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Why clinicians do not implement integrated treatment
for comorbid substance use disorder and posttraumatic
stress disorder: a qualitative study
Nele Gielen1,2*, Anja Krumeich3, Remco C. Havermans2, Feikje Smeets4
and Anita Jansen2
Mondriaan, MAIAR, Heerlen, The Netherlands; 2Department of Clinical Psychological Science,
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands;
Department of Health, Ethics & Society, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences,
Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands; 4Department of Psychiatry & Psychology,
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Background: Healthcare providers working in addiction facilities do not often implement integrated treatment
of comorbid substance use disorder (SUD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) while there is empirical
evidence to do so.
Objective: This study aims to get insight into the views of clinicians with regard to the diagnosis and treatment
of PTSD in SUD patients.
Method: A qualitative research method was chosen. Fourteen treatment staff members of different wards of
an addiction care facility were interviewed by an independent interviewer.
Results: Despite acknowledging adverse consequences of trauma exposure on SUD, severe underdiagnosis
of PTSD was mentioned and treatment of PTSD during SUD treatment was not supported. Obstacles related
to the underestimation of PTSD among SUD patients and to the perceptions of SUD clinicians concerning
the treatment of comorbid SUD/PTSD were reported.
Conclusions: It is concluded that SUD facilities should train their clinicians to enable them to provide for
integrated treatment of SUD/PTSD.
Keywords: Addiction; trauma; qualitative; healthcare provider; perceptions
*Correspondence to: Nele Gielen, Mondriaan, MAIAR, J.F. Kennedylaan 305, 6419 XZ Heerlen,
The Netherlands, Email: [email protected]
For the abstract or full text in other languages, please see Supplementary files under Article Tools online
Received: 12 September 2013; Revised: 20 December 2013; Accepted: 2 January 2014; Published: 5 February 2014
osttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a frequent
co-occurring disorder in patients who seek treatment for their substance use disorder (SUD).
Prevalence rates around 35% are mentioned in previous studies (Bonin, Norton, Asmundson, Dicurzio, &
Pidlubney, 2000; Driessen et al., 2008; Gielen, Havermans,
Tekelenburg, & Jansen, 2012; Ouimette, Coolhart,
Funderburk, Wade, & Brown, 2007; Read, Brown, &
Kahler, 2004; Reynolds, Mezey, Chapman, Wheeler,
Drummond, & Baldacchino, 2005), while trauma exposure
was found to be prevalent in 8997.4% of SUD patients
(Dansky, Saladin, Coffey, & Brady, 1997; Farley, Golding,
Young, Mulligan, & Minkoff, 2004; Gielen et al., 2012;
Read et al., 2004; Reynolds et al., 2005). SUD patients
with PTSD often use substances to deal with the emotional
pain caused by their trauma (Khantzian, 1997; Leeies,
Pagura, Sareen, & Bolton, 2010; Ouimette, Read, Wade,
& Tirone, 2010). Treatment prognosis is relatively poor in
these patients (Najt, Fusar-Poli, & Brambilla, 2011; Read
et al., 2004). In comparison with SUD patients without
PTSD, the comorbid diagnosis of SUD/PTSD is related
to a higher percentage of overdoses, suicide attempts,
and more treatment days (Mills, Teesson, Ross, Darke, &
Shanahan, 2005).
Over the last decade, a large body of research on the
treatment of SUD patients with PTSD has accumulated
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014. # 2014 Nele Gielen et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
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Nele Gielen et al.
(e.g., Henslee & Coffey, 2010; Hien, Cohen, Miele, Litt, &
Capstick, 2004; Mills et al., 2012; Najavits, Gallop, &
Weiss, 2006). Integrated treatment focusing on both disorders simultaneously seems to provide a better outcome
than treatment that focuses on just one disorder at a
time (Dass-Brailsford & Myrick, 2010; Mills et al., 2012;
Zatzick et al., 2004). In addition to the importance to
treat SUD and PTSD simultaneously, previous research
also documents the need for structural assessment of
PTSD in every new SUD patient who enters treatment
(Gielen et al., 2012; Back, Waldrop, Brady, & Hien, 2006;
Ruzek, Polusny, & Abueg, 1998). Guidelines, focusing on
the PTSD/SUD comorbidity and aimed to improve the
quality of healthcare, have been developed to inform
clinicians about these research findings, thus bridging the
gap between theory and practice (Kivlahan & Kaysen,
2012; Ruzek et al., 1998). These guidelines were also
recently developed in the Netherlands (Snoek, Wits,
Meulders, & Van de Mheen, 2012).
Despite the bulk of evidence and the development of
guidelines, relatively few substance dependence treatment centres have implemented an integrated treatment
approach, leaving PTSD in most cases untreated during SUD treatment (Glover-Graf & Janikowski, 2001;
Najavits, Sullivan, Schmitz, Weiss, & Lee, 2004; Young,
Rosen, & Finney, 2005). Furthermore, assessment for
PTSD does not take place in every new patient, and
underdiagnosis is fairly common (Gielen et al., 2012;
Young et al., 2005). Although it is not clear what the
specific reasons are for this contradiction between theory
and practice, we do know that, in general, translation of
research into practice is difficult (Forsner, Hansson,
Brommels, Wistedt, & Forsell, 2010; Rothkrauf & Eby,
One of the reasons why implementation of research
findings is difficult to accomplish is that individual
clinicians hold different opinions about how to manage
their patients (Leentjens & Burgers, 2008; Sorensen &
Kosten, 2011). This explanation is related to Arthur
Kleinman’s (1980) theory. According to Kleinman’s
explanatory model (EM) approach, every individual, professionals and patients alike, hold different beliefs about
a particular illness. These beliefs, or ‘‘Ems,’’ are shaped
by an individual’s beliefs and impact how this individual applies these beliefs in particular illness episodes.
Kleinman (1980) identified five constructs that determine
how an individual defines and approaches a (health)
problem and that constitute an individual’s EM. These
constructs include: (1) notions about the aetiology of the
illness, (2) ideas about symptom onset, (3) views about
the pathophysiology of the illness, (4) perceptions about
the course of illness, and (5) the recommended treatment.
Kleinman states that how an individual defines a certain
illness influences how this illness will be dealt with (i.e.,
what kind of treatment one thinks appropriate and by
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whom and what kind of assessment criteria one applies
to these actions, including notions of what can be
expected of professionals in terms of practices, attitude,
and responsibilities). Kleinman focuses on the distinction
between EMs of professionals and EMs of patients and
how the discrepant beliefs influence the treatment of a
certain disease. His model can also be used to study the
perception of professionals of a particular health problem
such as SUD/PTSD, their attitude regarding existing or
new treatment protocols and procedures, the kind of
criteria they use to assess effectiveness and quality of
existing or new practices and procedures, their actual
evaluation of procedures and protocols and the preparedness to adopt new treatment regimes.
This article focuses on clinicians’ EMs of comorbid
SUD and PTSD. To understand why substance abuse
clinicians do not implement evidence-based integrated
treatment for patients with SUD/PTSD, it is useful to
get insight into their views. The goal of this study is to
explore why healthcare providers working in the addiction field do not offer integrated treatment for SUD/
PTSD. We also aim to formulate implementation guidelines for addiction facilities. Since this is a field study of
clinician’s perceptions, a qualitative research method is
the most suitable. The EM approach will be used as a tool
to identify points of improvement.
To our knowledge, this is the first qualitative study that
explores the perceptions of SUD clinicians about how to
treat patients with comorbid SUD/PTSD patients. Some
researchers have previously used surveys with the same
goal. Glover-Graf and Janikowski (2001) and Janikowski
and Glover-Graf (2003) used the SACSCIH to survey
substance abuse clinicians who work with victims of
incest. Najavits, Norman, Kivlahan, and Kosten (2010)
and Young et al. (2005) used surveys (resp. the VA version
of the Clinician Survey on PTSD and Substance Abuse
and a survey developed by the authors) in VA (Veterans
Affairs) settings to learn more about the screening, treatment, and referral of SUD/PTSD patients. While these
studies focused on different subjects (clinicians in VA settings and SUD clinicians working with victims of incest),
in two other studies clinicians were surveyed about the
treatment of SUD/PTSD. Najavits (2002) surveyed 147
clinicians using the Clinical Survey on PTSD and Substance Abuse and concluded that the treatment of SUD/
PTSD was rated as more difficult to treat than either
disorder alone. Interestingly, she also found that clinicians
perceived more gratification than difficulty in working
with this subgroup of patients. Back, Waldrop, and Brady
(2009) tested 423 clinicians using the same survey as
Najavits (2002). They found that the issue on when and
how to integrate the treatment of SUD and the treatment
of PTSD was perceived as the most challenging.
In this exploratory study, we made use of a topic list
and specifically addressed the following themes: assessment
Citation: European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014, 5: 22821 -
Perceptions of clinicians working with SUD/PTSD patients
of trauma, diagnosis of PTSD and treatment of PTSD.
By use of semistructured qualitative interviews, clinicians
were asked about these topics in order to gauge the
clinician’s EM of SUD/PTSD. We questioned the current
procedures, responsibilities, and possible obstacles.
Design and justification
Since this study aimed to explore the individual perceptions of substance abuse therapists, we used a
qualitative research method. Semistructured in-depth
interviews with open-ended questions were used. This
research method best fitted the current exploratory
research questions.
Data collection and sampling
The current research took place in the addiction care
division of Mondriaan. Mondriaan is a large institution
with different certified treatment centres in the whole
region of southern Limburg in the southern part of
the Netherlands (total population currently estimated
at 607,000). One of these centres is a large substance/
behavioural dependence treatment facility. Staff members of different wards of this facility were included in
this study. A purposeful sampling strategy was used to
achieve a representative sample with work setting, position, and years of experience as selection criteria. These
criteria were chosen because of their assumed influence
on a clinician’s EM. A profile list of possible participants
in terms of these selection criteria was made, and each
ward was contacted to find participants with the desired
A total of 20 candidate participants received an email
explaining the goals and procedure of the study. Two
persons declined participation due to time restrictions
and three were non-responders, leaving 15 staff members
who were eventually interviewed. Owing to technical
problems, one interview could not be transcribed. Since a
suitable saturation level was reached after 14 interviews,
non-responders were not replaced in this study. The
characteristics of the sample are outlined in Table 1.
From October 2008 until January 2009, the selected staff
members were interviewed. To prevent bias, an independent trained interviewer questioned the participants
(investigator triangulation). All participants provided
informed consent and agreed that the interviews would
be recorded on audiotape. After an ice-breaker opening
question (‘‘Can you tell me something about the procedure when a new patient enters treatment?’’), a topic list
was used to cover the formulated themes: assessment
of trauma, diagnosis of PTSD, and treatment of PTSD.
We were interested in the current procedure, the respon-
Table 1. Sample characteristics
Work setting
5 years
Family system therapist
5 years
Psychiatric nurse
B5 years
Social worker
B5 years
B5 years
5 years
5 years
B5 years
Psychiatric nurse
B5 years
Social worker
5 years
5 years
Social worker
5 years
Unit manager
B5 years
5 years
Work setting: IT, intake team; CCW, clinical continuation ward;
FPAC, forensic psychiatric addiction care; DDW, double diagnosis
ward; MC, motivational centre; and AT, ambulatory treatment.
sibilities, and possible obstacles. The interviewer, who
was familiar with the organization, was instructed to ask
open-ended questions and to approach the respondents
with a natural curiosity and respect to ensure honest and
frank answers. Further instructions included holding
a natural fluency in the questions and to communicate
clearly. When a participant gave answers outside the
scope of the interview, the interviewer brought the conversation back to the subject. Examples of questions
were: (1) At what moment in the treatment process do
you refer patients for PTSD treatment? (2) What treatment do you judge to be ideal for patients with SUD and
PTSD? (3) What kind of tools do you use to diagnose
PTSD? or (4) Who is, according to you, responsible to
question patients about past trauma?
Frequent debriefing sessions were organized to optimize the quality of the interviews. To further improve
the reliability of the results, we used member checking:
the interviewer was instructed to restate or summarize the
answers of the respondent and then to question the
respondent to determine accuracy. Each interview lasted
between 15 and 30 min. An independent coworker made
transcripts of each interview.
Data analysis
The transcripts were analysed using content analysis. We
chose to categorize the data with inductive analysis. Pope,
Ziebland, and Mays (2000) describe this procedure in their
article. We will now give a detailed description of how we
analysed our data. The transcriptions of the interviews
were read, and first marginal notes were added. Initially,
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these were open codes. Whatever came up that suited the
text segment was written in the margin. When this was
done for all the interviews, sensitizing concepts were
chosen, reflecting associations of marginal notes between
the interviews. The following selective codes were created:
(1) definition of comorbid SUD/PTSD and assumptions
about the underlying cause, (2) suitable treatments, (3)
responsibilities, (4) anamnestic phase, (5) diagnosis process, and (6) preconditions.
For each interview, a new document was composed
with the six concepts as headings, and the exact copies of
the respective text fragments were copy-pasted below.
Summaries of the text fragments were made, each fragment resulting in a one- or two-sentence summary. These
summaries were then combined for all interviews, resulting in six documents with all summaries for each theme.
The summaries were carefully checked for connections,
and a higher level of abstraction was reached with new
categories. After that, a fluent text was written for each
category with the short summaries serving as illustrations. When this was done for the six concepts, a presentation was prepared and by doing so, we came up with
a new and clearer way to organize the results.
Concept 3 (responsibilities) and 6 (preconditions) could
be merged in the other four concepts. Furthermore,
it became clear that, besides the first concept (definition
of illness), a subdivision in (a) ‘‘current situation,’’ (b)
‘‘ideal/ desired situation,’’ and (c) ‘‘needs to achieve the
desired goals’’ was suitable for the remaining three
themes. Finally, during analysis, subdivisions (b) and (c)
were combined since these constructs were closely connected with each other. The final categories thus emerged
as (1) definition and aetiology of comorbid SUD/PTSD,
(2) anamnestic phase, (3) diagnosis process, and (4) suitable treatments. These categories match with Kleinman’s
EM constructs, with the first category corresponding
to Kleinman’s aetiology/course of illness/symptom onset
and pathophysiology EM constructs and categories 24
belonging to Kleinman’s recommended treatment EM
To account for a potential researcher effect, the transcribed interviews were independently analysed by two
different investigators (investigator triangulation). Besides the analysis which is outlined in detail in this
section, the fourth author analysed the information in
another way: she sorted the interviews by treatment
facility and made four subcategories: diagnostics, treatment, referral and other relevant notions. The main
relevant topics for each facility were selected and final
summaries were compared between treatment units to
identify issues that pertained to the entire organisation.
Although the two investigators used different analysing
techniques, they did come up with comparable results and
conclusions (Smeets, 2009).
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Definition and aetiology of comorbid SUD/PTSD
When we asked the interviewees to estimate the prevalence of trauma exposure and PTSD in their SUD
caseload, the opinions differed quite a lot, with estimates
of trauma exposure ranging between 0.5 and 100%.
Trauma, as in PTSD in the DSM, is rare. Maybe
only 1% or even less.
I assume that every patient who is treated here has
ever been exposed to a traumatic experience.
Only one interviewee (a psychologist) mentioned an
indirect estimate of PTSD in SUD patients and stated
to have never met a SUD patient with PTSD. No other
interviewees reported specific estimations about PTSD
I’ve never seen real PTSD. So, its prevalence is quite
Holding the literature findings on prevalence rates of
PTSD and trauma exposure in SUD patients in mind, we
can conclude that the estimated prevalence rates (despite
the wide range) in this study suggest a severe underestimation of the problem.
An important issue was how participants interpreted
comorbid SUD/PTSD. Among the interviewees many
views came up. One of these corroborated the selfmedication theory. According to the clinicians that referred to this theory, traumatized individuals use substances
to numb negative feelings or to suppress intrusions. As a
consequence, these patients never learn to handle their
problems and their symptoms become chronic. In this
interpretation, PTSD symptoms are, in other words,
understood as a mediating factor leading to craving and
possible relapse.
Other interpretations were offered. One of these
suggested that SUD patients often expose themselves
to dangerous or trauma-prone environments (high-risk
hypothesis; Stewart & Conrod, 2008). It was assumed
that when this trauma exposure happens after initial
substance use, substance use aggravates.
And, indeed, you meet severely addicted people who
often expose themselves to dangerous situations
which increases the risk for trauma.
Another interpretation referred to the neurobiological
dimension of substance dependence. This interpretation
referred to a preprogrammed biological vulnerability
to develop a mental disorder (diathesis stress model;
Roberts, Moore, & Beckham, 2007). In interpretations
referring to the neurobiological model, it was asserted
that early trauma can disturb neurobiological systems
(reward system, neurotransmitters, and sleep pattern),
leading to different effects after substance intake and
Citation: European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014, 5: 22821 -
Perceptions of clinicians working with SUD/PTSD patients
putting someone at risk for the development of a SUD
(disturbed stress reaction hypothesis).
A final interpretation focused on an interaction between trauma, SUD, and personality. Trauma exposure,
it was asserted, results in a change in personality or even
in the development of a personality disorder and this
can make a person vulnerable for the development of an
SUD. Personality, in this definition, can be understood as
a mediating factor.
These definitions have a presumed relationship between PTSD and SUD in common. No matter how they
perceived the causality, participants agree that it is important to have knowledge about the trauma as it can
increase understanding the patient’s motivations contributing to his/her SUD. The clinicians also agree that
PTSD symptoms make it particularly difficult for the
SUD patient to get clean or sober.
The first main finding is that the majority of clinicians
seem to have a reasonably good understanding about the
interrelatedness between SUD and PTSD. Although the
clinicians severely underestimate the prevalence of PTSD
in their patients (Gielen et al., 2012; Reynolds et al.,
2005), their ideas about the aetiology, symptom onset,
pathophysiology, and course of illness are in accordance
with the literature (Langeland, 2009; Roberts et al., 2007;
Stewart & Conrod, 2008). The fact that clinicians refer to
existing theoretical models, including the self-medication
theory, the high-risk hypothesis, the diathesis stress model,
and the disturbed stress reaction hypothesis, adds to the
conclusion that the interviewed clinicians are well aware
of the negative influences of trauma exposure and PTSD
symptoms on SUD. One would thus expect clinicians to
take PTSD into account during SUD treatment. But that
is clearly not the case. Why not?
Trauma anamnesis in SUD patients
Current situation
According to the interviewees, there is a more or less
standard screening at intake of any patient. This screening interview typically includes questions about current symptomatology, family history, life history, etc.
Although trauma exposure is not specifically enquired in
this anamnesis, it does, however, often suggest itself to the
attentive intaker. The clinicians notice that sometimes
patients spontaneously report trauma exposure. When
trauma is considered by the clinician, it is done very
carefully and only superficially.
But to really ask deeper about the trauma is of
course not done.
When a patient enters treatment, clinicians usually rely on
intake reports (and/or on existing patient files) and do
not ask about possible trauma. It is noted that patients
who are known for years sometimes have an unknown
case-history. Furthermore, the interviewed intake clinicians agreed that sometimes they decide not to enquire
about trauma because of the delicacy of the matter. The
trauma anamnesis is implicitly expected to be continued
during later treatment.
When I notice that they (the patients) find it (the
trauma anamnesis) very hard, then I find it quite a
challenge to ask about trauma. They often don’t see
me anymore after the intake. So, I then decide not to
go into it and leave it for the treatment phase.
The opinions on the responsibility to ask about trauma
history are mixed. The trauma anamnesis should be done
by the intake clinician, by the psychologist concerned, by
the case manager or by the individual mentor (in case
of hospitalization). Another view is that anyone should
do it.
With regard to the anamnesis of trauma exposure we
can conclude that: (1) trauma exposure is not directly
questioned in new patients, and intake clinicians do
not use specific validated assessment tools, (2) clinicians
seem to favour a very careful approach with regard to
the trauma anamnesis, (3) in the case of already known
patients clinicians rely on former and possibly outdated
patient files, and finally, (4) the responsibility to enquire
about trauma is indistinct. Therefore, it is clear that there
is a lack of a protocol concerning the trauma anamnesis
in SUD patients. It is possible that the previously mentioned underestimation of trauma exposure prevalence is
related to this absence of trauma anamnesis protocol.
Since most clinicians believe that PTSD is not a frequent
problem in SUD treatment, they do not experience a need
for a protocol to assess trauma. The cautious approach
towards trauma, on the other hand, may reflect the supposed association between talking about trauma, increase
of PTSD symptoms and consequently an increase in craving and possible relapse of addictive behaviour. This
thinking contrasts clinical guidelines (e.g., Gielen et al.,
2012; Ruzek et al., 1998) and the scientific literature.
McHugo and colleagues (2005) interviewed over 2,700
SUD patients with co-occurring mental disorders about
how trauma assessment was tolerated. The results of
McHugo’s study indicated that the assessment was not
only well tolerated, but was even regarded as a positive
experience by most patients.
Ideal*desired situation
When the interviewer specifically asked for the need to
assess trauma during intake or treatment, the clinicians
do agree that trauma anamnesis is essential and they add
that every patient should be directly questioned about
possible trauma. They also state that is very important to
clearly report these facts in their patient files and to be
aware that already known patients may have incomplete
or out-of-date patient files.
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But there are people who are for instance on
methadone and have been in and out of treatment
for over 10 years. Not a lot of attention is paid to
their history and who knows what further lurks
beneath the surface.
Interviewees state that when trauma is not questioned
during intake, the intake clinician should clearly communicate this with the responsible substance abuse clinician.
In contrast to current practice, the desired ideal situation is in line with the guidelines and can lead to a better
assessment of trauma exposure. Interviewees provide
some suggestions on how to reach this goal. The responsibility to assess trauma should be defined more clearly
and training on how to assess trauma is needed for the
intake clinicians.
Diagnosing PTSD in SUD patients
Current situation
Clinicians emphasize that it is important to diagnose
PTSD. The following procedure in the diagnosis process
of a new patient is reported. First, the intake clinician,
often a social worker or a psychiatric nurse, makes a
temporary diagnosis based on an interview. In case of
uncertainty, the patient is then referred to a psychiatrist.
This psychiatrist only sees a minority of the patients and
does not use any standardized assessment tools in reaching a diagnosis.
They (the patients) rarely end up with me (the
psychiatrist) . . . I have 12 hours for the treatment of
1000 patients. I expect there are a lot of patients
among them that have a whole lot of (psychiatric)
problems of which I’m not aware.
When the temporary diagnosis does seem clear, the
patient is discussed in a multidisciplinary team meeting,
including a psychologist and a psychiatrist. During this
discussion, a final diagnosis is made. The psychiatrist
holds the end responsibility to make a diagnosis.
It is acknowledged that, in case of previously known
patients, the diagnoses of the old patient files are often
used without further inquiry.
The interviewees indicate that during treatment the
diagnosis is malleable. Team members sometimes signal
trauma-related symptoms in a patient and then refer the
patient for further consultation to the psychiatrist or
resident psychologist. This may result in a change in the
patient’s diagnosis. Again, both the resident psychiatrist
and psychologist rarely use standardized assessment tools
to reach a specific diagnosis. As for PTSD specifically, the
interviewees mention that no specific PTSD questionnaires or interviews are available or known to them. This
of course may result in misdiagnosis or as in the case of
PTSD, severe underdiagnosis. Indeed, the interviewed
clinicians are in agreement with regard to the severe
underdiagnosis of PTSD in their patient group.
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I think our patient group is heavily underdiagnosed.
Finally, the interviewees state that diagnosis can be difficult in SUD patients because of the similarity between
PTSD symptoms and addiction related symptoms (e.g.,
intoxication and withdrawal).
It is difficult to disentangle PTSD and addiction
symptoms. What is what?
Ideal*desired situation
The necessity to screen for PTSD in every patient at
different times (since a diagnosis can change over time)
during treatment is stressed. Furthermore, clinicians are
aware that they should be more alert for PTSD symptoms. Although the importance of diagnosing PTSD in
SUD patients is recognized, three important difficulties
can be indicated. Firstly, the clinicians describe only two
evaluation moments in which PTSD can be evaluated
and report that in already known patients their previous
diagnosis is copied, not re-assessed. Different existing
clinical guidelines suggest at least three separate evaluation moments in all patients and a continuous monitoring
of symptoms (Schatzberg, Weiss, Brady, & Culpepper,
2008; Snoek et al., 2012).
A second problem is that clinicians at intake reach a
diagnosis relying solely on an interview in which PTSD or
trauma exposure is not explicitly questioned. Clinicians
seem to rely heavily on their clinical judgement when
diagnosing PTSD in SUD patients. The combination of
the reported underestimation of PTSD prevalence and
the inherent bias of clinical judgement (Dawes, Faust, &
Meehl, 1989; Garb, 2005) make for a plausible explanation of the underdiagnosis of PTSD.
The third difficulty is that PTSD symptoms can be
confused with intoxication and withdrawal symptoms.
Although some SUD related symptoms mimic or overlap with PTSD symptoms (e.g., sleep disturbance,
difficulty concentrating, feelings of detachment, irritability), PTSD is characterized by unique criteria: the exposure to a criterion A event and intrusive trauma-related
symptoms (4th ed., text rev.; DSMIVTR; American
Psychiatric Association, 2000). To overcome this problem of symptom confusion, the assessment of PTSD
is best done after a period of abstinence (Snoek et al.,
PTSD treatment in SUD patients
Current situation
The interviews with the clinicians make it clear that the
treatment facility promotes sequential treatment in which
SUD is treated before PTSD. The focus should be on
SUD and patients are sometimes advised not to go into
trauma therapy during SUD treatment.
I usually gave the advice that trauma therapy was
not an option at that moment.
Citation: European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014, 5: 22821 -
Perceptions of clinicians working with SUD/PTSD patients
Doing that, you may cause more misery than
necessary. In cases like that I’m more inclined to
cover the trauma with sand, a concrete layer, and to
continue work upon that rotten foundation.
a past-focused integrated approach might exacerbate
PTSD symptoms promoting drug or alcohol craving
and possible addictive behaviour relapse.
Although the sequential view on the treatment of
comorbid SUD and PTSD is seen as outmoded by
different interviewees, quite a few interviewees strongly
argue against simultaneous treatment. To treat PTSD
during SUD treatment is seen as too soon, harmful,
counterproductive, unwise, and distracting.
Ideal*desired situation
Although sequential treatment seems to be the current
way of handling SUD/PTSD patients, clinicians do report
that dividing the treatment of SUD and PTSD is artificial
and difficult to bring into practice. Because of the high
suffering of the patient and the close link between PTSD
symptoms and relapse, both disorders should be treated
simultaneously. The interviewees recognize the ethical
responsibility to do a co-treatment of SUD and PTSD.
Sometimes doing nothing is less harmful.
The real trauma therapy is not done here because it
usually impedes addiction treatment.
In contrast with this current practice and thinking,
the guidelines are very clear: integrated treatment is the
standard of care (Kivlahan & Kaysen, 2012; Mueser,
Noordsy, Drake, & Fox, 2003; Snoek et al., 2012).
Despite the fact that guidelines emphasize using pharmacotherapy only as an additional form of therapy (Snoek
et al., 2012), the interviewed clinicians indicate that pharmacotherapeutic treatment is the current treatment of
choice for PTSD in SUD patients. Interviewees state that
neuroleptica and Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
(SSRI’s) are prescribed for PTSD in SUD patients, leading
to a decrease of intrusions and other PTSD symptoms.
Psychopharmaceuticals are also advised for traumarelated sleeping disorders.
Clinicians favour a present-focused approach for PTSD
treatment above a trauma- or past-focused treatment.
This approach involves carefully exploring the impact of
trauma, developing new coping techniques, focusing on
the future, psycho-education, symptom reduction, and
increasing stability. Interviewees state the importance of
not talking about the trauma with the patient and to
restrict or refer patients when they do.
In essence, you don’t discuss the trauma.
The interviewees note that in patients with more introspective skills, the psycho-education can be further
deepened to increase the understanding and to link
trauma-related patterns with addiction. Therapy can
then include social skills training or rational emotive
According to the interviewees, all team members, under
the supervision of a psychologist or psychiatrist, can apply
the above-mentioned approach. There should, however,
be a match between psychopathology and expertise.
Current research suggests that past-focused therapies,
not present-focused therapies, should*even in SUD
patients*be the treatment of choice (Berenz & Coffey,
2012; van Dam, Vedel, Ehring, & Emmelkamp, 2012).
The arguments that are given against trauma therapy
during SUD treatment suggest that clinicians favour
a sequential, pharmacotherapeutical, or present-focused
treatment approach for PTSD, because they believe that
. . . so we have the responsibility to treat everything.
According to the interviewees, this simultaneous treatment should, ideally, be given intramurally in a double
diagnosis ward where a long enough admission time is
But, of course, it’s not always relevant. It depends
on where, on which department, and with what goal,
someone is hospitalized.
If PTSD treatment takes place on an ambulatory basis,
an emergency admission should be possible in case of
severe psychological deterioration of the patient. Clinicians further express the need to have a treatment
protocol for comorbid SUD/PTSD. In this protocol,
special attention should be given to a no show procedure
as it is expected that no shows may occur more often with
this subgroup of patients. A clear and uniform view of the
institution about how to deal with comorbid SUD/PTSD
is another important condition that is highlighted. If
the institution stimulates PTSD treatment during SUD
treatment, more time and money should be reserved for
this aim.
Not much is done with that information (PTSD
diagnosis) because we can’t do so much with it,
because we don’t have the means.
Training and supervision is needed in order to increase
the knowledge about PTSD and about the impact of
PTSD treatment. Intervision is suggested to prevent
clinicians from developing secondary PTSD.
We can’t actually do that much with trauma within
our departments of addiction care. We do not have
the time or the expertise.
As in the previous sections, there is an explicit contrast
between the current practice and the situation that is
described as ideal. The suggestions that are provided
offer good possibilities to alter the current practices
towards a more evidence-based treatment. Lack of time,
money and expertise are mentioned as reasons why
integrated treatment is currently not offered to SUD/
PTSD patients.
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Gap between theory and practice
Almost every interviewee (12 out of 14) believes that
trauma and SUD are interrelated. Most clinicians report
that substance use is negatively influenced by PTSD
symptoms or that substance use follows trauma exposure.
According to Kleinman’s model, these statements should
predict that treatment of PTSD takes place during SUD
treatment. However, nearly all clinicians admit that
PTSD treatment does not occur during SUD treatment.
Interviewee 1: It (trauma/PTSD) can be a maintaining factor (for addiction).
Sometimes doing nothing is less
Interviewee 2: Trauma is always of influence.
I don’t think you should work on
trauma processing here. That’s more
something for after the treatment
(of addiction).
Interviewee 4: The real problems start when someone is going to detoxify . . . then the sorrow, the pain and the grief emerge.
We can’t do that much with trauma
. . . During treatment we thus only
focus on substance use.
In order to understand why substance abuse clinicians do
not implement evidence-based integrated treatment for
patients with SUD/PTSD, the current report explored
how healthcare providers define the comorbid disorders
and how their perceptions influence clinical practice.
The purpose of this study was to unearth perceptions
and practices regarding SUD/PTSD in order to improve
implementation of best practice guidelines concerning the
comorbidity of SUD and PTSD for addiction facilities.
This study suggests that two factors affect the underdiagnosis and undertreatment of PTSD in SUD facilities,
which is also reported in the literature (Gielen et al.,
2012; Glover-Graf & Janikowski, 2001; Najavits et al.,
2004; Young et al., 2005). (1) Although most clinicians
are well aware of the adverse consequences of trauma
exposure and PTSD on SUD, in general, SUD clinicians
are not aware of the high prevalence rates of trauma
exposure and PTSD among their patients. As a consequence, PTSD is not a priority and adequate treatment
protocols, specific diagnostic tools and even the clinical
guidelines are not well known. (2) Clinicians believe that
talking about past traumas elicits craving and possible
relapse. This belief leads to a too-careful approach or no
approach of past trauma.
The fact that the interviewees advised specific improvements about the trauma anamnesis, PTSD diagnosis, and
PTSD treatment, which resembled the SUD/PTSD guidelines, suggests that their theoretical knowledge might not
be the most important reason for not following the clinical guidelines. The main hurdles appear to be practical:
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lack of time, money, and expertise. It should be noted
though that the interviews forced the clinicians to think
about PTSD in SUD patients. This impromptu awareness
of PTSD in their patients may have led them to stress the
importance of diagnosing and treating PTSD in SUD
patients. Nonetheless, with regard to Kleiman’s EM
approach, we can conclude that the views held by SUD
clinicians about PTSD prevalence and the supposed
negative influence of discussing trauma certainly affect
how the clinician handles comorbid PTSD in SUD
patients. The matter is, however, further complicated by
the lack of means.
Unfortunately, we could not ask participants to determine the accuracy of the conclusions because too much
time passed between the interviews and the analysis.
Nonetheless, the present findings might provide important implications for SUD treatment facilities.
The results of this study confirm that PTSD treatment
was not a focus during SUD treatment. Although
clinicians were well aware of the adverse consequences
of trauma exposure and PTSD on SUD, hindrances
related to the underestimation of PTSD in SUD patients,
a too-careful approach and lack of time and money
prevented an adequate diagnosis and treatment of PTSD.
SUD facilities should therefore invest in the evidencebased integrated approach of comorbid SUD/PTSD. The
results of this study corroborate previous findings that
indicate that SUD treatment facilities have a lot to gain
by investing in integrated/simultaneous SUD/PTSD treatment. Clinicians should be educated and trained to be
able to assess PTSD/trauma, using reliable and valid
measures, and to provide evidence-based SUD/PTSD
treatment. Since successful implementation is also dependent on the perceptions SUD/PTSD patients hold,
future research might focus on this topic.
Conflict of interest and funding
There is no conflict of interest in the present study for any
of the authors.
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