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Tantárgy adatlap
Elements of Social Sciences
Elements of Social Sciences
A tantárgy kódja: 7SO30NDVC5B
A tantárgy megnevezése (magyarul): Elements of Social Sciences
A tantárgy neve (angolul): Elements of Social Sciences
A tanóra száma (Előadás + szeminárium + gyakorlat + egyéb): előadás:14 lessons/semester
Kreditérték: 3
A tantárgy meghirdetésének gyakorisága: every spring semester
Az oktatás nyelve: English
Előtanulmányi kötelezettségek: Good English language knowledge.
A tantárgy típusa: recommended for the first year Hungarian BA students and freely elective for
foreign students.
Tantárgyfelelős tanszék: Szociológia és Társadalompolitika Intézet
A tantárgyfelelős neve: Dr. Havril Ágnes Katalin
A tantárgy szakmai tartalma: This is usually a course for foreign and Hungarian students, and so
the lessons always have a nice multicultural atmosphere. As the course is open to Hungarian and
foreign students, it is a good chance for them to improve their intercultural competences and
multicultural awareness.
The course provides an overview of basic theoretical issues in sociology and social sciences as well
as an understanding of how sociologists go about their work. This is a theoretical lecture based on
the PP presentations of the teacher, but certain class activities and some problem-solving projects
require interactive participation of the students. It is also an introductory course of the compulsory
English for Social Sciences seminars on the second year.
Évközi tanulmányi követelmények: interactive participation and oral exam
Vizsgakövetelmény: grade (1-5)
Az értékelés módszere: Class activity (50%) and the examination (50%)
Tananyag leírása: 1. The theory of “social scientific imagination”.
2. What is science?
3. The difference between Social Sciences and Natural Sciences.
4. The evolution of the discipline of sociology and social sciences in the world and in Hungary.
5. Social research methods.
6. Research strategy
7. The evolution of societies I.
8. The evolution of societies II.
9. Time-Space perspectives in the pre-modern, modern, post-modern societies and the global world.
10. Globalisation debate and aspects of globalisation.
11. Society and culture I.
12. Society and culture II.
13. Theories and models of culture
14. The “multicultural” European Union and the SWOT analysis of global English
Órarendi beosztás:
Kompetencia leírása: This is usually a course for foreign and Hungarian students, and so the
lessons always have a nice multicultural atmosphere.
The course provides an overview of basic theoretical issues in sociology and social sciences as well
as an understanding of how sociologists/social scientists go about their work. The course meets the
general education requirements for social studies and international diversity. The course offers
Tantárgy adatlap
Elements of Social Sciences
students a chance to study specific topics in greater details in English.
Félévközi ellenőrzések:
A hallgató egyéni munkával megoldandó feladatai:
Szak neve:
Kötelező irodalom:
J.R. Eshleman, Sociology: An introduction (fourth edition);
Fulcher and Scott: Sociology;
Giddens A.,: Sociology;
Textbooks by Andorka Rudolf;
Classical theories of Sociology and Social Sciences;
Ajánlott irodalom:
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