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Lars Christensen Orthodontics In-Office Courses 2013
Presented by Dr. Lars Christensen
Lars Christensen Orthodontics
69-71 Banbury Road
Supported by
Since 2009, Dr. Lars Christensen has run a programme of orthodontic courses, at his practice in
For 2013 Dr. Christensen, will deliver two new MBT focused courses and one aesthetics course,
combining observation in clinic at his Oxford based practice with complementary theory.
These courses are aimed at specialist orthodontists.
MBT™ Update Course 1 - Diagnostics and the Sagittal Dimension (two day course)
A two-day in office course aiming to update current and prospective MBT users on the
MBT technique. Dr. Christensen will present techniques for case assessment and treatment
planning, including the dental VTO.
After demonstrating precision indirect bonding techniques, aspects of sagittal correction
mechanics will be detailed with case material.
An interactive session will give the course participants a chance to practice treatment planning
and a practical part will introduce indirect bonding on a case selected by the participants to
enhance the learning objective.
MBT™ Update Course 2 - Vertical and Transveer Corrections (two day course)
In the second two-day course, the focus is vertical and transverse problems. Dr. Christensen
will discuss treatment options for adults, as well as growing patients. Examples of surgical and
non-surgical strategies will be highlighted along with a discussion on the available evidence
for expansion treatment.
Interactive treatment planning sessions along with patient presentations will allow for group
discussions and information exchange between the participants.
Finally, finishing techniques to improve outcomes will be covered along with retention
The Aesthetic Patient (two day course)
The aesthetic demands from our patients are continually increasing. Over two days,
Dr. Christensen will discuss and illustrate aesthetic treatment options in orthodontic practice.
Treatment options with ceramic appliances, lingual appliances and aligners will be illustrated
and evaluated. Careful analysis of the pros and cons of the various treatment modalities will
be presented along with discussion on patient expectation management techniques. On the
second day, Dr. Robert Simmons, specialist in prosthodontics will join us for a view from the
restorative dentist’s perspective. Dr. Simmons will illustrate where and how we can improve
our joint efforts to better patient management.
Profile: Dr. Lars Christensen
Lars completed his dental qualification in Copenhagen in 1990, followed
by a PhD in 1993. He then continued his education at Guy’s and St Thomas’
in London and gained his MSc in 1996, which was followed by MOrth at the
Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh in 1997.
Lars has a very successful private practice in Oxford. He has lectured
extensively in Europe, USA, Middle East and Asia. Lars is a member of the
British Orthodontic Society, the European Orthodontic Society, the British Dental Association, the
World Federation of Orthodontics and the American Association of Orthodontics. He is also an
affiliate member of Edward H Angle Society in California.
Course Dates 2013
17th - 18th May
MBT™ Update Course 1 - Diagnostics and the Sagittal Dimension
4 - 5 October
MBT™ Update Course 2 - Vertical and Transveer Corrections
29th - 30th November The Aesthetic Patient
Course Fees
Two Day Course
€850 / £725
6 places available per course
Lunch is included.
Accommodation is not included in the course fee.
Deadline for registrations is one week prior to the commencement of each course
For further information on any of the courses shown or to make a booking please contact the course
coordinator on:
Tel: +44 (0)1865 514253
Fax: +44 (0)1865 516089
E-mail: [email protected]
Practice Address: Lars Christensen Orthodontics, 69-71 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 6PE
3M Unitek
3M House
Morley Street
Leicestershire, LE11 1EP
Tel: 01509 613305
Fax: 01509 613172 Email: [email protected]
3M, Unitek and MBT are trademarks of the 3M Company.
© 3M Unitek 2013.