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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
phobias phabias bia s a nd n byy gylbfi bhandfteth 1I ha ve a phoua about have tonify me phouaa phouan phow chow they bmw espeoiahy SOP when I1 mj 010 what they chii mean thii new inwebftters third newl a phase of erythrophobia a morbid fear of the color red dextrophobia Dextro phobia a fear of obon side of the the right aide jects onthe anthe body has never been my problem and I1 am happy to report that im unlikely to fall victim to therophobta chero phobia the fear of cherophobia happiness phobias phabias phalas cour course are phobias of courseare seare true phblas laughing tapheno matter phobia the fear of being buried alive has been known centuries turies for cin phobias phobias ot more modern phabias of these are the most unusual ive come across i nvi avi 0 abbrontophobia amaxophobia fear of being or riding in a awe vehicle fear AMATHOP amathophobia HOBIA I1 as everyone at ahe the tudy of anunela anunela there are ani69s art many other special subject with ology ial ifl ii words word to describe them believe it or onemlogy of not oneirology is the study studi of drums and study tudy of owl Is the itudy oology la q duen more here are a dozen can olo you match iet oloiet 11olsies oloier each one with the right sub abub eject ject 4.1 41 earthquakes pharmacologyearthquakes pharmacology wwm9w fear or IDEO PHOBIA ideophobia ideophqbia mason distrust of ideas or of reason phonophobia patho- logical fear of sound voice or speaking aloud symbolophobia fear that ones acts or ot speech may contain symbolic meanings symmetrophobia a characteristic asymmetry as in ancient egyptian architecture and in japanese design implying an aversion to sym- metry doraphobia dread of touching the skin or far fur of an animal normal fear of thunder of dust S zoology 9ooiogr zoolog Zoo log knows kio ws kiews kiows national dictionary ternational ter i through 4k 1 MOC dont doat know aa an ex defines phobia itself ai dafin defin ing often disabling gerated rated and ag ame fear that can have an ilfearllthist logical ot symbolic object certainly those of us with triskaidokaphobla are only too triakaidekaphobia triskaideka aware of this triakaideka ahe phobia la Is the fear of the number 13 1I have also discovered 1I sufals6discovered fer from fr6m fram satanophobia an abdevil and normal fear of the thedevil &i ai is a child I1 think 1I went is s obgry obgrs what is the most wide- phobias phobias many spread of all phabias eriophobla defined think it is ergophobia as fear of or aversion to work cardiology ology conchology Vonch campanology horology dermatology skin inaecfa insects hair clocks drugs phonology seismology hearts hurts entomology odontology petrology trichology s6unds sounds dells bells rocks teeth shells ANSWERS pharmacology drugs cardiology the heart conchology shells campanology bells dells horology clocks dermatology skin sounds phonology seismology earthquakes entomology insects odontology teeth petrology rock rocks trichology hair