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Live Performance in Theater Paris
Kanté Kerfonse´s family have been ´griots´ (traditional troubadours) in Guinea for many
generations.His grandfather, Elhadj Djeli Fodé, and his grandfather’s brother El Hadj Ibrahim Kanté,
were two very famous griots from the Manding empire.
Kerfonse was born January 1 1979 in Conakry, Guinea. His mother’s name was Djesoou Koyaté.
Kerfonse Kanté is a talented singer, composer and lyricist with a unique, irresistible musical style.
He displays the rare qualities that distinguish real talent, marking him distinctly above the average
recording artist. He blends the traditional music of his native Guinea-Conakry with pop, salsa, rap,
reggae and house grooves.
Kerfonse comes from a musical family. His father, Manfila Kanté, was a very well known griot
(traditional troubadour) in his native Guinea and his uncle Mory Kanté is well-known in the
West since his dance record 'Yèkè Yèkè' hit most European charts.
His first cd is called 'Femmes Battues’ and has appeared on the ABS Bellissima/Melissa Music label.
Earlier this year, Kerfonse, in cooperation with his uncle Mory Kanté, recorded one album and the single
'Oranje' for the Dutch national football team which participated so sucessfully in the 2010 FIFA World Cup
in South Africa. Consequently, he was invitied to perform live at Dutch radio station Radio 3 FM in
Hilversum, with DJ Rob Stenders (, and he also
performed live on several local and regional stations: TV Limburg, Omroep venlo Radio, Radio
Venray and TV L1 in Maastricht.
On 17 July, he performed at the Oase Festival, which opened the traditional four-day marching event in
Nijmegen, in a brilliant performance that was described as 'a swinging, unique and sensational show which
lasted no less than 2 hours!'
On August 14 2010 Kerfonse Kanté World Music & Band performed to great acclaim at the Huntenpop
Festival in Arnhem with musicians from Paris who also play with his uncle Mory Kanté.
You can find excerpts from several of Kerfonse Kanté's live performances on YouTube:
His music proves that traditional African instruments blend very well with western guitars and keyboards.
His songs are, of course, about love, but also about the protection of nature, the rights of women, like in the
title song of his cd Femmes Battues, which translates as ‘Battered Women’ and about living in a
multicultural world. He is currently touring the festivals of Europe to promote his cd.
Kerfonse Kanté is a true revelation in modern African music.
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