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STEVIE WISHART Composer “Wishart's ‘Out Of This World’ more than lives up to its title… ...conjures a dense and shimmering cloud of sound that echoed from Cadogan Hall’s galleries, catching different harmonic lights and exposing hidden seams of metallic brilliance. On the strength of this movement alone I’d make the journey to hear this slow-­‐release work again ... surely among the finest of this year’s new commissions.” BBC Proms, London, TheArtsDesk, Aug 2011 “5 stars … I have a funny feeling that this disc could become a hit.” DECCA CD, Geoffrey Norris, The Telegraph, London, Oct 2012
‘Out of this World’, for choir Score Sample Extract from 'Out of this World ‘ Commissioned by BBC Radio 3 for the BBC Singers Premiered in the BBC PROMS on 27 August 2011 at the Cadogan Hall, performed by the BBC Singers and Sinfonye, conducted by Robert Hollingworth. LOGANA R T S
CONTENTS BIOGRAPHY 4 CHRONOLOGY 6 LIST OF WORKS 8 PRESS COMMENTS 10 COMPLETE CATALOGUE 12 DISCOGRAPHY & PUBLICATIONS 17 We could be looking at a prototype for the concert of the future (Red Iris)", CD review The Times, London Score sample extracts: P2 Extract from 'Out of this World ‘ P18 Extract from ‘Sound of Gesture’ Credit for Stevie Wishart Image: Els Van Riel LOGANA R T S
BIOGRAPHY Stevie Wishart is a composer, performer and improviser. She explores medieval and contemporary extremes, using voices, ancient technologies such as the hurdy gurdy, and electronic music technologies of our own time. She has composed for modern orchestras and vocal groups and for her own group, Sinfonye. As a composer she works acoustically with music notation, sometimes combined with improvisation, sometimes using computer music systems, and sometimes using all these elements. Education and academic work Stevie Wishart studied composition and electronic music at the University of York with Trevor Wishart and Richard Orton, as well as improvised and aleatoric music with John Cage and David Tudor in Edinburgh. She continued postgraduate performance studies in early music (baroque violin and voice) at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama (Diploma in Advanced Performance) and with a Nuffield Foundation award and a Vicente Cañada Blanch Junior Research Fellowship at the University of Oxford (Degree of MLitt) for research into medieval musical iconography. Invited for a number of composer residences and fellowships, she has presented her work at IRCAM in Paris; the Institute for Music and Acoustics in the ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie) in Karlsruhe, Germany; the ADK, Akademie der Künste, in Berlin, and Mills College in California. She received a Wellcome Trust award to develop her compositions using musical gestures and sound-­‐to-­‐control computers, and to work at the University of Cambridge with the neuroscientist Ian Winter on audio processes based on the physiology of the ear. She is currently a Visiting Music Fellow at the University of Cambridge with the AHRC Research Centre for Musical Performance as Creative Practice (CMPCP). Performances and other activities Stevie has performed at London’s Wigmore Hall, the BBC Proms, the Purcell Room, the Queen Elizabeth Hall, the ICA and the Sydney Opera House, and extensively throughout Europe, the USA, and Australia. Her concerts have been broadcast by BBC Radio 3, Radio France, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, ORF, German Radio Networks, and Klara Radio Belgium VRT. Performances and composing commissions at major festivals include those for the Festival van Vlaanderen and Styriarte. She has also performed her compositions for Pope Benedict XVI at St Peter’s, Rome, and for RAI tv. Contemporary music recordings include those with Fred Frith, John Tilbury, the Art Zoyd Studio, and Ensemble Musiques Nouvelles. Other activities have included an education project for the Britten Sinfonia; acting as music consultant to the Royal Shakespeare Company; and as the European Music Correspondent for ABC, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. She has been on the panel of judges for the MA Festival in Bruges, and for the York Early Music Festival, and has featured on a number of radio programmes for the BBC as well as guest television commentator for BBC PROMS. Stevie also played a major role in ‘Take the Risk’, a special weekend at London’s Southbank exploring improvisation in early music, in which was a performance of her composition ‘Transients’ for voices and medieval and modern instruments. Recent major works LOGANA R T S
‘Iced’, for orchestra and Theremin, was given in 2005, commissioned by Belgian groups Ensemble Musique Nouvelle and Art Zoyd. ‘The Sound of Gesture’, a project developing an interface with specially commissioned sensors and software for solo violin and computer, was developed at ZKM and ADK. It was first performed live in Aalst, Belgium in 2010 as part of an installation, and was recorded at ZKM for release on cd/dvd. For the 2011 Proms Stevie was commissioned by the BBC to write a major choral work. ‘Out of this world’ was premiered that year by the BBC Singers conducted by Robert Hollingworth, and was described in the media as “among the finest of this year’s new [BBC] commissions" (TheArtsDesk 2011) Stevie composed ‘Vespers for St. Hildegard’ in honour of the canonisation of Hildegard of Bingen. A full-­‐
length concert version for choir and instrumental ensemble was premiered in York Minster at the 2013 York Early Music Festival, and a version was recorded for release on CD by Decca, co-­‐produced with Guy Sigsworth. Also a composer for dance, she has written for Margie Medlin, Compagnie Michèle Noiret and Wayne McGregor. She has worked with other major creative artists such as designer Philippe Starck. Current commissions Stevie Wishart ‘Cantata for the Seasons’ was given its world premiere at Snape Maltings in April 2014. Other current major projects include a Concerto Grosso, a double bass concerto, jointly commissioned for Chi-­‐chi Nwanoku and the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and Rob Nairn and the Handel & Haydn Society, to be premiered in Boston and at London’s Southbank Centre in the 2014/15 season. "…the energy of Stevie Wishart's music jumps right out of the stereo and snaps at your ankles. This collection of compositions and improvisations…is dynamic and compelling…demanding to be heard” Andrew Ford, 24 Hours Magazine LOGANA R T S
CHRONOLOGY 2014 World premiere of 'Cantata for the Seasons' at Maltings Concert Hall, Aldeburgh 2013 Receives visiting fellowship from Cambridge University Vespers for St Hildegard – premiere at York Early Music Festival 2012 Inner Garden -­‐ for Viriditas Community Choir, Ghent. Commissioned by Decca CD Release -­‐ ‘Vespers for St Hildegard’, a new setting of vespers by Stevie Wishart. Vatican, Rome -­‐ Vespers for St. Hildegard at St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome in the presence of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI for the doctorate ceremony for St. Hildegard of Bingen. British Embassy to the Holy See, Rome -­‐ Private performance for Dr Rowan William, Archbishop of Canterbury. Chiesa del Gesu, Rome -­‐ Premiere of Dante settings for La Fede di Dante, in the presence of His Eminence Cardinal Ravasi (also on RAI TV). MA Festival Bruge -­‐ Sinfonye premieres new songs, ‘Women in love’. Herrenhausen Festival -­‐ German Premiere of "Out of this World" by BBC Singers and Sinfonye directed by Robert Hollingworth & Stevie Wishart. Erasmus House, Brussels -­‐ Folie Douce: Premiere of song cycle to celebrate 500th anniversary of the 1st edition of Erasmus’s L’Éloge de la Folie d’Érasme. 2011 Birmingham Early Music Festival -­‐ New songs on Sacred and Profane Love in 13th-­‐century France Essl Museum, Germany -­‐ Solos for fingers, strings and a wheel (2008) für Drehleier & Frozen Particles (2010) für Violine und Zuspielung. BBC PROMS -­‐ World Premiere of "Out of this World” by BBC Singers and Sinfonye directed by Robert Hollingworth & Stevie Wishart. CRASSH, Cambridge University -­‐ Lecture-­‐presentation and Improvisation for Hurdy gurdy. Beursschouwburg, Brussels -­‐ Diaspora Sounds #17 – Improvisation. National Theatre, Brussels & European Tour -­‐ Demain, a multiform choreographic piece, commissioned & premiered by Compagnie Michèle Noiret. Appointed European correspondent for ABC Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 2010 The Sound of Gesture CD Release -­‐ A hybrid of music technology, interactivity, real-­‐time sound processing, music gesture and the violin, improvisation & electro-­‐acoustic composition. Netwerk, Aalst -­‐ ‘The Sound of Gesture’, live performances and gallery installation. Festival Exit, MAC Créteil, France -­‐ “Le Son du Nous” by Philippe Starck in Paris. LOGANA R T S
Sounthbank Centre, London -­‐ Take The Risk Festival: Performances and discussion on improvisation in early and contemporary music. Théâtre National, Brussels -­‐ Premiere of ‘Demain’, a multiform choreographic piece, commissioned & premiered by Compagnie Michèle Noiret. Commissioned for new production by Compagnie Michèle Noiret for the Théâtre National in Brussels, based on computer treatments of Beethoven. Medientechnologie Residency -­‐ The Studio für Elektroakustische Musik at the Akademie der Künste in Berlin. Leads education and performance project with the Britten Sinfonia and Wayne McGregor. 2009 CD Release -­‐ ‘Mikroton 4’ with John Tilbury. 2008-­‐10 Residency -­‐ Institut für Musik und Akustik am ZKM, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie 2008 Research grant from The Welcome Trust. 2007 ‘Quartet’ -­‐ For dancer, robot camera and virtual dancer, by Margie Medlin. Co-­‐produced by the ICA and the Wellcome Trust, London. 2006 Théâtre Les Tanneurs, and Festival Bellone-­‐Brigittines, Brussels -­‐ ‘La Chambre Blanche’, Music for dance piece by Michele Noiret. Lauréate du Prix de la Danse 2006 de la Communauté française de Belgique. 2004 ‘Iced’ -­‐ For orchestra, Theremin and live electronics, commissioned by Ensemble Musiques Nouvelles, Belgium and Art Zoyd, Transfrontalier de Productions et de Créations Musicales, 2003 CD Release -­‐ ‘Compass, Log and Lead’ with Fred Frith 2002 The Studio, Sydney Opera House -­‐ Sonic Hieroglyphs -­‐ Commissioned to celebrate the opening of the new studio concert hall at the Sydney Opera House. 1983 Diploma in Advanced Performance, Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London Vicente Cañada Blanch Junior Research Fellowship, administered through University of London 1982 M.Litt., New College, University of Oxford 1979 BA Honours, class: 2 division: 1, University of York LOGANA R T S
LIST OF WORKS Cantata for the Seasons, For choir, solo voices, strings and pianos, 2013/2014 Vespers for St Hildegard, For female choir, 2012 Inner Garden, For community choir, 2012 Choruscans lux. For voice, 2012 Out of this World, For choir, 2011 La Folie, For voice, viola da gamba, hurdy gurdy, 2011 Demain, For electronics, 2010 The Sound of Gesture, For violin, sensors & computer sound transformation/ synthesis, 2008 Solos for Hurdy Gurdy, For hurdy gurdy, strings, Wheel, and Fingers, 2008 Reduction, For String quartet, 2008 Allegretto con fuoco, For string quartet, 2008 Sense, For chamber orchestra, 2008 Quartet, For dancer, robot camera and virtual dancer, 2007 The Myth Of Europa, For medieval violin, hurdy gurdy, theorbo, organ medieval voices, 2007 La Chambre Blanche, Music for dance piece by Michele Noiret, for electronics, 2006 PANG, Music for video installation PANG Anouk de Clercq for electronics, 2006 Arrow, For male voice, organ, and strings, 2005 Island Universes, For Tuba, bass flute, viola, bass clarinet, harp & live electronics, 2004 Jongleurs Du Coeur, For soprano, lute, wind instruments, tromba-­‐marine, percussion, hurdy-­‐gurdy and medieval fiddle, 2004 Rouge Cloître, For renaissance and contemporary voices, harp, organ, lutes, hurdy gurdy, 2004 Iced, For orchestra, Theremin and live electronics, 2004 Illuminations, For string orchestra, 2003 Miss World, For surround sound format and uses urban field recordings, electronic generated sound and treatments for voice and string instruments, 2003 Music for theatre piece, WRAAK (REVENGE), About the lives of Moroccan women in northern Europe, 2003 Slow Love, For violin, hurdy-­‐gurdy, electronics, vocals, 2002 Music for Jane Woollard’s music theatre piece AELFGYVA, For live voices, harp, with additional pre-­‐
recorded parts as a quadraphonic sound-­‐track, 2002 Transients, For voices, prepared and classical harps, oud, sentir, Moroccan hand drums, drum-­‐kit hurdy-­‐gurdy and live electronics, 2002 LOGANA R T S
Subrosa, For female choir, 2001 “UT”, Sound installation c1000 c2000 with visual artist Joan Grounds, 1998 – 2001 Drawn on Sound v.2, Installation with artist Joan Grounds, 1998 – 2001 Azeruz, For flutes, percussion, hurdy gurdy, fiddle, and violin, combined with intricate sampling, programming and keys, and analog synths & found sounds, 2000 Red Iris, Multimedia performance for medieval fiddle, hurdy-­‐gurdy & percussion, 2000 Red rage rouge, For female choir, 1993-­‐1997 9
PRESS COMMENTS “…tasteful reworkings…the sound is superb…this release is miles above that standard and deserves an unbiased listen.” CD: Hildegard, Limelight Magazine, May 2013 “5 Stars -­‐ ’ambient’ re-­‐imaginings that give medievalism a modern twist…the voices of Sinfonye follow the melismatic, often wide-­‐ranging lines with precision, fluency and sensitivity….I have a funny feeling that this disc could become a hit.” CD: Hildegard, Geoffrey Norris, The Telegraph, London, Oct 2012 “…exquisite monodic harmonies…” CD: Hildegard, Andy Gill, The Independent, London, Oct 2012 __________________________ OUT OF THIS WORLD -­‐ BBC Commission for the BBC Singers – premiered BBC Proms 2011 “Wishart's "Out Of This World" more than lives up to its title... conjures a dense and shimmering cloud of sound that echoed from Cadogan Hall’s galleries, catching different harmonic lights and exposing hidden seams of metallic brilliance. On the strength of this movement alone I’d make the journey to hear this slow-­‐release work again ...This year’s Saturday Matinees have offered some of the most exploratory programming of the Proms season and this was no exception...must surely ensure the return of Wishart’s music – surely among the finest of this year’s new commissions – to the festival.” Alexandra Coghlan, TheArtsDesk, London, Aug 2011 “a swaying bridge between heaven and earth giving joyful and robust energy to melismas which were exquisitely pitched and paced…writing that bears the spectre of the medieval fingerprint yet is, in its spatial interest and its voice layering, very much Wishart’s own” Hilary Finch, The Times, London, Aug 2011 "the whole has a passionate but raw quality that's spellbinding" 5-­‐against-­‐, Aug 2011 __________________________ “Stevie Wishart die de klank voorhaar rekening neemt. Het is verbluffend hoe zij het helse tempo van haar werk volhoudt.” (transl.) "Stevie Wishart provides sound. It is stunning how she maintains the hellish tempo of her work" Financieel Economische, Antwerp “De muziek van Stevie Wishart blijft wel fascineren. Zit links van het toneel en verzorgt de ganse soundtrack. Vooral haar excursies op elektronisch gemanipuleerde draailier zijn indrukwekkend. Wishart creëert een meeslepend klanklanschap ergens tussen dance en repetitieve muziek.” Peter Anthonissen, DE MORGAN, Brussels "Driving rhythm, sonorities that are alternatively raucous and seductive, and a focus of music intent which you disregard at your peril" Andrew Ford, 24 Hours Magazine “Door de live uitgevoerde soundscape van Stevie Wishart die je stuurt, verleidt en misleidt.” LOGANA R T S
(transl.) ”...through the live soundscape of Stevie Wishart which guide you, seduces and deceives you.” Roel Verniers, DE STANDAARD, Brussels "Close on the heels of Writing to Vermeer, here is another sophisticated multimedia venture. Stevie Wishart's live mix of song and sound is an impressive countertext. As in a Godard movie, it tells its own stories and cuts in and out of the action, sometimes providing unusual romantic movie soundtracks with her own voice, sometimes in the alien otherness of a computer talking and electronic pulsings" Keith Gallasche, Adelaide festival, RealTime "We could be looking at a prototype for the concert of the future (Red Iris)", CD review Richard Morrison, arts editor, The Times, London "The live soundscape from Stevie Wishart which guides you, seduces you, and deceives you. Slow Love is addictive" De Standaard, Brussels "The fiery improviser and medieval specialist Stevie Wishart and her hurdy-­‐gurdy surfaces in diverse contexts, including medieval revivalists Sinfonye and jump-­‐cut dad Improv of Machine for Making Sense, 'True Grit' " The Wire, London "[Stevie Wishart] built an imposing sonic edifice...sharpened by the ringing and clanging tones she brought out of the instrument [her hurdy-­‐gurdy]...gradually the piece became a very peculiar hybrid, with shades of Trance and Prog rock, as long distorted notes were laid over the loops. It went down a storm and at the interval Wishart CDs were fairly flying off the vendors' trestle tables. LMC' 9th festival of experimental music Purcell Room, South Bank Will Montgomery, Live concert review, The Wire, London LOGANA R T S
COMPLETE CATALOGUE "…the whole has a passionate but raw quality that's spellbinding." 5-­‐against-­‐ Complete Works Opera & Music Theatre Orchestra Chamber Ensemble & Instrumental Choir Gallery and Foyer Sound Installations Improvisations Opera & Music Theatre Henric, 2013 Literary film-­‐concert / Een literair filmconcert Co-­‐composed with Gerrit Valckenaers for the writer Elvis Peeters, video by Jan Weynants Commissioned by the Festival van Vlaanderen Demain, 2010 Solo dancer and soundtrack Commissioned by Compagnie Michèle Noiret Premiere by Michèle Noiret and Compagnie Michèle Noiret, Théâtre National in Brussels, February 2010 A multiform choreographic piece for four assistants, one cameraman and a dancer, interpreted by Michèle Noiret, and developed with Todor Todoroff, transforms and intertwines the sound textures of the second movement of Beethoven’s 7th Symphony Quartet, 2007 Dancer, robot camera and virtual dancer, by Margie Medlin Co-­‐produced by the ICA and the Wellcome Trust, London, February 2007 Instrumentation: Violin, music sensors and computer instruments La Chambre Blanche, 2006 Four dancers and soundtrack Commissioned by Compagnie Michèle Noiret Premiere by Compagnie Michèle Noiret, Théâtre Les Tanneurs, and Festival Bellone-­‐Brigittines, Brussels. 2006 Lauréate du Prix de la Danse 2006 de la Communauté française de Belgique Music for theatre piece, WRAAK (REVENGE), 2003 Produced and commissioned by the Cultural Centre of Berchem, Antwerp, about the lives of Moroccan women in northern Europe Premiered in Holland and Belgium and music performed live by the composer With Belgian actor Nadia Abdelouafii Music for Jane Woollard’s music theatre piece AELFGYVA, 2003 Ensemble and soundtrack Commissioned by the Autumn Music Festival in Melbourne, Australia LOGANA R T S
Premiered at the Autumn Music Festival, Melbourne; music performed live by the composer and members of the ensemble Instrumentation: Live voices, harp, pre-­‐recorded parts as a quadraphonic soundtrack Slow Love (revised version), 2002 Music for Slow Love by the Australian writer Richard Murphet Revised for Chamber Made Opera Premiered at the Beckett Theatre, CUB Malthouse, Melbourne, Australia; music performed live by the composer Instrumentation: violin, hurdygurdy, analogue & digital sound processing, vocals Awarded the 2002 Green Room Award for Best New Music Score Slow Love, 2000 Music for Slow Love by the Australian writer Richard Murphy Commissioned by Theater Malpertuis, Belgium Premiered at Theater Malpertuis, Tielt, Belgium 1999 and Adelaide Festival, Australia, 2000; music performed live by the composer Instrumentation: violin, hurdygurdy, analogue & digital sound processing, vocals Chamber Ensemble & Instrumental La Folie Douce, 2011 Music-­‐theatre miniature for reciter-­‐vocalist, cello, viola da gamba, and hurdy-­‐gurdy. Commissioned to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the first edition of L’Éloge de la Folie d’Erasme by the Erasmushuis, Brussels Premiere by Stevie Wishart with Sergei Istomin and Catherine Jauniaux at Erasmushuis, Brussels, 2011 Instrumentation: reciter-­‐vocalist, viola da gamba, cello, violin, hurdy-­‐gurdy The Sound of Gesture, 2010 Solos for violin, sensors & computer sound transformation/synthesis Commissioned by ZKM, Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie, Germany and ADK, Akademie der Künst, Berlin Performances: Mucsarnok (Kunsthalle) Budapest, Kubus concert hall at ZKM, Karlsruhe and Muffathalle in Munich, Germany A hybrid of music technology, interactivity, real-­‐time sound processing, music gesture and the violin, using improvisation and electroacoustic composition Instrumentation: violin, sensors & computer sound transformation/synthesis Viola, 2010 Solo viola Commissioned by q-­‐o2, Brussels, Belgium Premiered by Julia Eckhardt, Netwerk, Aalst, 2010 Instrumentation: solo viola and tape Sense, 2008 For members of the Britten Sinfonia and young musicians from three Ipswich Schools for Random Dance, July 2008 Instrumentation: chamber orchestra Solos for Strings, Wheel, and Fingers, 2008 Solo hurdy-­‐gurdy LOGANA R T S
Commissioned for Wiener Drehleier-­‐Festival Performances at ORF RadioKulturhaus, Vienna 2008; Breuckenmusik, Koln, 2009; The Future University's Improvisation in the Round concert, West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge University, 2012; Sonorities Festival of Contemporary Music, Queen's University Belfast, 2013, and Urban Rituals Festival, Les Brigittines, Brussels Instrumentation: solo hurdy-­‐gurdy See also Improvisation in the Round: Stevie Wishart at the University of Cambridge, 2011 Reduction, 2008 String quartet Commissioned for the members of the Britten Sinfonia Instrumentation: 2 violins, viola, cello Allegretto con fuoco, 2008 String quartet For the members of the Britten Sinfonia Cambridge and Brussels Instrumentation: 2 violins, viola, cello Arrow, 2005 Male voice, organ, and strings Commissioned by Augsburg, Pax Festival (Germany). Premiered August 2005 Instrumentation: Counter-­‐tenor, organ, and strings Island Universes, 2004 Ensemble with live electronics and the mechanical sounds of 4 slide projectors Commissioned by the new music group Q02, Brussels with funds from the Flemish Government, in production with Concertgebouw, Bruges, and De Singel, Antwerp Instrumentation: Tuba, bass flute, viola, bass clarinet, harp & live electronics Jongleurs du Coeur, 2004 Vocal-­‐instrumental ensemble Zefiro Torna Commissioned by the early music group, Brussels 2004 Instrumentation: Soprano, lute, wind instruments, tromba-­‐marine, percussion, hurdy-­‐gurdy and medieval fiddle Rouge Cloître, 2004 Renaissance and contemporary voices, harp, organ, lutes, hurdy gurdy Commissioned and produced by the Festival van Vlaanderen/Radio Klara 2004 Instrumentation: voices, harp, organ, lutes, hurdy gurdy Transients, 2002/2009 Voices, prepared and classical harps, oud, sentir, Moroccan hand drums, drum-­‐kit, hurdy-­‐gurdy and live electronics. Commissioned by the Beursschouwberg, Brussels and the radio Klara festival van Vlaanderen Instrumentation: voices, prepared & classical harps, oud, sentir (Arabic lute and string bass), Moroccan hand drums, drum-­‐kit, hurdy-­‐gurdy and live electronics Choir Cantata for the Seasons, 2013/2014 LOGANA R T S
i. Winter text on the poem Carol by Rowan Williams for choir (S,A,T,B) ii. Spring words from the poems ‘Spring’ & ‘Dayspring’ by Trevor Blakemore for choir (S,A,T,B), soloists soprano, counter-­‐tenor, tenor & Strings iii. Summer Song words on the poem ‘Summer’ by Edith Nesbit for choir (S,A,T,B) & semi-­‐chorus (S,A,T,B) iv. Autumn words on the poem ‘Autumn’ by Siegfried Sassoon for choir (S,A,T,B), soloists (CT,A,T), strings & 2 pianos Commissioned by the Ipswich Choral Society Premiere by the Ipswich Choral Society, Snape Maltings, Aldeburgh, 2014 Vespers for St Hildegard, 2012/2013 Choir (S,A,T,B), soloists (S,A,T), hand-­‐bells, carillon, percussion, harp and organ Commissioned by Decca and the York Early Music Festival Also available, version for SATB choir and organ Inner Garden, 2012 Community choir Commissioned by Premiere Ghent, October 2012 Choruscans lux, 2012 Female choir Commissioned by the Southbank Centre Premiere by Voice at the Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre, London, March 2012 Out of this World, 2011 Choir i. O Verbum Patris, (T,B) 7' ii. O Fili dilectissime, (S,A) 2'30 iii. O factura Dei, (S,A,T,B) 6' iv. O eterne Deus, (S,A,T,B with additional high voices) 7'30 Instrumentation: SATB Choir Commissioned by BBC Radio 3 for the BBC Singers Premiered in the BBC PROMS on 27 August 2011 at the Cadogan Hall, performed by the BBC Singers and Sinfonye, conducted by Robert Hollingworth Each movement may be performed separately Subrosa, 2001 Female choir Commissioned by the Oxford Girls’ Choir Premiered Mansfield College Chapel, December 2001 Instrumentation: female choir Azeruz, 2000 Female voices Commissioned for A & E TV Networks (USA) ‘Mission Berlin’ Flashback Television, UK LOGANA R T S
Red Rage Rouge, 1993-­‐1997 Female choir Commission by the Oxford Girls’ Choir, director Richard Vendome with funds from the Foundation for Sports and Arts, UK Instrumentation: female choir Gallery And Foyer Sound Installations The Sound of Gesture, 2010 Music-­‐video installation Commissioned by Netwerk / centrum voor hedendaagse Künst, Aalst Belgium with support from ADK, Akademie der Künst, Berlin Exhibition at Netwerk/centrum voor hedendaagse Künst, Aalst Belgium, May-­‐June 2010 Instrumentation: violin, sensors & computer sound transformation/synthesis view images from the gallery installation at Netwerk, Aalst, Belgium HERE Ophelia, 2005 Soundtrack for video installation by Anouk de Clercq Commissioned by Contour 2nd Biennale of Video Art 2005, Mechelen and Temps d'Images for the exhibition Pang Exhibition at Les Halles de Schaerbeek (Brussels) and at the Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw (Poland), 2005 Instrumentation: Electronics Miss World, 2003 Soundtrack for triple screen film installation by Australian artist Margie Medlin Surround sound format using urban field recordings, electronic generated sound and treatments for voice and string instruments Commissioned for 2003 Future Cinema exhibition at ZKM, Zentrum für Neue Künst Media in Karlsruhe UT, 1998 -­‐ 2001 Drawn on Sound with artist Joan Grounds Commissioned by the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia The piece explores the medieval system of visualising music on the palm of the hand, the hurdy-­‐gurdy, and how they embody space and architecture Sound installation opened at Arts Gallery of New South Wales, 1998 and was re-­‐designed for CACSA Contemporary Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, 2001 Red Iris, 2000 Medieval violin, reciter, video and live sound The enigmatic instrumental pieces known as "istampitte" from the Italian trecento are played solo as a staged performance with swathes of white cloth showing projections of exquisite images from medieval frescoes and from the original musical manuscripts, together with live close-­‐circuit camera projections of the musicians as she plays medieval violin and hurdy-­‐gurdy. Designed in Sydney by Blanchette, and produced by Boris Kelly and Mob Productions with funding by an Australia Council New Media award. Improvisations Le Son du Nous, 2010 by Philippe Starck & Soundwalk Collective and Stevie Wishart Performed at MAC Créteil with Philippe Starck, Atau Tanaka, Soundwalk Collective, Carol Robinson and LOGANA R T S
Laurent Dailleau for Exit Festival, Paris 2010 Solo hurdy-­‐gurdy, violin, voice Transients, 2002/2009 Voices, prepared and classical harps, oud, sentir (Arabic lute and string bass), Moroccan hand drums, drum-­‐kit, hurdy-­‐gurdy and live electronics. Commissioned by the Beursschouwberg, Brussels and the Radio Klara Festival van Vlaanderen, 2002; revised for the Take the Risk Festival, Southbank Centre, London, 2009 Performed with improvisations by the composer and Rhodri Davies Violet, 2009 with Werner Dafeldecker, Christof Kurzmann and John Tilbury Performed Vienna, 2009 Also CD for mikroton, 2009 Compass, Log and Lead, 2006 Performed with Fred Frith and Carla Kihlstedt Also CD Compass, Log and Lead for Intakt, 2006 LOGANA R T S
DISCOGRAPHY & PUBLICATIONS “Driving rhythm, sonorities that are alternatively raucous and seductive, and a focus of music intent which you disregard at your peril” Andrew Ford, 24 Hours Magazine RECORDINGS OF NEW MUSIC •
HILDEGARD Vespers for St.Hildegard – Sinfonye/Wishart (cd) DECCA 2012) •
THE SOUND OF GESTURE For Violin, Sensors and Computer (cd / dvd ) SW001CD-­‐DVD ( Stevie Wishart 2010 ) •
VIOLET Stevie Wishart, Werner Defeldecker, Christoff Kurzmann & John Tilbury (Mikroton Recordings – Mikroton CD 4) •
EXPERIENCES DE VOL 4-­‐5-­‐6 Art Zoyd Studio and Ensemble Musiques Nouvelles Ensemble, compilation CD including Iced by Wishart for string orchestra, theremin, percussion, live electronics played on midi keyboard using MaxMSP virtual instruments, and amplified for 6 speaker •
THE ACT OF OBSESSION BECOMES THE OBJECT ITSELF Machine for making Sense with Jim Denley, Rik Rue and Amanda Stewart (Rossbin, 2006) •
The COMPASS, LOG and LEAD with Fred Frith and Error! Contact not defined. (Intakt, Zurich, 2005) •
IN YOUR SHELL LIKE Paul Dunmall, Paul Lytton, live concert recording (Emanem disc 41111, London, 2004) •
LIT AS FROM WITHIN Vanishing pictures – Dirk Wachtelaer, Paul Lytton, Piet Verbist, Jim Denley, Pierre Bastien, Steve Hubback, Michael Weilacher, DL Grazzhoppa, Gerrit Valkenaers (FMRCD113-­‐i0303 •
TIBOOBURRA – with Jim Denley; sounds from the Stoney Dessert, Australia, digital processing (2001 Split Records 08) •
THE PLACE Chris Burn Ensemble, as below plus Rhodri Davies, harp (2001 Emanemdiscs, London) •
AZERUZ transgothic-­‐trance -­‐ new songs by Stevie Wishart, with Chris Abrahams and Shane Fahey (2000 Endgame 03, Australia only) •
HAIKU UBAINS une compilation de compositions d plus ou moins 1 minute/ de Yann Marussich,Tom Cora, Iva Bittova, Haco etc, Wishart tracks 1, 50. (1997 Rec Rec Medien AG, Zurich, Switzerland) •
AQUATIC with the NECKS, 1996 Fish of Milk, Australia •
DISSECT THE BODY Machine for Making Sense new works by Denley, Rue, Stewart, Wishart LOGANA R T S
(1998 Split Records 05, Australia) •
CONSCIOUSNESS Machine for Making Sense with Chris Mann, Tony Buck and others (1999 Split Records 07) •
LITTLE RED SPIDERS with Tony Buck (drums, sampler), Andy Morley (electric guitar), Joe Williamson (bass) 1998 Staalplaat, Amsterdam •
NAVIGATIONS Chris Burn Ensemble as above plus Axel Dörner, Rodrey Davies (1999 Acta, UK) •
WISH original songs by Stevie Wishart with Rik Rue, Jim Denley, Julian Knowles CD (1993 Tall Poppies TP 027, Australia) •
CULURAL BAGGAGE Chris Burn Ensemble with John Butcher, Phil Durrant, Marcio Mattos, Matthew Hutchinson, John Russell, Jim Denley, Chris Burn (1992 Acta, UK) Recordings with Wishart’s medieval music group SINFONYE •
TRANSIENTS recorded live radio Kara (classical music), Belgium, Brussels for the Transreligiosa Festival, May 2002 •
THE TWENTIETH CENTURY NEVER HAPPENED by Machine for Making Sense radiophoinic composition for Kunstradio, Vienna •
BBC World Service “Alternatives” commission for new piece with Japanese singer Haco, produced by Radek Boschetty 2001 •
RE-­‐INVENTING THE WHEEL radio soundscape (1998 for ABC Radio National, Listening Room) •
WEST OF WEST soundscapes recorded in the Stoney Desert, far north NSW, Australia (1995 ABC radio national, Listening Room) with Jim Denley •
AZERUZ music commissioned for A & E TV Networks (USA) "Mission Berlin" (Flashback Television) •
LACUNA music composition for voices, electronics, percussion, hurdygurdy, (1994 BBC Radio 3, Mixing It) •
ON THE EDGE for Channel 4 TV, Derek Bailey's improvisation series, directed by Jeremy Marre RECORDINGS OF MEDIEVAL MUSIC •
BELLA DOMNA The medieval woman: lover, poet, patroness and saint, with Mara Kiek, Andrew Lawrence-­‐King, Jim Denley (Hyperion A66283) ( Release, 1987 ; re-­‐release 2006) •
ARRESTS D'AMOUR Eleanor of Aquitaine and her Courts of Love, with Mara Kiek, Jim Denley, Bonnie Shalgean, Paula Chateauneuf (Hyperion A66367) re-­‐release 2005 •
HILDEGARD OF BINGEN: O NOBILISSIMA VIRIDITAS The complete works, volume 3 with Jocelyn West, Moira Smiley, Richard Vendome and members of the Oxford Girls Choir (2004 Celestial Harmonies, USA 13127-­‐3) LOGANA R T S
TROIS SOEURS Songs from the thirteenth century with Vivien Ellis and Jocelyn West (Glossa Nouvelle Vision GCD 920704) •
GABRIEL'S GREETING Medieval English Christmas music with Vivien Ellis, Jocelyn West, Jim Denley, Paula Chateauneuf (Hyperion A66685) ( Release, 1993 ; re-­‐release 2003) •
RED IRIS music from 14th century Italy. Stevie Wishart fiddle, hurdy-­‐gurdy, Jim Denley and Pedro Esteban, percussion. A new format CD-­‐Plus with interactive (Glossa Nouvelle Vision GCD 920701) •
HILDEGARD OF BINGEN: SYMPHONIA Aurora (part 2) Symphony of the Harmony of Celestial Revelations with Vivien Ellis and members of the Oxford Girls' Choir (Celestial Harmonies 13127-­‐
3, USA) •
HILDEGARD OF BINGEN: SYMPHONIA (part 1) Symphony of the Harmony of Celestial Revelations with the Oxford Girls' Choir (Celestial Harmonies 13127-­‐2, USA) •
PODER A SANTA MARIA The Andalucian Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso el Sabio with Equidad Bares and musicians below (Almaviva DSI 0105, Seville) •
THE SWEET LOOK AND THE LOVING MANNER Songs of the Medieval French Trobairitz, with Vivien Ellis, Paula Chateauneuf, Jim Denley (Hyperion A66625) ( Release, 1987 ; re-­‐release 2006) Radio and TV BBC World Service, featured composer for the program Music Review, March 2006 PRINTED & MIXED MEDIA PUBLICATIONS •
‘Echoes of the Past in the Present’ chapter commissioned for the Companion to Medieval and Renais-­‐ sance Music, ed. David Fallows, J.M. Dent and sons, London, 1992 •
Leonardo MusIc Journal Vol. 9 CD ROM “Power and responsibility: converting to streaming between machines”, 1999 •
“Re-­‐inventing the medieval fiddle” The Gramophone Early Music Magazine, featured artist, spring is-­‐ sue, London, 2000 •
The Sound Of Gesture for Violin, Sensors and Computer (cd/dvd/essays) SW001CD-­‐DVD (2010) LOGANA R T S
Sound Of Gesture – “Frozen Particles”, for violin, sensors & computer Score Sample Extract from ‘Sound of Gesture’ Solos for violin, sensors & computer sound transformation/ synthesis. Performances included Concert venue: Mucsarnok (Kunsthalle) Budapest, ZKM the Kubus concert hall at ZKM, Karlsruhe and Muffathalle in Munich, Germany. LOGANA R T S
For more information, recordings or how to obtain scores and parts please contact: LOGANARTS Management
T: +44 (0) 141 404 7444 | M: +44 (0) 7841 582 851
15 Crawford Road, Milngavie
Glasgow G62 7LE
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June 2014 
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