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Alex Nowitz er komponist og skriver vokal- og kammermusik, elektroakustisk musik og musik
til dans og teater. Han har modtaget bestillinger fra institutioner og ensembler såsom State
Theatre Braunschweig, Staatsoper Unter den Linden Berlin, Theater Osnabrück,
Schaubuehne Berlin, Fabrik Potsdam, Potsdam Chamber Academy, work-in-progress Berlin
og Maulwerker Berlin. Alex Nowitz er desuden sanger - kontratenor - og eksperimenterende
stemmekunstner, der har en bred vifte af udvidede vokale teknikker, der går langt ud over
den rent klassiske sangteknik og stemmebrug. maltesiske formsprog.
Andreas Borregaard plays the classical accordion and decided to become a musician after an
overwhelming experience. It was during his first years at the music academy in Copenhagen,
it was whilst working on a piece by the composer Bent Sørensen, at a time when he was still
uncertain of where he was going in his life. But after that he truly felt what music was all
about, he didn’t really look back.nThe feeling of reaching the core of music still makes him
blushingly happy. And to him, it seems to be the highest privilege to share this feeling with
other people.
Andreas Tilliander aka TM404 might be one of Europe’s most active techno-pop musicians.
He has recorded several albums and 12-inch records under just as many names (LOWFOUR,
Mokira, Andreas Tilliander, Komp and more.) He’s worked with some of Europe’s most
interesting electronic labels. He’s even been awarded for a Swedish Grammy twice.
Pluxemburg will release his new album this fall, an album that shows a new direction in
Andreas music - more pop, vocals and steady beats, but still with the unique sound of
Andreas Tilliander.
asamisimasa was founded in 2002 by musicians sharing a passion and interest in avantgarde music and its history. Since then, the ensemble has premiered numerous cross-media
works especially written for them, often contextualized with classical repertoire and historical
avant-garde work.
Athelas Sinfonietta Copenhagen er blandt de førende danske ensembler inden for ny
kompositionsmusik. Ensemblet optræder på koncerter, ved operaforestillinger, på festivaler
og internationale turneer. I efteråret 2013 lancerede Athelas ”Brand New Tuesdays” - en serie
på i alt 12 koncerter, hvor unge danske og internationale komponisters musik opføres i
utraditionelle rammer og i tæt dialog med publikum. Siden grundlæggelsen i 1990 har Athelas
opført ca. 600 forskellige værker.
Århus Sinfonietta blev grundlagt i 1990 af en gruppe musikere fra Aarhus Symfoniorkester og
Det Jyske Ensemble i samarbejde med komponisten Hans Abrahamsen. Århus Sinfonietta
har 17 faste medlemmer og dækker alle instrumentgrupperne i et symfoniorkester.
Ensemblets medlemmer er ansat i Aarhus Symfoniorkester, Aalborg Symfoniorkester,
Odense Symfoniorkester, Ensemble MidtVest og Det Jyske Ensemble samt ved Det Jyske
Musikkonservatorium. Århus Sinfoniettas repertoire består både af værker for stort ensemble
og af kammermusik og værker for soloinstrumenter. Hovedrepertoiret er den nye danske
musik, meget ofte uropførelser og bestillingsværker af danske komponister. Århus Sinfonietta
har uropført værker af bl.a. Per Nørgård, Karl Aage Rasmussen, Niels Rosing-Schow, Bent
Sørensen, Simon Steen-Andersen, Thomas Agerfeldt Olesen, Bent Lorentzen, Ole Buck,
Peter Bruun og Niels Marthinsen.
Bo Madvig er aktiv udøvende scenekunstener på den internationale scene. Han har studeret
til fysisk performer ved HKA, Hogeschool vor de Kunsten Amsterdam. Han har en autodidakt
baggrund som verbal og fysisk skuespiller og underviser bl.a. i fysisk og improvisatorisk
udtryk for skuespillere og dansere. Bo Madvig er en eftertragtet underviser ved højere
læreranstalter i ind og udland og underviser ved Statens Scenekunstskole.
Biosphere is the main recording name of Geir Jenssen, a Norwegian musician who has
released a notable catalogue of ambient electronic music. He is well known for his "ambient
techno" and "arctic ambient" styles, his use of music loops, and peculiar samples from sci-fi
sources. His track "Novelty Waves" was used for the 1995 campaign of Levi's. His 1997
album Substrata is generally seen as one of the all time classic ambient albums [1].
Biosphere regularly performs live during electronic music festivals and in clubs throughout
Europe and various other locales around the world. Live performances usually consist of
Jenssen performing improvisations or variations on newer tracks on a laptop while video art is
projected behind him; for example, full-screen video art was projected in his Picturehouse
cinema tour in April 2006. Although these performances are rarely tied specifically to a recent
album release, the uptempo material from the Bleep and Microgravity/Patashnik era is rarely
featured in Biosphere performances.
The Cikada ensemble was founded in Oslo in 1989, and has from the very outset consisted of
flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, string quintet and conductor Christian Eggen. As permanent
members, the ten Cikadas have created a strong ensemble identity, and developed their
highly acclaimed profile on the international contemporary music scene synonymous with
the Oslo Sound of fresh, vibrant, warm and virtuosic interpretations of consciously selected,
contemporary repertoire. In concerts at major international festivals and on numerous albums,
Cikada’s distinct ensemble profile manifests itself in strong programming. Central to Cikada is
a devotion to develop close, long-term collaborations with composers and to build composer
portraits with both existing and commissioned works over time. Aesthetically unbiased,
Cikada is open to a manifold range of repertoire in combination with a passionately refined
approach to concert programming. Each concert is carefully programmed to create a
present and welcoming musical flow.
For fem år siden besluttede en håndfuld mennesker at stifte Dania Brass Band.
De mente, at København manglede et band, som ikke var på niveau med Concord Brass
Band og Lyngby-Taarbæk Brass Band, men som alligevel kunne blande sig i toppen af de
bedre bands i Danmark. Dette må siges at være lykkedes; siden bandet så hinanden første
gang i marts 2010, har bandet vundet flere 1. pladser ved forskellige konkurrencer (herunder
2 i DM for Brass), 2. pladser og 3. pladser.
18 af Danmarks bedste sangere udgør tilsammen DR VokalEnsemblet. Et vokalensemble i
høj internationale klasse. DR VokalEnsemblets klang er gennemsigtig, lys og ren, og korets
præcision er forbundet med en stor dynamik. Det er en klangverden, som rummer essensen
af den berømte nordiske korstil. DR VokalEnsemblet har da også et meget tæt forhold til
dansk og nordisk musik: store komponister som Per Nørgård og Sven-David Sandström har
skrevet musik specielt til koret. DR VokalEnsemblets store repertoire dækker alle aspekter af
korsang, lige fra helt nyskrevne værker til 500 år gammel renæssancemusik, og siden 2014
har DR VokalEnsemblets chefdirigent været Marcus Creed.
Drånkvartetten är Fredrik Bergström, Bruno Andersen, Harald Pettersson och Johannes
Geworkian-Hellman. Utifrån den 1000-åriga vevliran och liveelektronik spelar de nya,
odödliga kompositioner.
GLAS består af 6 kvinder, der synger bulgarsk a capella. Ensemblet blev dannet i 2001 og er
bosat i København. Deres debut-CD "KOPIRIN" blev nomineret ved Danish Music Award
2010, og deres anden CD "Wisdom Of Birds" udkom i 2012. GLAS har optrådt i Danmark,
Sverige, Finland, Bulgarien og på Færøerne, og de har samarbejdet med Odin Teatret, Kira
Skov & Peter Peter, Line Tjørnhøj, Frans Bak, John Sund, Jeanette Albeck samt medvirket
på lydsiden af filmen ”Skagerrak” med musik af Jacob Groth.
Esbjerg Ensemble fremfører klassisk kammermusik med kompromisløs kvalitetssans, og er
anerkendt for sin nyskabende og alsidige programlægning. Ensemblet består p.t. af 10
temperaments- og udtryksfulde musikere fra hele verden, alle særligt udvalgt for netop deres
unikke egenskaber, fordelt som blæserkvintet, strygekvartet og slagtøj. Gæstemusikere på
klaver og kontrabas bliver håndplukket til programmer, der kræver udvidet besætning.
Ensemblet spiller hele den klassiske musiks kanon, men er i høj grad kendt for sin stilsikre
fortolkning af moderne værker. Derfor er Esbjerg Ensemble ofte det naturlige valg, når
nulevende komponister søger ensembler til at uropføre eller indspille nyskrevet
kompositionsmusik. Ensemblet har sat standarden for kammermusik i Danmark og har haft
stor betydning for hele det kulturelle liv i regionen og på landsbasis.
Faint Noise consists of Anna Petrini, recorder, Karin Hellqvist, violin and Malin Bång, objects,
electronics and composer. They perform contemporary music.
Frauke är koreograf med fokus på butoh och performance. Hon är baserad i Göteborg men
arbetar även internationellt. Hon har skapat en egen genre inom butoh där hennes verk är
platsspecifika och unika. Hon arbetar ofta tillsammans med andra konstnärer från andra
discipliner än sin egen. Hennes performance är inspirerad av samtidskonst och nutida
koreografi. GoldDigger Productions har representerat Frauke sedan 2012 och producerat
verken Engdangered (2012), Body Poetry (2012), Enlightenment (2013), How to be invisible
(2013), Godai (2013) och kommande Vibrissa (2014).
The International Contemporary Ensemble (ICE), described by the New York Times as “one
of the most accomplished and adventurous groups in new music,” is dedicated to reshaping
the way music is created and experienced. With a modular makeup of 35 leading
instrumentalists, performing in forces ranging from solos to large ensembles, ICE functions as
performer, presenter, and educator, advancing the music of our time by developing innovative
new works and new strategies for audience engagement. ICE redefines concert music as it
brings together new work and new listeners in the 21st century.
IKI is boiling intuition and EXPLODING improvisation! It evolves and transforms singing, and
brings it into new, uncharted territories. IKI is an improvising vocal ensemble consisting of
eight female vocalists from Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland, based in Copenhagen,
Denmark. The band came together in 2009 and has since then appeared on Nordic national
TV and radio, and their curious and intuitive approach to music has brought them to concert
venues and festivals all around the Nordic countries and further down in Europe.
The ensemble works with a philosophy of being present and composing music on the spot. It
is in an ongoing exploration of the human voice with its many facets and sounds. Musically
IKI takes influences from different genres such as modern jazz, classical compositions, pop,
folk and avant-garde. The young women’s deep Nordic roots shine through every aspect of
their music, and could be described as Björk meets CocoRosie and Arvo Pärt.
Jakob Bloch Jespersen made his debut at the Royal Danish Theatre in 2006 as Angelotti in
Puccini's Tosca under the direction of Giordano Bellincampi and participated in Carl Nielsen's
Maskarade as Magister under the direction of Michael Schönwandt. He has also sung
operatic roles such as Collatinus in Britten's Rape of Lucretia and Basilio in Rossini’s The
Barber in Seville at The New Opera with Barokksolistene as well as performances in
numerous contemporary opera productions. Jakob Bloch Jespersen is in demand as a
concert singer throughout Europe, with a repertoire stretching from the 17th until the 21st
century. He has a particular affinity for German Baroque music, especially J.S. Bach. In
contemporary repertoire, Jakob Bloch Jespersen has performed music such as Luciano
Berio’s Sinfonia, Karheinz Stockhausen’s Stimmung, and sung the part as Christus in Arvo
Pärt’s Passio with Paul Hillier’s Theatre of Voices, as well as a number of world premiers in
collaboration with ensembles such as Kammerensemble Neue Musik Berlin, Figura
Ensemble, and London Sinfonietta.
Josefine, Pernille, Christos and Bjarke met each other during their studies at the Royal
Danish Academy of Music and they have been collaborating since in numerous concerts of
classical music.
In 2013 they decided to get together and form a quartet, under the name of Kottos, to share
their passion for folk music and to feed their common need to explore progressive forms and
alternative sounds.
Krock is a swedish collective of musicians and composers, formed in 2005, which is focusing
on new, contemporary, art music for electric guitars, but also older (classical) and forgotten
works in new arrangements. Their goal is to collaborate frequently and close with national
and international composers and musicians, experimenting and finding new ways to play the
instrument, and make the electric guitar a more obvious and natural part of the contemporary
scene. They perform music in solo and chamber format, but also bigger setups and together
with dancers, singers, other ensembles, visual artists and in opera.
Midaircondo is a Swedish electronica duo consisting of Lisa Nordström and Lisen Rylander
Löve. Since the start in 2003 Midaircondo[1] has released three albums, toured around
Europe,[2] Africa and South and North America. The duo has created and performed music
for dance performances, theatre, TV, radio and movies. Midaircondo are known for their
improvised concerts with a mix of acoustic instruments, voice, electronics and video.[3] The
duo has performed at a number of international festivals such as Sónar (ES),[4] Mutek
Festival (CL), Molde Jazzfestival (NO) and Berlin Music Week (DE).
Pinquins is a percussion trio based in Oslo, Norway. The trio was established in 2008, and
the current members are Sigrun Rogstad Gomnæs, Johanne Byhring and Ane Marthe Sørlien
Holen. Pinquins has produced and presented a number of concerts and tours in Norway,
Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Holland and Australia. In addition to this, they have performed
at festivals such as The Ultima Oslo Contemporary Festival, The Bergen International
Festival, The Øya Festival, Only Connect Festival, The THEMUS Festival (Gothenburg), The
BrassWind Festival and collaborations with Ny Musikk (Norwegian section of the
ISCM). Pinquins also tours regularly as part of The Norwegian Concert Institute's school
program. Pinquins is currently collaborating with Curated Place (UK) about the project
"Moving Classics - Network for New Music". This project involves composers from all over
Europe, and performers from Norway, Iceland and UK. Concerts will take place in all of the
countries involved, over the next couple of years.
SCENATET is an ensemble that designs every concert individually. This Danish ensemble
sees itself as a creator of conceptual art works and processes of discovery, in which music is
just one part. In fact SCENATET is not a traditional ensemble at all, but rather a multifaceted
and unique unit within the field of the contemporary arts – and neither does the ensemble
really give traditional concerts. Founded in 2008 by artistic director Anna Berit Asp
Christensen, SCENATET performs for a broad and diverse audience, rarely performing in the
same place or context twice. SCENATET has performed events in shopping malls and
backyards, major festivals and experimental venues, and the preoccupation with ‘everyday
spaces’ to which they bring their art makes SCENATET performances into theatrical
installations just as much as concert productions.
Sif Jessen Hymøller has worked professionally with puppetry both on TV and in theater for 9
years. She saw her first puppet show when she was 27, and she immediately knew that there
was no way around it. She quit her job as a teacher and devoted herself entirely to puppetry.
Since then she has toured the world, worked on TV productions, given lectures and classes,
been a puppetry consultant, puppet builder and much much more. Dreams do come true!
Sofia Jernberg is a Swedish soprano, voice-artist, improviser and composer. Between 2002
and 2004, Jernberg studied jazz at Fridhems Folk High School. Later she studied for Per
Mårtensson and Henrik Strindberg at The Gotland School of Music Composition. In 2008, she
received the Royal Swedish Academy of Music's jazz award. Jernberg is the leader (together
with the pianist Cecilia Persson) of the chamber jazz group Paavo. The group received the
"jazz group of the year" award from Swedish Radio. Jernberg is also working on the
contemporary classical music scene, in which she serves as both singer and composer. As a
singer she has premiered pieces by composers such as Lars Bröndum. She was a soloist
with Norrbotten NEO when they performed Arnold Schönberg's Pierrot Lunaire. Jernberg has
composed for several established ensembles such as Duo ego and Norrbotten NEO.
Song Circus is a Norwegian chamber ensemble of professional and improvising singers. The
ensemble is specializing in the interpretation of contemporary music.
THEATRE OF VOICES fejrede i 2010 sin 20 års fødselsdag, og året begyndte med en
Grammy for David Lang-cd’en ’The Little Match Girl Passion’.
Gruppen blev grundlagt af sangeren og dirigenten Paul Hillier i USA, men er nu fast etableret
i Danmark og benytter hovedsaglig danske og regionale sanger/musikere. Aktuelt repertoire
omfatter musik fra Perotin over Dowland, Carissimi og Buxtehude til mange af nutidens mest
markante komponister som Berio, Pärt, Reich, Cage, og Stockhausen. TOV har i de seneste
år medvirket i John Adams Grand Pianola Music og hans vidt berejste og berømte El Niño.
Ensemblet er fast gæst på bl.a. Edinburgh Festival, på Barbican Centre og i Carnegie Hall i
New York, hvor uropførelse af David Langs ‘The Little Match Girl Passion’ fandt sted. Stykket
er skrevet til gruppen og vandt i 2008 Pulitzer Prisen. Det år omfattede også tourné med
Stockhausen’s Stimmung på BBC Proms, åbningskoncert på Berliner Festspiele efter
Stockhausens ønske.
Weld är en konstnärsdriven plattform för dans och konst. Organisationens mål är att vara
undersökande, kritisk och experimentell. Plattformen verkar främst för att utveckla och stärka
konstformen och begreppet dans och arbetar för nationella, internationella utbyten och
samarbeten. Weld skapar inom de två delar W2 och Lab årligen en rad föreställningar,
utställningar, projektpresentationer och föreläsningar och riktar sig till såväl professionella
som en intresserad allmänhet.
Weld startades 2006 av Anna Koch, som är dansare, koreograf och konstnärlig ledare på
Weld. Här utvecklar hon sina egna koreografiska projekt och organisationens verksamhet.
Anna har under flera år varit verksam internationellt och rör sig i sin yrkesroll i många
sammanhang. Hon förekommer i konstvärlden och inom teatern men är också aktivt
engagerad inom elektronmusikvärlden.