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Curriculum Vitae
Pavlyuk Olga Nikolaevna.
A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Palchevskogo Street 17, Vladivostok 690041, Russia
Tel. (4232) 311182, Home (4232) 338907, Fax (4232) 310900
Email: [email protected]
3.09.50. Vladivostok, Russia
Far East State University, Vladivostok, 1969-1974
Ph. D. Thesis:
«Composition, distribution, season dynamic of meiobenthos in sand of biotopes of
Popov Island (Sea Japan)», Institute of Marine Biology, Vladivostok, 1984
Scientific Worker, Institute of Marine Biology, Vladivostok
Study taxonomy and ecology of meiobenthos and free-living nematodes
Investigate the structure of free-living nematode community in Far Eastern
Junior Researcher and post-graduate, Institute of Marine Biology, Vladivostok
Study composition and distribution of meiobenthos of Far Eastern seas.
Research interests:
Systematic and ecology of sea free-living nematode of the Far Eastern seas
Pavlyuk O.N., Trebukhova J.A, Shul′kin V.M. The structure of a free-living
nematode community in Vrangel Bay of the Sea of Japan. Russ. J. of Mar. Biol.
2003. Vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 341 - 347.
Pavlyuk O.N., Meiobenthos of Bay of Furugelm Islsnd and Sivuchya Bight (Peter
the Great Bay, Sea of Japan), Russ. J. of Mar.Biol. 2004. Vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 151-158.
Pavlyuk O.N., Trebukhova J.A., Composition and distribution of meiobenthos in
Amursky Bay (Peter the Great Bay, the East Sea), Ocean Science Journal, 2005. Vol.
40, no. 3, pp. 119–125.
Trebukhova J.A., Pavlyuk O.N. Species composition and distribution of free-living
marine nematodes in Vostok Bay, Sea of Japan. Russ. J. of Mar Biol. 2006. Vol. 32,
no. 1, pp.1-11.
Pavlyuk O.N., Trebukhova Yu.A. Meiobenthos in NhaTtrang Bay of the South
China sea (Vietnam). Ocean Science Journal. 2006. Vol.41, № 3. P. 139-148.
Pavlyuk O.N., Yu.A. Trebukhova and L.S. Belogurova. Effect of the Razdol’naya
River on Structure of the Free-living Nematode Community of the Amursky Bay, Sea
of Japan. Russ. J. of Mar. Biol. 2007. Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 213–221
Pavlyuk O.N., Trebukhova Yu.A. Community structure of free-living marine
nematodes in the area of agar-producing alga Ahnfeltia Tobuchiensis field (Starka
Strait, Peter the Great Bay, East Sea) // Ocean Science Journal. 2007. Vol. 42, № 3. P.
Pavlyuk O. N. T. S. Tarasova and Yu. A. Trebukhova. Foraminifera and
Nematoda Community within the Area of Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis Field in Stark Strait
(Peter the Great Bay of the Sea of Japan) Russ. J. of Mar. Biol. 2008. Vol. 34, No. 3,
pp. 151–158.
Pavlyuk O.N., Trebukhova J.A, Nguyen Vu Thanh and Nguyen Dinh Tu.
Community Structure of Meiobenthos in Cua Luc Estuary (Ha Long Bay, Gulf of
Tonkin, South China Sea (Vietnam). Ocean Science Journal. 2008. Vol. 43, № 3. P.
Pavlyuk O.N., Trebukhova Yu.A, Tarasov V.G. The impact of implanted whale
carcass on nematode communities in shallow water area of Peter the Great Bay (East
Sea) // Ocean Science Journal. 2009. Vol. 44, N. 3, p. 181-188.
Foreign Language:
English, speaking
1. Nematode communities from the Vostok Bay (Sea of Japan). VI International
Nematology Symposium, Moscow, Russia, 2005.
2. The Impact of Implanted Whale Carcass on Meiofauna in Peter the Great Bay
(Sea Of Japan). International workshop “Marine biodiversity and bioresources of the
North-Eastern Asia” Marine and Environmental Research Institute, Cheju National
University, Cheju, Korea, 21-22 October, 2008.
3. The impact of implanted whale carcass experimentally implanted in the area
of Far Eastern Marine Reserve (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan), on free-living
marine nematodes. VIII International Nematology Symposium, (Nematodes in
Tropical Ecosystems) Ha Noi, Viet Nam, 17-21 August, 2009
4. Nematode community structure in the layer of agar-producing red alga
Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis in Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan) (Nematodes in Tropical
Ecosystems). VIII International Symposium, Ha Noi, Viet Nam, 17-21 August 2009.
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