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Learn from world renowned instructors and educators
Topics presented by Dr. Tiziano Baccetti, D.D.S., Ph.D.:
Topics presented by Dr. Pablo Echarri, D.D.S.:
Class II and Class III malocclusions
Microimplants, benefits, indications and limitations
Treatment timing for an efficient approach
to dentofacial orthopedics
Surgical procedure
Factors of efficiency for maxillary expansion
and functional appliances
Molar uprighting
Headgear and fixed appliances
Facial mask in Class III
Topic presented by Dr. Luis Carriere, D.D.S.,
M.S.D., Ph.D.:
Biominimalist Orthodontics
Working closer to nature
Innovation in the design of the different
components for a Biominimalist Orthodontic System
Carriere Distalizer:
Design and functions
Clinical indications and use
Carriere Self-Ligating Bracket:
Features of the bracket
Biomechanical requirements for a passive self-ligating bracket
Resolution of orthodontic space problems
related to friction created:
Types of orthodontic displacement according
to the variable of space
Clinical considerations:
New technology wires in the achievement
of a biologic friendly action
Archwire sequencing in different stages
Molar intrusion
Canted occlusal plane
Forced eruption
Anterior open bite treatment
Anterior deep bite treatment with gummy smile
Topic presented by Dr. Bernardo H. “Coco” Garcia
D.D.S., M.S.D., I.B.O.:
Adult treatment – Class I, II, III non-surgical
Diagnosis skeletal/dental
Step by step mechanics
Use of bonded and fix splints with fixed appliances
Understand the concept of different posterior pads
Retention critical
3rd International Advanced Orthodontic Symposium
Presented by International Straight Wire & Orthopedic Seminars, Inc.
November 19-21, 2009
Latest in orthodontics and orthopedics by world
renowned instructors and educators:
Dr. Tiziano Baccetti, D.D.S., Ph.D.,
Dr. Luis Carriere, D.D.S., M.D.S., Ph.D.,
Dr. Pablo Echarri, D.D.S.,
Dr. Bernardo H. “Coco” Garcia, D.D.S., M.S.D., I.B.O.
Symposium schedule:
Friday, November, 19th from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. – Dr. Carriere
Saturday, November, 20th from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. – Dr. Baccetti
Sunday, November, 21st from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. – Dr. Echarri
Sunday, November, 21st from 12:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. – Dr. Garcia
For more information please contact:
International Straight Wire & Orthopedic Seminars, Inc. (I.S.W.O.S.)
Phone: +1.262.392.9465 / Fax: +1.262.392.9475 / E-mail: [email protected]
International Straight Wire & Orthopedic Seminars, Inc.
P.O. Box 411
North Prairie, WI 53153
International Straight Wire & Orthopedic Seminars, Inc.
Bernardo H. “Coco” Garcia, Director
Presents the
NOVEMBER 19 – 21, 2009
About the Speakers
Dr. Tiziano Baccetti, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Dr. Baccetti was born in Florence, Italy. He received
a Ph.D. degree in Dental Sciences in 1996 from the
University of Florence.
He is presently Research Professor at the University
of Florence and “Thomas M. Graber Visiting
Scholar,” Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric
Dentistry, School of Dentistry at the University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor.
He was the recipient of the Best Poster Prize in Orthodontic Research
(First Classified, shared with Dr. Franchi) issued by the Italian Society of
Orthodontics (S.I.D.O.) in 1994 and in 1995 (Second
Classified, shared with Dr. Franchi). In 1996 he
won the National Prize from the Italian Society
of Orthodontics for the best scientific article. In
2001, Dr. Baccetti was the winner of the Henry
Goldman Prize issued by the Italian Society of
Periodontology and the winner of the Research
Award of the Angle Society for the best paper
published on the Angle Orthodontist from
2001 to 2003. He is an Honorary Member of the
Polish Orthodontic Society and of the Brazilian
Orthodontic Society.
He is Associate Professor ad Honorem at the CES
University in Medellin, Colombia.
Dr. Baccetti has been a speaker at the Annual
Sessions of the American Association of
Orthodontists for the last 10 years. He has
lectured at international congresses and
symposiums on orthodontics and dentofacial
orthopedics in 25 different countries.
Dr. Baccetti has been published extensively in the American Journal of
Orthodontics, Dentofacial Orthopedics, Angle Orthodontist and
in the European Journal of Orthodontics.
Dr. Baccetti is a member of the Italian Society of Orthodontics,
Italian Society of Pediatric Dentistry (S.I.O.I.), Club International de
Morphologie Faciale, European Orthodontic Society (E.O.S.) and World
Federation of Orthodontists (W.F.O.).
Dr. Luis Carriere, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D.
• P
h.D. degree University of Barcelona (Cum Laude)
(UB) 2006
• D
.D.S. degree by the University Complutense of
Madrid (UCM)
• M.S.D. degree by the University of Barcelona (UB)
• W
inner of the “Joseph E. Johnson Award”
American Association of Orthodontists,
San Francisco, May, 1995
• Inventor of the Carriere Distalizer and the Carriere
Self-Ligating Bracket
• D
r. Carriere has been an invited Professor at the Orthodontic
Departments in several Universities of U.S.A., Europe, and Asia.
Dr. Pablo Echarri, D.D.S.
• Dr. Echarri received his D.D.S. from the University
of Montevideo, Uruguay. He specialized in
Orthodontics, Hospital de Clínicas de
Montevideo (Uruguay)
• Dr. Echarri is President de la Sociedad
Iberoamericana de Lingual Orthodontics
(S.I.A.O.L.), where he was a preceptor
from1992 to 1995
• Dr. Echarri was the 6th President of the European Society of Lingual
Orthodontics (E.S.L.O.), 2002-2004
• Dr. Echarri is Vice President of the Scientific
Committee of A.I.O. (Iberoamerican Association of
• He is also Coordinator of Scientific Commission of
C.O.E.C. (Catalonian Dental Society)
• Dr. Echarri has given courses and conferences
in Spain, E.E.U.U., Canada, France, Italy, Portugal,
Monaco, Argentina and Uruguay
Dr. Echarri is the author of the book “Diagnosis in
Orthodontics. Multidisciplinary Study” Ed. Quintessence
Publishing Co. Inc. (Alemania). Publicación en 1998
and he wrote the chapter 13.1 “Segmental lingual
orthodontics in multi disciplinary cases” of the Lingual
Orthodontics book. Ed. B.C. Decker Inc. (Canadá).
Publication in 1998. He also wrote over 65 articles
published in orthodontic journals in Spain, U.S.A.,
Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, France, Korea, Japan and
Thailand. Dr. Echarri is the author of more than 50
syllabuses for courses.
Dr. Echarri is an active member of the Sociedad Española de
Ortodoncia (S.E.D.O.), of the World Federation of Orthodontics
(W.F.O.). He is an International member of the American Association
of Orthodontics (A.A.O.), a member of the Asociación Iberoamericana
de Ortodoncistas (A.I.O.), a member of the European Orthodontic
Society (E.O.S.), and a charter member of the Lingual Study Group in
the U.S.A. Dr. Echarri is a Director Member of the Board of the American
Lingual Orthodontics Association (A.L.O.A.), a member of the Editorial
Board of the Journal of the A.L.O.A. (J.A.L.O.A.) a Diplomat Member of
the European Society of Lingual Orthodontics (E.S.L.O.). Dr. Echarri is
a member of the Société Française d’Orthodontie Linguale (S.F.O.L.), a
member of the Associazione Italiana Ortodonzia Linguale (A.I.O.L.), a
member of the Sociedad Española de Disfunción Craneomandibular
(S.E.D.C.), a member of the Sociedad Española de Odontopediatría
(S.E.O.P.). He is also a founding member of W.S.L.O. (World Society of
Lingual Orthodontics) and a member of the editorial committee of the
Ortodoncia Clínica magazine. He is a collaborator in the Post-graduate
theory-practice seminars of orthodontics to Orthodontists & Dentists
of 1 year of duration (since 1995 to present) at Ladent in Badalona. He
was a member of the International Committee of the J.L.O.A. (Japanese
Lingual Orthodontics Association) meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 2005.
Dr. Echarri maintains his practice limited to orthodontics in Badalona,
About the Speakers (cont.)
Dr. Bernardo H. “Coco” Garcia, D.D.S., M.S.D., I.B.O.
In June of 1987, Dr. Bernardo H. Garcia was made an
Associate Professor in the Orthodontic Department
of the Inistitute para El Desarrollo Actualizacion y
de Professionales in Mexico City, Mexico. He was
the International Course Coordinator at this school
until 1993. In May of 1993, Dr. Garcia accepted
the position as a Professor in the International
Maxillofacial Orthopedic/Orthodontic Department
and also as the International Coordinator for
U.N.A.M., Iztacala Campus. Dr. Garcia is currently the International
Director of Continued Education in the Orthodontic Department at
I.D.A.P., S.C. in Mexico City, Mexico and the Founder and Director of
International Straight Wire and Orthopedic Seminars, Inc. Dr. Garcia
has trained under Dr. James McNamara in functional appliance therapy,
and Dr. Richard McLaughlin and Dr. James Hilger in the straightwire
appliance and the use of segmental and utility arches.
“Coco”, as he is known by his students, is Director of Centro de
Ortodoncia in Tijuana, B.C. Mexico, with over 700 active patients.
During his career, Dr. Garcia has developed a diagnosis system that is
extremely effective and uses a common sense approach to mechanics
and diagnosis. He has been involved in teaching orthodontics for
the last 25 years throughout Canada, the United States, Chile, Mexico,
Puerto Rico, Poland, Spain, Italy, Pakistan, the Philippines, Holland,
Portugal, Germany and Australia. Dr. Garcia has over 30 study clubs
set up for course participants who wish to continue their orthodontic
education following the completion of courses. He has consulted on
thousands of cases during the last 25 years. He has also established
three orthodontic centers with teaching facilities in Germany, Portugal
and Tijuana, B.C. Mexico.
The area that Dr. Garcia feels is the most neglected in orthodontics
at the present time is during the mixed dentition stage. Most
orthodontists prefer to wait until all the teeth erupt before
commencing treatment.
Dr. Garcia feels that clinicians must become proficient in the use
of functional appliances, as well as fixed appliances, in the mixed
dentition so that many orthodontic problems may be prevented or
eliminated. Diagnosis is the key to success. Intensive research has
shown that functional appliances can be very effective in improving
the functional and skeletal problems when utilized in the mixed
dentition while the patient still has some growth potential. The
utilization of these appliances can also help develop the dental arches
and thus reduce the necessity for extraction of permanent teeth.
Dr. Garcia’s Study Club will stress proper records and the diagnosis and
treatment of orthodontic problems in the mixed dentition utilizing
both functional and fixed appliances. He is convinced that, like
anything, it is easier to prevent than to cure! Dr. Garcia has
developed a non-surgical approach in adult Class III with great success
and in Class II adults with A.R.S. and Twin Block® modified by
Dr. Gene Williamson, Dr. Duane Grummons and Dr. William Clark. With
Dr. Garcia’s experience in trouble shooting cases, he will help doctors
resolve all clinical problems with any technique.
Financial gain is the result of good treatment planning and time
invested to create beautiful smiles. Dr. Garcia believes that “what
you sow, you reap.” You should always treat patients with the
highest standards. There are NO SHORTCUTS NOR EASY WAYS IN
TREATED AS SUCH. His ultimate goal is to teach the highest quality of
service to you, for your patients.
About the Symposium
We would like to officially invite you to attend the 3rd International
Advanced Orthodontic Symposium in beautiful Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
This year’s symposium is offering an amazing program that will
provide you the tools and knowledge to help enhance your
orthodontic practice.
so you can attend this year’s International Advanced Orthodontic
Symposium. Space is limited and as usual we expect the Symposium
to fill up quickly. In order to confirm your space, please complete
and fax back the attached registration form. Upon receipt of your
registration form, we will contact you to confirm your attendance.
The 3rd International Advanced Orthodontic Symposium will take
place from Nov. 19 – 21, 2009. Please take a few moments to review
the enclosed information and do your best to arrange your schedule
We look forward to your participation in this year’s first-class meeting.
Registration Information
Dentists: USD $1,195.00
Auxiliary: USD $425.00
Course tuition includes: 3-day lecture, coffee breaks and welcome reception. Also included: Mexican Fiesta on Thursday, International Dinner on Friday
(registrants only, additional fee for spouses and children). Attendees will receive 24 units of Continued Education Credit and is IAO approved.
Doctor:_ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address:_ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone:_ __________________________________________________ Fax:_ ______________________________________________
Method of Payment:  Check (Make checks payable to: International Straight Wire & Orthopedic Seminars, Inc.)  Money Order  Credit Card
Amount Enclosed: $______________________  Visa/MasterCard
Card #:_____________________________________________________ Expires:_______________________
Name on Card:_ __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature: X_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Payment to be received no later than: October 15th, 2009
Hotel information
Cancellation and request for refund must be made in writing.
Cancellation will be accepted until 30 days prior to course start
date with a full refund of monies paid. Any cancellation received
after the 30-day cut off is subject to a non-refundable processing
fee of 50% of all monies paid.
For hotel information and reservations, please call:
I.S.W.O.S. at +1.262.392.9465
Fax, mail or e-mail completed form with payment to:
International Straight Wire & Orthopedic Seminars, Inc. (I.S.W.O.S.)
P.O. Box 411
North Prairie, Wisconsin 53153-0411
Phone: +1.262.392.9465
Fax: +1.262.392.9475
e-mail: [email protected]
The Sheraton Buganvilias Resort & Convention Center is located at:
Boulevard Medina Ascencio 999, Puerto Vallarta 48330, Mexico
Centrally located in Puerto Vallarta, this 557-room beachfront resort is less
than a half-kilometer (0.25 mi) from the shops and restaurants bordering
downtown’s Malecón oceanside walkway. The Sheraton Buganvilias Resort &
Convention Center faces the oceanfront (half sand beach, half rocky shore)
and features two pools with swim up bars, a spa tub, health and beauty
spas, restaurants and nightly entertainment.
Spacious guestrooms, studios, and one-bedroom suites at this Sheraton
resort feature ocean views, tropical decor, white-stucco walls, pale tile floors,
and bright fabrics. Wireless Internet access is available.
All inclusive hotel rates per night are: USD $110 for single occupancy
USD $110 for double occupancy
USD $140 for triple occupancy
Other rooms available at an additional charge.
Course sponsored by
For more information please contact:
International Straight Wire
& Orthopedic Seminars, Inc. (I.S.W.O.S.)
P.O. Box 411
North Prairie, Wisconsin 53153-0411
Phone: +1.262.392.9465
Fax: +1.262.392.9475
e-mail: [email protected]