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Prof. Dr. Josep Duran i Prof. Dr. Josep M. Ustrell
Director i codirector
Màster d’Ortodòncia
Departament d’Odontostomatologia
c./Feixa Llarga, s/n
Tel. +34 934 037 221
Pavelló de Govern, 2ª Planta
Fax +34 934 035 558
08907 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat [email protected]
Dr. Thomas Pitts (EEUU)
Dra. Sabrina Huang (Taiwan)
Dra. Nimet Guiga (Portugal)
A Paradigm shift
(Programa y currículums en páginas siguientes)
Lunes 2 y Martes 3 de noviembre 2015
9:00-13:00 (con pausa cafè de 10:30 a 11:00)
14:30-18:30 (con pausa cafè de 16:00-16:30)
Sede del curso:
Edificio Aulario, Aula: 210
Facultad de Odontología- Campus Bellvitge UB,
Calle Feixa Llarga s/n
08907 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Precio de inscripción: 350 €
Rellenar el formulario adjunto y enviarlo escaneado, junto
con el comprobante de transferencia a:
[email protected] (Telf.: +34 93 403 72 21)
Prof. Dr. Josep Duran i Prof. Dr. Josep M. Ustrell
Director i codirector
Màster d’Ortodòncia
Departament d’Odontostomatologia
c./Feixa Llarga, s/n
Tel. +34 934 037 221
Pavelló de Govern, 2ª Planta
Fax +34 934 035 558
08907 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat [email protected]
Día 1 - Dr.Thomas Pitts & Dra. Nimet Guiga
Dr. Pitts
Prioritizing Treatment planning for Esthetics
Top 12 most important esthetic factors that
we control (including case demo’s)
Non-extraction techniques
Bracketing H4 for Smile Arc and Occlusion
“Wide Smiles” with Pitts Broad arch wires
Dra. Guiga
Learning the new esthetic model
How I’ve changed my bracket position for the smile
Coronoplasty prior to bracketing
Challenging Cases
H-4 cases
Dr. Pitts
Case Management with H4
“Active Early”: Torque, Width, Vertical, A-P
Elastics and Disarticulation
Finishing tricks
Dr. Pitts & Dra. Guiga
Cl. III treatment
Cl. II treatment
Esthetic perio treatment and multidiscipinary tx
Early Tx
Día 2- Dr. Thomas Pitts & Dra. Sabrina Huang
1. The possibility to maximize face-driven orthodontic treatment planning with
Passive Self-Ligation system.
Borderline cases : To extract or not?
2. Smile arc protection bonding position
3. Power up your vertical control
4. Expanding the envelope of orthodontic discrepancy: surgical approach or
orthodontic alone? Part 1. Skeletal Class II cases
5. Expanding the envelope of orthodontic discrepancy: surgical approach or
orthodontic alone? Part 2. Skeletal Class III cases
6. Impacted cuspids.
Dr.Thomas Pitts
Graduate of UOP Dugoni School of Dentistry 1965
Captain in US Army 1966 to 1968
Graduate of University of Washington Orthodontic Program
Private Orthodontic Practice 1970 to Present
Associate Clinical Professor at UOP Dugoni School of
Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics. 1989 to Present.
Numerous lectures all over the world on Clinical Orthodontics.
Numerous articles over the years
Dra. Nimet Guiga, Doctor of Dental Surgery University of
Coimbra Medical School (Portugal) 1992,
2 year program in Implantology and Oral Surgery at the
Biotechnology Institute (Spain) 1998.
3 year Masters Degree in Orthodontics at the University of
Toulouse-Paul Sabatier (France).
Specialist Degree in Orthodontics at the University of Andorra.
Private practice in Cascais, Portugal. First Orthodontist in
Portugal to provide Digital Orthodontics, through Insignia- Advanced Smile Design.
Facial Driven Orthodontics and the Smile Arc Protocol Technique developed by
Dr.Thomas Pitts. Lectures and part of teaching team at the Masters Continuum
Program in the USA (Dr. Pitts).
She is a Member of numerous worldwide Orthodontits Societies
Dra. Sabrina Huang