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Does Your Baby Hear You?
CHU Sainte-Justine
3175, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec) H3T 1C5
Téléphone : 514 345-4931
Hearing Screening
Tests at the UHC
Information for Parents of Newborns
18 to 30 months:
Understands a number of action verbs such as:
give, show
Hears you calling him or her from another
room, without having to raise your voice
Has a vocabulary of 50 words
Makes sentences of 2-3 words
Asks questions (e.g. : What's that?)
30 months to 3 ½ years:
Can answer simple questions
Listens to television at the same volume level
as others
Makes sentences of 3-4 words
Can be understood by adults other than his or
her parents
Do you have doubts about your child's hearing?
Trust your observations, judgement and instincts.
You know your child better than anyone else.
If you have any doubts, do not delay consulting
your doctor in order to receive professional
care as early as possible.
For more information, please call:
(514) 345-4931 poste 6908
Norman Hogue, Communications et affaires publiques
Imprimerie du CHU Sainte-Justine
CHU Sainte-Justine
F-813-A GRM 30004706 ( Rev.11-2010 )
Congratulations on the
arrival of your baby!
All babies born or admitted upon birth to the UHC
Sainte-Justine undergo a hearing screening test
before they are released from the hospital. Normal
hearing is crucial to a child's speech and language
development, and health. If a child does not hear
well, it is important to know this as early as possible.
This is the reason why a hearing screening test is
administered soon after birth.
Your baby's hearing screening test results
are enclosed.
Hearing Screening Tests
at the UHC Sainte-Justine
Test results
Your child,
received a “successful” hearing screening test result.
Parental surveillance
Ear or Hearing problems can occur as your child grows.
The following factors may cause a loss of hearing that
was not present at birth:
Numerous ear infections (e.g. : otitis)
Serious illnesses
A family history of hearing loss
Expected behaviours associated to
hearing and speech according to
Birth to 6 months:
Startles to a sudden, loud noise
Calms down at the sound of his or her parents'
Gurgles and smiles
Makes sounds in response to those made by their
7 to 12 months:
Reacts when his or her name is called
Traces where a far-away familiar sound or a distant
voice is coming from
Begins to follow simple instructions (e.g. : show me
your nose)
Waves bye-bye
12 to 18 months:
Points to parts of his or her body
Understands a number of familiar words (e.g. : milk,
Says common words such as: mommy, daddy
Immitates animal sounds
Parents are often the first to notice signs of hearing
* Translation of : Ordre des Orthophonistes et Audiologistes du Québec,
”Je grandis et je communique”, 2ième trimestre, 2006.