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Member National Research Council (CONICET), Argentina.
Professor, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Visiting Professor, Max Planck Institute Munich, Germany.
External Scientific Member Max Planck Society Germany.
Director BioMedicine Institute of Buenos Aires- CONICET- Partner Institute Max Planck Society, Germany.
Instituto de Investigación en Biomedicina de Buenos Aires- CONICET- Partner Institute of the Max Planck
Society. Godoy Cruz 2390, C1425FQD, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
High School
Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1965-1970.
Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Pharmacologist. 1971-1978.
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana (UAM), Mexico. Master in Experimental Biology, 1981- 1984. (Master
Thesis in biological membranes transport models).
Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquimica, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1985- 1988.
(PhD Thesis in Cellular mechanisms of immune- neuroendocrine pathways).
Professional Positions
Technical advisor in enzymatic immunoessays for:
a) Merck Laboratory, Venezuela, August 1979- February 1981.
b) Syva-Syntex Laboratory, Palo Alto, California, USA, March- August 1981.
Teaching Positions
Associate Professor in Biology in the Division of Health and Biological Sciences, UAM. Mexico, September
1981- September 1984.
Teaching Assistant in Cellular and Molecular Biology. Department of Biology, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y
Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina, April 1985- February 1993.
Assistant Professor, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Dpt. Physiology and Cellular and Molecular Biology,
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina, March 1993- 2001.
Professor Cellular and Molecular Biology, Dpt. Physiology and Cellular and Molecular Biology,, Facultad de
Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina, November 2001- to date.
Professor in the Master of Psyconeuroimmunoendocrinology, Universidad
Argentina, 1995 - december 2009.
Favaloro. Buenos Aires,
Director Molecular Genetics Section, Department of Biology, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales,
Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina, May 1999 - May 2002.
Incentive Program of the Ministry of Education, Argentina to the Teacher-Researchers: category I since 1994.
International Master Program in Biomedical Sciences (IMBS). Combined program, Albert Ludwigs University
of Freiburg, Alemania and Buenos Aires University, Argentina. 2008-2011.
Research Positions
Associate Research Position: Department of Health Sciences, Division of Health and Biological Sciences,
UAM. Mexico, September 1981- September 1984.
Research Fellow of the National Research Council (CONICET). Argentina, April 1985- April 1989.
Member of the Researcher Staff of the National Research Council (CONICET). Argentina, May 1989- to date.
Research Fellow of Max Planck Foundation to work in the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry. Germany,
October 1990- October 1992.
From October 1990 to December 1990 posdoctoral training at the Endokrinologie und Diabetologie from the
Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik IV, Ziemssenstraße, LMU, Munich.
Visiting Professor Max Planck Institute, since 1994.
Director Laboratorio de Fisiología y Biología Molecular, FCEN-UBA, 1997-2012.
Fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1997- 1998 (See Awards).
External Scientific Member Max Planck Society. Germany, since July 2005.
Raul Alva Garcia. Biologist. Theme: Characterization of the transport complexes of the ionophore Nigericin.
UAM. Mexico. 1982- 1983.
Esteban Rubinstein. Medical. Theme: Study of the cellular interactions in the immune response under
neuroimmunomodulatory effects. UBA. 1987- 1989.
Marta Labeur. Biologist. Theme: Participation of the Central Cholinergic Nuclei in the regulation of the
immune response. UBA. 1988- 1990.
Mónica Costas. Biologist. Theme: Lymphocyte activation superinduction by Sendai Virus. UBA. 1988-1990.
Guillermo Bertran. Biologist. Theme: Interferon gamma production by peripheral blood lymphocytes of
Sarcoidotic patients. UBA. 1989- 1990.
Carolina Perez Castro. Biologist. Theme: Study of the Neuroendocrine changes during the T-cell dependent
immune response. UBA. 1995- 1997.
Lionel Müller Igaz. Biologist. Theme: Regulation of thymic apoptosis by glucocorticoids, cAMP and T cell
receptor. UBA. 1998- 2000.
Alberto Carbia Nagashima. Biologist. Theme: Regulation of IL-6 expression in the pituitary gland PACAP
and estrogens. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, UBA. 1999- 2001.
Damiana Giacomini. Biologist. Theme: Participation of BMP-4/Smad4 in the proliferation of lacototrophic
pituitary adenomas. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, UBA. 2000- 2002.
Mariana Graciarena. Biologist. Theme: Participation of gp130 cytokines in the regulation of pituitary
pathogenesis in an autocrine- paracrine MtT/folliculo stellate cellular model. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y
Naturales, UBA. 2001- 2003.
Matías Acuña. Biologist. Theme: Characterization of signal trasduction pathways in neuronal cells. Facultad
de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. 2005.
Fernando Aprile. Biologist. Theme: Study on the signaling pathways activated by the normal and mutated
variants of the P2X7 receptor. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, UBA. 2008- 2009.
Lucas Tedesco. Biologist. Theme: Functional and cellular caracterization of RSUME and its role in the
adaptative cellular response to hypoxia, in normal and pathological coditions. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y
Naturales, UBA. 2010- 2012.
Melanie Sapochnik. Biologist. Theme: Senescence in pituitary tumor development: participation of IL-6.
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, UBA. 2011-2014.
MD- Ph.D.
Joachim Sauer. Medial Doctor. Theme: Study on the lymphocyte activation in patients with pathologies of the
HPA axis, Co-direction with Dr. G. Stalla, Max-Planck Institute. Munich, October 1992.
Edith Polack. Medial Doctor. Theme: Anorexia Nervosa and surgical stress: two clinical models for the study
of the neuroendocrine- immune interactions. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires, April 1995.
Marta Labeur. Ph.D. Biology. Theme: Interactions between the neuroendocrine and immune systems in an
animal model with hyperactive hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (Co-direction with Dr. J. Reul). Facultad
de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, December 1995.
Marcelo Páez Pereda. Ph.D. Biology. Theme: Regulation of the interleukin-1 system by hormones of the
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires,
December 1995.
Mónica Costas. Ph.D. Biology. Theme: Molecular Mechanisms of the regulation of glucocorticoid sensitivity
by cytokines. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, July 1996.
Rosana Peñalva. Ph.D. Biology. Theme: Serotoninergic neurotransmission in the hipocampus: interactions
with CRH (Co-direction with Dr. J. Reul). Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos
Aires, May 2001.
Carolina Perez Castro. Ph.D. Biology. Theme: Role of the gp130 cytokine family in the regulation of pituitary
function. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, April 2002.
Damian Kovalovsky. Ph.D. Biology. Theme: Induction and activation of Nur77 and Nurr1 by CRH and IL-1
in corticotrophs: role in the regulation of POMC gene and signal transduction pathways involved. Facultad de
Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, October 2002.
Damián Refojo. Ph.D. Biology. Theme: CRH, B-endorfine and glucocorticoids: Molecular and physiological
studies. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, December 2005.
Alberto Carbia Nagashima, Ph.D. Biology. Theme: Functional and molecular characterization of a new gene
cloned in the pituitary gland. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires,
December 2006.
Ana Clara Liberman. Ph.D. Biology. Theme: Study on the interactions of glucocorticoids, cytokines and
transcription factors in the regulation of the phenotype of T helper cells. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y
Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, March 2007.
Damiana Giacomini. Ph.D. Biology. Theme: Study on the mechanisms of control and action of BMP-4 in
normal and tumoral pituitary cells. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires,
March 2009.
Juan Gerez. Ph.D. Biology. Theme: Functional and molecular characterization of RSUME in the molecular
mechanisms of hipoxia adaptation. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires,
March 2010.
Jimena Druker. Ph.D. Biology. Theme: Regulation of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and CREB
transcriptional and functional activity by RSUME. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de
Buenos Aires, February 2011.
Mariana Haedo. Ph.D. Biology. Theme: New Mechanisms in the Pathogeny of Pituitary Tumors: Hypoxia and
Senescence. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, March 2012.
Mariana Fuertes. Ph.D. Biology. Theme: Role and mechanisms of RSUME regulation of PTTG and impact on
a pituitary tumoral model. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, March 2014.
Fernando Aprile García. Ph.D. Biology. Theme: Study of signaling and inflammatory P2X7 channel pathways
and its polymorphic variant Gln460Arg in central nervous system cells. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y
Naturales, March 2014.
Currently supervising 3 students.
Posdoctoral Students
Ana Liberman, 2007 to 2009.
Juan Gerez, 2010 to 2012.
Jimena Druker, 2011 to 2013.
José Bonfiglio, 2013 to 2015.
Mariana Fuertes, 2014 to date.
Researchers direction
Marcelo Páez Pereda. Junior Researcher Max Planck Institute. January 1996- December 2000.
Mónica Costas. Assistant Researcher CONICET. January 1998- June 2001.
Marta Labeur. Junior Researcher Max Planck Institute. January 2001- to date.
Ana Clara Liberman. Assistant Researcher CONICET. April 2009- April 2015.
Claudia Vercelli. CONICET Assitant Researcher. May 2012-to date.
Silvia Borkosky. CONICET Assistant Researcher. December 2012- February 2014.
María de la Paz Fernandez. CONICET Assitant Researcher. 2013- July 2015.
Valeria Antico Arciuch. CONICET Assistant Researcher. 2013- August 2016.
Associated Researchers
Marcelo Perone. CONICET Researcher, until 2012.
Susana Silberstein. CONICET Researcher, until 2012.
Ana Clara Liberman. CONICET Researcher.
Technicians direction
Hernan Cavoli. Assistant Technician, CONICET. June 2012 – to date.
Mariana Elias. Assistant Technician, CONICET. September 2012 – to date.
Alejandra Inés Attorresi. Assistant Professional, CONICET. October 2012 – to date.
Adrián Cadena. Assistant Technician, CONICET. October 2013 – to date.
Sergio Senin. Assistant Technician, CONICET. February 2014 – to date.
Cora Noemi Pollak. Adjunct Professional, CONICET. February 2014 – to date.
Zaira Naguila. Associate Technician, CONICET. May 2014 – September 2015.
Yesica Elisa González. Assistant Technician, CONICET. June 2016 – to date.
María de los Milagros Argañaras. Assistant Technician, CONICET. August 2016 – to date.
Visitors for more than one month at my lab, learning techniques and developing collaborations:
Florian Kuchenbauer. Max Planck Insitute Munich. Germany, August - October 1998.
María Cecilia Rodriguez Galan. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina, October 1998.
Eliane Correa de Santana. Fundación Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November - December 1998.
Marily Theodoropoulou. Max Planck Insitute Munich. Germany, October - November 2005.
Karolien De Bosscher .University of Ghent- Belgium. December 2007.
Santiago A. Rodríguez-Seguí. Institut for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC). Barcelona, Spain,August September 2008.
Julia Christina Winnewisser. University Albert-Ludwigs. Freiburg, Germany, February - July 2008.
Zarah Gerl. Universiy of Ghent- Belgium. September 2008.
Cristian Arredondo Ramirez. Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile. March - April 2009.
Yonghe Wu. Max Planck Insitute Munich, Germany. May -August, 2014.
Invited speaker: most important conferences (complete list at the end of CV)
Interleukin involvement in pituitary cell growth regulation. Conference at the symposium Neuroendocrine and
metabolic effects of cytokines, Hanse Selye Symposium in Neuroendocrinology. Budapest, Hungary, August
Interleukins, their receptors and antagonists expression and function in the immune-neuroendocrine network.
Conference at the International Meeting: Inmune-neuroendocrine interactions in autoimmune and infectious
diseases. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 1994.
Expression and function of interleukins in the immune-neuroendocrine pathways Symposium in Molecular
Biology, Conference at the XX Congress Argentine Society of Biochemistry. SAIB. Iguazú, Argentina,
October 1994.
Cytokine expression and molecular mechanisms of their auto/paracrine regulation of anterior pituitary function
and growth. Conference at the III International Congress of Neuroimmunomodulation. NIH, Bethesda-USA,
November 1996.
Cytokines and pituitary function. Conference at the Third Annual HypoCCS Symposium “Regulation of
Pituitary hormone secretion”. Venice, Italy, April 1999.
Molecular Mechanisms and Th1/Th2 Pathways in corticosteroids regulation of Cytokine Production.
Conference at the European Research Conferences "Hormones and cytokines: signaling molecules in the
immune neuroendocrine cross talk". Casatelvecchio Pascoli, Italy, 25- 29 September 1999.
Immunoregulatory effects of steroids. Conference at the European School of NeuroImmunology. Karolinska
Institute. Stockholm, Sweden, 13- 16 September 2000.
Hormone-cytokine functional cross-talk. 10th Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association. Munich,
Germany, 12- 14 September 2002.
Pituitary gp130 cytokine networks. 7 International HypoCCS Meeting. Prague, Czech Republic, 12- 15 March
Multiple signaling for pituitary tumor development and dysfunction. 12 International Congress of
Endocrinology. Lisbon, Portugal, 31 August- 4 September 2004.
Cytokines, glucocorticoids and immuneregulation. Plenary Opening Lecture VII° Latin American
Immunology Congress (ALAI). Córdoba, Argentina 2- 6 October 2005.
The role of cytokines in pituitary tumorigenesis Prolactin Family Gordon Research Conference Ventura. CA.,
USA, 29 January- 3 February 2006.
Pituitary cell to cell communication. Plenary Lecture 10th International Pituitary Congress. Chicago, USA, 57 June 2007.
A role for RSUME in the sumoylation pathway. 4th International Conference on Ubiquitin, Ubiquitin-like
Proteins and Cancer. MD Anderson Cancer Center. Houston, USA, 7- 9 February 2008.
Genes identified in pituitary tumors: from cloning to function. Conference Alfredo Lanari at the LVI Annual
Meeting of the Argentine Society of Clinical Research (SAIC). Mar del Plata, Argentina, 16- 19 November
New developments in pituitary adenomas cytokines and other new genes in pituitary adenomas. Conference at
the 15th International Congress and 14th European Congress of Endocrinology (ICE/ECE 2012). Florencce,
Italy, 5-9 May 2012.
New Molecular Meechanisms Involved in the Immune Actions of Glucocorticoids. Molecular Medicine
Conference 2012- Alternative Strategies against Cancer and Inflammation. Faculty of Medicine Siriraj
Hospital, Mahidol University. Bangkok, Thailand, 19-22 December 2012.
Molecular pituitary tumor signature: new targets with clinical implications. Plenary lecture at the 16th
Congress of the European Neuro Endocrine Association, ENEA 2014. Sofia, Bulgaria, September 13th, 2014.
The quest for improved treatments in neuroendocrine disorders: from genes to patients. Berthold Lecture at
the DACH Meeting, a joint meeting of the German, Austrian and Swiss Endocrinology Societies, Munich,
May 26, 2016.
Guggenheim Fellowship awarded in June 1997 by the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, New
York, USA.
Award “Bernardo Houssay’ National Secretary of Science, Argentina, to the best BioMedical Researcher, May
Appointed as External Scientific Member Max Planck Society Germany, July 2005.
Award Fundación Bunge y Born, Argentina, Prize Outstanding Researcher in Experimental Medicine. July
“Bundesverdienstkreuz” (Cross of the Order of the Merit) of the Federal Republic of Germany for the
commitment in the development of the scientific cooperation between Germany and Argentina and for the
participation in the foundation of the Binational Max Planck Biomedicine Institute in Buenos Aires, July 2011.
Konex Award, Argentina, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, May 2013.
TWAS Prize in Medical Sciences, The World Academy of Sciences, 2015.
Berthold-Medal, the German Endocrinology Society, May 26th, 2016.
Further Distinctions
1987 Research award from the UAM-Mexico in the field of Health and Biological Sciences, for the research
work during the master thesis "Formation of ion transporting oligomers by nigericin", December 1987.
Distinction: Cover of Endocrinology Vol. 132, January 1993.
Award to the best abstract. XLII Congress Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Clínica, Mar del Plata,
November 1997: “Perez Castro, C., Paez Pereda, M., Keller, E., Arzt, E. The neuroendocrine pattern is critical
for the T-cell dependent immune response”.
The work “Transcriptional regulation of the gp130 cytokine IL-6 by PACAP and estrogens: its importance for
anerior pituitary pathophysiology” Carbia Nagashima, A., Giacomini, D., Perez Castro, C., Paez Pereda, M.,
Renner, U., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E, was selected as “hot topic” in the 7th International Pituitary Congress,
Phoenix-USA, June 2001.
Award to the best abstract. XLVII Congress Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Clínica, Mar del Plata,
November 2002: “Giacomini D, Paez Pereda, M., Refojo, D, Carbia Nagashima, A, Chervin, A, Goldberg, V,
Arzt, E. BMP-4 is overexpresed in human prolactinomas and promotes the tumoral growth through a
mechanisms that involves Smad-4 and the estrogen receptor”.
Distinction: Cover of Trends Pharmacol Sci. October 2006.
Distinction: Cover of Neuroendocrinology Vol. 94, 2011.
Outstanding Personality of Science of Buenos Aires City. Legislature of CABA, 2013.
Award to the best abstract. LIX Congress Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Clínica, Mar del Plata,
November 2014: “Fuertes, M.; Sapochnik, M.; Tedesco, L.; Senin, S.; Attorresi, A.; Bonfiglio, J.; Arzt, E.
Role an mechanisim of action of RSUME in the regulation of PTTG and impact in the development of
pituitary tumors.
Member of the following societies:
Argentine Society of Biochemistry (SAIB), since April 1993.
German Society for Endocrinology (DGE), since November 1995
Argentine Society of Immunology, since June 1989. Member of the Executive Committee, period 1997-1998
and 1999- 2000.
International Society for Neuroimmunomodulation, since August 1989. Member of International Advisory
Committee of 2° Congress ISNIM, Italy, September 1993. Coordinator of the Latin American Branch of the
Society 1994- 1999. Member of the Executive Committee, period 1996- 1999 and 1999- 2002.
American Endocrine Society, since September 2002.
Argentine Society of Physiology, since June 2003.
Argentine Society of Clinical Research, since April 1988. Vicepresident November 2007- 2008. President
November 2008- 2009.
Pituitary International Society, since November 2009.
Biology Asociation of Tucuman, Argentina. Honorary Member, since October 2012.
European NeuroEndocrine Asociation (ENEA), since 2013
Editor of Neuroimmunomodulation, since 1995. Since June 1997 Associate Editor.
Editor of Pshysiological Reviews, Bs. As., since 2005.
Editor of Neuroendocrinology, since 2006.
Editor of Frontiers in Endocrinology, since 2010.
Editor of Endocrine Connections, since 2012.
Member of the editorial board of American Journal of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Columbia
International Publishing (CIP), since 2012.
Associate Editor of Advances in Neuroimmune Biology, since 2013.
Editor of Biochemical Genetics, since 2015.
Reviewer for: Endocrinology, Molecular Cell Biology, Endocrine, Stress, Am. J Phsysiology, Exp. Cell
Research, PNAS, FEBS Letters, J. Molecular Endocrinology, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology,
Neuroendocrinology, Neuroimmunomodulation, Plos Genetics, JCEM, Psychoneuroendocrinology, World
Psychiatry. Molecular Psychiatry, Medicina (Buenos Aires).
Editor of the book: Pituitary Today: Molecular, Physiological and Clinical Aspects book series Frontiers of
Hormone Research. Karger Publishers; Editor-in-Chief Ashley B. Grossman, Eds. M. Guitelman, M.
Bronstein, E. Arzt , 2006.
Member of the Advisory board in Medicine of the Argentine National Research Council (CONICET) January
1998- July 2003.
Coordination of the Medicine evaluation program FONCYT- SEPTCIP-Argentina, May 2002- March 2009.
Editor of the book: Pituitary Today: New Molecular, Physiological and Clinical Aspects book series Frontiers
of Hormone Research. Karger Publishers; Editor-in-Chief Ashley B. Grossman, Eds. M. Guitelman, M.
Bronstein, E. Arzt, 2010.
Editor of NeuroImmunoModulation. Proceedings of the 3rd Iberoamerican Congress on
Neuroimmunomodulation. Karger Publishers; Eds. C. Pérez Leirós, E. Arzt, F. Saravia, V. Rettori, 2010.
Evaluations and Committe member for UBA, CONICET, SAI, Bunge and Born Foundation, SAIC, Novo
Nordisk, ANPCyT, Argentina; National Science Foundation- USA, Wellcome Trust, UK, Faculty of
Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland- Oregon, USA, Faculty of Medicine, UCLA. Los
Ángeles, California, USA, Faculty of Neurociences, Regensburg, Germany, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Miami. Miami, Florida, USA.
Editor of South America Special Issue, Febs Lett. Eds. E. Arzt, W. Savino, L. Barbeito. 589(22):3329-498.
November 2015.
Co-organizer of the 3th Annual Meeting of the Neuroendocrinology Section of the DGE and 10th Anniversary
of an Argentine- German Collaboration. Munich, Germany, 11-13 October, 2000.
Member of the International Scientific Committee of the
Neuroimmunomodulation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 10- 13, 2005.
Organizer of the International Meeting Pituitary Today: Molecular, Physiological and Clinical aspects. Iguazu,
Argentina, November 1st to 4th, 2005.
Coordinator of the Meeting Secyt-Max Planck Society-Germany, Buenos Aires, November 21st – 24th, 2005.
Member of the Intenational Scientific Committee of the XXII Latin American and 1 st Iberoamerican
Physiology Congress, Buenos Aires, 2006.
Member of the International Scientific Committee
Neuroimmunomodulation, Madrid, Spain, April 2007.
Member of the Intenational Scientific Committee
Neuroimmunomodulation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2008.
Organizer of the International Meeting Pituitary Today II: Molecular, Physiological and Clinical aspects.
Angra dos Reis, Brazil, November 2008.
Co-organizer of the 3rd Iberoamerican Meeting on Neuroimmunomodulation, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April
Member of the Organizing Comittee of the LIV Meeting of the Sociedad Argentina de Investigación Clínica.
Mar del Plata, Argentina. November 18th to 21st, 2009.
Co-organizer of the 14th Annual Meeting of the Neuroendocrinology Section of the DGE and 20 th Anniversary
of an Argentine- German Collaboration. Munich, Germany,October 15th, 2010.
Member of the Organizing Comittee of the Symposium “Frontiers in BioScience”. Organized by the IBioBACONICET-MPSP, the Embassy of Germany and the DNRI of the Argentine Ministry of Science, Technology
and Productive Innovation. Buenos Aires, April 22 nd to 25th, 2012.
Panelist at “Biotecnología Argentina 2030 - Foresight Panel on human and animal health”. Organized by
UBATEC and the Cámara Argentina de Biotecnología. Buenos Aires, August 20 th and October 1st, 2015.
Member of the Organizing Committee of the Max Planck International Neuroscience Symposium “Synapses
and Circuits”. Organized by the IBioBA-CONICET-MPSP and the Max Planck Florida Institute for
Neuroscience. Buenos Aires, September 2nd to 4th, 2015.
Grant from the University of Buenos Aires (EX 087) for the project "Neuroendocrine regulation of the
immune response: cellular mechanisms of lymphocyte activation and lymphokine production." 1988- 1990.
Grant from “Antorchas Foundation, Argentina” (N°51740) for the project “Neuroimmuneregulation of the
immune response”. 1990
Grant from the University of Buenos Aires (EX 038) for the project "Neuroendocrine regulation of the
immune response: cellular mechanisms of lymphocyte activation and lymphokine production." 1991- 1994.
Grant from the Volkswagen Foundation, Germany ( N° I/68430) for the project (with Dr. J. Reul, Max-Planck
Institute, Munich): “Integrative immune-endocrine investigations in animal models with an aberrant
Hypothalamus-Pituitary-adrenal system”. 1993- 1995 and 1995- 1998.
Grant from the Max-Planck Institute of Psychiatry,
neuroencorinolgy. 1993, with yearly rennovation.
Munich for the collaborative projects in molecular
Grant from the European Community (93.6014.AR /CI1-CT93-0092) for the collaborative project (Drs. J.
Reul and G.K. Stalla, Max-Planck Institute, Munich) “Integrative study on the role of interleukins in the
regulation of pituitary activity, immune function and cellular growth”. 1994- 1997.
Grant from “Antorchas Foundation, Argentina” (N° A-13015/1-000007) for the project “Study of the
molecular interactions among glucocorticoids, endotoxin and the macrophage induced proteins”. 1994- 1995.
Grant from the University of Buenos Aires (EX 268) for the project "Neuroendocrine regulation of the
immune response: cellular and molecular mechanisms of lymphocyte activation." 1995- 1997.
Grant form Fundación Antorchas (N° A-13291/1) for the project (in collaboration with Dr. H. Besedovsky,
Univ. Marburg, Germany), “Study of the cellular, molecular and physiological antagonic effects of IL-1 and
glucocorticoids in thymic apoptosis”. 1995- 1997.
Grant from Fundación Antorchas (Nº A-13490/1-000002) for the establishment of new laboratory August
Grant from CONICET y la Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCYT), (PICT
0387) for the project “Studies on the molecular mechanisms of the neuroendocrine regulation of immune
responses”. 1997- 1998.
Grant from Universidad de Buenos Aires (TW 74) for the project "Neuroendocrine regulation of the immune
response: cellular and molecular mechanisms of the interaction of cytokines and glucocorticoids”. 1998- 2000.
Grant from Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCYT), (PICT 1705) for the project
“ Molecular and functional studies of the interaction of cytokines and hormones on their target cells”. 19982000.
Grant from the Volkswagen Foundation ( N° I/74 149) for the project (with Dr. G. Stalla, Max-Planck
Institute, Munich) “Molecular and functional studies on the autocrine/paracrine role of cytokines in anterior
pituitary pathophysiology”. 1998- 2000.
Grant from CONICET (PIP 0823) for the project “Studies on the molecular mechanisms of the neuroendocrine
regulation of immune responses”. 1999- 2001.
Grant from Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCYT), (PICT 5079) for the project
“Molecular and functional studies on the regulatory interaction among hormones, cytokines and the T cell
receptor”. 2000- 2003.
Grant from the Argentine Health Ministry for the project “Study on the regulatory interaction among
hormones and cytokines in the pathogenesis of pituitary tumors”. 2000- 2001.
Grant from the Volkswagen Foundation (N° I/76 803) for the project (with Dr. G. Stalla, Max-Planck Institute,
Munich): “Molecular and functional studies on the autocrine/paracrine role of cytokines in anterior pituitary
pathophysiology”. 2000- 2003.
Grant from the Argentine Health Ministry, para el proyecto for the project “Study on the regulatory interaction
among hormones and cytokines in the pathogenesis of pituitary tumors and the regulation of T lymphocytes”.
2001- 2002.
Grant from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (X626) for the project "Study on the mechanisms of control and
action of BMP-4 in normal and tumoral pituitary cells”. 2002- 2003.
Grant from the Universidad de Buenos Aires for the project (N° X085) "Study on the functional and
molecular cross talk among cytokines and hormones on neuroendocrine and immune cells”. 2004- 2007.
Grant from Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCYT), (PICT 13424), for the
project “Sudy on the molecular and functional mechanisms of the regulatory interaction between hormones
and cytokines”. 2004- 2007.
Grant from CONICET (N 5067) for the project “ Molecular mechanisms involved in pituitary tumor
development: role of cytokines and hormones”. 2005- 2007.
Grant from Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCYT), (PICT 31541) for the
project “Molecular mechanisms of CRH signaling through CRH-R1: search for new targets of its
physiopathological action”. 2007- 2010.
Grant from SECyT- Argentina and Flandes (FWO), Belgium for the collaborative project: Molecular
mechanisms of gene repression for new glucocorticoid compounds acting on T helper cells ”. 2007- 2008.
Grant from Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCYT), Proyecto de Modernización
de Equipamiento (PME) 2006-01412. August 2007.
Grant from Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCYT), (PICT 108), for the project
“Molecular and functional mechanisms of the hormone and cytokines pathways in the pituitary and other
target cells”. 2008- 2011.
Grant from Universidad de Buenos Aires for the project (N° X008) “Study on the molecular interactions of
cytokines and hormones in anterior pituitary”. 2008- 2010.
Grant from Pfizer, NY-USA, for organization of the Meeting, Pituitary Today II (Grant #0700026927). 2008.
Grant from DFG, Bilateral Cooperations, JU-2817/4-1/CONICET, ARG. (Sievers, MD, Arzt, Eduardo)
“Network for pre-clinical and clinical studies between Germany and Argentina on neuroendocrine tumors of
the pituitary and the GEP system”. 2010-2012
Grant Novartis (Arzt, Eduardo, Stalla, Gunter). “Evaluation of SOM230 LAR treatment an animal model of
Cushing’s disease Dog efficacy combination study of LCI699 and SOM230LAR”. 2010-2012
Grant from Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCYT), (PICT 2008-00324), for the
Project “Functional and cellular charaterization of RSUME and its participation in the adaptative response to
hypoxia under normal and pathological conditions”. 2010- 2013.
Grant from Universidad de Buenos Aires for the project (N° 20020100100078) “Role of RSUME in the
regulation of genes involved in hypoxia and cellular growth of the anterior pituitary”. 2011- 2014.
Grant from Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCYT) (PICT 2010-1587
Bicentenario) for the project “Epigenetic changes and sumoilation of key factors in the stress response as
regulator of the HPA axis and plasticity”. 2011-2015.
Grant from the Fondo de Convergencia Estructural del Mercosur (FOCEM), Dec. CMC 17/11 for the “Project
of Research, Education and Biotechnology applied to Health” (Coordinator of the Project). 2012-2015.
Grant from Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCYT), (PICT 2012-0431) for the
project “Molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of function and growth of the anterior pituitary and
its impact in the tumoral pathogenesis”. 2013- 2016.
Grant from Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCYT), (PICT-2014-0079),
Acquisition of equipment for electrophysiology setup and animal storage, with application to develop the area
of Neuroscience at IBioBA-MPSP-CONICET, 2014.
Grant from Universidad de Buenos Aires for the project (N° 20020130100427) “RSUME in the regulation of
cellular homeostasis under stress response: Focus on HIF and FKBP51”. 2014- 2017.
Grant from Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCYT), (PICT 2014-3634) for the
project “Role of RSUME in the dynamics of the HIF-VHL complex in the response to hypoxia and cellular
metabolism using metabolomic and fluorescence of single molecules new methodologies”, 2015- 2019.
Grant from Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCYT), (PIDCLINICO-2014-0024)
for the project “Clinical Study A prospective, open label, single arm clinical study to assess efficacy and safety
of Retinoic acid in patients with Pituitary-Dependent Cushing's Disease and establishment of a a biomarker for
responding patients”, 2016- 2019.
Coordination and participation in Post-graduate courses
“Psychoneuroimmunomodulation”. Faculty of Psychology, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina, AugustOctober 1990.
Pathways of neuroendocrine regulation of immune response. In the course: “Molecular basis of clinical
endocrinology”, organized by the Argentine Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (SAEM). November
“PCR: principles and applications”. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas. Faculty of Medicine. Universidad de
Buenos Aires. a) April 1994, b) April 1995 c) April 1996.
“Physiology of the Immune System”. Faculty of Sciences, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina, since
“Basic Immunology”. French Hospital. Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 1995.
“Master in Psychoneuroimmunology”. Favaloro University. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1995- Dec. 2009.
Postgraduate Program in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Immunoneuroendocrinology- Fundación Oswaldo
Cruz. Río de Janeiro, Brazil, 18- 22 March 1996.
Immunoneuroendocrinology and autoimmunity. Postgraduate course in Allergy and basic and applied
Immunology. Hospital Ramos Mejía. Buenos Aires, May 1996.
Interleukins in Pituitary Tumors. Actualization in Endocrinology, Hospital Durand. Buenos Aires, June 1996.
Mechanisms of the neuroendocrine regulation of immune responses. In the course: “Molecular basis of clinical
endocrinology”, organized by Argentine Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (SAEM). Buenos Aires,
June 1997.
Cytokines for endocrinologists. Annual Course of Diagnostic and Treatment in Endocrinology. Hospital
Posadas. Buenos Aires, Argentina, March, 1998, 1999 and 2001.
Cytokines and HPA axis. Annual Course of Endocrinology. Hospital Durand. Buenos Aires, Argentina, June
Cytokines in the Pituitary. VII Annual Course of Endocrinology and Metabolism. Hospital Ramos Mejía.
Buenos Aires, July 2000.
Molecular Immunology. Argentine Association of Allergy and Immunology. Buenos Aires, April 2001
Clasification and function of cytokines. Argentine Society of Immunology. Buenos Aires, 1 June, 2001.
Molecular Biology of Pituitary Adenomas, Endocrine Biochemistry. Universidad Favaloro. Buenos Aires,
August 2001.
Molecular Biology. Argentine Neurosurgery Association. Buenos Aires, November 2001.
Molecular mechanisms of pituitary tumor development. Pirovano Hospital. Buenos Aires, Argentina, August
Molecular Biology of Pituitary organized by Argentine Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (SAEM).
Buenos Aires, October 2003.
Inmunoendocrinology: molecular basis and physiopathological relevance. Argentine Society for Endocrine
Ginecology and Reproduction. Buenos Aires, April 2002, June 2003 and May 2005.
Pathophysiology of Pituitary Tumors. Universtiy of Córdoba. Argentina, September 2009.
International Master Program in Biomedical Sciences (IMBS). A joint program of the Albert Ludwigs
University of Freiburg, Germany and the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2008-2011.
Tumorigenesis. Module I - Online Course, Training and Update on "Good Practices in Nueroendocrinology
2013". Organized by the Endocrinology and Metabolism Argentinian Society, Argentinian Federation of
Endocrine Societies, and Novartis, May 2013.
SYMPOSIA AND CONFERENCES (as invited speaker- complete list)
Biochemical principle of Enzimatic Immunoassays. Biochem. Congress. Caracas, Venezuela, April 1981.
Determination of organic fluid drug levels. XXIII Congress of Pathology. Colombia, June 1981.
Determination of drug blood levels in the clinical laboratory. VI Clinical Congress of Clinical Chemistry.
Mexico, March 1983.
Participation of Gamma Interferon in Neuroimmunoregulatory pathways. I Argentine Congress of Interferon.
Buenos Aires, October 1987.
Interleukin involvement in pituitary cell growth regulation. In symposium Neuroendocrine and metabolic
effects of cytokines, Hanse Selye Symposium in Neuroendocrinology, Advances in Psychoneuroimmunology.
Budapest, Hungary, August 1992.
Expression and role of interleukins in the pituitary. In Simposium “Pituitary tumors: basic and clinical
aspects”. IV Meeting of Endocrinology and Metabolism of the Cono Sur, VIII Meeting of Federación
Argentina de Sociedades de Endocrinología. Buenos Aires, October 1993.
Interleukins, their receptors and antagonists expression and function in the immune-neuroendocrine network.
In the International Meeting: Inmune-neuroendocrine interactions in autoimmune and infectious diseases. Río
de Janeiro, Brazil, April 1994.
Expression and function of interleukins in the immune-neuroendocrine pathways. Simposium Molecular
Biology, X XX Congress SAIB. Iguazú, Argentina, October 1994.
Neural and humoral control of Immunity. In: National Congress of Medicine IV, XXI National Simposium of
Internal Medicine. Buenos Aires, November 1994.
Communication pathways between cytokines and HPA hormones at the pituitary, monocyte and target cell
level. In the 1995 Neuroimmnology Symposium from the Volkswagen Foundation. Kiel, Germany, October
Chairman of the Symposium in Neuroimmunoendocrinology, at the 40 Congress of the Argentine Society of
Clinical Research. Mar del Plata, Argentina, November 1995.
Cytokine expression and molecular mechanisms of their auto/paracrine regulation of anterior pituitary function
and growth. III International Congress of Neuroimmunomodulation. NIH, Bethesda-USA, November 1996.
Chairman of the Session Growth Hormone, Prolactin and POMC, in III International Congress of
Neuroimmunomodulation NIH, Bethesda- USA, November 1996.
Inmune-neuroendocrine communication: role of cytokines. In: International Symposium in Neuro-Immunomodulation. National Academy of Sciences. Buenos Aires, April 1997.
Cytokines in the Neuroendocrine system 2º Symposium Recent advances in Immunology Argentine Society of
Immunology in Hospital of the University of Buenos Aires, August 1997.
Cytokine modulation of the target cell sensitivity to glucocorticoids. In the Syposium of the Volkswagen
Foundation Neuroimmunlogy and Behavior. Munich, Germany, October 1997.
Psiconeuroimmune Network. In: Psiconeuroimmune involvement in Physiopathology. Organized by Oncology
Hospital M. Curie. Buenos Aires, May 1998.
Autocrine and Paracrine rol of cytokines in the pituitary. In: Pituitary 98, Advances in Physiopahology,
diagnostic and treatment. Buenos Aires, September 1998.
Cytokines and pituitary function. Third Annual HypoCCS Symposium “Regulation of Pituitary hormone
secretion”. Venice, Italy, April 1999.
Molecular Mechanisms and Th1/Th2 Pathways in corticosteroids regulation of Cytokine Production in
European Research Conferences "Hormones and cytokines: signalling molecules in the immune
neuroendocrine cross talk". Casatelvecchio Pascoli, Italy, 25- 29 September 1999.
Functional Cross-talk between cytokines and glucocorticoid receptor transcriptional activity and action 4º
Congress in Neuroimmunomodulation. Lugano, Switzerland, September 29- 2 October 1999.
Cytokine-hormone funcitonal and molecular interactions. XXIV Meeting Sociedad Brasilera Inmunologia.
Aguas de Lindoia, San Pablo, Brazil, 24- 27 October 1999.
Cytokines and Prolactin, in International Symposium Pituitary Pathology, organized by Argentine Society of
Endocrinology and Metabolism (SAEM). Buenos Aires, 4 November 1999.
Molecular mechanims for the regulation of inflammatory ctytokines, in the Symposium Regulation of the
immune response by cytokines. Vº Latin American Congress of Immunology. Punta del Este, Uruguay, 1216 December 1999.
Functional Interaction between cytokines and HPA axis hormones in the Symposium “NeuroEndocrineImmune Interactions”, Centro de Investigación y Esudios Avanzados IPN. Mexico, 1 September 2000.
Functional Interaction among cytokines and hormones. in XX Latin American Physioloy Congress. Cancun,
Mexico, 3- 7 September 2000.
Immunoregulatory effects of steroids. Conference at the European School of NeuroImmunology. Karolinska
Institute. Stockholm, Sweden, 13- 16 September 2000.
The immune system in the neuro-immune pathways. Meeting of the
Psiconeuroimmunology. Buenos Aires, 28- 30 September 2000.
Argentine Society of
Program Coordination and Chairman of 4rd Annual Meeting of the Neuroendocrinology, Diabetology and
Metabolism sections of the German Society of Endocrinology and 10th Anniversary of Argentine-German
Collaboration, ten years cooperation between E. Arzt-UBA and MPI-Munich. Munich, Germany, 12- 13
October 2000.
Cellular and Molecular aspects of pituitary adenomas. Neuroendocrinology International Conference Hospital Santa Lucia. Buenos Aires, 21 May 2001.
Inter-cellular communication in the pituitary gland: physiological role of cytokines. 5rd Annual Meeting of the
Neuroendocrinology section of the German Society of Endocrinology. Marburg, Germany, 12- 13 October
Citokines in the pathogenesis of Pituitary adenomas. International Symposium, “Signal Transduction” SAIC
and Biochemistry Dept., Faculty of Medicine, UBA. Buenos Aires, 22 October 2001.
Cytokines in the Neuroendocrine System Symposium “Molecular Biology of Nerve development”, UNESCOTWAS-CONICET-CIC-FONCYT. Buenos Aires, 23 October 2001.
Pathogenesis of Pituitary Tumors. 5 Congress Society of Neuroligical Surgery of South America. Buenos
Aires, 25 May 2002.
Functional Cross-talk among cytokine, T-cell receptor and glucocorticoid receptor transcriptional activity and
action. 5º Congress in Neuroimmunomodulation. Montpellier, France, 9- 11 September 2002.
Hormone-cytokine functional cross-talk. 10th Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association. Munich,
Germany, 12- 14 September 2002.
Cross-talk of BMP signaling and estrogen receptors in prolactinoma tumor development. 7 World Congress on
Advances in Oncology and 5 International Symposium on Molecular Medicine. Crete, Greece, October 2002.
Pituitary gp130 cytokine networks. Conference in 7 International HypoCCS Meeting. Prague, Czech Republic,
12- 15 March 2003.
Physiopathology of Pituitary Tumors. International Symposium Pituitary Pathology, organized by Argentine
Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (SAEM). Buenos Aires, 16 May 2003.
Molecular mechanisms in the regulatory action of cytokines in pituitary tumors. Simposium for the 100 years
of the Italian Hospital. Córdoba, Argentina, 8 September 2003.
New aspects in Prolactinoma Pathogenesis. XIII Congresss Argentine Society of Endocrinology and
Metabolism (SAEM). Buenos Aires, 6 November 2003.
Cross talk of molecular cytokine and steroid hormones pathways. XLVIII Congress Argentine Society of
Clinical Research and LI Congress Argentine Society of Immunology. Mar del Plata, Argentina, 19
November 2003.
Multiple signaling for pituitary tumor development and disfunction. 12 International Congress of
Endocrinology. Lisbon, Portugal, 31 August- 4 September 2004.
Moleclular cross-talk between hormones and cytokines.
Neuroimmunomodulation. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 10- 13 April 2005.
Pituitary Tumorogenis: International Symposium “Dr. Abraham Guitelman, Argentine Society of
Endocrinology and Metabolism (SAEM)-FASEN. Buenos Aires, 2 September 2005.
Molecular understanding of cytokines-steroid hormones dialogue: Implication for human diseases. 6th
Meeting Internacional Society for Neuroinmunomodulations. Athens, Greece, 25- 28 September 2005.
Cytokines, glucocorticoids and immuneregulation. Plenary Opening Lecture VII° Latin American
Immunology Congress (ALAI). Córdoba, 2- 6 October 2005.
Paracrine regulation of pituitary function and growth. International Meeting Pituitary Today: Molecular,
Physiological and Clinical aspects. Iguazu, Argentina, 1- 4 November 2005.
The role of cytokines in pituitary tumorigenesis. Prolactin Family Gordon Research Conference Ventura. CA.,
USA, 29 January- 3 February 2006.
Cell-Cell interaction and pituitary tumorigenesis. XIII International Symposium in Neuroendocrinology. Porto
Alegre, Brazil, 27- 30 April 2006.
Pituitary action of cytokines. Sixth International Congress of Neuroendocrinology. Pittsburgh, USA. 19- 22
June 2006.
Inflammatory control of the HPA axis. 12th Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association. Athens,
Greece, 21- 24 October 2006.
Functional and molecular interaction between the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and cytokins. XXII
Latin American Congress and I Iberoamerican of Physiological Sciences. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 4- 7
November 2006.
Examples of applications of confocal microscopy in localization of signaling molecules in biological systems.
Workshop “Smart Biosensors and nanoactuators for studies in Living Cells”. Max-Planck Society- Argentina,
FCEN-UBA. 16- 17 November 2006.
Neuroendocrine molecular regulation of anxiety, stress and depression.
Biological Pschiatry. Santiago de Chile, 17- 21 April 2007.
2nd International Congress of
Signal Specificity in hormones and cytokine pathways. Plenary Lecture 2o Iberoamerican Congress on
Neuroimmunemodulation. Madrid, Spain, 22 April 2007.
Pituitary cell to cell communication. Plenary Lecture 10th International Pituitary Congress. Chicago, USA, 57 June 2007.
Molecular understanding of HPA axis involvement in stress/immune circuits. 2nd World Conference of Stress.
Budapest, Hungary, 23- 26 August 2007.
Molecular transduction mechanisms of cytokine-hormone interactions: role of gp130 cytokines. Experimental
Biology Meeting. Wahington DC, USA, 28 April- 2 May 2007.
Transcriptional activity of the glucocorticoid receptor: new targets and mechanisms. LII Congress Sociedad
Argentina de Investigación Clínica (SAIC) y LV Congress Sociedad Argentina de Inmunología. Mar del
Plata, Argentina, 21- 24 November 2007.
A role for RSUME in the sumoylation pathway. 4rd International Conference on Ubiquitin, Ubiquitin-like
Proteins and Cancer. MD Anderson Cancer Center. Houston, USA, 7- 9 February 2008.
Prolactinomas in D2R KO animals. KIGS/KIMS Expert Meetings. Florence, Italy, 5- 6 April 2008.
Intracellular molecular signaling specificity. 7º Congress in Neuroimmunomodulation. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
24- 27 April 2008.
New insights into the transcriptional activity of glucocorticoid receptors. XXXVII Annual meeting of the
Brazilian Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society and XI Congress of the Pan American Association for
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Aguas de Lindoia, Brazil, 17- 20 May 2008.
Cell signaling specificity in hormone and citokine communication networks. XIV Meeting Brazilian Society
of Cellular Biology. San Pablo, Brazil, 30 July 2008.
Specificity in Neuroimmune endocrine signaling. I IBRO/LARC Congress of Neurosciences of Latin
America, the Caribbean and Iberian Peninsula. Buzios, Brazil, 1- 4 September 2008.
New genes involved in pituitary cell regulation 13th International Congress of Endocrinology – ICE. Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, 8- 12 November 2008.
Discovery of genes involved in pituitary tumorigenesis. International Simposium, Pituitary Today II. Angra
dos Reis, Brazil, 12- 14 November 2008.
Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone (CRH) molecular signaling in the regulation of anxiety, stress and
depression. Workshop Motivated Behavior, Stress and Addiction. Santiago de Chile, 12- 15 January 2009.
Molecular transduction mechanisms in cytokine-hormone interactions. 7 Meeting of GEBIN (Geman
Endocrine Brain Immune Network). Frankfurt, Germany, 8- 11 July 2009.
Retinoic acid and corticotrophic tumors. XVI Meeting Argentine Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism
(SAEM). Buenos Aires, 4- 6 November 2009.
Pituitary Pathology: The Immunology System Role. Therapeutic Implications. In the 3rd International Course
of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism. Bogotá, Colombia, 15- 18 April 2010.
Glucocorticoid regulation of the Th1 and Th2 transcription factors. 3rd Latin American Congress on
Autoimmunity. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1- 3 July 2010.
Pituitary Tumors. Launch of Omnitrope Symposia. Sandoz. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2- 3 July 2010.
Role of RSUME in the regulation of sumoylation in tumor cells in hipoxia. International Workshop “An
update in the knowledge of Familial Pheochromocytoma”. Organized by CEDIE-CONICET. Buenos Aires, 3
September 2010.
Functional Characterization in genes identified in Pituitary Tumors. Conference at the XII Annual Meeting of
the Argentine Society of Biology. Buenos Aires, 1- 3 December 2010.
Molecular mechanisms involved in the development of pituitary tumors. Symposium at the 53 rd SEEN
Congress (Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 18-20 May 2011.
Glucocorticoid regulation of the Th1 and Th2 transcription factors. Workshop at the 2nd International
Congress on Immunopharmacology. Varadero, Cuba, 26-30 June 2011.
Neuroendocrine molecular regulation of stress, anxiety and depression. Conference at the 15th World
Congress of Psychiatry. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18-22 September 2011.
Genes identified in pituitary tumors: from cloning to function. Conference Alfredo Lanari at the LVI Annual
Meeting of the Argentine Society of Clinical Research (SAIC). Mar del Plata, Argentina, 16- 19 November
Molecular Pathways involved in the regulation of stress, anxiety and depression. Conference / IBRO Neuronal
Circuits Symposium, at the Max Planck Florida Institute Miami. USA, 6 March 2012.
New developments in pituitary adenomas cytokines and other new genes in pituitary adenomas. Conference at
the 15th International Congress and 14th European Congress of Endocrinology (ICE/ECE 2012). Florencce,
Italy, 5-9 May 2012.
Advances in pituitary tumorogenesis. National Meeting of Pituitary Pathology Update. Organized by SanofiAventis. Buenos Aires, 27-28 July 2012.
Molecular Pathways involved in the regulation of stress, anxiety and depression. Conference at the 1st
NeuroSur Meeting. Montevideo, Uruguay, 1-3 August 2012.
Molecular Biology of pituitary tumors and tumors from the Central Nervous System: new genes involved,
hypoxia and senescence. Conference Miguel Lillo at the 29th Congress of the Biology Asociation of Tucuman,
19 October 2012.
New Molecular Meechanisms Involved in the Immune Actions of Glucocorticoids. Molecular Medicine
Conference 2012- Alternative Strategies against Cancer and Inflammation. Faculty of Medicine Siriraj
Hospital, Mahidol University. Bangkok, Thailand, 19-22 December 2012.
New genes and mechanisms involved in the development of SNC and pituitary tumors. XIX Jornadas
Científicas Organized by the Biological Society of Córdoba. La Falda, Córdoba, 8 -10 August, 2013.
Molecular mechanisms involved in the immune-glucocorticoids (HPA) interactions. IV Iberoamerican
Congress on Neuroimmunomodulation & I National Congress on Neuroimmunoendocrinology. Organized by
Sociedad Mexicana de Neuroinmunoendocrinología and the ISNIM. Puebla, Mexico, October 29th to
November 1st, 2013.
Cytokines and New Genes in Neuroendocrine Tumors. IV Iberoamerican Congress on
Neuroimmunomodulation & I National Congress on Neuroimmunoendocrinology. Organized by Sociedad
Mexicana de Neuroinmunoendocrinología and the ISNIM. Puebla, Mexico, October 29th to November 1st,
New mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of Pituitary Adenomas and bases for possible treatment. III
Encuentro Nacional de Actualización de Patología Hipofisaria. Event sponsored by the American Society of
Neuroendocrinology (SLANE). Pestana Buenos Aires Hotel, Buenos Aires, Argentina. August , 29, 2014.
Molecular pituitary tumor signature: new targets with clinical implications. Plenary lecture at the 16th
Congress of the European Neuro Endocrine Association, ENEA 2014. Sofia, Bulgaria, September 13th, 2014.
New therapeutic targets for pituitary tumors. XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Endocrinología y
Metabolismo. Buenos Aires, November 29th, 2015.
Neuroendocrine Tumors: cellular and molecular mechanisms. Simposium Mincyt- FCEN-UBA. Buenos Aires,
Argentina, May 12th, 2016.
The quest for improved treatments in neuroendocrine disorders: from genes to patients Berthold Lecture at the
DACH Meeting, a joint meeting of the German, Austrian and Swiss Endocrinology Societies. Munich,
Germany, May 26th, 2016.
Programmed cell senescence: IL-6 role in the pituitary. 18th European Congress of Endocrinology. Munich,
Germany, May 29th, 2016.
Ionophores as transport models in biological membranes. Department of Biochemistry. University of Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. April 1983.
Regulation of the production of Interferon Gamma by Angiotensin II. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios
Avanzados del IPN. Mexico. January 1986.
Lymphokines: structure, function and participation in the regulatory interaction between neuroendocrine and
immune systems. Argentine Society for Endocrinology. August 1990.
The cholinergic system and the indoleamines in the regulation of lymphocyte activation: two
neuroimmunomodulatory pathways. Dept. Endocrinology. University of Munich. Germany. November 1990.
Neuroimmune interactions: cytokine regulation in neuroendocrine tissues and lymphocytes. Colloquium MaxPlanck Institute for Psychiatry. Munich, November 1991.
The Interleukin-2 pathway in pituitary cells: cytokine involvement in cell growth regulation. Symposium 75
anniversary Max- Planck Institute. Martinsried, Munich, February 1992.
Interleukin receptors and intrinsic interleukin production in the pituitary: role in hormone secretion and growth
regulation. Dept. Endocrinology. University of Munich. Germany, july 1992.
Interleukin participation in neuroendocrine pathways. In: a) Inst. Lanari, Faculty of Medicine, UBA. b)
INGEBI-CONICET, Fac. Cs. Exactas y Naturales, UBA. c) ININFA-CONICET, Fac. Farm. y Bioq. UBA d)
Biosidus SA e) Academia Nacional de Medicina. Argentina, November 1992- May 1993.
Expression and function of interleukins, receptors and antagonists in the immune-neuroendocrine pathways.
CEFYBO, Buenos Aires, June 1994.
Cytokine-HPA hormones regulatory loops at the pituitary and monocyte level. Dept. Endocrinology.
University of Munich. July 1995.
Interaction of Interleukins and hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Institute of Pathology,
University of Innsbruck, Austria, July 1995.
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of the interaction between cytokines and the neuroendocrine system.
Institute of Virology-INTA, Castelar, Pcia. de Buenos Aires, March 1996.
Psiconeuroimmunology. Unit of Psychopathology and Mental Health Children Hospital R. Gutierrez-Buenos
Aires, April 1996.
Interaction of Interleukins and hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Max-Planck Institute,
Martinsried, Germany, June 1997.
Cytokines, oncogenes and proteins of the extracellular matrix. 1997 Neuroendocrine actualization in Hospital
Santa Lucia, Buenos Aires, August 1997.
Molecular, cellular and physiological pathways of cytokine-glucocorticoid interactions. Seminar Depart.
Immunology and Microbiology, University of Portland- Oregon and Endocrinology of the Vollum Institute,
Portland-Oregon, USA, February 1998.
Autocrine and Paracrine roles of growth factors, cytokines and vasogenic substances in pituitary function and
growth. Seminar in Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, USA, February 1998.
Cytokine-hormone functional and molecular interactions in the immune-neuroendocrine regulatory pathways.
Seminar in Boston University, School of Medicine, June 1998.
Molecular interactions between cytokines and hormones. Dept. of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biochemistry,
UBA, April 2001.
Cross-talk between cytokines and hormones, CEFYBO-CONICET, Buenos Aires, August 2001.
Mechanisms of the cross talk of hormone-cytokine signaling. INGEBI-CONICET, Buenos Aires, March 2003.
Physiopathological impact of hormone-cytokine cross talk. IDEUH- University of Buenos Aires, Buenos
Aires, April 2003.
Cytokine-hormone cross-talk mechanisms. IBYME-CONICET, September 24, 2003.
gp130 cytokines, BMP-4 and cross talk with estrogens in the regulation of lactotroph growth. Cedars-Sinai
Medical Center, Los Angeles, USA, February 2004.
Functional molecular cross talk between cytokines and steroids. Department of Molecular Biology. University
of Gent, Belgium, 29 March 2004.
Functional characterization of genes idenfied in pituitary tumors. Fundación Insituto Leloir, Bs. As., 11
October 2007.
Functional characterization of genes idenfied in pituitary tumors: role of RSUME. IBYME-CONICET, 5
December 2007.
Genes in pituitary tumorogenesis: a role for RSUME in Cell biology. Instituto Pasteur de Montevideo,
Uruguay, 12 May 2008.
New genes and process involved in pituitary tumorogenesis. CEDIE-CONCICET, 9 June 2008.
Functional characterization of genes identified in pituitary tumors: role of RSUME. Instituto de Investigación
Médica Mercedes y Martín Ferreyra, Córdoba, Argentina, 3 July 2008.
Biosimilars – The case of Human Growth Hormone. Participation as advisor in the Expert Panel Meeting,
Pfizer. Bogotá, Colombia, 9- 10 April 2010.
Glucocorticoids in the molecular regulation of T helper phenotypes. Conference in “The Thymus and T Cell
Biology in Health and Disease” celebrating 30 years of French-Brazilian Collaboration. FIOCRUZ. Río de
Janeiro, Brazil, 17-19 August 2011.
RSUME, an enhancer of HIF-1a SUMOylation and BMP4 are implicated in tumor angiogenesis. Conference
at Miami University, School of Medicine. USA, 5 March 2012.
Genes and mechanisms involved in the development of pituitary tumors. Department of Biological Chemistry,
Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, UBA. Argentina, April 5, 2013.
Citokines and new genes in neuroendocrine tumors. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de
Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. D.F., Mexico, October 29th, 2013.
Mechanisms involved in brain tumor growth and angiogenesis. Conference at Oswaldo Cruz Institute. Río de
Janeiro, Brazil, 5 May 2014.
Biological models for search of genes involved in cencerogenesis. INIFTA-CONICET-UNLP, La Plata,
Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 4th 2015.
New genes involved in neuroendocrine tumor pathogenesis. IBR-CONICET-UNR, Rosario, Santa Fe,
Argentina. September 25th 2015.
Pituitary tumor pathophysiology: from Prolactinomas to general mechanisms. Latin America Knowledge
Network Expert Meeting (LAKN). IPSEN Laboratory and Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry. Munich,
Alemania, October 22nd 2015.
Arzt, E. Polarities. Caras y Caretas; Vol. 48, Number 2232; p. 79; March 2009.
Arzt, E. Editorial: The Nobel Prize of Milstein with Köhler: a milestone in the relation of the Max Planck
Society of Germany with Argentina. Medicina 69:285-287, 2009.
Arzt, E. The Argentine Scientific and Technological Pole. Article in the book: “Experiences and Policies
related to the migration of Scientists and Technologists in Mercosur”. Co- publication: Ministry of Science,
Technology and Productive Innovation, Raíces Program and UNESCO; Argentina, p. 87- 88, 2010.
Arzt, E. Biomedical Research Sustainability in Argentina. Article in ITB Infoservice, publication from the
German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), July 2010.
Arzt, E., Perone, M, Savino, W, Barbeito, L. Collaboration: Biomedical network in South America. Nature;
Vol. 491; p. 333; November 2012.
Perone, M.J., Velázquez, G., Rojas de Arias, A., Chamorro, G., Coluchi, N., Primez, C., Savino, W., Barbeito,
L., Arzt, E. First South American Network of Biomedical Research, Education and Biotechnology for health.
Medicina 73: 75-77, 2013.
Arzt, E. Capacity building: Architects of South American science. Strengthen networks. Nature 510 :209,
Project MPI Argentina, in Important governmental projects as attraction poles. International workshop Raíces
Program towards the Bicentennial: “Experiences and Policies related to the migration of Scientists and
Technologists in Mercosur”. Buenos Aires, 11- 12 December 2008.
The importance of Basic Research. Argentine Congress of Physiology. La Plata, Argentina, October 2009.
How much do physicians should know about science?. In Medical training and research in Argentina. 12th
International Congress on Internal Medicine of Hospital de Clínicas, UBA. Buenos Aires. 19- 22 August 2008.
Presentation of the publication “Architecture Sustainability”. Organized by CPAU (Council for Professional
Architecture and Urbanism). Buenos Aires. 14 September 2010.
Project: Scientific and Technological Center, ex GIOL Wineries. Organized by Carta Abierta at the National
Library. Buenos Aires. 21 December 2010.
The Scientific and Technological Pole in Buenos Aires. Round Table: International Cooperation in frontier
science: Biotechnology. Workshop Raíces Program: “Towards a better use of international cooperation for the
strengthening of the national system of science, technology and innovation.” Buenos Aires. 15 July, 2011.
Biomedicine Research Institute of Buenos Aires-CONICET-Parter Institute of the Max Planck Society.
Organizet by RCCA Network of Argentine Scientists in Germany in Max Planck Psychiatry Institute. Munich,
9 November 2012.
Testimonies of Researchers with scientific and academic angentine-german cooperations. Argentine-German
Scientific Cooperation, Financial Institutions and opportunities. Organizet by CONICET in Fundación
Cassará. Buenos Aires, 3 December 2012.
Successful cases of national relations and repatriations. Seminar Program RAICES: 30 years of democracy and
its contribution to science, tecnology, innovation and human rights. Organized by the Ministry of Science,
Technology and Innovation. Buenos Aires, 12 September, 2013.
Official national policies to promote sustainable architecture, the case of the Bodegas Giol. “Polícies, Norms
and Procedures to achieve a Sustainable Architecture”. Organized by CPAU (Council for Professional
Architecture and Urbanism). Buenos Aires, 16 October, 2013.
Collegiate Conference on Biotechnology Institutes of Cono Sur. “Research profile of the Biomedicine Institute
of Buenos Aires - CONICET - Max Planck Society Partner”. Organized by the Laboratorio Central de Salud
Pública, Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud y Centro para el Desarrollo de la Investigación
Científica. Asunción, Paraguay, December 13th, 2013.
“The FOCEM Project” & “The Max-Planck Institute of Buenos Aires”. Neuro Sur III, Río de Janeiro, Brazil,
November 5th, 2014.
Conference “News on the bilateral scientific research” at the meeting “25 years after the fall of the wall – the
today Argentine-German relations”. Honorable Cámara de Diputados de la Nación, November 20th, 2014.
H index: Scopus, 37; Publish or Perish, 41.
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23. Arzt, E., Sauer, J., Renner, U., Stalla, G.K. Interleukin involvement in the regulation of pituitary cell
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24. Arzt, E., Sauer, J., Buric, R., Stalla J., Renner, U., Stalla, G.K. Characterization of Interleukin-2 (IL-2)
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25. Sauer, J., Polack, E., Wikinski, S., Holsboer, F., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. The glucocorticoid sensitivity of
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26. Labeur, M., Arzt, E., Wiegers, J., Holsboer, F., Reul, J. Long-term intracerebroventricular corticotropinreleasing hormone administration induces distinct changes in rat splenocyte activation and cytokine
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27. Renner, U., Sauer, J., Newton, Ch., Pagotto, U., Buric, R., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K. Involvement of
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29. Páez- Pereda, M., Sauer, J., Perez Castro, C., Finkielman, S., Stalla, G.K., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E.
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30. Sauer, J., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K. Activation of Lymphocytes in Patients with Pathologies of the
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31. Sauer, J., Castrén, M., Hopfner, U., Holsboer, F., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. Inhibition of lipopolysaccarideinduced monocyte interleukin-1 receptor antagonist synthesis by cortisol: involvement of the
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32. Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K. Cytokines: autocrine and paracrine roles in the anterior pituitary.
Neuroimmunomodulation 3:28-34, 1996 (invited review).
33. Costas, M., Trapp, T., Páez- Pereda, M., Sauer, J., Rupprecht, R., Nahmod, V., Reul, J., Holsboer, F., Arzt,
E. Molecular and functional evidence for in vitro cytokine enhancement of human and murine target cell
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34. Páez- Pereda, M., Goldberg, V., Chervín, A., Carrizo, G., Molina, A., Andrada, J., Sauer, J., Renner, U.,
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35. Renner, U., Pagotto, U., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K. Autocrine and paracrine roles of polypeptide growth factors,
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36. Páez- Pereda, M., Perez Castro, C., Costas, M., Nahmod, V., Stalla, G.K., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E.
Glucocorticoids inhibit IL-1 autoregulatory induction in monocytes after endotoxin stimulation.
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37. Stalla, G.K., Renner, U., Sauer, J., Arzt, E. Interleukins in Pituitary Tumors. Proceedings of the 6th.
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38. Renner, U., Gloddek, J., Arzt, E., Inoue, K., Stalla, G.K. Interleukin-6 is an autocrine growth factor for
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39. Sauer, J., Renner, U., Hopfner, U., Lange, M., Strasburger, Ch., Pagotto, U., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K.
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40. Kovalovsky, D., Páez- Pereda, M., Sauer, J., Perez Castro, C., Nahmod, V., Stalla, G.K., Holsboer, F.,
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41. Renner, U., Gloddek, J., Páez- Pereda, M., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K.. Regulation and role of intrapituitary IL-6
production by folliculostellate cells. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 15: 353-362, 1998.
42. Arzt, E., Páez- Pereda, M., Costas, M., Sauer, J., Renner, U., Holsboer, F., Stalla, G.K. Cytokine
expression and molecular mechanisms of their auto/paracrine regulation of anterior pituitary function and
growth. In: Neuroimmunomodulation: Molecular, Integrative systems and Clinical Advances Edts. S.
McCann, J. Lipton, E. Sternberg, G. Chrousos, P. Gold and C. Smith, Proceedings of 3º Congress in
Neuroimmunomodulation, NIH-Bethesda, November 1996. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Science. p. 525-531, 1998.
43. Savino, W., Arzt, E., Dardenne, M. Immunoneuroendocrine connectivity: the paradigm of the thymushypthalamus-pituitary axis. Neuroimmunomodulation 6:126-136, 1999.
44. Arzt, E., Páez- Pereda, M., Perez Castro, C., Pagotto,U., Renner, U., Stalla, G.K. Physio-pathological role
of the cytokine network in the anterior pituitary gland. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 20: 71-96, 1999
(invited review).
45. Perez Castro, C., Peñalva, R., Páez- Pereda, M., Renner, U., Reul, J., Stalla, G.K., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E.
Early activation of thyrotropin-releasing-hormone and prolactin plays a critical role during a T-cell dependent
immune response. Endocrinology 140: 690-697, 1999.
46. Gloddek, J., Pagotto, U., Páez- Pereda, M., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K., Renner, U. Pituitary adenylate cyclase
activating polypeptide, Interleukin-6 and glucocorticoids regulate the release of Vascular Endothelial growth
factor in pituitary folliculostellate cells. J. of Endocrinology 160:483-490, 1999.
47. Kovalovsky, D., Páez- Pereda, M., Stalla, G.K., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E. Differential regulation of
Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist by proopiomelanocortin peptides ACTH and beta-endorphin.
Neuroimmunomodulation 6:367-372, 1999.
48. Páez- Pereda, M., Hopfner, U., Pagotto, U., Renner, U., Uhl, E., Arzt, E., Missale, C., Stalla, G.K.
Retinoic Acid stimulates meningioma cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix and inhibits invasion. Br. J
Cancer 81:381-386, 1999.
49. Savino, W., Arzt, E. The thymus-pituitary axis: a paradigm to study immunoneuroendocrine connectivity
in normal and stress conditions. In stress and immunity. CRC Press-USA (Eds. N. Plotnikoff, R. Faith, A.
Murgo, R. Good), Chap. 13, p. 187-204, 1999.
50. Arzt, E., Páez- Pereda, M., Perez Castro, C., Kovalovsky, D., Nagashima, A., Renner U., Stalla, G.K.
Cytokines and pituitary function. In: Regulation of Pituitary hormone secretion. Ed. P Beck-Peccoz,
BioScientifica Ltd. Bristol, UK, p. 15-28, 1999.
51. Páez- Pereda, M., Ledda, M. F., Goldberg, V., Chervín, A., Carrizo, G., Molina, H., Müller, A., Renner,
U., Podhajcer, O., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K. (Arzt and Stalla, both corresponding authors). High levels of matrix
metalloproteinases regulate proliferation and hormone secretion in pituitary cells. J. Clin Endocr. and Metab
85: 263-269, 2000.
52. Páez- Pereda, M., Lohrer, P., Kovalovsky, D., Perez Castro, C., Goldberg, V., Losa, M., Chervin A.,
Berner, S., Molina, A., Stalla, G.K., Renner, U., Arzt, E. Interleukin-6 is inhibited by glucocorticoids and
stimulates ACTH secretion and POMC expression in human corticotroph pituitary adenomas. Exp. and Clin.
Endocrinol. and Diabetes 108:202-207, 2000.
53. Perez Castro, C., Carbia Nagashima, A., Páez- Pereda, M., Goldberg, V., Chervin, A., Largen, P., Renner,
U., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. The gp130 cytokines IL-11 and CNTF regulate though specific receptors function
and growth of lactosomatotrophic and folliculostellate pituitary cell lines. Endocrinology 141:1746-1753,
54. Kovalovsky, D., Refojo, D., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E. Molecular mechanisms and Th1/Th2 pathways in
corticosteroid regulation of cytokine production. J. Neuroimmunol 109: 23-29, 2000.
55. Lohrer, P., Gloddek, J., Carbia Nagashima, A., Korali, Z., Hopfner, U., Páez- Pereda, M., Arzt, E., Stalla,
G.K., Renner, U. Lipopolysacharide directly affects the intrapituitary interleukin-6 production by
folliculostelate cells via specific receptors and the p38a mitogen-activated protein kinase/nuclear factor kB
pathway. Endocrinology 141: 4457-4465, 2000.
56. Páez- Pereda, M., Missale, C., Grübler, Y., Arzt, E., Schaaf, L., Stalla, G.K. Nerver growth factor and
retinoic acid inhibit proliferation and invasion in thyroid tumor cells. Mol. and Cell Endocrinology 167: 99106, 2000.
57. Costas, M., Müller Igaz, L., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E. Transrepression of NFkB is not required for
glucocorticoid mediated protection of TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis on fibroblasts. Biochem. Biophys. Acta
1499:122-129, 2000.
58. Arzt, E., Kovalovsky, D., Müller Igaz, L., Costas, M., Plazas, P., Refojo, D., Páez- Pereda, M., Reul, J.,
Stalla, G.K., Holsboer, F. Functional cross-talk among cytokines, T-cell receptor and glucocorticoid receptor
transcriptional activaty and action. In: Neuroimmunomodulation: Perspectives at the New Milenium. Edts. A.
Conti, G. Maestroni, S. McCann, E. Sternberg, J. Lipton, and C. Smith. Proceedings of 4º Congress in
Neuroimmunomodulation, Lugano, Switzerland, October 1999. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Science. 917: 673-677, 2000.
59. Kuchenbauer, F., Hopfner, U., Stalla, J., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K., Páez- Pereda, M. Extracellular matrix
components regulate ACTH production and proliferation in corticotroph tumor cells. Mol. and Cell
Endocrinology 175: 141-148, 2001.
60. Perez Castro, C., Carbia Nagashima, A., Páez- Pereda, M., Goldberg, V., Chervin, A., Carrizo, G., Molina
H., Renner, U., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. Effects of the gp130 cytokines CNTF and IL-11 on pituitary cells: CNTF
receptors on human pituitary adenomas and stimulation of PRL and GH secretion in normal rat anterior
pituitary aggregate cultures. J. Endocrinol 169: 539-547, 2001.
61. Páez- Pereda, M., Kovalovsky, D., Hopfner, U., Theodoropoulou, M., Pagotto, U., Uhl, E., Losa, M.,
Stalla, J., Grübler, Y., Missale, C., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K. Retinoic acid prevents experimental Cushing’s
syndrome. J. Clin. Invest. 108: 1123-1131, 2001.
62. Refojo, D., Liberman, A.C., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E. Transcription factor-mediated molecular mechanisms
involved in the functional cross-talk between cytokines and glucocorticoids. Immunology and Cell Biology
79:385-394, 2001.
63. Gloddek, J., Lohrer, P., Stalla, J., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K., Renner, U. The intrapituitary stimulatory effect of
lipopolysaccharide on ACTH secretion is mediated by paracrine-acting IL-6. Experimental and Clinical
Endocrinology and Diabetes 109: 410-415, 2001.
64. Arzt, E. The gp130 cytokine family signaling in the pituitary gland: a paradigm for cytokineneuroendocrine pathways. J. Clin. Invest. 108:1729-1733, 2001 (Perspective Editorial).
65. Müller Igaz, L., Refojo, D., Costas, M., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E. CRE-mediated transcriptional activation is
involved in cAMP protection of TCR-induced apoptosis but not in cAMP potentiation of glucocortiocidmediated programmed cell death Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1542: 139-148, 2002.
66. Perez Castro C., Páez- Pereda, M., Reul, J., Stalla, G.K., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E. In vivo changes of PRL
levels during the T-cell dependent immune response. Chapter in: Neuroimmune Biology, Vol 2: Growth and
Lactogenic Hormones, Ed. L. Matera- R. Rapaport, Elsevier-Amsterdam, p. 219- 226, 2002.
67. Kovalovsky, D., Refojo, D., Liberman, A.C., Hochbaum, D., Páez- Pereda, M., Coso, O.A., Stalla, G.K.,
Holsboer, F., Arzt, E. Activation and induction of Nur77/Nurr1 in corticotrophs by corticotropin-releasing
hormone/cAMP: involvement of calcium, protein kinase A and mitogen activated protein kinase pathways.
Molecular Endocrinology 16:1638-1651, 2002.
68. Renner, U., Lohrer, P., Schaaf, L., Feirer, M., Schmitt, K., Onofri, C., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K. Transforming
growth factor-ß stimulates vascular endothelial growth factor production by folliculostellate pituitary cells.
Endocrinology 143: 3759-3765, 2002.
69. Refojo, D., Kovalovsky, D., Young, J.I., Rubinstein, M., Holsboer, F., Reul, J.M.H.M., Low, M.J., Arzt, E.
Increased splenocyte proliferative response and cytokine production in -endorphin-deficient mice. J.
Neuroimmunology, 131:126-134, 2002.
70. Páez- Pereda, M., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K. Cushing’s syndrome: drug targets and therapeutic options. Expert
Opinion The Patents 12: 1537-1546, 2002.
71. Páez- Pereda, M., Giacomini, D., Refojo, D., Carbia Nagashima, A., Hopfner, U., Grübler Y., Chervin, A.,
Golcberg, V., Goya, R., Hentges, S., Low, M.J., Holsboer, F., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. Involvement of bone
morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP-4) in pituitary prolactinoma pathogenesis through a Smad/estrogen receptor
cross talk. PNAS-Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100: 1034-1039, 2003.
72. Perez Castro, C., Giacomini, D., Carbia Nagashima, A.,Onorfi, C., Graciarena, M., Kobayashi, K., PáezPereda, M., Renner, U., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. Reduced expression of the cytokine transducer gp130 inhibits
hormone secretion, cell growth and tumor development of pituitary lactosomatotrophic GH3 cells.
Endocrinology 144:693-700, 2003.
73. Carbia Nagashima, A., Giacomini, D., Perez Castro, C., Páez- Pereda, M., Renner, U., Stalla, GK, Arzt, E.
Transcriptional regulation of interleukin-6 in pituitary folliculo-stellate TtT/GF cells. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol
201: 47-56, 2003.
74. Refojo, D., Liberman, A.C., Giacomini, D., Carbia Nagashima, A., Graciarena, M., Echenique, C., PáezPereda, M., Stalla, G.K., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E. Integrating systemic information at the molecular level: cross
talk between steroid receptors and cytokine signaling on different target cells. In: Neuroendocrine and Neural
Regulation of Autoimmune and Inflammatory Disease: Molecular, Systems, and Clinical Insights, edited by
Esther M. Sternberg, France G. Haour, and Craig C. Smith. Proceedings of 5º Congress in
Neuroimmunomodulation, Montpellier, France, October 2002, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
992: 196-204, 2003.
75. Liberman, A., Refojo, D., Arzt, E. Cytokine signaling/transcription factor cross-talk in T cell activation
and Th1/Th2 differentiation. ArchivumInmunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis 51: 351-365, 2003.
76. Kuchenbauer, F., Theodoropoulou, M., Hopfner, U., Stalla, J., Renner, U., Tonn, J.C., Low, M.J., Arzt, E.,
Stalla, G.K., Páez-Pereda, M. Laminin inhibits lactotroph proliferation and is reduced in early prolactinoma
development. Mol. Cell Endocrinol 207: 13-20, 2003.
77. Thiele, J.O., Lohrer, P., Schaaf, L., Feirer, M., Stummer, W., Losa, M., Lange, M., Tichomirowa, M., Arzt,
E., Stalla, G.K., Renner, U. Functional in vitro studies on the role and regulation of interleukin-6 in human
somatotroph pituitary adenomas. European J. Endocrinology 149: 455-461, 2003.
78. Graciarena, M., Carbia Nagashima, A., Perez Castro, C., Giacomini, D., Páez- Pereda, M., Renner, U.,
Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. Pituitary gp130 cytokine networks. In: Pituitary HypoCCs. Ed. P C. Strasburger,
BioScientifica Ltd. Bristol, UK, p. 197-208, 2003.
79. Onofri, C., Carbia Nagashima, C., Schaaf, L., Feirer, M., Lohrer, P., Stummer, W., Berner, S., Chervin, A.,
Goldberg, V., Stalla, G.K., Renner, U., Arzt, E. Estradiol stimulates vascular endothelial growth factor and
interleukin-6 in human lactotroph and lactosomatotroph pituitary adenomas. Experimental and Clinical
Endocrinology and Diabetes 112: 18-23, 2004.
80. Kovalovsky, D., Páez- Pereda, M., Renner, U., Holsboer, F., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. Nur77 induction and
activation is necessary for interleukin-1 stimulation of proopiomelanocrotin in AtT-20 corticotrophs FEBS
Letters 563: 229-233, 2004.
81. Carbia-Nagashima, A., Arzt, E. Intracelular proteins and mechanisms involved in the control of
gp130/JAK/STAT cytokine signalign. IUBMB Life 56: 83-88, 2004.
82. Renner, U., Páez- Pereda, M., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K., Growth Factors and Cytokines: function and
molecular regulation in pituitary adenomas. Frontiers in Hormone Research. In: Molecular Pathology of the
pituitary. Eds. G. Kontogeogos, K. Kovacs, Karger, Switzerland , Vol 32, 96-109, 2004.
83. Labeur, M., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K., Páez- Pereda, M. New perspectives in the treatment of Cushing’s
syndrome. Current Drug Targets, Immune, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders 4: 335-342, 2004.
84. Graciarena, M., Carbia Nagashima, A., Onofri, C., Perez Castro, C., Giacomini, D., Renner, U., Stalla,
G.K., Arzt, E. Involvement of the gp130 cytokine transducer in MtT/S pituitary somatotroph tumor
development in an autocrine-paracrine model. Eur. J. Endocrinol 151: 595-604, 2004.
85. Tichomirowa, M., Theodoropoulou, M., Lohrer, P., Schaaf, L., Losa, M., Uhl, E., Lange, M., Arzt, E.,
Stalla, G.K., Renner, U. Bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide) stimulates Interleukin-6 production and
inhibits growth of pituitary tumor cells expressing the Toll-like receptor 4. Jounal of Neuroendocrinology 17:
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86. Refojo, D., Echenique, C., Müller, M.B., Reul, J.M.H.M., Deussing, J.M., Wurst, W., Sillaber, I., PáezPereda, M., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E. CRH activates ERK1/2 MAPK in specific brain areas. PNAS-Proceedings
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87. Páez- Pereda, M., Giacomini, D., Carlos Echenique, C., Stalla, G.K., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E. Signaling
processes in tumoral neuroendocrine pituitary cells as potential targets for therapeutic drugs Current Drug
Targets, Immune, Endorine and Metabolic Disorders 5:259-267, 2005.
88. Páez- Pereda, M., Kuchenbauer, F., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K. Regulation of pituitary hormones and cell
proliferation by components of the extracellular matrix. Braz J. Med Biol Res. 38: 1487-194, 2005
89. Giacomini, D., Páez- Pereda, M., Theodoropoulou, M., Labeur, M., Refojo, D., Gerez, J., Chervin, A.,
Berner, S., Renner, U., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. BMP-4 inhibits corticotroph tumor cells: involvement in the
retinoic acid inhibitory action Endocrinology 147:247-256, 2006
90. Correa-de-Santana, E., Páez- Pereda, M., Theodoropoulou, M., Nihei, O.K., Gruebler, Y., Bozza, M., Arzt,
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91. Giacomini, D., Páez- Pereda, M., Theodoropoulou, M., Gerez, J., Carbia Nagashima, A., Labeur, M.,
Refojo, D., Renner, U., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. BMP-4 control of pituitary pathophysiology. In: Pituitary Today:
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Research 35: 22-31, 2006.
92. Labeur, M., Theodoropoulou, M., Sievers, C., Páez- Pereda, M., Castillo, V., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K. New
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Grossman, Eds E. Arzt, M. Guitelman, M. Bronstein. Frontiers of Hormone Research 35: 169-178, 2006.
93. Castillo, V., Giacomini, D., Páez- Pereda M., Stalla, J., Labeur, M., Theodoropoulou, M., Holsboer, F.,
Grossman, A.B., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. Retinoic acid as a novel medical therapy for Cushing’s disease in dogs.
Endocrinology 147: 4438-4444, 2006.
94. Arzt, E., Holsboer, F. CRF signaling: molecular specificity for drug targeting in the CNS. Trends
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95. Onofri, C., Theodoropoulou, M., Losa, M., Uhl, E., Lange, M., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K., Renner, U.
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96. Druker, J., Liberman, A.C., Acuña, M., Giacomini, D., Refojo, D., Silberstein, S., Páez- Pereda, M., Stalla,
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97. Liberman, A.C., Druker, J., Perone, M.J., Arzt, E. Glucocorticoids in the regulation of transcription factors
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98. Liberman, A., Refojo, D., Druker, J., Toscano, M., Rein, T., Holsboer, F., Arzt,.E. The activated
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99. Giacomini, D., Acuña, M., Gerez, J., Nagashima, A.C., Silberstein, S., Páez- Pereda, M., Labeur, M.,
Theodoropoulou, M., Renner, U., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. Pituitary action of cytokines: focus on BMP-4 and
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100. Gerez, J., Bonfiglio, J., Sosa, S., Giacomini, D., Acuña, M., Carbia Nagashima, A., Perone, M.J.,
Silberstein, S., Renner, U., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. Molecular transduction mechanisms of cytokine/hormones
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101. Carbia Nagashima, A., Gerez, J., Perez Castro, C., Páez- Pereda, M.P., Silberstein, S., Stalla, G.K.,
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102. Giacomini, D., Acuña, M., Carbia Nagashimia, A., Perez Castro, C., Páez- Pereda, M., Renner, U.,
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103. Labeur, M., Refojo, D., Wölfel, B., Stalla, J., Vargas, V., Theodoropoulo, M., Buchfelder, M., PáezPereda, M., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K. Interferon-gama inhibits cellular proliferation and ACTH production in
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104. Labeur, M., Páez- Pereda, M., Castillo, V., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K. Potential of retinoic acid derivatives for
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105. Liberman, A.C, Druker, J., Refojo, D., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E. Glucocorticoids inhibit GATA-3 activity in
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106. Liberman, A.C., Druker, J., Aprile Garcia, F., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E. Intracellular Molecular Signaling
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Neuroimmunomodulation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2008, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,
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107. Silberstein, S,. Vogl, A.M., Bonfiglio, J.J., Wurst, W., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E., Deussing, J.M., Refojo, D.
Immunology, signal transduction and behavior in HPA axis-related genetic mouse models. Proceedings of 7º
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108. Renner, U., Correa de Santana, E., Gerez, J., Frolich, B., Haedo, M., Páez- Pereda, M., Onofri, C., Stalla,
G.K., Arzt, E. Intrapituitary Expression and Regulation of the gp130 Cytokine Interleukin-6 and its
Implication in Pituitary Physiology and Pathophysiology. Proceedings of 7º Congress in
Neuroimmunomodulation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2008, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,
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109. Giacomini, D., Haedo, M., Gerez, J., Druker, J., Páez- Pereda, M., Labeur, M., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E.
Differential Gene Expression in Models of Pituitary Prolactin-producing Tumoral Cells. Horm. Res. 2:88-94,
110. Silberstein, S., Vogl, A.M., Refojo , D., Senin , S.A., Wurst, W., Holsboer, F., Deussing, J.M., Arzt, E.
Amygdaloid pERK1/2 in CRH overexpressing mice under basal and acute stress conditions. Neuroscience
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111. Giacomini, D., Páez- Pereda, M., Stalla, J., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. Molecular interaction of BMP-4, TGFbeta and estrogens in lactotroph: impact on the PRL promoter. Mol Endocrinology 23:1102-1114, 2009.
112. Arzt, E., Vera Chesnokova, V., Stalla, G.K., Shlomo Melmed, S. Pituitary Adenoma Growth: a model
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113. Schaaf, C., Shan, B., Buchfelder, M., Losa, M., Kreutzer, J., Rachinger, W., Stalla, G.K., Schilling, T.,
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114. Castro, C.N., Barcala Tabarrozi, A.E., Noguerol, M.A., Liberman, A.C., Dewey, R.A., Arzt, E., Morelli,
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115. Schaaf, C., Shan, B., Onofri, C., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E., Schilling, T., Perone, M.J., Renner, U. Curcumin
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116. Labeur, M., Páez- Pereda, M., Haedo, M., Arzt, E., Stalla, G.K. Pituitary tumors: Cell type-specific roles
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117. Theodoropoulou, M., Labeur, M., Páez-Pereda, M., Haedo, M., Perone, M.J., Renner, U., Arzt, E., Stalla,
G.K. Novel Medical Therapies for Pituitary Tumors. In: Pituitary Today II: New Molecular, Physiological and
Clinical Aspects.Front Horm Res. 38:158-164, 2010.
118. Fuertes, M., Gerez, J., Haedo, M., Giacomini, D., Páez-Pereda, M., Labeur, M., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E.
Cytokines and Genes in Pituitary Tumorigenesis: RSUME Role in Cell Biology. In: Pituitary Today II: New
Molecular, Physiological and Clinical Aspects. Front Horm Res. 38:1-6, 2010.
119. Liberman, A., Castro, C.N., Noguerol, M.A, Barcala Tabarrozi, A.E., Druker, J., Perone, M.J., Arzt, E.
Molecular Mechanisms of Glucocorticoids Action: From Basic Research to Clinical Implications. Current
Immunology Reviews 6: 371-380, 2010.
120. Pelisch, F., Gerez, J., Druker, J., Schor, I.E., Muñoz, M.J., Risso, G., Petrillo, E., Westman, B.J.,
Lamond, A.I., Arzt, E., Srebrow, A. The serine/arginine-rich protein SF2/ASF regulates protein sumoylation.
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121. Bonfiglio, J.J., Maccarrone, G., Rewerts, C., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E., Turck, C.W., Silberstein, S.
Characterization of the B-Raf interactome in mouse hippocampal neuronal cells. J Proteomics. 74:186-98. 2011.
122. Castillo, V., Theodoropouloub, M., Stalla, J., Gallellia, M.F., Cabrera-Blattera, M.F., Haedo, M.R.,
Labeur, M., Schmide, H.A., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. Effect of SOM230 (Pasireotide) on Corticotropic Cells:
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123. Bonfiglio J.J., Inda, C., Refojo, D., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E., Silberstein, S. The Corticotropin Releasing
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neuroendocrine and behavioral stress response. Neuroendocrinology 94, 12-20, 2011.
124. Perez-Castro, C., Renner, U., Haedo M.R., Stalla G.K., Arzt, E. Cellular and Molecular Specificity of the
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125. Shan B, Gerez J, Haedo M, Fuertes M, Theodoropoulou M, Buchfelder M, Losa M, Stalla GK, Arzt E,
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126. Liberman, A., Refojo, D., Antunica Noguerol, M., Holsboer, F., Arzt, E. Underlying mechanisms of
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Immunology. 50, 220-35, 2012.
127. Liberman, A., Antunica Noguerol, M., Ferraz, V., Palermo Neto, J., Castro, C., Druker, J., Holsboer, F.,
Gerlo, S., De Bosscher, K., Haegeman, Arzt, E. Compound A, a dissociated glucocorticoid receptor
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128. Shan B, Schaaf C, Schmidt A, Lucia K, Buchfelder M, Losa M, Kuhlen D, Kreutzer J, Perone M, Arzt E,
Stalla GK, Renner U. Curcumin suppresses HIF-1A synthesis and VEGFA release in pituitary adenomas. J
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129. Bonfiglio, J., Inda, C., Senin, S., Maccarrone, G., Refojo, D., Giacomini, D., Turck, C., Holsboer, F.,
Arzt, E., Silberstein, S. B-Raf and CRHR1 internalization mediate biphasic ERK1/2 activation by CRH in
hippocampal HT22 cells. Molecular Endocrinology 27:491-510, 2013.
130. Gerez, J., Fuertes, M., Tedesco, L., Silberstein, S., Sevlever, G., Paez-Pereda, M., Holsboer, F.,
Turjanski, A., Arzt, E. In silico structural and functional characterization of the RSUME splice variants. PLoS
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131. Druker, J., Liberman, AC., Antunica-Noguerol, M., Gerez, J., Paez-Pereda M., Rein, T., Iñiguez-Lluhí,
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132. Curic, S., Wu, Y., Shan, B., Schaaf, C., Utpadel, D., Lange, M., Kuhlen, D., Perone, M.J., Arzt, E., Stalla,
G.K., Renner, U. Curcumin acts anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic in human meningiomas. Journal of NeuroOncology. 113: 385-396, 2013.
133. Aprile, F., Antunica, M., Budziñski, M.L., Liberman, A., Arzt, E. Novel insights into the neuroendocrine
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134. Antunica-Noguerol, M., Aprile-Garcia, F., Budziñski, M.L., Proto-Cassina, L., Liberman, A.C., Arzt, E.
The Interplay between the Glucocorticoid Receptor Activity and post-translational Modifications in the
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135. Liberman, A.C., Antunica-Noguerol, M., Arzt, E. Modulation of the glucocorticoid receptor activity by
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136. Gerez, J., Tedesco, L., Fuertes, M., Bonfiglio, J.J., Barontini, M., Silberstein, S., Wu, Y., Renner, U.,
Páez Pereda, M., Holsboer, F., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. RSUME inhibits VHL and regulates its tumor suppressor
function. Oncogene. 34:4855-66, 2015.
137. Páez-Pereda, M., Arzt, E. Function and Structure of the RWD Domain. J Biol Chem, 290:20627, 2015.
138. Antico Arciuch, VG., Tedesco L., Fuertes M., Arzt E. Role of RSUME in inflammation and cáncer.
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139. Sapochnik, M., Nieto, L., Fuertes, M., Arzt, E. Molecular mechanisms underlying pituitary pathogenesis.
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140. Aprile-Garcia, F., Metzger, MW., Paez-Pereda, M., Stadler, H.,Acuña, M., Liberman, AC., Senin, SA.,
Gerez, J., Hoijman, E., Refojo, D., Mitkovski, M., Panhuysen, M., Stühmer, W., Holsboer, F., Deussing, JM.,
Arzt, E. Co-Expression of Wild-Type P2X7R with Gln460Arg Variant Alters Receptor Function. PLoS One,
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141. Antunica-Noguerol, M., Budziñski, ML., Druker, J., Gassen, NC., Sokn, MC., Senin, S., Aprile-Garcia,
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- Perez Castro,C., Páez- Pereda, M., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. rat X2CR1 (BankIt AF271158).
- Páez- Pereda, M., Perez Castro, C., Carbia Nagashima, A., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. Mus musculus X2CR1
alternative spliced (BankIt AF439556).
- Páez- Pereda, M., Perez Castro, C., Carbia Nagashima, A., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. Mus musculus X2CR1
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- Páez-Pereda, M., Perez Castro, C., Carbia Nagashima, A., Stalla, G.K., Arzt, E. Mus musculus X2CR1
promoter region (registrado en el gen bank con este nombre y acceso BankIt AF439558).
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