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6 rue Baudelique 75018 Paris
+33 (0)1 42 57 22 84
[email protected]
Boeuf Rossini
Boeuf Rossini or Tournedos Rossini is
1.5 Kilos (3.5 lbs) whole Sirloin
- First, Clean all extra fat off the sirloin. Tie the sirloin with butchers twine 4- 5 times lengthwise
600 gr. / 21.2 oz. Foie Gras Terrine
and 1 time top to bottom. Make sure that it's tight.
50 gr. / 1.8 oz. Dried Morel mushrooms
- In a small pot, add the morels and 2 cups of water and boil the mushrooms to re-hydrate
10 gr. / 0.4 oz. Truffles chopped
them. Add water if needed to keep the mushrooms just covered and simmer for 30 mins.
1 bunch Chives
- Mince the shallots as small as possible with a sharp knife. Chop the chives as small as
2 Shallots
possible as well.
1/4 cup cognac
- Cut the foie gras in 7 pieces with a hot knife and reserve the pieces in the fridge.
4 ounces butter
- Heat a large pan, preferably cast Iron, on high heat. Season the beef with salt and pepper on
Vegetable Oil
all sides. Then add a few splashes of oil to the pan, and place the meat inside.
Salt and Pepper
- You should hear it sear. Caramelize the beef on all sides. Then remove and place it into a
pre-heated oven at 350 degrees. Cook it until the center temperature is barely warm. 30-40
mins. Internal temperature 125 F.
- In the pot, remove the burnt oil then place one of the slices of foie gras in the pot on medium
heat. Sautee this until it has decreased by half its size.
named after the Italian composer
Gioachino ROSSINI.
Rossini was born in Pesaro, Italy and he
- Add the shallots and cook in the foie gras fat. Cook until soft and tender, 5 mins. Then take
the pot off the heat and add the cognac.
- Being very careful, put the pot back near the Flame and "Flambé" When all alcohol is gone,
add the mushrooms and it's jus and cook this all together.
died in Paris in 1868. He was a "bon
vivant", lover of fine food and rare wines
had his regular table at the Tour d'Argent,
Bofinger, and the Maison Dorée, where
Chef Casimir Moisson dedicated this
creation: Tournedos Rossini.
They say he composed his music mainly in
bed, but also in restaurant kitchens, where
he spent much of his time, he also wrote a
Serves 6
- Reduce the liquid on medium heat until there is only about 1/2 a cup left. Add the cold butter
and whisk it in until smooth. Add the chives. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
- Let the meat rest for at least 20 mins. Slice the meat into 6 slices on an angle. Put this back
on a tray and place the foie gras on top and heat in the oven for 2 mins, or until the foie is just
warm. Serve immediately with its jus.