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Godfrey Library's Book Sale
Topic: Military
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Available on Ebay
Revolutionary War
Chapter Sketches – Connecticut Daughters of the American
Revolution 1904
Connecticut State History of the Daughters of the American
Dar Patriot Index, Volume 2: by National Society of the Daughters
of the American Revolution, 1980 (pages: 406) A compilation of the
names of Revolutionary War Patriots, male and female, whose
service and identity have been established by the Daughters of the
American Revolution.
The American Revolution: How Revolutionary Was it? edited by
George Athan Billias,Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York, 1980
(pages: 203)
War of 1812
The Battle of Stonington: Torpedoes, Submarines, and
Rockets in the War of 1812, by James Tertius De Kay, Naval
Institute Press, Annapolis, 1990.
Civil War
The Civil War by Bruce Catton
Subjects included are A House Divided, Clash of Amateur Armies,
The Navies, The Armies, Politics of War, Destruction of Slavery and
much more…
The Coming Fury, The Centennial History of the Civil War –
Bruce Catton
This Hallowed Ground, The Story of the Union Side of the Civil
War – Bruce Catton
Military Books
Never Call Retreat – Bruce Catton
The Terrible Swift Sword – Bruce Catton
War of the Rebellion – Official Records of the Union and
Confederate Armies, Series I, Vol. 28 Part II Correspondence,
Washington: Government Printing Office. 1890 672 pages
An Annapolis Valley (Nova Scotia) Youth in the Union Navy
Records of Penna. Volunteers in the Spanish-American War 1898–
T.J. Stewart–1901 Records of Pennsylvania Volunteers in the
Spanish-American War 1898; WM. Stanley Ray, 1898, 946 pagesThis book contains records of the names of all soldiers and sailors
from Pennsylvania that participated in the Spanish-American War as
shown by the muster-in and muster-out rolls on file in the Adjutant
General’s Office. The names are organized by what regiment they
served in.
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Click Here to Purchase
Historical Register and Dictionary of the US Army, Vol. 1 Historical Register and Dictionary of the US Army, Vol. 1; by Francis
B. Heitman, Government Printing Office, 1908, 1069 pages- This
work provides an immense amount of information about the United
States Army from 1789-1903. It chronicles the development of the
Army’s founding and provides specific information as well, such as
the names of officers, the number of medals given to soldiers and the
recipients, the size of the army at various times, as well as much more
An Album of Memories: Personal Histories from the Greatest
Generation, by Tom Brokaw, Random House, New York, 2001, 384
pages. Personal stories of the Second World War.
Bradley, by Alan Axelrod - Lessons in Leadership, Great General
Series 204pp
Citizen Soldiers, the US Army from the Normandy Beaches to the
Bulge to the Surrender of Germany. This book covers battles in
the hedgerows of Normandy, the readout at St.-Lo, the Falaise Gap,
Patton tearing through France, the liberation of Paris, the attempt to
leap the Rhine in Operation Market-Garden, the near-miraculous
German recovery, the battles around Metz and in the Hurtgen Forest,
the Battle of the Bulge-the biggest in the history of the US Army--the capture of the bridge at Remagen, and finally the overrunning of
Germany, 1997, by Stephen E. Ambrose (512 pages)
Military Books
Day of Infamy by Walter Lord, New York: Henry Holt and Company,
1957, 243 pages.
Goodbye, Darkness… A Memoir of the Pacific War: by William
Manchester, Back Bay Books/Little Brown and Company, 1979,
1980 - 395 pages. Manchester’s memoir of his early life and service
with the Marines during World War II paint an incredible picture of
just what it was like to serve in the Pacific front of the war.
A Higher Call by Adam Makos, Berkley Caliber 2012, 392 pages.
The true story of two pilots in World War II, Charles Brown, a rookie
American with a floundering plane and dying crew, and Franz
Stigler, German flying ace, and how an encounter in the sky deeply
touched them both
Steel Boat, Iron Hearts by Hans Jacob Goebeler with John Vanzo,
Savas Beatie LLC 2008, 2013, 258 pages. The memoir of a German
U-boat crewman serving during World War II on the U-505.
The Two-Ocean War: A Short Story of the United States Navy in
the Second World War by Samuel Eliot Morison, Boston: Little,
Brown, and Company, 1963, 611 pages
Korea, The Untold Story of the War by Joseph C. Goulden, 1982,
this is a definitive story of one of the most momentous events in
modern US history, our first “Hot war” with a Communist adversary.
This was America’s first no-win, limited, undeclared war--a “police
action,” the “wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time,”
probably unconstitutional, and ominous precedent costing 52,246
American lives, and the first war in which both the East and West are
armed with nuclear bombs. (690 pages)
New England Korean War Dead
In Memoriam
pub. 2004
The Armada: by Garret Mattingly, Kingsport Press Inc., 1959
(pages: 443). The story of the English fleet’s defeat by the Spanish
Armada in 1588.
The Great Gamble, by Dudley Pope
On 2nd April, 1801, the Royal Navy anchored a few hundred yards
off the Copenhagen waterfront and engaged the Danes in a battle. To
Nelson, the battle of Copenhagen was more than a great gamble: it
was unnecessary. 579 pp (published in 1972)
Military Books
Heck’s Pictorial Archive of Military Science, Geography and
History, Edited by J. G. Heck with Over 3,400 Illustrations, Dover
Publications 1994
The Hundred Years War, The English in France 1337-1453
1066, The Year of the Conquest, by David Howarth
1066, The Year of the Conquest, by David Howarth
The French Revolution, In Two volumes by Georges Lefebvre –
2 Vol. set
V.1-From Its Origins Subjects include European Expansion,
European Society, The Aristocratic Revolution, The Bourgeois
Revolution, Flight of the King and Declaration of War, The Second
French Revolution, Invasion of Poland and of France…366pp
V.2- From 1793 to 1799 Subjects include The European Coalition,
The First Directory, Anglo-French War, The Crisis of the Year VII in
France, Results of the War…430pp
History of the French Revolution, by Thomas Carlyle
The French Revolution – In consultation with Professor David L.
The War of the Two Emperors The Duel Between Napoleon and
Alexander: Russia, 1812
The Anatomy of Glory, Henry Lachouque and Anne A. K. Brown
with a new Introduction by David G. Chandler 1978 (564pp)
This book provides the history of the Imperial Guard from birth
during the Consulate to its death in 1815.
Napoleon, From Tilsit to Waterloo 1807-1815
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The Army of the Caesars
Lucan Pharsalia, Dramatic Episodes of the Civil
Military Books
Massa’s Short History of the Muscovite Wars, translated and with
an introduction by G. Edward Orchard. This history of the
Beginnings and Origins of These Present Wars in Moscow under the
Reign of Various Sovereigns down to the year 1610
Retreat from Moscow, Memoirs of Sergeant Bourgogne
Revolt in the Desert, by T. E. Lawrence
The Battle of Bosworth
The Great Enterprise, The History of the Spanish Armada
Military Books