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National Services
Psychotherapy Service
A specialist service providing expert psychotherapy treatment for people
with a range of psychological and psychiatric problems.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
» The Psychotherapy Service has made a huge difference to the
quality of each day. I’ve started to feel pleasure again. « Kerry
Cover illustration drawn by Ben Haydon, former SLaM patient
National Services: Psychotherapy Service
Service overview
Our philosophy
Who is our service for?
Our care pathway
Our facilities
Our team
Training and consultancy
Case studies
Referring to our service
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Service overview
Our service specialises in the assessment and treatment of people with a broad range
of psychological and psychiatric problems.
We offer a range of evidence-based therapies and work
collaboratively with patients and referrers. We work to
ensure our service is continually evolving and improving.
Our expert clinicians provide a responsive psychotherapy
service, tailored to the needs of the individual, couple
or family in treatment.
King’s Health Partners
Our service is part of the Mood, Anxiety and Personality
Disorders Clinical Academic Group. SLaM has joined with King’s
College London, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust,
and King’s College NHS Foundation Trust to establish King’s
Health Partners, an Academic Health Sciences Centre. King’s
Health Partners involves bringing clinical care, research and
education much more closely together. Our aim is to reduce the
time it takes for research discoveries and medical breakthroughs
to become routine clinical practice. This will lead to better care
and treatment for patients.
Visit for more information.
National Services: Psychotherapy Service
Our philosophy
Our priority is to listen to our patients and offer them the best psychotherapy tailored
to each person’s needs.
As a world-class service offering different modalities
of psychotherapy, we aim to provide the best treatment
for each person.
» The service provides invaluable support to
those who need it, and in certain cases has
undoubtedly been a lifesaver. I know that it
has become a critical lifeline for me. « Jerry
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Who is our service for?
We provide a service for people with a range of mental health problems, including depression,
anxiety and personality disorders. We also provide specialised therapy for couples, pregnant
women or women with children up to 12 months old, and people with a variety of emotional
and relationship difficulties.
›› 18+ years
›› People struggling with chronic psychosis
›› CBT: focal problems like anxiety or depression
›› Family therapy: problems located primarily in couple or
family relationships
›› Perinatal: mothers or fathers with infants <12 months
›› Psychodynamic psychotherapy: emotional problems with
co-existing relationship or personality difficulties
›› Significant risk of harm to others
›› Active psychosis
›› Active suicide risk
›› Alcohol or substance dependence
» The group became a healthy family. In regular day-to-day life, I can imagine
someone saying that I should just stop talking about this or that. The group,
on the other hand, listened and we helped each other test new things – I’d
take something away, try it, bring it back if it didn’t work, then try something
a little different the next time. « June
National Services: Psychotherapy Service
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Our interventions are designed to address a broad range of
difficulties faced by our patients, and to provide the best
treatment for each person’s needs.
Group psychotherapy
Group psychotherapy is helpful for the same range
of disorders. It is especially useful for those who have
difficulties in relationships with others.
Our service offers:
Cognitive behaviour therapy
Couple and family therapy
Group psychotherapy
Individual psychodynamic psychotherapy
Mentalization-based therapy
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
Perinatal psychotherapy
Psychosis group
Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)
We provide expert CBT for people with complex cases,
including treatment-resistant anxiety and depression, who
often have co-existing personality difficulties. CBT is a
short-term, problem-focused treatment based on the
presumption that emotional problems are maintained by
cognitive and behavioural factors. People learn to evaluate
their thoughts, beliefs and behaviours, and try alternative
ways of thinking and acting.
Couple and family therapy
We see families or couples where there is often mental illness
in one or more family member and relationships are part of
the difficulties. Therapy helps to clarify how the relationships
and symptoms impact on each other, and helps families use
their own resources and strengths to relate more
Individual psychodynamic psychotherapy
People benefiting from this form of therapy often have
difficulties in relationships or in handling the pressures of
everyday living. Some people have depression, an eating
disorder, a psychotic condition or are struggling with selfharm. Many people have been affected by psychological,
physical or sexual abuse. We also provide assessment and
mentalization-based treatment for people with borderline
personality disorder.
Mentalization-based therapy
This therapy is for people with a main diagnosis of borderline
personality disorder. Mentalization therapy relates to the
capacity to interpret one’s and other people’s actions,
thoughts and emotions as meaningful on the basis of different
and independent personal intentions and motivations. The
therapy has been shown to reduce deliberate self-harm,
inpatient admissions and the management costs of these
patients. It has also been shown to increase social and
interpersonal functioning. The improvements have been
shown to be maintained after eight years.
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is a combination
of meditation and cognitive behavioural group therapy, which
helps people become aware of how their thinking influences
their thoughts and feelings. It is a group therapy, including
meditation, where participants are invited to talk about their
personal experiences. Studies have shown MBCT interventions
National Services: Psychotherapy Service
can help to keep depression away in people who have
experienced three or more episodes of the illness.
Perinatal psychotherapy
We see pregnant women or women with children under the
age of 12 months, who are having psychological difficulties
adjusting to this life change.
Psychotherapy can be undertaken in a group, individually,
or in the form of parent-infant psychotherapy, which is
offered when the difficulties are evident in the mother-infant
or father-infant relationship.
Psychosis group
We provide open group therapy for people with severe and
enduring mental health problems. People referred to the
group vary in their diagnoses, but often have bipolar affective
disorder, schizophrenia or severe borderline disorders.
We facilitate contact between members outside of the group,
as well as addressing the symptoms of people’s illness and
how they affect the group member. We encourage
engagement in psychosocial activities, like alternative
therapies, taking part in community art groups, or undertaking
voluntary work, which are all aimed at enhancing people’s
personal empowerment and social inclusion.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Our care model
›› Monospeciality or multimodal assessments
›› Psychiatric and psychometric evaluation
›› Complex needs assessments
›› Routine use of HoNOS and CORE
›› Joint understanding of the illness
›› Improved communication
›› Management of daily interactions at home
›› Personalised and continued care
›› A collaborative effort with the therapist
›› Reduction in symptoms
›› Improved relationships and social functioning
›› New ways of understanding themselves
›› Time to be listened to
›› Improved communication with others
›› A different sense of control over one’s life
›› Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
›› Family, couple and systemic therapy
›› Group therapy
›› Mentalization-based therapy
›› Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
›› Perinatal psychotherapy
›› Psychoanalytic and psychodynamic therapy
›› Child and parenting assessment
›› Risk assessment and recommendations
›› Psychological and psychiatric risk assessment
›› Planning of shared care with GPs and CMHTs
National Services: Psychotherapy Service
» The MBCT course I took was invaluable. It built on previous psychotherapeutic
interventions I have benefited from within SLaM and provided me with many
useful tools. These have been a great help. I have recommended the course
to others I believe will benefit from it. « Karen
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South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Our care pathway
National Services: Psychotherapy Service
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
This graph illustrates the significant reduction in patients’
anxiety and depression symptoms over six months as a result
of CBT treatment with the service (2010).
Patients experienced a drop in depressive symptoms, based
on the Patient Health Questionnaire, and an equally significant
reduction in anxiety symptoms when measured using the
Generalised Anxiety Disorder Assessment.
» I personally found the one-to-one
therapy most useful. « Michael
Before CBT
After CBT
Patient Health Questionaire (PHQ-9)
Generalised Anxiety Disorder
Assessment (GAD-7)
National Services: Psychotherapy Service
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Our facilities
Our service is located at the historic Maudsley Hospital, which is internationally renowned for
excellence in research, treatment and teaching in mental health. The hospital is based in South
London and has close links to public transport.
National Services: Psychotherapy Service
Our team
Our specialist team includes consultant psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists.
Dr Stirling Moorey BSc, MBBS, FRCPsych
Head of Psychotherapy
Dr Stirling Moorey is Professional Head of Psychotherapy for
the Trust. He is also a consultant psychiatrist in CBT and an
honorary senior lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s
College London.
Dr Moorey trained in medicine at the Middlesex Hospital
Medical School, and in psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital.
From 1986 to 1992, he was a research psychiatrist at
the Royal Marsden Hospital. From 1992 to 1999, he was
a consultant psychiatrist in psychotherapy at City and
Hackney Teaching Primary Care Trust.
Dr Moorey became interested in cognitive therapy at medical
school, and in 1979 he did his student elective with Dr Aaron
Beck at the Centre for Cognitive Therapy – being one of the
first British therapists to visit when CBT was in its infancy.
Since then, he has been closely involved in CBT training
for psychiatrists and other health professionals.
Research interests include CBT in palliative care, with
a particular interest in how palliative care staff can learn
to use techniques in their everyday work.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Our team continued
Dr Julia Bland MA, MB, BS, MRCPsych
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist | Systemic Family and
Couple Therapist
Dr Julia Bland is a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, a Systemic
Family and Couple Therapist, and the Lead Clinician for family
and couple therapy.
Dr Bland has an honours degree in English Language and
Literature from the University of Oxford.
She completed her medical training at Guy’s Hospital, before
completing psychiatric and specialist psychotherapy senior
registrar training at South West London and St George’s
Mental Health NHS Trust.
She qualified in systemic psychotherapy at Prudence Skynner
Family Therapy Clinic, a facility that is registered with the UK
Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP). She then qualified in
psychoanalytic psychotherapy at Lincoln Clinic and Centre for
Psychotherapy, registered with the British Psychoanalytic
Council (BPC).
Dr Bland is lead investigator for a research group developing
an outcome measure for systemic family therapy (SCORE), a
project supported by the Association for Family Therapy. She
has a research interest in the interface between systemic and
psychoanalytic theory and has been involved in demographic,
descriptive and outcome studies related to doctors’ use of the
MedNet service.
National Services: Psychotherapy Service
Dr Caroline McCurrie MA, MBBS, MRCPsych
Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Caroline McCurrie is a Consultant Psychiatrist in
Psychotherapy, with a particular specialism in psychodynamic
psychotherapy. She is also a cognitive analytic therapy
practitioner and has trained in interpersonal psychotherapy
and mentalization-based therapy. She is the deputy
psychotherapy tutor for the Trust, training junior medical staff
in psychotherapy. She offers case discussion groups for staff
as well as supervision and direct teaching.
Dr McCurrie completed her psychiatric training within the
Trust, including specialty training in Psychotherapy.
Clinical Interests Dr McCurrie has a particular interest in training staff in
psychotherapy and supporting staff in working with complex
patients. Other interests include parent mental health and the
interface of psychotherapy services with other health services
both in primary and secondary care.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Our team continued
Jack Nathan BSc (Hons), CQSW, MSc, Mem. LCP, Mem. BPC
Consultant Psychotherapist
Jack Nathan is a consultant psychotherapist for the
Psychotherapy Service and the Self-harm Service. He also
holds the post of senior lecturer in social work at the
Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London.
During his career, he has developed a form of short-term
psychotherapy treatment called Brief-Intermittent Dynamic
(BID) Therapy.
He completed degrees at London University, including
a Masters in Social Work (1980). He then trained as an adult
psychotherapist at the London Centre for Psychotherapy.
Research interests include self-harm, advanced practice
social work, BID therapy and the nature of supervision.
National Services: Psychotherapy Service
Wil Pennycook MA, Memb.Inst.GA (London)
Consultant Psychotherapist
Wil Pennycook is a group analyst and the lead clinician
for group psychotherapy.
In her role, she has developed groups for a variety of patient
populations. At present she conducts two outpatient groups,
co-conducts a group for patients with severe and enduring
mental illness, and co-leads a mentalization-based therapy
(MBT) project for patients with borderline personality disorder.
She is experienced in conducting and supervising inpatient
groups in both acute and forensic settings. She has facilitated
staff groups in both of these settings and currently facilitates
a staff group on a forensic ward.
Wil is responsible for developing group psychotherapy within
the department and she supervises the training of junior
doctors and others in group psychotherapy.
She regularly presents at CPD workshops within the Trust.
Past presentations have included Group Psychotherapy and
Addictions and Working with Staff on a Forensic Ward.
Wil trained to work therapeutically with children and
adolescents at the Tavistock Clinic and University of London.
She began her training as a Group Analyst in 1991 and
moved to the Maudsley Hospital in 2002.
Wil is co-leading a research project on mentalization-based
treatment for patients with borderline personality disorder.
She is also involved in developing research into group
psychotherapy within the NHS, alongside the Institute
of Group Analysis.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Our team continued
Dr Giovanni Polizzi MMRCPsych, MInst Psychoanal
Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Giovanni Polizzi is a consultant psychiatrist in psychotherapy.
He is the lead for mentalization-based therapy with the service
and Deputy Head for the Trust’s psychotherapy training and
education programme.
Dr Polizzi studied in Italy, qualifying first as a neurologist
with a special interest in epilepsy. He started working in
London as a researcher with the Epilepsy Research Group,
Institute of Neurology, before deciding to concentrate on
his earlier passion for psychoanalysis and psychiatry.
Dr Polizzi completed the Royal College of Psychiatry
(MRCPsych) training while he was working at the South
West London and St George’s Mental Health Trust.
His higher training in psychotherapy was completed
at Springfield Hospital. He trained as a psychoanalyst
at the Institute of Psychoanalysis, London.
He was appointed to his consultant post at the Maudsley
Hospital in 2005.
Dr Polizzi’s main interest is the development of skills and
knowledge in the field of personality disorders. His research
includes mentalization-based therapy in outpatient work
with patients who have borderline personality disorders.
Previous research interests include functional neuroimaging
and electroencephalography (EEG) recordings, and primary
care and psychotherapy.
National Services: Psychotherapy Service
Dr Florian Ruths MD, MRCPsych, PgDipCBT
Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Florian Ruths is clinical lead for mindfulness-based therapy.
He is a consultant psychiatrist in adult mental health in
Lambeth and is part of the South East Lambeth Assessment
and Treatment Team.
Dr Ruths qualified in Heidelberg as a doctor and trained in
Psychiatry at the Royal Free Hospital before moving to the
Maudsley Hospital for specialist registrar training in General
Adult and Old Age Psychiatry in 2000.
He became a qualified cognitive therapist and was BABCP
accredited. Since 2003, he has developed the mindfulnessbased cognitive therapy program at the Maudsley Hospital
and has been a full-time consultant at the hospital since 2005.
Research interests include mindfulness and CBT. Previous
interests include mindfulness-based cognitive therapy,
obsessive compulsive disorder and self-harm.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Our team continued
Dr Barbara Wood MBBS, MRCP, MRCPsych
Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Barbara Wood is a consultant psychiatrist in psychotherapy.
Dr Wood trained in medicine at St Bartholomew’s Hospital,
London. She completed postgraduate physician training at
St Bartholomew’s and Whipps Cross Hospitals, and psychiatry
training at the Maudsley Hospital and in Victoria, Australia.
Clinical interest
Dr Wood has a particular interest in psychotherapy services
for younger adults.
Her interests include mother-child attachment and outcomes
of psychotherapy.
National Services: Psychotherapy Service
Training and consultancy
We regularly run 18-month clinical and theoretical borderline
workshops for mental health professionals working within SLaM
or as honorary therapists. A number of other clinical and
educational activities, including academic seminars and films
on psychopathology, are regularly offered to professionals
working within the Trust and to psychiatrists in training.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
“I’ve always had a sense things were not
quite right.”
I’ve suffered from depression and anxiety since childhood
and, though I think I always knew something was wrong,
I felt I was to blame for it... like all I really needed to do
was pull my socks up.
I grew up as the eldest child in a working class Muslim
family and, around the age of 37 or 38, when I sought
help for the first time, my siblings seemed to be doing
so much better than me. They were married with homes
and savings and I was single and felt I hadn’t done
anything with my life. I’d passed a couple of degrees
and had worked in publishing and different areas of law,
but hadn’t been able to hold down a steady career.
My siblings and I had all come through the same family
so I wondered what was wrong with me.
I reflected on it and came to the conclusion that I set
goals but never achieved them. That was probably the
thing that made me look for help initially; why did I set
my sights on things but never get there?
“I suppose it’s more difficult when there
are no external signs.”
On the face of it, I’ve always looked quite well. The
depression may have affected me inside, but most of the
time I probably looked cheerful on the outside. I slept
a lot too, but I always felt that was just a mixture of bad
habits and not feeling motivated.
My situation had been the same since secondary school
or earlier so there wasn’t any kind of onset in adulthood.
My sister took antidepressants when she went through
a divorce, but taking the medication was a result of an
obvious change in her well-being. That never happened
for me. I’d been the same for a long time – chronic, like
a kind of shutdown.
At first, I saw a counsellor linked to my GP surgery and
had some psychotherapy from a local pastoral service.
I was with the pastoral service for a while and it was quite
successful in some ways because it revealed childhood
things I didn’t realise still upset me, plus it was clear
to me that something was wrong. I was looking for
a different kind of service though, which was why I
was referred to the Maudsley.
“The Maudsley offer all types of therapies
and I was really hopeful from the first
The psychiatrist I met for my assessment was great. He
came across as having high levels of academic training,
which gave me lots of confidence, and I knew I’d get on
with him. It was clear he was going to help so I decided
to wait to work with him specifically, even though
appointments came up with other doctors.
National Services: Psychotherapy Service
I really felt that cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
would suit me best at the time. He didn’t disagree but
recommended a mixture of CBT and psychotherapy –
that we should try this approach over 20 or 30 sessions
and then assess things again. This was different to other
services I’d experienced. What’s great is that the treatment
at the Maudsley doesn’t have to be confined to one type
of therapy or theory; instead, two or three can be
combined to suit different parts of someone’s condition.
All of this made me really hopeful, and my hope
wasn’t misplaced.
“The changes have been way beyond what
I thought possible.”
One of the biggest relates to personal relationships. I’ve
never had a problem meeting people, but I’d only dated
a few guys and could never maintain a relationship. Added
to that, when things went wrong in a relationship it always
reaffirmed the negative thoughts I had about myself.
After a year of therapy, I met someone and we’re still
together now, two years on. He’s a really special person
and has stuck by me through one or two difficult times,
but the success has also been down to me – I haven’t left
when difficulties have surfaced, which was the first thing
I used to do before, and I now find it easier to see things
from someone else’s point of view. It’s lovely and feels
so natural.
I’ve also managed to focus on one career for the last two
years and I’m getting the day-to-day chores done more
easily too. For instance, I have a bit of obsessive compulsive
disorder (OCD) and used to struggle to keep the house
as spotless as I wanted it. Now I get up early every day
and get things done.
“The Maudsley has made a huge difference
to the quality of each day. I’ve started
to feel pleasure again.”
The therapy has improved my professional life, my
personal relationships, my home life and relationships with
all members of my family. A lot of mental illness relates to
family set-ups not working for a particular person, and I
know there are some issues with my family that have been
difficult, but I’ve put things behind me and I’m at another
level of relationship with my family now.
I’ve also started to feel pleasure again, which is a really
important thing to mention. I used to go out a lot, but
now I enjoy things more. Like everyone, there are some
things that make me happier than others and I’m able
to be more discriminatory so I can focus on the things
I like. The happy things give me energy.
I’ve never looked forward to things as much as I do
nowadays. Life used to be just being one long continuum,
but now I experience it more genuinely with all its ups
and downs. I smile a lot more too!
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
“Two years of continuous stress brought
things to a head.”
Around five years ago, I had a couple of years of crisis.
I was a director of a business and found out that my
colleagues had spent all the money we had in the bank.
That was difficult in itself, of course, but it also meant
I had to fight for months to finish off the projects on
our books – sometimes for free – and fight to save
my professional name.
While all this was happening, my dad died.
I’m one of four sisters and his death caused a family
break-up. Also, I care for my 30-year-old daughter who
has schizophrenia and lives at home with me. She’s quite
well, but isolated, so the work, bereavement and family
situation made things more difficult. I could see things
compounding and I was quite depressed.
“I didn’t know what to expect from therapy.”
In many ways, I was brought up to not need anyone,
though I’ve had wonderful doctors over the years who
have advised different types of counselling when I’ve
needed it. This time, group therapy was recommended
and I said yes straight away.
My work colleagues wouldn’t believe it if they heard it,
but I was fed up feeling insecure. I’ve always found it
difficult to say what I like and what I want from others,
and it’s hard for me to reach out to people for help.
I’m 60 now, so you realise how long you can hold onto
these things.
I didn’t know what on earth to expect from the
therapy, but I was willing to give it a try. We’d had
good experiences at the Maudsley with my daughter,
so that helped.
“Group therapy was just perfect for me.”
The first time I went to a session, I think I cried most
of the time. I blurted out straight away that I couldn’t
go on as I was any longer, keeping the mask up for
everyone. I often have to be a leader in my career
so it was such a relief to let that down.
Group therapy is a slow, fascinating process and I found
the group dynamics fascinating too. My background is
quite mixed: I was born into a very poor family during
the post-war baby boom and moved around a lot
because my dad was in the Armed Forces, so I’ve gone
on quite a journey from then to now. While we all
brought different experiences to the group, there were
some clear links – for instance, we were all of a similar
age range and we all had siblings.
Along with the group dynamics I had a problem trusting
men, understanding men, experiencing them as kind,
and the group was 50/50 men and women, which was
really clever. At first I’d only talk to the women, but the
group leader, who was superb, convinced me to speak
in front of everyone. It was one of the hardest things
I’ve ever done, but it allowed me to experience a kind,
male viewpoint.
National Services: Psychotherapy Service
“It’s such a relief when someone says
‘I understand what you’re feeling’.”
I was quite badly attacked at grammar school, which was
something I’d never have told my parents because I felt
so much shame about the experience. I got to a stage
where I could tell others about things like this – things
that I’d stored away forever in the dark recesses of my
mind; things I hadn’t told anyone. It was very painful,
but also powerful because the group recognised what
I’d been through.
In these cases, they were able to point out that he,
she or it had been wrong, and that I wasn’t bad or even
mad. It was such a relief because I’d carried some of
these experiences on my own for so long – to think
how they’ve affected me over the years.
“The group became a healthy family.”
In regular day-to-day life, I can imagine someone saying
that I should just stop talking about this or that. The
group, on the other hand, listened and we helped each
other test new things – I’d take something away, try it,
bring it back if it didn’t work, then try something a little
different the next time. I had a toolkit of encouraging
phrases in my head and all along I was building on what
I really wanted.
In the group, we were able to gain the trust to
be very direct with each other. You learn the ability
to communicate clearly, in a healthy way, what’s
bothering you. You also learn how to listen to others…
and to yourself, for that matter.
At one stage, someone joined the group who really
affected me, triggering something that probably related
to anger towards my family. I was ready to leave the
group but was able to talk it through, and that became
an important turning point.
“I’ll always have a very special place in my
heart for the group.”
I finished the therapy about a year ago and since then
I’ve felt like a whole person. The talking helped me
moved past the experiences I was carrying and they are
now in the past, where they should be.
I must say, I really respect people who have the courage
to try group therapy. It’s brave because individuals are
there to accept difficult things and transform. You really
have to make the change yourself and you have to give
it 100 per cent.
I’ve bumped into one or two people since I left the
group and I feel a real family-like bond with them.
There’s a very special place in my heart for each of
them and there always will be. I always know that,
somewhere, there are individuals who know as much
about me as anyone ever will.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Referring to our service
We accept referrals from consultants, GPs, counsellors, psychologists, social workers,
occupational therapists and nurses.
Psychotherapy Service
Maudsley Hospital
Denmark Hill
London SE5 8AZ
2 Ca
e rwell Ch
S t re
A215 D e n m a r k H i l l
T: 020 3228 2385
F: 020 3228 2514
[email protected]
R oa
L o v e Walk
G ro
D en
ve L
t co
H il
King’s College
Hill Rail
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Printed on Soporset by Crucial Colour
Published: February 2011
Psychotherapy Service
Maudsley Hospital
Denmark Hill
London SE5 8AZ
» As a world-class service
offering different modalities
of psychotherapy, we aim
to provide the best treatment
for each person. «
Dr Giovanni Polizzi