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The IMMUNE SYSTEM is a complex biological matrix made up of molecules, proteins, cells,
and organs that function together to recognize and defend against disease producing bacteria,
viruses, fungi, and cells that have undergone malignant transformation. Your health is dependent on
your immune system and its ability to identify and repel these invaders. Our immune system ages
with us; the cumulative effects of free radical oxidation, physical and psychic stress, heavy
metal overload, and vitamin and mineral under nutrition wears it down, increasing our
susceptibility to disease. Mother Nature never anticipated that the immune system she designed for
us would be so taxed; here she needs our help. Rejuvetate Life was designed to give Mother Nature
that help. Our products contain EDTA and DMSA - to remove the heavy metals that are poisoning
our immune cells, Lysozyme - to take on the bugs directly, and Vitamin C – to provide an
antioxidant effect as it takes out Lead and as it takes on the bugs directly. Our Medicinal
Mushroom extract goes one step further – to call up new immune system reserves and ready them
for action.
Medicinal mushrooms have been treasured in the Orient for over 4000 years, not just as culinary
delights, but for their immune stimulant and general health promoting properties. Botanists classify
Mushrooms as a fungus, in a group known as basidiomycetse, meaning that the Mushroom grows
on organic material.
Mushrooms breaks down organic matter and convert it into polysaccharides,
long-chain sugars that can be of medicinal value to man. Different mushrooms manufacture
different polysaccharides, and thus a blend of mushroom extracts will have more nutritional or
medical value than a single extract..
In 1999, the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to Dr. Gunter Blobel for his work in a new
field of Science and Medicine known as Glycobiology. The term Glyconutrient evolved from Dr.
Blobel’s work. Glyconutrients are nutraceuticals that contain one or more of the eight essential
sugars. The ESSENTIAL SUGARS are mannose, glucose, galactose, xylose, fucose,
Nacetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine, and N-acetylneuraminic acid. Glucose and galactose
are plentiful in the diet, but the other six essential sugars, as well as polysaccharides containing the
essential sugars, are not always present in the foods that we take in. The immune system needs each
of these essential sugars, so it makes sense to include glyconutrients in your health program. Reishi
and Shiitake mushrooms serve as rich sources of glyconutrition, so we included them
in the Rejuvetate Life System.
Polysaccharides are individual sugar molecules chained together in repeating units. Starch is a
polysaccharide composed of repeating units of glucose; we digest the starch polysaccharide into
individual glucose molecules that we absorb and use as blood sugar. Polysaccharides, present in
plants, crustaceans, and mushrooms can be made up of a number of different sugars, repeating in a
myriad number of different patterns; thus millions of different polysaccharides are present in
nature. Some we humans can break down and assimilate (like starch). Other polysaccharides resist
digestion, but can still be of value to us (dietary fiber). Some polysaccharides, such as those
composed of essential sugars and present in the extracts of medicinal mushroom, can be absorbed
and used to stimulate the immune system.
One of the first essential sugar polysaccharides to receive scientific attention was BETA GLUCAN.
Harvard researcher Dr. Joyce Czop wrote in the 1980’s "Beta glucans are pharmacological agents
that rapidly enhance the host resistance to a variety of biological insults through mechanisms
involving macrophage activation". In other words, glyconutrient polysaccharides like Beta Glucan
don’t directly attack invading bacteria, viruses, or tumor cells; rather this glyconutrient
polysaccharide jump starts the cells of the immune system to do their job in a more aggressive
manner. While Beta Glucan is a totally non-toxic substance, to the cells of the immune system (in
Dr. Czop’s example to the macrophages) Beta Glucan looks like the cell wall coating of an
invading bacteria. The macrophages (“big eater” or “Pac-Man” cells) gear up, having been
tricked by Beta Glucan in to believing that an actual infection is underway, and then they begin to
roam through the body, chomping down on bacteria, viruses, yeast, or previously normal cells that
have undergone malignant transformation. Beta Glucan stimulates the macrophages to do their job
better than they were doing it before. Different mushroom glyconutrients can likewise stimulate
different cells of the immune system to upregulate their activity. B-cells will manufacture more
bacteria-neutralizing antibodies. T-cells will produce more fungal-killing cytokines. Natural killer
cells will – I don’t think I need to tell you what natural killer cells do but they will do it more
aggressively following glyconutrient stimulation.
You can wait until you have an infection, or a consequence of immune system dysfunction, such as
cancer, and then take a medical glyconutrient (in Japan, Lentinan, a polysaccharide glyconutrient
derived from Shiitake mushroom, is a standard drug therapy for cancer – better late then never).
Another approach is to safely keep your immune system on active alert with the routine intake of a
glyconutrient. There are a lot of rather nasty bacteria and viruses out there; some exposed
individuals get infected and sick while others individuals seem to resist infection. You might ask
which group had the alert and which group the lazy immune system. How do you want your
immune system to behave?
Concerned that chronic stimulation of the immune system with glyconutrients might “burn out” the
cells of the immune system or even provoke an “auto-immune disease”, where the immune system
inappropriately attacks normal cells (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, asthma, etc.)? You needn’t be.
Glyconutrients, and natural adaptogenic substances in general, don’t just immunostimulate, they
also immunomodulate. Inappropriately activated arms of the immune system are stood down, and
an anti-inflammatory effect can occur, while previously lazy arms of the immune system get the
jump start they need – here again Mother Nature got this one right. (Incidentally, heavy metal
overload has been associated with auto-immune phenomena, but you already know how to take
care of that problem).
A team of Russian scientists coined the term, Adaptogen, in the 1940’s. Adaptogens are plantderived substances that meet the criteria of a Biological Response Modifier:
1st it should cause no harm and place no additional stress on the body,
2nd it should help the body adapt to various environmental and psychological stresses, and
3rd it must have a nonspecific action on the body, supporting all the major systems, including
nervous, hormonal, and Reishi, Shiitake, and many other mushrooms species as well as many
plant substances (e.g. Ginseng, Aloe Vera, Echinacea, etc.) all contain natural healing or
adaptogenic substances. Adaptogens don’t have much of an overt effect when your health is
optimal (except to help keep you that way), but when the going gets tough, say when you are
fighting an infection or another disease state, then the benefits of an adaptogen will be more
obvious to you.
Mushrooms also contain dietary fiber (polysaccharides that we cannot digest and absorb), and we
all understand the benefit that fiber has on colon health. An additional effect of mushroom
polysaccharide is its ability to sequester potentially toxic agents, blocking their absorption into the
body. Japanese researchers have suggested that this toxin-binding effect of mushroom fiber plays a
role in the well documented anti-cancer effects of medicinal mushrooms.
Prebiotics are polysaccharide substances within the mushroom extract that serve as “food” for the
beneficial bacteria that inhabit our large intestine. We want this “normal flora” to flourish, as robust
growth of “good bacteria” in our GI tract prevents pathogenic bacteria and yeast from grabbing a
foothold (or should we say a colon hold?).
The Reishi mushroom and the Shiitake mushroom contain Triterpenes. This is a chemical that is
both an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. Triterpenes help to balance the immune system's
response to infection. They are also found in plants -- turpentine is made from the resin of the pine
tree and is also the source of the aromatic oil eucalyptus tree. Unlike the anti-inflammatory
products like Aspirin or Steroids, Triterpenes do not block the benefits of the immune response.
Our mushroom based Protect & Defend Life immune booster is considered to be a nutraceutical
product. This term, used by the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine, describes
standardized, non-toxic food and dietary supplements that have a pharmacological healing effect on
the body. This term itself, nutraceutical, is a combination of the root words nutrition and
Our mushroom products are carefully produced from selected raw materials and made from
extracts that are quality controlled for consistency and potency. We manufacture under FDA
control and strict pharmaceutical conditions.
Of the Medicinal Mushrooms available, we felt that Reishi and Shiitake would synergize best
with the other components of the Rejuvetate Life System, so let’s take a closer look at them:
REISHI Ganoderma Lucidum
Reishi is a traditional mushroom used to nourish, tonify, and supplement the whole body as it
removes toxins. Extracts have been shown to exert many beneficial effects of an "adaptogen",
defined as a substance that increases the resistance to stress and improves the general tone of the
body and mind. The calming effects of Reishi on the nervous system help the body adapt to stress.
Reishi research currently focuses on the following categories:
Blood Pressure
Stress Reduction
Cardio – Vascular
Liver / Hepatitis
Kidney Tonic
Asthma / Bronchial
Lowering Cholesterol
Reishi, referred to as the "mushroom of immortality”, is one of the most effective substances in
Chinese medicine. Use of the Reishi mushroom as a tonic was referenced in the Chinese medical
literature over 1500 years ago. It is thought to benefit the immune system and help cardiovascular
health and liver function. Reishi Mushroom is also used as a tonic and as a sedative. The Japanese
government has officially listed Reishi as an adjunct therapy in oncology because of its strong
effect against tumors and cancer. The anti-cancer and immune enhancing effects of Reishi
mushroom is thought to be due to its high content of glyconutrient-rich polysaccharide. In the
Orient, Reishi is used in the treatment for arthritis, hardening of the arteries, angina, altitude
sickness, and shortness of breath associated with coronary heart disease. Reishi mushroom
contains a powerful combination of targeted coenzymes, antioxidants and micronutrients. It helps
replace vital substances in the body that diminishes as we age stimulating cell vitality.
Reishi is rich in Triterpene, one of the 17 amino acids in Reishi. Triterepene is reputed to reduce
hypertension. Triterpene may also be adaptogenic and anti-allergic and appears to inhibit the
release of histamine, a key allergic mediator. Benefits in bronchial asthma, bronchitis and allergies
are described with Reishi extract. The Triterpene content in Reishi may be the reason that Reishi
taking Chinese mountain climbers may ascend as high as 17,000 feet without experiencing high
altitude sickness. Reishi Mushroom studies on the liver may merit further investigation. In a 1986
study (Chang and But) of Reishi in patients with hepatitis, benefits was noted in 92% of the 355
patients treated. Use against liver disease is one of Reishi's longest standing traditional
Shiitake (Lentinula edodes)
Shiitake has been cultivated in China for over 1000 years and is highly regarded for in medicinal
properties. Ancient Chinese medical doctors recommended
Shiitake for long life and good health as early as the 12th Century. It is
currently recognized as a higher Basidiomycetes mushroom, which identifies it for its medicinal
Shiitake research currently focuses on the following categories:
• Anti-Tumor/Cancer
• Cardiovascular
• Lower Cholesterol
• Anti - Viral
• Immune Enhancer
• Liver / Hepatitis
• Blood Pressure
• Increase Libido
Shiitake is an immunostimulant; it stimulates the immune system to produce more interferon, the
natural compound that fights viruses. It is rich in polysaccharide-protein complexes that enhance
the immune system by serving as biological response modifiers.
Lentinan, a Beta Glucan polysaccharide complex that is extracted from Shiitake, is used in Japan
as an approved drug treatment for stomach cancer. Lentinan stimulates the immune system by
activating T-helper cells and macrophages. Lentinan stimulates the immune system to mount an
attack against the cancer cells while leaving normal cells alone (chemotherapy and radiation
therapy kill cancer cells, but also invariably damage normal cells in the process).
Lentinan binds to white blood cells, stimulating them into action, thus increasing one’s resistance to
infections caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites. Lentinan also increases the number of white
cells (Lymphocytes) that circulate in the lymph and flush microbicrobial invaders from the body. In
controlled studies, the Shiitake mushroom component Lentinan has shown great potential in
treating cancer, heart disease, and diseases caused by infections including hepatitis B, HIV and
AIDS. Shiitake mushrooms were recognized as a potential weapon against HIV in Japan in the
Shiitake is considered an excellent protein source because it contains essential amino acids.
Eritadenine, a substance in Shiitake, is thought to help lower cholesterol levels in the blood.
Eritadenine lowers all lipid components of serum lipoproteins in both animals and man. Shiitake
has also shown the capacity to lower high blood pressure in laboratory animals.
Shiitake is also high in the B vitamins (B1, B12, niacin and pantothenic acid) that are necessary for
cell energy and hormone production. Shiitake contains essential amino acids in better proportions
than soy beans, meat, milk, or eggs as well as a good blend of vitamins and minerals including
vitamins A, B, B12, C, D, and Niacin.
Shiitake also contains enzymes that act as protein-like catalysts to help maintain the tissues in our
bodies, orchestrate numerous functions, and help digestion. Eritadenine is a very powerful digestive
enzyme that aids in the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, dairy products and the difficult to
digest foods such as broccoli, nuts, seeds and beans. This enzyme helps lowers all lipid components
of serum lipoproteins and it also helps to lowers cholesterol. Drs. Kaneda and Tokuda reported in
1966 that Shiitake had the ability to accelerate the metabolism and excretion of cholesterol.
Eritadenine exhibits very low toxicity and is effective when administered orally.
James C. Roberts MD FACC
for Med Five Inc. last updated 1/1/04.
Do not use this product if you are pregnant or nursing. If you are under a physician's care or
taking medication, consult your health professional before using this product. Discontinue
use two weeks prior to surgery. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or
prevent any disease.