Download Orthodontic Positioner

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What does it do?
Although your teeth appear straight, your positioner will serve two important functions. One is
providing final minor adjustments to your teeth and the other is to act as a retainer to help hold
your teeth in their corrected positions.
What does my appliance look like?
 The positioner looks like an upper and a lower mouthguard joined together.
 It is made of a flexible plastic that comes in a variety of colors.
How long will I wear the appliance?
 For best results, you MUST wear the positioner actively for a minimum of four hours
during the day and passively at night while sleeping.
 Active wear during these four hours means to clench into the positioner for 15-20
seconds and then rest for 20 seconds, repeating this over and over. This action of work
and rest will eventually become automatic and you will do it unconsciously.
 Your orthodontist will keep you informed as to your progress.
What are my responsibilities for a successful treatment?
 It is normal for your teeth to feel sore for a few days while adjusting. You may take an
anti-inflammatory (Ibuprofen) as needed to help you adjust.
 Please handle your appliance with care to avoid damage.
 It is important to clean your appliance after each use. To do so, hold the appliance in
the palm of your hand and gently scrub with a toothbrush/toothpaste. Rinse with COOL
water (never HOT) to avoid distortion.
 Always use the case provided to store and protect your appliance when not in your
mouth. Never wrap appliance in Kleenex or place it in your pocket.
 Keep out of reach of pets. They love to chew them!
 Please contact our office should your appliance become excessively loose, damaged,
does not fit properly or if it is lost.