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by Omer Mustafa BDS
For complex cases we use the Clearstep system. It is very similar to Invisalign, only
we find it to be a more comprehensive and affordable system.
Clearstep straightens teeth using a series of 'clear' easy to wear positioners, like thin
rugby or sports guards. Clear positioners have been utilised worldwide by thousands
of dentists and orthodontists. Many of our patients have completed Clearstep
treatments over the last 3 years.
So, why Clearstep?
Clearstep is wire free and does away with the need to bond metal onto the teeth. It is
invisible, and removable, allowing you, the wearer, to eat that steak dinner, give that
public speech, meet that client without embarrassment or discomfort. You simply
remove, brush, floss, rinse and reinsert: Clearstep will do the rest.
Please go to the Clearstep webpage for more information:
For mild to moderate difficulty cases, we use other aligner systems to deliver the
same standard of care whilst keeping your costs down.
Prices for clear aligner systems start from £500.
Tooth coloured braces
We use a wide variety of discrete tooth
coloured systems, including:
Innovation C: Passive Self Ligation Braces
6 month smiles: 6 months smiles brace
Prices start from £975.
These are metal braces that hide behind the teeth. This means being able to have all
of the benefits of fixed metal braces coupled with
them being completely invisible.
We use the MTM lingual brace system for fast
treatments of mild-moderate crowding in both the
upper and lower arches.
Lingual braces video
Prices start from £1000
Metal braces are the most popular with kids
and teenagers. They love to have different
colours of the small elastic ties to match
different occasions. The modern braces are
much smaller than before.
We also to use the Damon System as it can
often be used without the need for extractions.
See for yourself: Damon braces webpage
Prices start from £675.
A faster solution
The Inman aligner can also achieve rapid orthodontics with some treatments being
possible in as little as 6 weeks! Check out the video:
Inman aligner video
A cheaper solution
The Inman aligner is also considerably cheaper than treatment with fixed
orthodontics and the Clearstep system.
Treatment starts from as little as £995 (RRP on the high street is £1250).
Email [email protected] to arrange a FREE consultation.