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Home > Windows XP Common Issues > Java Support in Windows XP
July 14, 2008
Information regarding the Install, use of and uninstallation of the Microsoft Java VM in Windows XP
Last revised: 7th July, 2005
The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) downloads from Microsoft were stopped after law suits with Sun Microsystems the original creators of the
Java platform (based on Microsoft extending Java with Windows only elements which would prevent use on other vendors JVM's,
breaking cross platform compatibility).
The Microsoft Java Virtual machine was available through the original version of Service Pack 1 for Windows XP that was released on 9th
September 2002. If you downloaded Service Pack 1 before February 3, 2003 or have an integrated install of Windows XP with SP1 from
before February 3, 2003 you should already have build 3805 of the Microsoft JVM on your system. Microsoft has since been made to
create Service Pack 1a that does not include any JVM, and cannot include it in later Service Packs. However if you already have Java
installed and upgrade to a later Service Pack it will not be removed.
In technical terms Microsoft's version of Java is now extremely old (Supporting Java up to v1.1) and may have compatibility issues
running code that takes advantage of features Sun have added in later versions of their Java Runtime Environment. Unless you need the
Microsoft version for compatibility with code that uses proprietary Microsoft Java extensions you should download the Sun version.
If you do not have a Java Virtual machine installed you can download it from the top link below, but you should then visit the windows
update to get the latest version available. Having the latest version is extremely important, malicious code can exploit a security
vulnerability in versions <3809 which could allow a trojan to be installed on a machine just by viewing a web page. A Trojan is a program
that does not normally replicate on a machine, but causes a major security concern. Build 3810 will install only as an upgrade to a
previous version, so you must first install 3809 or lower then 3810.
Note: Following a recent settlement Microsoft are now able to issue security updates for their Java VM until Dec 31, 2007.
Originally support was due to end in September 2004.
Microsoft JVM, Build 3805: Download
Microsoft JVM, Build 3810 (Upgrade Only): Download
To download the latest version of Sun Microsystems Java Runtime Click Here
For more information from Microsoft on the Java situation click here
How to check which version of the Microsoft JVM is installed:
Click start and select run. In the run box enter 'cmd' (without quotes).
Now type in 'jview'
If no Microsoft JVM is installed on the system similar text to the following will be returned
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\Mark>jview
'jview' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
If the following information is returned there is a copy of the Microsoft JVM installed, the version of which is the last 4 numbers on the '
Microsoft (R) Command-line Loader for Java' line.
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\Mark>jview
Microsoft (R) Command-line Loader for Java Version 5.00.3810
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1996-2000. All rights reserved.
Usage: JView [options] <classname> [arguments]
How to Remove the Microsoft JVM:
JVM Removal Tool:
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Microsoft released an automatic removal tool for their java virtual machine (build 3802 and up), which they have now removed from the
public web site because the removal cannot be reversed, and they no longer provide a method to reinstall the MS-JVM. However you can
download the removal tool here
Another tool to help determine what reliance your applications have on the Microsoft Java Virtual Machines is also available here
The Manual Way:
To do this go to Start > Run and paste the following into the run box RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection java.inf,UnInstall
If you are running an older version of the JVM you may need to upgrade to version 3809 or 3810 (windows update) before the above
command will work.
You will then be asked if you really want to remove the virtual machine and then reboot. At this point if a message is displayed to the
effect of 'removing the JVM will prevent you being able to download files' this refers to files downloaded through java applets rather than
regular file downloads. Although the VM has now been removed it has not removed all remnants of the VM's existence from your
machine, if you wish you can remove the following without adverse effect.
Registry Keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\AdvancedOptions\JAVA_VM (Key used for VM entry in IE Advanced
System Folders and Files
(C:\Windows represents the drive and path of your windows install, %windir%)
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respective copyright owners and are used as an example. Reproduction of information on this site, in any form, is prohibited without express
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Microsoft is in no way affiliated with, nor offers endorsement of, this site. Members of the MVP program are not employees of the Microsoft
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