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Détente Study Guide
Détente is a term generally associated with the relaxing of Cold War tensions
between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Détente occurred between the late 1960s and early 1980s.
It was brought about as both sides realized the growing need for peace.
The Soviets could not sustain the resource input demanded by the Arms race.
The Soviets believed Détente would bring about more trade with Western Europe.
Also the collapsing Soviet relationship with China brought about a fear of a
possible U.S. and China alliance.
The U.S. weary from the Vietnam War also sought a means for peace. Each side
viewed Détente as only beneficial. Each side accepted the possibility of a middle
Each leader viewed a thaw in tensions as a means to achieve popularity and
The U.S. and Soviets also both realized the danger of nuclear war which promised
world wide catastrophe.
Significant Events- Treaties
Partial test ban treaty- meant to reduce the amount of nuclear weapons.
Outer Space treaty - meant to enforce laws on outer space.
Salt 1- Meant to form talks between East and West nations on the issue of
Salt 2- Talks between the United states and the Soviet Union which had the
purpose of limiting the amount of nuclear arms manufacturing,
Anti Ballistic treaty- A treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union
which was meant to limit the amount of anti ballistic missiles.
The creation of these treaties would lead to a peaceful era between the United
States and the Soviet Union.
During the Détente era, trading would occur between both the United States and
the Soviet Union. Increased amounts of product such as grain.
Though Détente would cool down the tension between the east and west, the
worry of a nuclear battle would continue to be a significant thought in the minds
of the Soviets and the Americans.
Soviet Foreign Policy: The Brezhnev Years (1983). Robin Edmonds.
o A summary of Soviet Foreign policy during Brezhnev’s reign.
Détente and Confrontation: American-Soviet Relations from Nixon to Reagan 2nd
ed (1994), detailed narrative. Raymond Garthoff.
o Detailed acount of U.S. and S.U. confrontations
. Dangerous Relations. The Soviet Union in World Politics, 1970–1982 (1983),
Adam B Ulam.
o Hazards in Soviet relations with the outside world
The Fall of Detente: Soviet-American Relations During the Carter Years, 1997.
O. A., Westad.
o An inspection of Détente’s failure, specifically during the Carter
What motivated the United States to Strenghten its relations with China in the
1970s. Leslie J. Goldstein
o Sino-American relationship only prevented U.S. containment of Russia causing
What Motivated the United States to Strengthen its relations with China in the
1970s. Ming Zhang,
o The Sino-American relationship was a attempt to reduce tensions with the
Study Tips
• Focus on topic
o Understand the historical context.
o Understand the perspective of both the U.S and the Soviet Union.
o Create a mock scenario.
• General
o Study daily fifteen to twenty minutes.
o Find an area that is most suitable for study purposes. Preferably a quiet
and isolated environment.
o Form study groups usually in a small amount. This will allow you to
exchange ideas and information efficiently without the distraction of a
large group.
o When studying the topic in class make sure to full cooperate and take
substantial notes.
o If the situation occurs where you have a question, don’t hesitate to ask the
teacher or a fellow classmate your question.
o Procrastinating is not an option! Make sure that you leave ten minutes of
your daily work to study for the exam.
o When you are studying, leave room for reflection. It is always good to
write a brief summary of what you have learned.
o When nearing IB test, study at a comfortable pace, this will allow you to
obtain information better than cramming. Studying for a long period
without rest will hinder your studying technique.
o Take ten minute breaks every thirty minutes. This will allow your brain to
relax and you will obtain more information this way.
Paper Two Questions
158. "Detente defined, not friendship, but a strategy for relationships among
enemies." What brought about détente and what changes, if any, did it cause in
the east/West relationship?
173. Assess the importance of two of the following in influencing the
development of the Cold War: the Marshall Aid; Warsaw Pact; arms control;
192. "Detente defined, not friendship, but a strategy for relationships among
enemies." What brought about detente and what changes, if any, did it cause in
East/West relations?
202. Assess the importance of détente and internal opposition to Communist rule
in Communist countries, in ending the Cold War.