinacea, Astragalus, Osha root, St. Johns Wart, Mistletoe, Thyme,
Camomile, Lecithin, Devils claw, Spirulina, Dandelion, Codonopsis,
Berberis, Aquifolium, Garlic, Calmus root, and others.
Price per Month: $60 a month or more, depending on the individual dosage
ModuCare is a treatment which is supposed to eliminate HIV
in the body according to advocates. The company claims that
this product has been extensively tested in South Africa and it is
a very effective immune booster to help the body naturally fight
off HIV. There is no record of any of these studies in peer
reviewed medical journals, or any other medically recognized
Key Ingredient(s): Plant sterols & sterolins
Price per Month: Approx. $50
Natures Support Immune Plus is manufactured by Ekur Ltd
UK, and the company claims that clinical trials have been done
using this product. There has not been any evidence or proof of
any trials at all which involved Natures Support Immune Plus.
Instead there are simply testimonials from anonymous
individuals. The company is run by a married couple, and not
much scientific evidence has been given to back up any of the
claims made by this product. This HIV treatment can cost more
than one hundred dollars a month.
Key Ingredient(s): Chinese herbs including
Yiyi Ren, Tu Fu Ling, Jin Yin Huan,
Bai Mao Gen, Ze Xie, Gan Cao,
assorted plant extracts.
Price per Month: Around $95
Oleander has been promoted as a treatment and cure for
HIV/AIDS. This treatment contains extracts from the oleander
plant, and has been used in Africa for a number of years. The
creator of this treatment claims that this protocol has been
studied extensively in Africa, but no medical or scientific
evidence has ever been shown. No clinical trials or scientific
studies have been done on this treatment. In Africa the cost is roughly sixty
dollars a month, and the treatment does not appear to be effective.
Key Ingredient(s): Oleander extract
Price per Month: $45 to $60
The president of a small West African country called
Gambia announced President Jammeh's AIDS cure in the
year 2007. The cure given takes a day and includes several
steps, which involve drinking a gray liquid and rubbing
green paste on the skin. President Jammeh announced that
the AIDS cure can only be given on Thursdays, and only ten
patients can be treated at a time. According to test results
given by the office of the president, several weeks after the cure is taken most
patients will have no sign of HIV in their body. This cure has not had the same
results when others do the testing though. Scientists and labs who have tested
patients who were “cured” have determined that HIV is still present is more
than two thirds of the patients who received the treatment. Of the one third
who did not have detectable viral loads, many had been taking medications
like antivirals as well as other treatments before receiving this supposed cure.
Key Ingredient(s): A mixture of 7 herbs and
Price per Month: Three times the cost of the
usual antiviral therapy, around $2500 to
When it comes to helping those affected with HIV, the most
effective and beneficial complementary treatment available is
Revivo Tea. This product is a blend of highly effective herbs
which are proven from research studies to help fight the HIV
virus itself but the herbs in this formula also strengthen and
support the immune system, treat symptoms of AIDS and
address side effects of ARV therapy. In addition to being a herbal
supplement Revivo is also a nutritional supplement and contains
the vital minerals, vitamins and nutrients that are needed and found in other
supplements. This makes Revivo even more cost effective as one does not need
to take many different supplements which can lead to “over-supplementation”
In many laboratory studies, which are reproduced on the manufacturer’s
website (, the key components of Revivo have been shown to
fight the HIV virus and to help CD4 cells live longer. It is believed that some of
the herbs in Revivo which act against the virus work by inhibiting virus
replication though for others the exact mechanism of action is not know. What
is know however is that the herbs achieved 95% reduction of the HIV virus in
laboratory studies and its immune strengthening effect has been proven in
human studies as well.
These effects are also corroborated by the feedback from users which we
found to be reliable. In an independent survey more than 80% of Revivo users
reported greater overall health with increase energy and strength and relief
from many of the symptoms that they had been having including diarrhea,
night sweats, skin conditions, pain etc. The survey also found that the majority
of users experienced increased CD counts and decreased viral loads after using
Revivo. Some patients who were bedridden managed to make a recovery
enough to go back to work after using Revivo. There are some reports that
people who used Revivo went from being HIV positive to negative but this is
inconclusive and the manufacturers of Revivo also mention that it is not a cure
or treatment for HIV or AIDS, but rather a herbal supplement.
Revivo is also one of the few supplements we found which are
manufactured using strict GMP controls and conditions, so the product offers
high quality in each dose. With many other products it is not certain that the
ingredients are free from pesticides and contaminants and this factored greatly
in affording Revivo a high star rating. In the manufacturers country it is also
provisionally registered with the Medicines Control Council and is also paid
for by the private medical aid companies.
Revivo can be used even if the individual is taking conventional drugs
and medications, but it should not be used at any time during pregnancy.
Note that there are two products on the market by the name of Revivo;
this report refers to the one described at manufactured by
Aconite Herbals in Taiwan with the company being based in South Africa.
This is the most effective option when it comes to complimentary HIV
and AIDS treatment, and it is also one of the least expensive at a cost of
roughly twenty five dollars a month. The manufacturer Aconite Herbals is also
actively involved in improving the formula by conducting more research and
also using available research to enhance the beneficial effects of Revivo. It is
now more commonly available as a capsule version though it was originally
developed as a tea.
Key Ingredient(s): see website:
Price per Month: +- $25
Samento Plus Noni Concentrate is a treatment which is supposed
to help with HIV infection, by lowering the viral load in the body.
This product is advertised as an antiviral and immune booster, but
there have been no clinical trials or studies done using this product
to show the effectiveness, only trials which involved specific
components of the product alone. We have awarded this product
one star because it does contain a herbal ingredient that can
contribute to good general health though it does not show any
specificity for HIV and AIDS patients. It is however extremely
expensive and this leads us to the suspicion that is may be yet
another money making scheme.
Key Ingredient(s): Noni concentrate,
Price per Month: $200 to $300
In South Africa, a brown liquid called Ubhejane is advertised as
a cure for AIDS. Zeblon Gwala is the creator of this treatment,
which is said to include eighty nine herbs, and he claims that it
will boost immune system function and effectiveness while
reducing the viral load. Laboratory tests have shown that
Ubhejane does not offer any benefits, but this does not stop the
company employees from making claims that it does. The
Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa in 2008 demanded that the
company withdraw ads which stated that this product would help reduce viral
loads, and increase immunities while benefiting the immune system. The
government found that the claims made by the company in regards to HIV and
AIDS were not substantiated when tested. The major difficulty we have had
with the product is that the ingredients are not clearly mentioned and there is
no standardization and quality control in it's manufacture. For this reason
some have reported toxicity with it while others have reported some good
results. While many traditional african herbs are useful for body and immune
system strength we can only award this product 1.5 stars until it is clear what is
being used and effectiveness is established scientifically.
Key Ingredient(s): A combination of almost
90 herbs.
Price per Month: Between $60 and $90
Ultra Liver8 is an herbal product that contains many herbs
combined together. The herbs are used to boost immune system
function and offer support to the liver, so that wastes and toxins
are removed from the body more efficiently. The herbs in this
formula are well known for supporting the body especially in
terms of Liver function hence we have given it a 2 star rating.
The reasoning behind using Ultra Liver8 for HIV, however, is that the
detoxification and support will eliminate HIV from the body, but unfortunately
this does not work that way and hence it cannot be said to “treat” HIV though
it can be an aid for optimum health. The support and cleansing that this
product offers can be beneficial, but it will not cure or eliminate HIV and
AIDS. The high cost is also a drawback of this product as a treatment option.
Key Ingredient(s): A blend of 8 different
food complexes for liver support.
Price per Month: $50 to $80 per month
Vairolinn is a treatment that is used by some to prevent or
treat HIV. This is a Siddha based medicine from India which
is supposed to contain rare extracts from many herbs, and is
advertised as a cure for AIDS. This product was part of
clinical studies, but not to determine whether it cured AIDS
or not. The studies were to determine if the product was
toxic or harmful. The testimonials given on the website are
hard to validate and the manufacturers do not list the
ingredients as well as the safety standards used in the
manufacture of the product. As such we recommend
caution though we have given it 0.5 stars.
Key Ingredient(s): Various herbs from India
Price per Month: No price information is
available anywhere on line, just a
contact email.
Physical Therapies
Aerobic 07 is another form of oxygen therapy. These drops are
made up of stabilized electrolytes which contain molecular
oxygen, and they are added to a glass of water. The claim is that
these drops kill off selected microbes, including HIV, without
harming the good bacteria in the body. There has never been any
real evidence or proof that this product works at all, and it can be
Key Ingredient(s): Stabilized electrolytes
and oxygen in a liquid solution
Price per Month: Can vary widely. The cost
is $18 per 70ml bottle, which can last for
one day to one week, depending on use,
putting the cost range between $72 and
$540 each month.
This therapy and HIV treatment was invented by Dr. Bob
Beck, who was not licensed in medicine. According to Beck,
this treatment will work for cancer, AIDS, and numerous
other conditions. This treatment has four components, all of
which are supposed to work in combination. Ozonized water,
electric currents, colloidal silver, and magnetic pulses are used to eliminate
HIV and other diseases from the body. All of the components used in this
treatment work for HIV in this test tube, but are not effective at all in removing
HIV from humans or even animals. There has been no medical or scientific
evidence to support this treatment.
Key Ingredient(s): colloidal silver, ozonated
water, magnetic pulser, microcurrents
Price per Month: $2000 or more one time
fee for all the equipment and
The AIDS Zapper, created by Dr. Hulda Clark who has
no medical license, is supposed to be an effective cure for
HIV and AIDS according to the the believers in this
treatment. Clark believes that electricity in low voltages
will kill off parasites, bacteria, and viruses in individuals.
There have been no clinical trials or scientific studies to
back up this treatment, and the beliefs of Hulda Clark are very unusual.
According to her, HIV is the result of intestinal worms that occur when
benzene is present, and snails have HIV. Clark was charged in the USA with
practicing medicine without having a medical license, and she left the country.
Now this treatment is available in Tijuana, Mexico, where Clark has opened a
clinic. She has also faced troubles with the Mexican authorities.
Key Ingredient(s): Electricity
Price per Month: One time cost of around
With Hyperbaric oxygen therapy pure oxygen which has been
pressurized is inhaled. The cost is extremely high, and the
proven benefits are negative. The claims are that this treatment
will prevent opportunistic infections and relieve HIV
symptoms, but this therapy can be dangerous and result in
permanent tissue or organ damage. This however is a viable
treatment for other illnesses such as gangrine of the extremities etc.
Key Ingredient(s): Pure pressurized oxygen
Price per Month: Minimum of $100 a
session, with between 10 and 15 sessions
a month for a total cost between $1000
and $1500 minimum each month.
Ozone therapy is a form of oxygen therapy, and the oxygen gas used
is very unstable. Ozone can be administered in a number of ways,
and one that is the most common is autohemotherapy. In this
treatment method a small amount of blood is taken from the
individual and then exposed to ozone. The blood is then returned to the
patient. Ozone can also be administered by injecting the gas directly into the
bloodstream, pumping it into the rectum, or drinking water that contains
ozone. Unfortunately Ozone Therapy does not work for the treatment of HIV,
though it warrants further investigation in the treatment of cancer.
The USFDA however has classified it as a toxic gas which has no use in
medical treatments. If it were to be used as an antiviral or antibacterial, the
amount of ozone that would be required for the gas to be effective would be
very harmful or even toxic to people and animals.
Key Ingredient(s): Oxygen
Price per Month: Between $80 and $120 per
session, with one to three sessions a
week. This therapy can cost from $320
to $1440 a month.
The Rife machine is a treatment developed for cancer in the
1930s, and this machine was created to kill off any microbes
in cancerous cells. This specific machine may be impossible
to find, but there is a replacement which is identical called
the GB-4000 Frequency Generator. The cost of the machine
can be as high as three thousand dollars, and it has never
been proven to have any effect on HIV/AIDS.
Key Ingredient(s): Frequencies
Price per Month: One time cost of between
$2000 and $3000
Zeo3 is a treatment advocated by some for HIV/AIDS.
This treatment involves water which has extra oxygen
and hydrogen added. The theory is that the extra oxygen
will eliminate any virus present while the extra hydrogen
stops the viruses from replicating before elimination.
This theory works in test tubes, but studies have shown
that it does not work the same in the human body and is not effective as a
treatment for HIV/AIDS.
Key Ingredient(s): Water that is charged.
Price per Month: Approximately $50 per
month plus shipping charges.
Chemical Therapies
Armenicum is a chemical which has been promoted
as a treatment and cure for AIDS and HIV infection.
When this chemical is combined with water it releases
iodine at a slow rate. Scientists in Armenia have
claimed that when Armenicum is injected into a patient's bloodstream it works
just like antiviral drugs and prevents the HIV virus from replicating. According
to the claims of the inventor, a man by the name of Alexander Ilyen, and the
scientists and doctors in the country who are behind this AIDS treatment,
Armenicum will reduce the viral load and help increase the CD4 cell count.
There have not been any publications for this treatment in medical journals
which are peer reviewed, and a study on animals in 2007 showed that the
treatment is not effective. An investigation by the BBC in the year 1999 showed
two American cases where the patients were actually hurt by the treatment and
suffered declining health. Despite all the evidence which shows Armenicum is
not a valid treatment for HIV and AIDS, and that it costs more than even
conventional antiviral drug therapy, the Armenium government has embraced
this chemical as a cure, and has invested most of the government HIV
resources into the chemical at the expense of the HIV infected population.
Key Ingredient(s): Iodine
Price per Month: $500 a month or more
BB7075 was created by Dr. Gary R. Davis, after he dreamed of a
goat. The goat serum treatment, as this cure has become called,
was given to a patient by the name of Precious Thomas. Her
mother stole some of the serum and gave it to the girl, who was
then supposedly cured. It was revealed in an interview during the
year 2006 with Precious Thomas that the HIV infection was still
present and she was not cured. Dr. Davis tried unsuccessfully a number of
times to get approval in the United states, but was always rejected. Dr. Davis
died in 2006, but his goat serum treatment is still being offered in many places
as a cure for AIDS. This is patently false, and tests have shown that the serum
does not work.
Key Ingredient(s): Unknown
Price per Month: Can not be found online
Cesium Chloride has been promoted by some as a cure for
HIV and AIDS, even though this has not been showed with
any scientific or medical evidence. The theory is that this
compound disrupts the pH of the body and turns it alkaline.
According to proponents, HIV can not thrive in an alkaline
environment, and will be eliminated. This treatment also
contains silver, which works as a germicide in test tubes but can be harmful or
even toxic in humans. There have been incidents of death recorded which have
been attributed to poisoning by this substance.
Key Ingredient(s): Cesium chloride
Price per Month: $50 to $60
In 2007 a new AIDS treatment started appearing which
supposedly worked. This treatment was chlorine dioxide,
and the discoverer of this “cure” was a man by the name
of Jim Humble. In this cure chlorine dioxide is created at
home, and this compound is then applied to the skin or
injected into the bloodstream. A magnetic pulser is then
used on the body tissues. There is no evidence that this
treatment helps at all, and in fact it is a dangerous chemical
that is highly toxic in the recommended doses.
Key Ingredient(s): Chlorine dioxide
Price per Month: Around $60 per month
Colloidal silver treatment for HIV and AIDS
involves a liquid suspension, with minuscule
silver particles being suspended in water. The
suspension is clear, and has no odor or color.
This suspension has been claimed to treat many
viral infections, bacterial infections, and other
health problems. This is supposed to be effective
for HIV as well according to believers in this
cure. In a laboratory setting this may be true, and
the silver will kill HIV in a test tube, but this is
not true in the human body. HIV can hide in
many places, and colloidal silver can actually be harmful instead of eliminating
HIV. Severe and dangerous side effects can occur from regular or repeated uses
of this treatment. This can include kidney damage, nerve damage, stomach
disorders, headaches, and many other problems. In one case a coma was the
result of this treatment, and in the United States it is against the law to claim
that this treatment will treat any health problems, including HIV and AIDS.
Key Ingredient(s): Colloidal silver
Price per Month: $60 to $120 plus shipping
One supposed cure for HIV/AIDS is hydrogen peroxide, with
the theory being that this works as a disinfectant and germicide
in the lab. There are a number of alternative practitioners who
advise using a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide to bathe in,
inject themselves with, or drink. According to the advocates this
will not only cure HIV and AIDS but also cancer and many
other diseases and medical conditions as well. Scientific
evidence does not support these treatments though, and there
have been a number of deaths reported from drinking or
injecting this solution.
Key Ingredient(s): Hydrogen peroxide
Price per Month: $100 or more per session
or treatment, with at least one treatment
per week recommended.
Imunoxx is a chemical based AIDS treatment created by a
Namibian company which is advertised as an immune booster.
This treatment has a base which consists of the industrial
chemical solvent dimethylformamide, which is also called DMF.
Scientific studies and testing have shown that this solvent does
not have any effect at all on the HIV virus in the body, and that it
is not very effective at boosting the immune system either. The main chemical
used is known to be toxic and can be very damaging to the liver and other
organs. Imunoxx is not a safe or effective treatment for HIV/AIDS according
to all the evidence, and can cause more damage and health related issues
Key Ingredient(s):
Price per Month: Around $50 a
month if the product can be
Silver therapy is offered in many forms, and is claimed to be a
cure for HIV and AIDS in many advertisements online. Most of
these claims are false, and the cures are actually scams that are
just after money. These treatments have an extremely high cost,
and the product claims to completely cure and eliminate HIV.
Silver has been shown in certain circumstances to be helpful
against microbes, but only a specific type and in certain uses.
None of the silver therapy products use the silver type that has been studied,
and there has never been a proven cure from any of these products. In addition
numerous cases of toxicity have been reported from use of this product which
has resulted in severe nervous system and other bodily function damage.
Key Ingredient(s): Silver
Price per Month: Varies , $260+
Tetrasil has been claimed to treat and cure HIV and AIDS.
The key component of this treatment is tetrasilver tetroxide,
and Dr. Marvins S. Antelman has a patent for this supposed cure. According to
the patent application filed this treatment works by electrocuting the HIV
virus. The evidence for this treatment shows that many patients still have
higher viral loads and detectable HIV in their system, but Dr. Antelman
dismisses this with the claim that viral load tests are not reliable and can not be
trusted. The key chemical in Tetrasil is used as a disinfectant and to clean
swimming pools. The Gambian government has promoted this compound as a
cure for AIDS, but the United States government has outlawed promoting this
treatment to prevent, treat, or cure any disease or medical condition.
For the benefit of the readers we have posted a response by Dr Gerald
Pierone to the research that is quoted in respect of this scam treatment:
“I first thought that Tetrasil was just another harmless and
ineffective treatment promoted by herb merchants. The
patent reports are beyond imagination and show that this is
really scary stuff!”
Data are presented with intravenous infusions of Tetrasil in a clinic in
Honduras for people with the "candidiasis etiological category of AIDS". Well,
did they have HIV at all? One would never know from this "research report".
"All were terminal, some, however, were in moderate
condition, and others in poor"
What is this nonsense about terminal AIDS patients?
"...indicates whether hepatomegaly occurred. This was an
unfortunate consequence of the treatment which resulted in
enlarged livers in all patients except the second one"
Unfortunate, indeed! As I read this patent report detailing the "cure" of AIDS
with Tetrasil my overwhelming sense was that the evidence presented would
fail a 5th grade science project. But beyond that, the studies detailed were
unethical to the exteme. Stay away from this stuff like the plague!”
Key Ingredient(s): Tetrasilver tetroxide
Price per Month: $45 to $60
Just like the chemical treatment Imunoxx, Virodene is based on the
chemical solvent DMF. During the latter part of the 1990s the South
African government were big supporters of this cure, including the
prominent Thabo Mbeki and many others. This treatment has now
been prohibited by the South Africa drug regulation agency, and
tests in labs have shown that this treatment is not only fake but is dangerous,
and can cause permanent damage or be fatal as well.
More information the dubious background of virodene can be found in
this wikipedia article:
Key Ingredient(s): Dimethylformamide
Price per Month: $34 to $50
Comparative Table
This table compares the various products and therapies in this report and
is ordered according to star rating from the best on top to the worst at the
REVIVO TEA (Capsules)
Integrated Approach
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) has come a long way
from its ancient origins and rebirth into modern society discontent with the
conventional medical system and its inherent side-effects as well as poor record
at treating chronic illnesses. CAM is now used by more than two thirds of the
world population to seek optimum health. In contrast conventional medicine is
considered only a means to address illness but these two approaches can and
do work hand in hand to produce the best results.
Where research is done often we find that the best effectiveness for any
illness is most often achieved when there is a combined approach.
Conventional medicine is extremely good at life saving procedures and acute
illness whereas complementary medicine is very good at treating chronic
illnesses especially where the underlying or root of the disease is addressed. In
terms of this treatment for HIV should consist of the conventional approach as
well as a good supplement. We recommend either Revivo or one of the other
higher rated supplements in this report as an adjunct to the conventional
therapy. If a good practitioner of complementary medicine is available then it
will also be useful to see them and consider their advice as well.
It is extremely important as well to have regular check ups and stick to
blood test schedules etc as this allows you to pick any problems before they
arise so that preventative measures may be taken.
Other factors which are equally if not more important include diet and
lifestyle. In terms of diet there are many differing opinions but we maintain
that it should be based on two simple principles:
 ensuring that the diet is sufficiently varied in terms of
the different food groups and types
 avoidance of refined and processed foods and sugars
These simple principles make a big difference to the body's ability to
remain healthy and fight against infection and other illnesses.