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BIO - Søren Kjærgaard
Piano / keys, composer / arranger & Ikscheltaschel rapper.
Since Søren Kjærgaard in 2000 won the Nordic Young Jazz Competition he has
established himself as one of the Danish music scene’s most wanted pianists and
keyboard players. In 2004 the pianist/composer was awarded the Danish National
Radio Jazz Award for his originality and creative presence on the experimental jazz
scene of Copenhagen and Denmark, being one the pioneers in the new wave of the
young generation. The award was followed by radio appearances and the recent solo
piano/key album ”KEYS” (january 2006) which was recorded in the National Radio
On the jazz scene, Søren Kjærgaard has claimed attention for his three releases on
ILK (2005): Søren Kjærgaard Trio - ”Amfebia” & ”Akustia; Bandapart. He is a third of
the hard hitting hip hop dadaists of Ikscheltaschel who opened the Roskilde Festival
2005 on the legendary Orange Stage. He is leader of the Rhythmic Music
Conservatory (Copenhagen) school orchestra, Ultraktement. He was musical director
and arranger on the highly acclaimed album, ”Andersens Drømme”, featuring some of
the greatest poets and rock/pop artists of Denmark, and he is active on the Danish
rock scene with Nikolaj Nørlund and Jens Unmack. Internationally Søren Kjærgaard
has toured with former Lounge Lizzards tenorman Michael Blake’s Blake Tartare.
Søren Kjærgaard has performed in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Estonia,
Lithuania, Russia, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, France, New York and Canada...
...and he has toured/performed/recorded with:
Tim Berne, Herb Robertson, Derek Bailey, William Parker, Jim Black, Andrew
D’Angelo, Mike Formanek, Tony Malaby, Peter Brötzman, Thomas Öberg (Bob Hund),
Michael Blake, Ben Street, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Povl Dissing, Steffen Brandt, Swan Lee,
Tina Dickow, Peter Sommer, Mikael Simpson, Bent Jædig, Hugo Rasmussen, Pierre
Dørge and many others....
CV - Søren Kjærgaard – page 1/2
Pianist, composer, arranger, ikscheltaschel rapper
1985-1994 – Danish Public School 1st – 9th grade
1994-1997 – Math Student Graduate, Gymnasium
1994-1996 – MGK (talented music student program) Holstebro Music School
1997-2001 – Rhythmic Music Conservatorium (RMC), Copenhagen
2001-2002 – Soloist Diploma, RMC, granted for private studies in NYC, USA.
2000-2005 – Summer Sessions w. Kenny Barron, Joey Baron, Bobby Hutcherson,
Herb Robertson, Egberto Gismonti, Airto Moeira, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Chris Potter a.o.
Teaching Jobs, Union -and Board memberships
1996 – Member of KODA (Danish Composers Union)
1996-1997 – Piano Teacher at Holstebro Music School
2000 – Co-founder of KRAN (venue for contemporary music)
2002 – Member of DJBFA (jazz & beat composers union) and the Danish Artist Union
2002-2004 – Piano teacher at Rhythmic Center, København.
2003 – Board member of the recordlabel - ILK (
2004 – Staff professor w. John Tchicai at an impro project week at RMC
2004 – Leader of the RMC Orchestra, Ultraktement.
2005 – Staff professor at a Wagner project week at RMC
2005 – Musical Director, arranger and co-composer on the Hans Christian Andersen
project “Andersens Drømme” (Album, Live & TV productions)
Grants & Awards
1998 – Prize winner in an international piano competition in Vilnius, Lithuania
1999 – 1st Prize in the national music competition of Berlingske Tidende
1999 – Touring grant from the Danish Jazz Federation.
2000 – Winner of the Young Comets (DK) w the own trio, Fuchsia
2000 – Winner of the Young Comets (Nordic) at Reykjavik Jazzfest w. Fuchsia
2001 – Travelling grants from, Grosserer L.F. Foght’s Foundation, the Odd Fellow
Foundation, the National Bank of Denmark and the Knud Højgaard Foundation.
2002 – Composing grant from DJBFA
2003 – Composing grants from the State Arts Council, the Danish Mucians Union,
2004 – Touring grant from the Danish Jazz Federation.
2004 – Winner of the National Radio Jazz Award (DR P2)
2004 – Ikscheltaschel is nominated for the National Radio Gold Award (DR P3)
2004 – Composing grant from the State Arts Council
2005 – Composing grants from the State Arts Council & DJBFA
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5/3/78 Born in Lemvig on the west coast of Denmark.
90-94 Appearances at local music festivals with school bands
Enters a music program for young talents (MGK) at Holstebro Music School.
Enters the Rhythmic Music Conservatory in Copenhagen
Invited on tour to Estonia w. a 4tet playing original SK compositions.
Trio tour to Estonia. Prize winner in a solo piano competition in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Winner of the Nordic jazz competition, Young Comets, w. the trio Fuchsia playing live
at the Reykjavik Jazz Fest, Copenhagen Jazzhouse & on a DK tour. Co-arranger of a
60 day multi-art festival in Huset, Cop. Featured on the CD “Kresten Osgood & Hvad
Er Klokken”.
Fuchsia live in Skt. Petersburg, Prag and DK tour w. former Lounge Lizzards
tenorman,Michael Blake. Album release w. Ikscheltaschel (IKS). Fuchsia & IKS live at
the Cop. & Malmö Jazzfest’s w. Peter Brötzman. Performance on national TV. Gigs in
France w. Cai Boisen Moeller. Moves to NYC on a 1 yr conservatory diploma. Live at
Tonic w. Tim Berne Accidental Tourist Band feat. Herb Robertson. Live w. Blake
Tartare at Tonic & The Pyramid Club.
Blake Tartare live at The Knitting Factory feat. Stephen Bernstein & Dave Tronzo.
Impro rec-sessions w. William Parker, Tony Malaby, Derek Bailey & Michael Blake.
Live at Tonic w. Jim Black & Andrew D'Angelo. Live at the Cop Jazzfest, w. Pierre
Dørge, Time Berne Accidental Tourist Band, Fuchsia & IKS. Italian tour w. Blake
Tartare. 2 nights at Cop. Jazzhouse w. Fuchsia. Feature of the month at the Jazz
Kartell, Cop.
Gigs in Paris & Toulouse w. Benjamin Koppel. National Radio live broadcast from Cop
Jazzhouse & the Cop Jazzfestival w. own projects. IKS live at Roskilde Festival.
Performance at the Jazz Grammy Awards. Live at the Cop Jazzfest w. Blake Tartare,
Ben Street, Søren Kjærgaard Trio (SK3) & IKS. In NYC on a 3 week composing grant.
Live at 55-bar & Tonic w. Michael Blake, Tony Scheer & Kenny Wollesen. DK tour w.
Bandapart. Live 3 nights at the Cop Jazzhouse with SK3. Co-founder of the record
label ILK.
Live w. Caroline Henderson on national TV & at Cop Jazzhouse. DK tours w. Nikolaj
Nørlund, SK3, Jædig/Osgood 4tet, Celebrating Leo, IKS & Bandapart. Album release:
"På Danske Læber" a tribute to Leaonard Cohen w. 20 of the biggest names in Danish
rock/pop. Recieves the National Radio Jazz Award. IKS tour in Germany. Blake
Tartare tour to NYC & Canada (Montreal & Vancouver Jazzfest’s). IKS signs w. VME
releasing the album “Ikscheltaschel II”. The IKS-single, Putuni, is hit of the week on
National Radio. Putuni musicvideo on Vocie & Boogie TV. “På Danske Læber” live at
Store Vega, concert released on DVD. TV-performance w. Swan Lee at the Nordic
Music Awards. Blake Tartare tour in Berlin & Italy. SK3 performs & records 3 nights at
the Cop. Jazzhouse.
Performs, as a bottlesinger, at the national Carlsberg conference. Releases the 4tet
album, “Bandapart”, and "Amfebia" & "Akustika" w SK3 (ILK). Musical director,
arranger & co-composer on the album, "Andersens Drømme" w live TV performance at
the Royal Rock Show, Cop. DK tours w Emil Dewaal+, IKS, Celebrating Leo, Jens
Unmack, SK3 & Bandapart. Solo performances at the "Herr Von Eden" fashion shows
in Berlin & Hamburg. SK3 in Berlin. TV performance with SK3. IKS double concert w
De La Soul at Store Vega, Cop. IKS opens the Roskilde Festival on Orange Stage
(National Radio & TV & MTV spots). Italian tour w. Blake Tartare. Live w. Nikolaj
Nørlund 3 in the Tivoli Glass Hall. 2 month composing residence in Paris.