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Ancient Mesopotamian
Astronomy in the Indus Valley
By. Ryan Parker
Ancient Mesopotamian Astronomy in
the Indus Valley.
Mesopotamia was the first civilization and also
the birth place of Astronomy.
• In this presentation I will give a brief
description of the Mesopotamian civilization.
• Followed by ancient astronomical artifacts of
Sumer, Akkad, kish and other Mesopotamian
cities in the Indus Valley.
Mesopotamian civilization
Civilization started in the Indus Valley around
10,000 B.C.
Cities formed on the river banks of the Indus
Valley the first being Sumer.
After several centuries many other cities
developed, creating a large populated area
known to be Mesopotamia.
The Indus Valley the birth place of
Mesopotamian Water Watch.
This tool was probably one of the first tools to tell time. In Mesopotamia ,days
were divided into 12 sections, each of these sections were divided by 30
degrees and each degree was divided into 4 minute periods.
Venus Tablet of King Ammizaduga
This tablet was a recording of the movement of the planet Venus and its
appearance and disappearance in the sky.
A Sumerian humanized Zodiac dating back to 2300 B.C
Mesopotamian artifact showing the
planets and the sun.
Sumerian artifact showing there belief of 12 planets or bodies
in our solar system the planet to the right is one they called
Nibiru other similar seals don’t show nibiru, which means It
may have been a traveling body.
Indus Valley Scorpio and Taurus
sculptures dated 3100 B.C.
Sumerian engraving of the 4 corners of the world, In Mesopotamia
they believed that the earth was flat.
Stone carving of a Mesopotamian Priest
observing the night sky.
Ancient Mesopotamian zodiac, This chart is from the 8th century B.C.. It was
found in the city of Ninevia. In Mesopotamia there calendar was based on the
cycles of the moon, like many other ancient civilizations.
Constellations used in the ancient
Mesopotamian Indus Valley.
• Mesopotamia was the birth place of
civilization and also astronomy. After the
Natural resources of Mesopotamia were
tapped the population spread and so did their
beliefs in Astronomy. This gave way for the
foundation of Astronomical beliefs in the old
• Works Cited
• "Astronomy of Mesopotamia: Sumeria, Babylon, and Assyria."
Astronomy of Mesopotamia: Sumeria, Babylon, and Assyria. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2012.
• "Sumerian Astronomical Knowledge." Sumerian Astronomical
Knowledge. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2012.
• "Sumerian Astronomy." Sumerian Astronomy. N.p., n.d. Web. 19
Nov. 2012.