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A Portrait of Honest Abe
Teaching Objective
Students will understand that character traits can be portrayed through music by learning
about Abraham Lincoln.
Bob-tailed nag - A horse with a bobbed tail
Gray - A gray horse
Marker board or chalk board
Markers or chalk
Song sheet (and recording) of “ Camptown Races”
A recording of Lincoln Portrait by Aaron Copland, if available
Legends about Lincoln drawn from internet searches using “Abraham Lincoln legends”.
For example, or
Pre Assessment
Ask students if they can think of anyone from American history that could be considered a
hero. Answers might include Ben Franklin, George Washington, General Patton, etc.
Teaching Sequence
1. Tell students that they will learn about an American hero whose accomplishments have
become larger than life. Tell them that legends often spring up concerning heroes - their
accomplishments are exaggerated or even made up in some cases, but these exaggerations
come from true strengths in their character. Ask students to listen to the following clues
and try to guess this famous person's name:
*He was born in Kentucky
*He grew up in a log cabin
*He was well known for being honest
*His portrait is on the penny
*He was a good wrestler
*He was the 16th president of the United States.
Tell students that his name was Abraham Lincoln. Tell them that Lincoln became famous
because of the courage and wisdom with which he led our country through the Civil War, a
very serious and important struggle in our country's history.
2. Share with students legends that have sprung up about Lincoln. Ask them how these
legends spring from Lincoln's real-life traits.
3. Tell students that Lincoln was pivotal to the history of our country and that a famous
composer named Aaron Copland wrote a piece of music for orchestra called Lincoln Portrait.
In this composition, he included famous quotes that Abe Lincoln quotes, and music popular in
the mid 1800's. Copland included the Stephen Foster song "Camptown Races" which was
popular during Lincoln's lifetime. Tell them that soon they are going to be hearing this piece
when they at tend a Youth Concert at the Meyerson Symphony Center. If available, use a
song sheet or recording of "Camptown Races" or a recording of Lincoln Portrait.
Culminating Activity
Have students think of a fictional or real-life character whose personal strengths or
accomplishments make them seem heroic. If possible, encourage them to consider a
character around which a legend has sprung up. Have them write a short report about this
person. Point out that when they are finished, a reader should be able to identify the
personal strengths of the person in their story. Have them choose appropriate music to
accompany a reading of their story. They should be able to explain why they chose the music
they did - what characteristics of the music are appropriate to the traits of their hero.
Did students' responses indicate an understanding of character traits of a hero, and how
these traits can be portrayed through music?
Co-Curricular Connections/TEKS
Fine Arts/Music: 117.12 3.5A,BC, 3.6A,B; 117.15 4.5A,D, 4.6A,B,C; 117.18 5.5A,B,E, 5.6A,B,C;
117.33 6.5A,B,D, 6.6A,B,C
English Language Arts and Reading: 110.5 1A,B,C,D, 3C, 4A, 14A,B,C,D,; 110.6 1A,B,C, 4A,
15A,D,E,F; 110.7 1A,B,C, 4A, 15A,D,E,F,G; 110.22 1A,B,C,D, 4A, 15A,D,E,F,G,H
Social Studies: 113.5 3A,B,C, 16A,B,C,E, 17A,B,C, 18A,B; 113.6 22B,C,D,E, 23A,B,C,D,E,
24A,B; 113.7 4D, 21B, 22A,B, 25B,C,D,E, 26A,B,C, D,E, 27A,B; 113.22 18A,B,C,D, 21B,C,D,E,
22A,B,C,D,E, 23A,B
Camptown Races- Song Sheet
Camptown ladies sing this song,
Doo-da, Doo-da
Camptown racetrack's five miles long
Oh, de doo-da day
Goin' to run all night
Goin' to run all day
I bet my money on a bob-tailed nag
Somebody bet on the gray